Steve Huntley column–Orwellian Warning: Newspeak, Public Safety and Chicago’s Rising Violent CrimeBy Steve Huntley June 23, 2020 Been there, done that. America’s police departments can justifiably say that. Because once before…johnkass
Illinois Combine Heads Explode as Irvin Fades in Republican Race for GovernorBy John Kass June 22, 2022 Is there anything like the heads of Illinois Republican Combine politicos exploding (metaphorically) as…johnkass
Cory Franklin column: Ousted Prosecutor Chesa Boudin and Family KarmaBy Cory Franklin Wisdom from The Holy Bible to Shakespeare admonishes that the sins of the father are visited upon the…johnkass
Column by Mike Houlihan: Father’s Day and Root Street DreamsBy Mike Houlihan June 19, 2020 My dad was 91 when he died, born in 1904. And on Father’s Day,…johnkass
Pat Hickey Column: Two Days Before The Mast–Life is Simple, If You Add WaterBy Pat Hickey June 17, 2022 You’re net ropeman now, or you’re on the move And you’re learning all…johnkass
Column by Hannah E. Meyers: Cook County State’s Attorney Kim Foxx on Shaky Ground? Liberal San Franciscans Oust Their Progressive Prosecutor Chesa Boudinby Hannah E. Meyers June 15, 2022 Last Tuesday evening, Chesa Boudin stood on a breezy San Francisco dais to…johnkass
The Fed-Up AmericansBy John Kass June 12, 2022 You see them every day, the people who don’t call attention to themselves. They…johnkass
A Tribute to Judy on Her 100th Birthday: The Greatest Actor/Singer/DancerBy Cory Franklin June 10, 2022 Friday is the 100th anniversary of Judy Garland’s birth. The young girl, born Frances Gumm in rural…johnkass
IS IT SCIENCE OR CHILD ABUSE? PRESCRIBING PUBERTY BLOCKERS FOR CHILDRENBy Greg Ganske June 8, 2022 Comedian and liberal talk show host Bill Maher recently lamented that kids are coming…johnkass
Idiots Shrink Before the Blinding Light of the Golden Moutza. Me, tooBy John Kass June 6, 2020 As the Leviathan continues to grow, the Idiocracy has become something of a shape-shifting…johnkass
America Suffering From Joe Biden Gas PainBy Steve Huntley June 3, 2022 Every time you drive up to the gasoline pump you can’t help but notice…johnkass
Can a Mayor Paul Vallas Save Chicago From Itself?By John Kass June 1, 2022 Chicago is on the brink, or past it, as the mayoral election begins. The…johnkass
MEMORIAL DAY, LEST WE FORGETBy John Kass May 30, 2022 We had some fine traditions in America, though many have been pushed aside because…johnkass
Illinois and Chicago: Profiles in CowardiceBy Stuart Loren May 28, 2022 John Kennedy would be appalled. His ideological heirs have strayed so far off course…johnkass
Gratitude, Ingratitude and The War on Jerry WestBy Cory Franklin The topic of today’s sermon, fellow parishioners, is gratitude, or lack thereof, and the subject at issue…johnkass