Is This the End for Hunter and China Joe?

By John Kass

December 15, 2023

When I was a young reporter, before getting on the elevators to head up to the the newsroom, I’d take a minute to study the lobby of the great newspaper building where I worked.

It was as if I were wandering through some ancient, gothic museum dedicated to the stern Anglo-Saxon gods. There were clues to be found there, carved in ancient script upon the walls,like this one from a Lord Macaulay:

“Where there is a free press, the governors must live in constant awe of the opinions of the governed.”

But take a minute and look around you now. Does it seem as if these governors are living in constant awe of our opinions of them?

No, but you can dream. The problem is that living in a dream and fantasy land is the act of a madman who is living breathily in a glass menagerie fantasy.

Such dreams are for Chumbolones. You are not Chumbolones. And just by reading this, you’ve  declared yourself to be a member of the “No Chumbolone” Nation.

But that was years ago. I was a young husband and father. I must have been in some other country with strange customs and strange people.

The nation I grew up in would not have tolerated an invasion by millions upon millions of illegal migrants, young men alone of military age coming across the non-existent borders to take what they wanted while demanding money.

The land I grew up in would not have allowed the president and his federal police to portray families as potential domestic terrorists simply because they dared question the state’s role in politically indoctrinating their children at the government schools.

And in that country where I grew up would not tolerate a president and his family taking foreign payments, in effect being a paid foreign agent of our greatest adversary.

China is determined to push us off the world map and all Joe Biden and his many defenders in corporate legacy media shout “lies” about the U.S. Congressional Oversight demanded by The Constitution they say they revere.

The country I grew up in did not rush eagerly to be branded as Chumbolones (idiots, or fools) or to have the corporate legacy media cement their status as residents of Chumbolone Nation, i.e., a nation of idiots and/or fools.

Of course, the corporate media is desperate to absolve China Joe—to protect the corrupt system of Washington influence peddling, because he’s one of them–and to ridicule those would peel the corruption onion.

Their place as palace eunuchs demands it. And now that Hunter Biden has been indicted, they howl and distract. They obfuscate, like cheap magicians caught in a trick.

The corporate legacy media support of the American and world-wide left wing is not new.

When The New York Post (founded in 1801 by Alexander Hamilton) reported on that laptop from hell that was left at a computer repair shop by Joe Biden’s son Hunter, the corporate legacy media went into lying and censorship frenzy.

I was still at “the paper” then, still stopping in the lobby to somberly ponder Lord Macaulay’s warning about the awe the governors hold for the governed.

And when I’d get up to the newsroom and mention to some editors that I would write in support of the New York Post’s brave story or some column by the great Miranda Devine, author of “Laptop from Hell,” and here’s what happened:

A great mount of sighs and whining.

After all of Joe Biden’s lies, after all the corporate media censorship and gaslighting, an amazing thing is happening.

Democrats are greasing the skids to get rid of him. And China Joe reads the signs, and will squeal like a cornered rat, then pardon his son. Kamala Harris pardons him, after she locks in her pension. And Barack Obama or Michelle select Joe’s successor when they have locked in the Democratic delegates and it’s too late to stop them.

Call me crazy. I probably am crazy. I know that mine is not the popular view held by many conservatives who figure that no one will ever move China Joe out of there. And the left is now coming after House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer with a vengeance.

But Biden’s true boss and puppet master, Barak Obama has been eerily silent. And Democrats don’t want China Joe around their necks as he sinks like a millstone after creepily sniffing the hair of young girls.

He keeps dropping in opinion polls. Despite Democrats parroting the Biden talking points endlessly on CNN and MSNBC and the New York Times, etc., there is increasing evidence that he’s corrupt.

What politician sends thousands of emails under assumed names to his Chinese business partners? What honest steward does such a thing, skulking in the shadows like an insect?

I don’t hold much for polls. I was burned by the big red wave that never happened.

Instead, I think of trends repeating. The one I keep thinking about is Democrat George McGovern and Richard Nixon in 1972. The Democrats and their media pals revenged themselves on Nixon as they’ll try to revenge themselves on former President Donald Trump.

But a new poll published Thursday from Morning Consult and Bloomberg news shows a trend .It shows that former President Donald Trump is leading Biden in seven swing states:  North Carolina, Georgia, Wisconsin, Nevada, Michigan, Arizona and Pennsylvania.

Everyday China Joe Biden is called out for his lies. He lied to the American people when the laptop story broke before his election—with help from the corporate media—and he continues to lie to this day.

Lord Thomas Babington Macaulay, British poet, historian and politician. Drawing of Hofer

He is a never-ending fountain of lies.

And Democrats and their corrupt corporate media allies have eagerly believed him because he is not Donald Trump.

If they don’t bounce the creepy old sniffer, it will be proof of one thing:

That they love being lied to. They’ll want you to love it, too. And they’ll lick it up.

Kass Note: If you’re looking for that Christmas or holiday gift for that hard-to-buy for special someone who has everything, just click on the link to the store.

Where else would you find a No Chumbolone cap or a Chicago Way coffee cup?

Because I know this about you: You’re not a Chumbolone.


Comments 62

  1. “Because I know this about you: You’re not a Chumbolone.”

    I was until I moved to where sand amd skies meet potable water and people still live like Americans – The Free State of Indiana!

    1. Indiana?

      Are you kidding?

      The home state of the oh-so-self-righteous Mike “Benedict Arnold” Pence?

      Hell, not even Texas is as free as everyone else may think.

      1. “It’s the same thing everywhere..”. Favorite saying of the Chumbalones who choose to remain in Illinois. If you haven’t been “everywhere” you have truly learned to enjoy the cesspool that Illinois has become. I lived in Illinois for most of my life. I lived near the state line of Indiana. I moved to Texas five years ago so I’m pretty well schooled to opine on your statement. Both are Red States. Conservative. The border towns of Indiana mirror Chicago politics, leaning Democrat. When the Bears last made the Super Bowl people there were overwhelmingly rooting for the Bears. Indiana state liquor laws were changed since bars and restaurants lost so much money due to blue laws banning alcohol sales on Sunday in Indiana. Whiting, Hammond all benefit from a conservative, fiscally responsible state government just like Austin, San Antonio and other blue infested cities here in Texas do. Democrats preach against Republicans here in Texas yet they eagerly rake in the financial rewards. Texas politics mirror most Red States except there is a LOTS of money here. LOTS. You wouldn’t know it since most here don’t flaunt it (unless you live in Dallas). We tell the people we’ve become friendly with at our local watering hole about Chicago and whats become of that state due to the Democrats and they look at you like you just revealed a terminal illness. Many say they always wanted to visit and all we can tell them is “that” Chicago is gone. All gone. Dead. Forget about it. Thanks to Governor JumBo Pritzker and his cohorts Illinois is now the most criminal friendly state in the country. Now there’s really no place to hide. Thankfully “its NOT the same thing everywhere”. If you’ve learned to accept the daily beatings then enjoy. Have a big heaping plateful of it.

          1. That is a wasted vote, but voting is the important thing. I think Kennedy is creditable, but he won’t win.

            If you got hung up on every terrible thing that a person said, you should not have voted for the Clintons or Dementia Joe either. Trump is capable to do the job if he doesn’t go on the revenge tour – a task I don’t know he can avoid. You may not like him, but we lived in safer and more ceonomically stable times under his term. I think DeSantis is very capable – without the drama.

      2. Rural Indiana is just fine, thank you. Even our metro areas are better than Chicago. Our state government may not be perfect but is still relatively sane. And our rural areas are very “Anti-Woke.”

    2. INDIANA is a paradise compared to ILL-INOIS! When Mr Trump wins next year here’s how he can easily restore the ICE and States cooperation. In Illinois just shutdown O’Hare! Remove the Federal Air Traffic Controllers! Will work in Leftist States everywhere!

    3. I reluctantly voted for HRC in 2016 because I didn’t think the NYC huckster was qualified to be the leader of our country. Trump has turned out to be a total disgrace, a disgusting and sleazy POS, 10 times worse than I thought he was back in 2016. Once again I will reluctantly vote for the Democrat over the GOP POS. There are drawbacks to Joe, his age and his VP being two of them. I also don’t buy all your accusations against him. But choosing him over the GOP cretin is a slam dunk. Just check out the video and audio evidence of Trump’s slimy and boorish behavior over the years. Also contrast and compare Joe sniffing somebody’s hair with Trump and his odd behavior with his oldest daughter. The moment of truth though will be with what comes out in his upcoming trial(s). We don’t know yet what will be revealed. But it obviously will be crucial to our country’s future.

      1. Sadly, I have to agree with Mr Cameron. I am a Republican but I cannot vote for that ass clown….nor can I vote Brandon. If a 3rd party puts a stapler up as a candidate, I will vote for it over those two. Everything that is wrong in this state is on full display in Crook County and Chicago’s mayor. My God what a post turtle he is. The guy can’t run a garage sale and he’s a mayor of a major city. What a disgrace.

        All of my family is here in Illinois. I have friends since kindergarten and some since 3rd grade. My two kids are…All in, I can’t leave Illinois no matter how good Texas looks to me. But I doubt Illinois has the market cornered on Chumbelones…we have them in every state in the Union…but as I pay my skyrocketing property tax bill, I do question my own sanity.

      2. “Slimy and boorish” is not a crime. Lying isn’t a crime either tho Joe is very proficient and consistent in his lying. However i think “treason” is still a crime. Opening the borders is as bad as anything Benedict Arnold was planning to do.

  2. +1 to “Call me crazy. I probably am crazy.” sentiment.

    One can only hope that Biden is removed. He’s clearly weak and simply a spokesperson puppet of his illiberal (“restricting freedom of thought or behavior”) handlers, jamming their unwanted vision for US society onto us, their constituents. Now give me a Republican presidential candidate other than Trump and I could actually feel positive about the 2024 election and where the country could be led.

    1. “ Now give me a Republican presidential candidate other than Trump and I could actually feel positive about the 2024 election and where the country could be led.”

      Exactly ! I can’t agree with you more…but who ??? The best choice (imo Tim Scott) is already out.

      How about this for a compromise (I’ll just throw it out for discussion). Not Republican, but not totally Democrat. Dare I say…Joe Manchin ???

      1. I agree. Putting our eggs into the Trump basket is not something I can grab onto. He is a piece of work, lies quite easily, and can’t control his mouth. I could go on but I won’t bore you. We desperately need a 3rd party option.

        1. Denise, persons like you constantly call Trump a liar. If your statement is correct, which I do not agree, what would call every democrat I know? Biden is just the most pathological in modern political history. Also, look at the facts of how our country performed when Trump was in office, all the while morally bankrupt democrats and their fellow travelers went after 45 with absolutely false impeachment actions (Russian hoax?).

          1. So we should not call Trump out for his life, because the Biden family is even more corrupt? Neither one is dependable. If Trump would develop some wisdom and keep his big mouth shut, he would definitely get re-elected. Get real Peter. I am WELL aware of how corrupt the Biden family is. I’m just angry that Trump can’t show some maturity an wisdom in his “campaign”. Yes, the left is out to get him,, but he gives them plenty of ammunition doesn’t he!

      2. Ken would you support Manchin if he was not a “conservative” democrat, but a very “moderate” republican? He has been a member of the democrat party his whole life. I suspect his “conservative” positions while in the democrat party are very self-serving. His family is in the coal business in WVa.

        1. I personally support Ron DiSantis for 2024. He has done an incredible job in FL. Additionally, Casey is awesome as a mother, wife, and political partner of Ron. However , there is nothing more important for our country than not having a democrat elected president. As John Kass states frequently, the Dems are Bolsheviks, determined to destroy our country.

        2. Peter, ABSOLUTELY

          Shouldn’t this be about a candidate and not a party ?? Like I said, the person on the Republican side was Tim Scott. He seemed to get it. But he’s gone. I threw Manchin out as an alternative. At least I put a couple of names out there instead of just whining about the obvious boobhead morons we’ll be forced to choose from.

  3. With 10 days until Christmas and all tucked in our beds we have visions of democrats dancing out of our heads. We wish and we hope and we scurry alouud trusting that Joe willl not be about. The election looms nears with no answers in sight as we wait to see if they’ll pick someone right. This hope and this trust all packaged together could lead to a shambles just like some bad weather. We can’t be naive and assume that it’s done. We need to push and prod and get out and run. And when the time comes we need to run to the polls and vote as fast as we can. We need to vote and be sure to elect the right man. Do not be tricked do not believe the lies. Your vote does count and helps to win the prize. Never before have we seen such a mystery . Who will run the country. Who will be the President who willl sit in the chair. Go out and be the one that will change history.

  4. Outstanding column by a brave man who stands up for those of us in the “no chumbalone” zone. Just follow the money. Obama’s have been quietly pulling the strings from their home secure lije a fortress not that far from 1600. What of his homes in Chicago, Hawaii and even Martha’s Vineyard. Why unlike every president before him has left office to place detached. Indicating a transfer of power. But the Donald wasn’t supposed to happen. Hillary was the lady in waiting to ascend. That cannot happen again. Do who will be the one? Ironic the Dem Conventionnwill be in Chicago. But who will run the show like old man Daley did back in the day. Will Barack be back, and with the party in disarray will Michelle become the candidate?
    On another issue, I wonder how many of these Palestinian protesters are from that cadre of illegal military aged men?

  5. Hunter has a long history of horrible behavior but Joe didn’t make illicit money. In effect, those who believe that must also insist he lied on his income taxes.I find that those who scream about Joe don’t reference Trump (liar, thief, con man, election criminal, Putin lover).

    1. Please explain how he came in possession of all those multi-million dollar homes on a public service salary. Of course he lied and cheated on his income taxes, not reporting illicit income. Who would pay Hunter millions of dollars being a cocaine addict, having no knowledge of the businesses he consulted on, having been dishonorably discharged from military service if not to peddle influence from his father. Ten percent to “the big guy”? Just who is the “big guy” in your delusional mind? Yeah, China Joe cheated on his income tax.

    2. This is not a time for Whataboutism when our country is falling apart (setting aside whether your characterizations are even correct). Also, I assume from your comment that you have bought into the “there’s no evidence” narrative the politicians and their media mouthpieces are pushing hard, all while massive amounts of evidence are staring us in the face. We are living the Emperor’s New Clothes. Every time I see a supposedly “news” headline that says “Biden impeachment inquiry begins, despite lack of evidence,” I think of John Kass and the death of true journalism. They don’t ask questions, investigate, or report the news; they just spout talking points and propaganda. Thank goodness for John and other independent journalists who are telling us the truth, as difficult as it is to hear in these scary times!

    3. Where are you guessing the money came from that he now has – – – after our hearing for how many years that he was “…the poorest man in the U.S. Senate”. The fancy Delaware house, the house at Rehoboth Beach (priced them lately?) – unless maybe from Jill’s teaching job.

  6. Strong column here, JK. Still, Joe will be recalled as bringing unique character to the office. What other presidency will ever combine the patriotism of Benedict Arnold and the eloquence of Mr. Magoo with the charm of Hillary Clinton?

      1. Thanks a lot, Peter, for making my day . . . without making me snarl like Clint. Since you enjoyed that little Comment, you might enjoy my (only slightly longer) “Twelve Experiences Even More Horrible Than Another Horrible Trump-Biden Election.” I’m uncomfortable linking it on the great man’s website, but I think it’s pretty easily searched.

  7. Great job, as always- my biggest takeaway is: “And China Joe reads the signs, and will squeal like a cornered rat, then pardon his son. Kamala Harris pardons him, after she locks in her pension. And Barack Obama or Michelle select Joe’s successor”. I think that the successor has already been selected- someone who could walk away with it while spending little if any $$ on a campaign.

    And as far as those thousands of military aged men who have entered this country illegally, stand by for the attacks that are coming. They’ll make 911 look tame as they’ll be ground fighting in some supposedly safe places.

  8. John, I am proud to be part of the “No Chumbolone” Nation. And I agree with all you say in this article about the demise of the corporate media and how the Democrats at some point will replace China Joe as their nominee for President. After all, their number one goal is not making this a better nation, but retaining power and it becomes more and more evident each day they cannot do so with China Joe. With all their “Super Delegates” and they way their convention and its smoke filled rooms work, he will be replaced. We know their nomination process is not a Democratic one as it is with the Republicans. They killed Bernie Sanders’ nomination twice in league with the main stream media. Remember Candy Crowley feeding Hillary Clinton questions prior to the Democratic Primary Debates? They will do whatever it takes and are so skilled at it that there is no stopping them. Spot on column John!

      1. Donna Brazile fed questions to the Shrew, Hillary. Candy Crowley was a partisan moderator of one of the Romney – BHO debates and commented on something Romney said which helped BHO. Who has heard from Candy Crowley since that left wing partisan attack on Romney? Romney was so affected by that event, he immediately applied for RINO membership.

  9. Yianni,
    Yes, those of us that have known you and followed your spot-on truthful reporting – are not chumbolones. However, it seems the rest of the free world (if I may call it that) have succumbed, and seems to be in lock step with Joe along with his Chinese/leftist minions, as Joe’s boss, Xi, strives to remake his own country as the “leader of the world” – not the free world mind you – just the world, in cahoots with Russia as well. We all know this won’t end well if Xi succeeds! Dictators, tyrants and despots hate those words – “the truth shall set you free!” We can only hope pray journalists like you rise above the fray, and keep on – keeping on!!!! Kalla Xristougenna!!!

  10. It is sad how the supporters of Biden have twisted themselves into knots to stay supportive, meanwhile accusing ANY Republican of the exact same thing the Biden’s are doing. Thankfully, the cry of “you’re a racist” has lost any meaning now that Exeter, Stanford, Harvard educated and Harvard President Gay has spilled all the tea out of her cup into a saucer.

    It also allows you to understand how Mao, Stalin, and other despots kept control. Sure, they held the Army, but the Army had to follow them.

  11. John, I am with on OB1 holding the keys. The candidate of hopey change is the linchpin of party politik. He knew Hunter was on AF2 with Joe headed to Ukraine. It doesn’t take a constitutional prof to add that up. He also knew that emails to his sec of state were not sending to an address ending in .gov.

    Obama could have easily cast Joe and Hil out of his version of Camelot. He didn’t.

    Everything for the party, Comrade, nothing outside the party.

    A presidential candidate selection at the convention level is so… Tammany Hall and Boss Tweed?

  12. “Their place as palace eunuchs demands it.”

    Ooooh, burn!

    Truth. The castrati in the ivory tower should be ashamed, but shame has been burned out of them.

    I know we are supposed to pray for our enemies and our leaders. How horrible a time it is, when they are both.

  13. I too, think the wheels are in motion to give old Joe his walking papers. The next question, then is: who steps in? Prior to his train wreck of a debate performance with DeSantis, Newsom seemed to be the heir apparent. But he fumbled and lied his way through that appearance + the optics in his failed state are bad. I’m thinking now another Governor could be in line. Someone with a BIG presence and LOTS of money and a lust for power. Anyone come to mind?

    1. It couldn’t POSSIBLY be one who paid to lure the Democrat convention to his state, could it? The one who said he wasn’t interested, but that if he did BECOME interested he could/would bankroll his own campaign? That one????

  14. If Newsom is put out there, and God forbid put in office, we ARE doomed. He is a pathetic lying failure in our State of California. I grew up in Chicago, left for the suburbs to raise our family. We “retired”, then my husband got bored. He took a job in SoCal, so we picked up and moved from Illinois 7 years ago. Our son and family live here, so we at least have family. Newsom lies all the time, and is Pelosi’s nephew by the way. He is an arrogant “pretty boy”. The liberal leadership in this State is failing miserably. Just walk down the streets of downtown LA, or San Francisco. Newsom doesn’t care, he just wants to be President so he can wreck everything on a larger scale. If it wasn’t for the awesome weather, the oceans, the mountains of this beautiful State, we would move again.

  15. John, you are right that the politicians no longer fear the public (both Democrats and Republicans). They all have their preferred media or social media site that will spew whatever lie they want to the people. The public only listens to the media channel that tells them what they want to hear and don’t want to hear anything that is contrary to what they already believe. Hunter Biden and his aunt and uncle are more than likely guilty of raking in foreign influence money from what has been released. We need an investigation as to whether Joe was part of it. It sure looks like it from what has been leaked so far. But we need an open independent investigation with hearings open to the public, not the behind closed doors that the GOP wants with Hunter. That will allow selective leaks of the information that only benefits the narrative of the leaker (either for or against Hunter), not what actually happened or was said within the context of the statement. In today’s media environment, whoever puts out the initial information has won the battle, even if what they said is a lie. Both sides use this tactic over and over. But don’t only take Biden to the woodshed over taking foreign money. Hilary and Bill did it through their so called charity. If Trump is elected, his son-in-law is investing money from the Arab world where he was one of the diplomatic representatives during Trump’s presidency. Trump is taking a lot of foreign money now from Oman and elsewhere for his company’s business ventures. His hotels took in a lot of money from foreign governments during his presidency. Isn’t this buying influence like what the Biden clan is being accused of? We need both parties to reject their current leaders for the nomination as both being deeply flawed individuals. There has to be someone out there that is better than either of these two idiots.

    1. So true. And this arrogant, evil man is hoping for his fourth term, beginning with the next Presidential election. We can only hope the voters of this country wake up to the damage that OBAMA is causing behind the scenes. And please, God, don’t let them install Mrs. Grinch herself, Michelle Obama.

  16. Excellent article. My fear is all this will be swept away as has happened in the past.
    Will Joe get walking papers? Umm not sure. How did he win in the first place? We knew. We knew his hands weren’t clean. We knew he plagiarized many things often.
    I’m not going to hold my breath.
    I watched Hunter read words written for him. That in itself is alarming. What followed on the other side and media was another face palm. Poor poor Hunter. He is the smartest man his dad knows.
    We live in a new world where nothing makes sense. We live in a world where the rules for thee but not for me.

  17. Trump is the lesser of two evils, but he isn’t the best choice to be the lesser of two evils. Many people no longer vote for a candidate – they vote against the other one. Right now, neither a good choice. Pritzker is a joke and a bad one at that. The country deserves better than this, but at least half the voters are living in la-la land and will vote like the chumbalones that they are.

  18. Ethnic Coastals all of them.
    Amazing the Democrat can choose hollowed out humanity like the Bidens, Gavin Newsome, even Pritzker, who loves the Hamptons. Trump is at least genuine, and there are two other branches of government to help counterbalance. Next election will be interesting seeing as how there never really ever has been a peaceful transfer of power in the US. BECAUSE power has seldom been. But is now and that is a good start anyway

  19. What can I say John, when you’re right you’re right. With all the problems Biden and his minions have created my biggest disappointment is the biased reporting of the legacy media. Our country has always trusted that the media would honestly report on the news and hold the politicians accountable when they do something illegal or unethical or stupid. That they would report on both sides of an issue and when stating an opinion label it as such. The current legacy media has failed miserably to do their job properly. That’s my opinion and I’m sticking to it!

  20. What about Nikki Haley?

    No mention of her in today’s comments. She strikes me as non-extreme, reasonable, smart and willing to work with others to find answers

    Most important, she has experience in foreign affairs, critically important today. This country is a ship in increasingly dangerous waters. We need a leader who understands what the other boats out there are trying to do, good or bad, and navigate accordingly. That means knowing their histories, aims and issues and dealing with firmness of purpose, consistency and unwavering support of friends.

    I don’t see much of this in the other wannabes. Some may need tutoring in geography.

    Jules Eberhardt

  21. Read Macaulay’s “Horatius at the Bridge.” Early Rome when “None were for a party, but all were for the State,” working together to save Rome from invasion. My favorite history professor at NIU, John Collins, used to recite the whole thing from memory.

  22. Great column John, but I have to disagree on one point. Based on some of the comments on this thread, some of your readers ARE Chumbolones. And most of the citizens of the once great city and state certainly are Chumbolones. Maybe even me for living there so long.

  23. Trump is way down on the list of people I’d like to have a beer with. Our country was in pretty good shape, and now, it’s not. It needs heeling. I look at Trump like I would look at a pompous egomaniac physician. If the physician can save my life I care a lot about what he could do with his hands and care little about what he does with his mouth. It’s important to get past the circus noise and get the guy that can do the job. Sometimes I think voters look at an election like they are selecting a feel-good homecoming king.

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