Featured image for “Guest Column–Matt Rosenberg: McDonald’s vs The Woke Mob: If Parents Are Not Responsible For Their Children, Then Who Is?”

Guest Column–Matt Rosenberg: McDonald’s vs The Woke Mob: If Parents Are Not Responsible For Their Children, Then Who Is?

By Matt Rosenberg In Chicagoland, the CEO of McDonalds recently came under fire from race-hustling activists for inconvenient truth-telling in…


Featured image for “Our Family Secret: Love and Death in the Mountains and the Horse Thief Sophianos.”

Our Family Secret: Love and Death in the Mountains and the Horse Thief Sophianos.

By John Kass My immigrant family was desperately keen on becoming American, to find our lawful and respectable place here…


Featured image for “Democrat Donner Party: After Virginia and New Jersey, “looks like meat’s back on the menu, boys,” as Democrats begin devouring themselves.”

Democrat Donner Party: After Virginia and New Jersey, “looks like meat’s back on the menu, boys,” as Democrats begin devouring themselves.

By John Kass Republicans shocked the Democratic world in Virginia and New Jersey, and the frenzied Democratic left began chewing…


Featured image for “Guest Column: George Orwell and Mick Jagger Spend the Night Together By Cory Franklin”

Guest Column: George Orwell and Mick Jagger Spend the Night Together By Cory Franklin

Cory Franklin, the physician, clear and challenging thinker, writer and friend has written many fine op-ed pieces for many publications,…


Featured image for “The Golden Moutza: What to give a political fool who has almost everything but brains and honor?”

The Golden Moutza: What to give a political fool who has almost everything but brains and honor?

By John Kass Reader Catherine Anton just asked a pertinent question about today’s Golden Moutza Award. “Does only one person…


Featured image for ““Old Henry”: Great classic Western about a father and son, starring Tim Blake Nelson.”

“Old Henry”: Great classic Western about a father and son, starring Tim Blake Nelson.

By John Kass Here’s my review of “Old Henry,” a new film out right now. See it. It’s simple. Great.…


Featured image for “Oxi Day and “Freedom or Death.” Lest we forget”

Oxi Day and “Freedom or Death.” Lest we forget

By John Kass   American media doesn’t care much about Oct. 28 and Oxi Day, literally “The Day of the…


Featured image for “What is Lori Lightfoot’s new Covid mandate war with cops and firefighters all about?”

What is Lori Lightfoot’s new Covid mandate war with cops and firefighters all about?

By John Kass What is Mayor Lori Lightfoot up to in her new war against Chicago police and firefighters who…


Featured image for “Parents aren’t Terrorists, Mr. President. They’re Americans with Something to Say”

Parents aren’t Terrorists, Mr. President. They’re Americans with Something to Say

By John Kass The lanky man in Norman Rockwell’s painting “Freedom of Speech” is part of Rockwell’s series “The Four…


Featured image for “Lightfoot plays Covid chicken with cops: They’re in an 18-wheeler. She’s in a clown car. It doesn’t end well.”

Lightfoot plays Covid chicken with cops: They’re in an 18-wheeler. She’s in a clown car. It doesn’t end well.

By John Kass  Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot has foolishly put herself—and the safety of the people of Chicago—in a game…


Featured image for “Kamala Harris: Lost in Space”

Kamala Harris: Lost in Space

By John Kass One of the tortures of our childhood occurred when our mom would drag us along to visit…


Featured image for “Guest Column: Ray Hanania – Columbus Day is Democracy, and a challenge to the tyranny we face”

Guest Column: Ray Hanania – Columbus Day is Democracy, and a challenge to the tyranny we face

Note to readers of johnkassnews.com: from time to time I’ll post views from others.  I’ll agree with some, and disagree. Agreement…


Featured image for “The Federal Hammer, Parents and Critical Race Theory”

The Federal Hammer, Parents and Critical Race Theory

By John Kass Wasn’t it just yesterday that the corporate, legacy media was busy gaslighting parents about racist Critical Race…


Featured image for “It’s not Chicago Covid Mr. President, it’s Chicago violence”

It’s not Chicago Covid Mr. President, it’s Chicago violence

By John Kass When President Joe Biden visits Chicago this week—reports are that he’ll be here Thursday to avoid the…


Featured image for “As the Idiocracy takes the country to the dogs, who wins the Golden Moutza of the Month?”

As the Idiocracy takes the country to the dogs, who wins the Golden Moutza of the Month?

By John Kass The Idiocracy has taken over the United States. You know this. So do I. But don’t despair…
