Tom DeVore, The Chicago Way

By John Kass
Sept, 8, 2022

Tom Devore, the conservative Republican campaigning for Illinois Attorney General, relishes a good fight.

As the state’s top law enforcement officer, he would be the worst nightmare imaginable for incumbent Democrat Kwame Raul, and Combine Republicans and machine Democrats.

The Democrats are especially desperate to stop him to save themselves, including Gov. Pritzker, Chicago Mayor Lori Ligthtfoot, Cook County Board President Toni the Boss Preckwinkle and Toni’s protegee Cook County State’s Attorney Kim “Soros” Foxx.

Devore joined me and Jeff Carlin as a guest on this edition of The Chicago Way podcast.

What’s in store?

Listen as DeVore explains his victorious Covid shutdown legal fights with Pritzker over Gov. Commodius Maximus’ attempt to control our lives and destroy our liberty.

And listen to DeVore discuss an important corruption case that corrupt corporate Chicago media ignores, but DeVore isn’t ignoring it. He’s whipping it up and already using it to peel the bark off the governor and his legal wing-man on this one, Raoul:

It is the Jenny Thornley case and Pritzker and Kwame dig ever deeper into their rabbit hole to hide from it.

Kwame Raoul received a million from Boss Madigan the last time out. But Boss Madigan is gone now, busy with the feds in the fight of his life.

Tune in and find out why Pritzker, Raoul and the rest are worried about DeVore.

The Chicago Way podcast is always free to listeners. And we’ll keep it that way.



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