The Illusion of Selling Access to Joe Biden? It’s No Illusion, Chumbolones
By John Kass
August 2, 2023
I’ve never quite been able to tell a child—their eyes full of stardust and desperately hoping to believe in magic—about what exactly happens to the canary.
And I never will tell.
I happen to love canaries and someday I’d like to keep a few in cages around our patio, with plenty of fresh water and shade, to protect the songbirds.
In the trick called “The Vanishing Bird Cage,” the audience sees and hears the magician slamming black lacquered boxes flat—the canary disappears—and the magician keeps slamming and searching, but the canary is gone!
Don’t worry kids—the magician sells the illusion of the vanished canary—and the bird reappears Presto! Changeo!!! It’s all an illusion!
Which reminds me of the latest iteration of the Joe Biden story on pro-Joe CNN, which appeared after left-wing media finally got its story straight, following the closed-door Congressional testimony of Devon Archer, who once was presidential son Hunter Biden’s business partner.
“Former business partner says Hunter Biden sold ‘illusion’ of access to Joe Biden, source says”
What? Archer testified that Hunter put Joe on the speakerphone so business associates could hear big daddy—or pardon me, “the Big Guy” stop and say hello. And why was this?
Well, because, Hunter Biden only sold the “illusion” of selling access to Joe, at least according to Democrat Dan Goldman. It wasn’t selling real access, just the “illusion” of access. This business of selling illusions is a sniveler’s trick. And when it comes to Joe Biden and the Democrats who protect him and the mainstream corporate media that ignores the news to help Joe with their flaccid incuriosity, there are more magicians than the Republic can bear.
And they keep indicting Donald Trump and wonder if they’re a mountain out of their molehill.
Trump’s most recent indictment was purely political. His crime, believing the 2020 election was “rigged.” Democrats like Hillary Clinton and Stacey Abrams are encouraged to believe in rigged elections when Democrats lose and say so publicly, in speeches, in op-eds of woke newspapers, on MSNBC and to Joe and Mika and lionized as heroes in news columns penned by Bolshevik suck-ups .
But if Republicans lose and call an election “rigged” they will be hounded by media (that does most of the rigging) to the gates of hell and the Department of Justice that turns political talk into crime.
And according to U.S. Rep Dan Goldman, D. New York who heard Devon Archer testify about the clout pageant, Hunter Biden did put his father on speaker phone in the presence of business partners at least 20 different times. Selling access obvious to anyone but a low-information Democrat, but oddly, business was never discussed, the unctuously pro-Biden CNN reported on Tuesday.
Whew! Democrats must sleep better knowing that “business was never discussed,” even though that really doesn’t matter. Business was never discussed? Really? You believe that? Are you all a bunch of chumbolones? Must you not only wear the fright wig and floppy shoes but all the trappings of a clown, too? And wet your pants for cheap laughs?
We already know that Hunter and his friend Archer were paid ridiculous sums to sit on the board of natural gas Ukrainian oil giant Burisma, and we also knew for a fact that oligarchs who ran Burisma wanted to rid themselves of Viktor Shokin, the prosecutor and stone in their shoe.
We also know for a fact that Biden went to Ukraine to talk to legislators there as “point man” for his boss, President Barak Obama to seed the ground for the prosecutor’s removal.
And Biden later bragged that he pressured Ukraine into firing Shokin. It was a pure gangster move, something the Chicago Outfit with all of its connections would appreciate, which is why I began comparing Biden and The Delaware Way to The Chicago Way and the American Way.
He made his brag and put the noose around his neck in a video taped session with The Council On Foreign Relations that was later posted and transcribed by my friends at Real Clear Politics. Joe Biden threatened to with hold a billion dollars if Ukraine did not fire the meddlesome prosecutor.
“I said, ‘You’re not getting the billion.’ I’m going to be leaving here in, I think it was about six hours. I looked at them and said: ‘I’m leaving in six hours. If the prosecutor is not fired, you’re not getting the money,’” Biden recalled telling Poroshenko. “Well, son of a bitch, he got fired. And they put in place someone who was solid at the time.”
The way Biden said “son of a bitch” was fascinating, like the way he angrily challenged an Iowa voter to a pushup contest in his dog-faced-pony-soldier phase. How many tough guys tell you they’re tough? Zero. How many rich guys brag on their cash? It doesn’t happen. If Joe does go down for this he’ll yearn, eyes full of water, an evil sentimental old man, that he’s just too old to take it anymore.
Back then, during his brag, Biden told the Council On Foreign Relations event, insisting that President Obama was in on the threat. But now it seems that the Saint Barack was an accessory to a felony of the shakedown. Any Washington journos who brag that they “speak truth to power” dare ask Barack about the Biden Crime family?
If old Joe escapes and keeps the grift going, he’ll snicker at the American people, smirk and consider them fools. Because, as he said himself, “Nobody F’s with a Biden.”
Especially not even a chumbolone.
No kid from Chicago grows up dreaming of being a chumbolone someday. A chumbolone is an idiot, a fool. The word was popularized years ago by a corrupt Chicago cop who served the gangsters in the Chicago Outfit’s Chinatown crew.
During the historic federal trial of Chicago mob bosses on murder and other charges began in 2007, and sent shockwaves through big cities where the Outfit had juice it was revealed. Even chumbolones didn’t want to be known as one.
Chinatown mob boss Frank Calabrese, a murderer and brutal loan shark was in prison talking with his visitor and servant, Chicago police officer Anthony Doyle, also known as Anthony Passafiume, who worked in a critical police bureau, the evidence section. Calabrese was agitated, chatting about using cattle prods on witnesses who might be able to connect him with Outfit hits.
And the cop kept nodding and agreeing with the Chinatown boss. Later, his lawyer asked him why he kept agreeing with Calabrese.
“I don’t want to look like a ‘chumbolone,’ an idiot,” said Doyle.
“I gave him lip service,” Doyle said of his discussions with the boss. “I didn’t know what he was talking about. I don’t wanna look like a chumbolone, an idiot, stupid,” Doyle said from the witness stand.
Years before, as he’d do bicep curls for all to see in the storefronts on 26th Street to show off his guns, Twan Doyle never thought he’d be associated with a sugar cake.
And that’s how chumbolone was born. I’ve been thinking about selling trademarked baseball caps involving chumbolone and “No Chumbolone.” Matter of fact, the lawyers have done their work and the caps will soon be ready through johnkassnews.com
But anyone who believes that Biden was merely offering an “illusion” of access clout involving your government is a certified Chumbolone and cannot possibly wear a No Chumbolone hat like me. I wouldn’t allow it. It would not be allowed under The Chicago Way.
Besides, they probably don’t even know how to look at a magician’s stage for evidence of that canary, or if you prefer, pigeon once lived an adventurous life in show-biz. And now that old Joe Biden has put that rope around his own neck, bragging that he and Obama got rid of the prosecutor who was causing Hunter Biden’s benefactors so much grief, there will be more pigeons and canaries making music.
The Democrats know this. You know who doesn’t know it? The Chumbolones. They’re oblivious until the cage slams shut.
And then nobody cares about what happened to the little birdies.
Comments 78
Them hats is just the ticket . . .unlike, Biden/Harris.
Mr Kass, since so many leftists, commonly now referred as “Leftovers”, always want to point out their perceived flaws of DJT. I’ve been waiting to hear from these Leftovers concerning Pod POTUS Biden who according to daughter Ashley, would join her when she was taking showers! Not quite normal in anyones book. It’s all in her diary that she said is really her diary. Ok all these readers casting stones at DJT, can’t wait to see your comments on truly verified creepy Joe Biden!
The movie 2000 Mules is not a fictional work. It is filled with facts that should trouble any thinking person. Facts are stubborn things. And the movie clearly showed that Democrat operatives wearing masks and gloves repeatedly visited dozens of ballot drop boxes depositing multiple ballots in key swing states on thousands of occasions.
The United States of America is a Republic, not a democracy.
Great column, John! Unfortunately, however, I am afraid we are made up of a population of too many chumbolones who swallow the garbage the Democrats and media put out these days. I hope people wake up, but I’m having my doubts.
I am puzzled at the stupidity of people. Trump was indicted again. This is the third time folks. Obama said that he would jail his opponents, they want to destroy free speech, the millions around the World are walking in America so the Democrats can have their Votes, while destroying the fiber of America. Mail in ballots, prisoners Voting, and now Illegals is what they have wanted to destroy the Republican Party and they are stupid enough to allow this. Weather you like Trump or not (never Voted for the man) he is correct when he is saying that our Government is destroying America and the American system. Now China is pouring millions into our School System, the teachers are teaching what they are told (most of them, and they have no choice) and the Governor of Illinois has family members that LGBT and that is one of the reasons all these is going on. If you truly believe in God you know that he is control, he will expose the truth some day, but these people wanting to destroy America is stupid and the Voters must get their act together and save America. There is no party anymore, they are all in it for money, but the DOJ, CIA, IRS been weaponized is criminal but what upsets me is that they told us they would do that and people still Voted for them and true dead people have been Voting since the 1960’s in America and mail in Voting is the way to destroy your enemy. Where are the honest Journalist to write the truth, that God for whistle blowers we need more of them and we must expose the Press for what most of them are which they are told what to do and do it for money folks. It is all about them getting richer and keep the POOR in control, and keep them uneducated and brainwashed. This is not a Black Country or Muslim Country as Obama said or a Christian Country and if the truth was told about him and his wife it would destroy them and mortify America and the World, sad truth is that most know the truth and do not want to be called Racist so they cover up for them. WE ARE NOT RACISTS I AM TIRED OF HEARING THIS FROM THE REAL RACIST. 100 Billion was stolen from Companies last year, how come that is not on the news. The Devil is charming folks. I pray that the Mother of God and through her prayers to her Son and our Lord will save us. WE CAME TO AMERICA FOR FREEDOM AND NOW THEY WANT TO TAKE THIS AWAY FROM US. WAKE UP FOLKS.
Don’t forget mimes, I hate those guys!
Indeed I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just: that his justice cannot sleep for ever: that considering numbers, nature and natural means only, a revolution of the wheel of fortune, an exchange of situation, is among possible events: that it may become probable by supernatural interference!
Thomas Jefferson
Mr. Kass makes an important point: Biden has always wanted to be the tough guy, the “cool guy.” He must have been a loser in high school, never the one who got the letter jacket or the girls. The aviator glasses, the hair transplant, the boastfulness about getting Shokin fired, all the things he affects to be cool. It was said that the principal conflict between Bill Clinton and his tormentor, Ken Starr: Bill got laid in high school, Ken didn’t; that made their antagonism so personal. The public saw through this with Biden, who couldn’t come close to getting his party’s presidential nomination. He wanted to be president so he could be the coolest guy, and he was rejected each time. The nomination fell into his lap because of Trump’s obnoxiousness and Bernie Sanders’s radicalness; under no other circumstances might it have happened. And because Biden has no principles, he had no qualms about instituting the Sanders project for this country. That’s where we are today.
Great column John! With this latest Trump indictment over political speech it almost seems like Biden is trying to goad the right into another riot.
Perfect timing again. Coincidence? Devon Archer testimony, another Trump indictment.
Coincidence? Archer testimony, another Trump indictment.
I wasn’t impressed with this ham handed attempt to distract from Trump’s indictments when you originally wrote it on Monday, this version is no better. I’m absolutely puzzled at this moment in time when MAGA Americans have fully embraced a corrupt man over the principles of democracy, but here we are. Less puzzled as to the motivation of grievance merchants like you who will toss away your integrity in his defense. Wonder what the next January 6th will look like? Wonder what the role right wing media will have in fueling false narratives, diversion and outrage in the citizens who feel government and the justice department are corrupt, all because they DARE indict the false prophet. Wonder if Kass will put the blame on Trump, only to soft pedal backwards later on. Wonder if they will allow Trump to hand a chandelier in his jail cell??
Your response to this thoughtful column is mind boggling! Guess you’re still smoking Obama’s hopium!
Your referring to former Two term President Obama, who last held office in 2016-8 years ago?? Stuck in the past much??
Besides being utterly ridiculous, your comment is so utterly inaccurate. Let me start by saying, I will NOT vote for Trump – he is his own worst enemy. Having said that, your comments about the “right wing media” are a huge joke. Anyone with HALF a brain knows the media is controlled by liberal progressives, who will destroy freedom if given the chance. The justice dept. IS corrupt, period. Biden is a deeply corrupt man, with the means to hide his ugliness. Obama could have done a lot more for black America, but again, he is a politician, who truly cares NOTHING about the black community. Anyway, your comment is good for a laugh. If anyone is tossing away their integrity by not being objective, it is YOU, Riga-Tony.
I have no idea why you would drag former two term President Obama into this thread, except that perhaps you never got past the grievance you felt at him becoming President in the first place-I wonder why?? Consider this Ms Mikkelsen, John Kass’s entire (weak) premise is built around the notion that ALL THESE INDICTMENTS are fabricated, designed only to halt his candidacy. WHY? What’s to be afraid of exactly?? 2018, Trump endorsed candidates lost handily. 2020, Trump loses AGAIN, and the GOP loses the Senate, 2022, here comes THAT BIG RED WAVE!! You know, the one JOHN KASS TOLD US WAS COMING?!?! Only no, another devastating round of losses for Trump endorsed candidates. So I ask again, why would anyone be afraid of a loser??
And like clockwork there’s the resident Chumbolone: the coward ‘tony’. If we wanted to know what the idiot chorus was singing, we only need tune in to CNN, like ‘tony’ does for his talking points.
Rude! But since you name dropped CNN, I’ll post this for you:
Even in listing 21 lies, the 45-page indictment does not come close to capturing the entirety of Trump’s massive catalogue of false claims about the election. But the list is illustrative nonetheless – highlighting the breadth of election-related topics Trump was dishonest about, the large number of states his election dishonesty spanned, and, critically, his willingness to persist in privately and publicly making dishonest assertions even after they had been debunked to him directly.
You can read every one of the lies for yourself Tom, they are all published for the public to see. Curious though, since you seem to have your head buried in Trump’s backside as if as the grifter traitor is worthy of your support, what will you do when he is sentenced?? Will you defend him? When we can’t agree on what the truth is, or when a false prophet/showman like Trumps brainwashed millions, the end result is January 6th. A horrible tragedy to me, a peaceful protest to you.
Speaking of CNN & lies … “Fiery, but mostly peaceful” CNN’s view of the 2020 riots
RT: You revealed :”I’m absolutely puzzled at this moment in time…”! All of Google suspected it, but now we all know it! If you want to get UnPuzzled, twist your head to the right 360°! It may take some doing but perhaps a friend can help. This technique will certainly help you with your issue! No, you don’t have to thank me.
It is difficult for me to understand how intelligent, good people can be taken in by a charlatan like Trump, worshiping him like a god. The more they are presented with the facts of his crimes, the more they worship. I truly bear no ill will towards these people, I have family and friends who I care about very deeply who share their views. Tony, you mentioned in a previous post that you miss the old John Kass. So do I. It’s disturbing how far to the dark side he has gone.
Thank you Cecelia Kafer. Mr Kass sold his (proverbial, journalistic) soul to become a MAGA apologist, so here we are.
This is the best our country can do…?.a senile crook ruled by liberal idiots or a raging narcissist…..?
We are witnessing the decline and fall of our great country
Riga Tony, Phony, Baloney…or whatever you call yourself today…ARE STILL A NITWIT.
You don’t get to wear a NO CHUMBOLONE hat.
Typical Democratic tactic. Deflect Hunter Biden and family by ignoring them and deflect discussion to TRUMP. Of CNN goes along with this deflection.
Not much to hope for these days. But recuperated Kass now producing just like classic Kass? Well, maybe we can hope that the nationalization of The Chicago Way isn’t a done deal after all!
But who are these people who still watch the disappearing canary and applaud like seals? Who still thinks CNN is a news channel? Actually, we jkn subscribers are aware of a few such people, since they troll this column with comments as dense as they are false.
Anyway, thanks, John. Please keep your eye on the ball of the Bolsheviks, and keep doing your irreplaceable best to send the grifters’ magic act back to Delaware.
Your comparison between Hillary questioning election results versus what Trump is accused of sounds like an angry toddler who got caught with his hand in the cookie jar, then throws a hissy fit and blames his sister. Conspiracy to defraud the United States, Conspiracy to obstruct an official proceeding,
Obstruction of and attempt to obstruct an official proceeding, Conspiracy against rights-there is absolutely no plausible equivalence between Clinton and Trump, and I suspect you know it. “I just want to find 11,780 votes, which is one more than we have,” Mr. Trump said during the conversation, “The people of Georgia are angry, the people of the country are angry. And there’s nothing wrong with saying that, you know, um, that you’ve recalculated.” THAT RECORDING ALONE is enough to launch an investigation, ‘Biden Crime Family’ give us a break.
I signed up with John Kass experience because I had just cancelled the far left woke Chicago Tribune. John was the only writer left that spoke the truth.
So now I read the truth, and I was not aware John had employed Bozo to write hateful articles dripping with biased untruthful nonsense. Are you really Jan Schakowsky in drag?
Appreciate the Bozo reference-a true Chicagoan! Curious, when did a POV become “the truth?” I know an indictment is based on a volume of evidence presented to grand jury (of peers) who align that an indictment is warranted, I know that.
It is said that you could indict a ham sandwich. Thus far, objective reviewers (Mueller, Durham, the Inspectror General) have all failed to substantiate any of your fellow leftists’ gotchas. Jack Smith is an Obama tool and what he is doing is the definition of election interference. That you still believe the DNC and the Deep State says more about you than it does about them.
..and that you believe in the notion of a ‘deep state’ speaks volumes about you. Trump lost three election cycles on his own, he is his own worst enemy. Personally I hope he wins the nomination, I can’t imagine independents, college educated women and younger voters will suddenly be swayed to support him anymore than they did in 2020. Curious, since you seem so enamored by conspiracy theories, how do you feel about Qanon? Democrat elites as child traffickers?? Bigfoot? Flat earth? Vapor trials? Think about it…
Chumbaline ‘tony’, that you don’t believe that the regulatory state works on behalf of the DNC indicates that the CNN is strong with you. Read the Durham Report, if you actually can read. Naah. It didn’t come via your DNC news sources, so it doesn’t exist.
You have innuendo and inference to hammer President Trump, while actual evidence of influence peddling and racketeering that clearly enriched your pal Biden and his family continues to pile up and be ignored by the media that you trust so much.
You aren’t the type that found yourself in the boxcar to the camp. You were the one cheering on the camp guards.
RT: “give us a break”. Google sees another issue, split personality! OR some Trans we/they/them/ours/us! Please try my suggestion from your earlier post. Help is just 360° away. No, you don’t have to thank me, just glad to help.
Riga Tony, baloney, phony, cucumber or whatever you identify with today, YOU ARE STILL A NITWIT. This explains why you, in your chosen field of french fry technician at various fast food outlets have made millions of imaginary dollars cooking tasty fries. While you toil at the fryer vainly waiting for an intelligent thought to appear your coworkers constantly yell at you to drain the fries to remove excess grease from the fries. You are losing your touch. You need to find the eye of the tiger. Your dense, thick brain is rotting in your skull due to lack of activity. You need to stop daydreaming and playing on your phone in order to manage your vast imaginary real estate empire of high rise apartment buildings in Beloit Wisconsin. If you manage your vast imaginary billion dollar industry successfully perhaps a GoFund Me could be organized to buy you a ” No Chumbalone” cap since imaginary money would not be accepted. You could wear it proudly and it might even help you to get promoted to drive- up cashier! Then again, MAYBE NOT.
Great reply to Tony Enrique! LOL
Brilliant observations. Smart private sector criminals don’t brag up their accomplishments, make public threats, show off their ill-gotten gains, or leave laptop records of criminal enterprises for eventual public inspection. Public sector criminals, like Biden, Inc. do all of the above and more, secure in the knowledge that the media and handmaiden law enforcement will cover even the largest tracks for even the most egregious. If they are of the “D” variant.
Anyone who doesn’t think Trump tried to steal the election needs a chumbolone hat but without the word ‘on’.
And yes Biden/Obama/Clinton are all guilty of various crimes.
And just what are you Chumbolones doing about: pissing in your beer? I remember sitting with my grandpa in his tavern as a kid while my parents went to work after the war and hearing the same bitching with different names.
But do you chumbolones go out there a run for office on the local level. All politics IS local. This is a PARTICIPATORY DEMOCRACY. You got work at it to keep it honest. Do you go to part meetings to bitch and challenge. No you WATCH politics but don’t participate in. Get off your lazy sloth asses and leave the bar/tavern and work to get the govt you want.
TR: How can one steal something that’s been stolen from them in the first place? Laptop Russian plant lies (this alone saved Pod POTUS Biden), mail in voting, mules hitting ballot boxes over and over dumping hundreds of ballots each time. Media coverage one sided. Need I remind you of more examples! Wanna see a real chumbaloney, gotta mirror, use it to see one. No, you don’t have to thank me, always glad to help.
Sounds hopeless
I got a tablet u can bite on if u want to leave this horrible planet and all its woes.
Or u can order another beer and keep kvetching. Poor us, oh boo hoo, poor us.
Meant the word No
John, I love your columns, and even as a life long Republican I never voted for and never will vote for Donald Trump.
However you miss one important legal distinction in your discussion of the last indictment. Hillary Clinton, Al Gore and all the rest of the sniveling progressive left were not the President of the United States when they raised their claims of rigged elections, nor to the best of anyone’s knowledge did they personally contact governors, attorney generals and election officials to try to strongarm them into overturning a certified election result.
As President of the US, Donald Trump was under oath to uphold the constitution and yet he attempted, him personally, not his aids or subordinates, to use his influence and the power of his office to overturn several properly certified election results in key states.
That is his crime, not January 6th or anything else, and of that he is guilty and that guilt borders on treason.
Surely the holding of free elections and the peaceful and orderly transfer of power based on the certified results of them is the cornerstone of the constitution and our republic. For a sitting president to actively interfere with that process is clearly a violation of his oath of office in a way perhaps the most dangerous to our system of government and our freedom as a people.
Thank you Allen Hintz. BTW, I believe John understands the distinctions.
You may be right Riga- Tony, and if you are, then per your previous comments, alas John is now clueless.
No one that subscribes to John is likely to vote for Biden anyway unless Trump ends up being the other choice and they conscientiously decide Biden is the lesser of two evils, or not vote at all.
Of the current Republicans running for president, Trump is the only one Biden can and has already beaten, and the democrats know it.
So the best role for a conservative journalist with any perspective today would be to try to convince Trump supporters that a vote for Trump in the primaries is a vote for Biden. If Trump gets the nomination, especially if still only getting a plurality of votes in the primaries the chances of 4 more years of Biden increase exponentially.
On another note the reason the country is in this peril today started with the direct election of Senators. The founding fathers intended that office to be subservient to the elected legislatures in the states, and therefore the Senate would never be a career position that could be won by PACs, and party campaign contributions in a direct election if the winds of change shifted at a state level. In addition, election by the legislature also allowed for more meaningful challenges to incumbents if local representatives could be convinced that the current office holder no longer voted in line with the interests of their local constituents or in line with the best interests of the country.
The second reason is the evolution of the direct election of the presidential candidates by binding primaries in what are winner take all contests in most cases. Voting for electors, who in most cases were only “bound” in the first ballot at a convention was the primary means of preventing unvetted demagogues (of which Obama was certainly the best example) from gaining a presidential nomination by charisma and a good sound bite alone. “Hope and Change” (was that it), paved the way for “Make America Great Again”.
I liked one of John’s articles from a few years back before he went all in on Trump, when he was still more thoughtful and less vituperative, in which he cogently argued that the problem with MAGA was that the American experiment in freedom and self government always has been and still is great! Or was that someone else?
No, it was John, before he sold his soul to MAGA. John is not clueless, but he is willing to sacrifice his integrity by writing TWO columns about the ‘Biden Crime Family’ (where he levied personal insults, something apparently he now detests..) while wantonly ignoring Trump’s indictments. That’s hypocrisy, and it’s transparent.
to “riga-tony” or a Marxist blowhard you’re truly a chumbolone. you’ve posted 6 or 7 times. you’ve insulted others. that’s a violation of policy and you shall be bounced for violating commenting policy at johnkassnews.com
everyone pay attention. one comment per article. you want to fart at the dinner table, make sure it’s your dinner table, not the common area for civilized people.
thanks for reading
yours, John Kass
don’t let the door hit you on the way out.
Selective outrage. If you’ve been paying any attention at all, I’VE been insulted far more than anyone, which you don’t have an issue with since the ‘insultees’ are aligned with your grumpy world view. That’s called hypocrisy, a crown you wear proudly John.
One comment per article? Here is a man you clearly doesn’t understand this new horizon called ‘the internets’. You see John, content that generates interest online receives what are called ‘clicks’, which is the entire point of a comment section. The more hits, the more comments, the more attention the article is receiving. That’s a good thing John. Limiting comments on online POV is self defeating, which is why no one does it. If you don’t like my comments you can choose to remove them, as I’m sure you would those who have insulted me. Seems fair. Do you need any other tips on social media?? I can ask my 14 year old to help you..
FYI Haven’t YOU YOURSELF made personal insults to me and others here in this forum?? Are you going to cancel yourself John??
Bravo John Kass!
Thank you.
God bless you and Betty… and sons.
Our children are our legacy.
Well said. I agree that Mr. Trump failed to uphold his oath of office by seeking to use the power of the presidency to overturn a certified election. This was the essence of his crime … not Jan 6 or anything else as you cogently state. But since you’re invoking our foundational principles as expressed in the US Constitution, I would also add that Mr. Trump is not guilty of anything. That is for a jury to decide; and when he walks through those court house doors he is presumed innocent regardless of what you or I think. And I would add one more thing to ponder. Given our deep national polarization and divisiveness, don’t be surprised that what appears to be an “open and shut” case results in a Not Guilty verdict or a hung jury. It’s called jury nullification. And this is the perfect storm for nullification
That is precisely my biggest fear. That, despite all the evidence, the trail ends with a perverse verdict. In smaller cases that could fly under the radar. In this case, its the beginning of the end of our Democracy.
I don’t think an “adverse” jury verdict – free of bribery or other “tricks” – can ever be the “end of our democracy.” In fact the trial by jury – our peers – is a hall mark of our democracy regardless of what you or I think the outcome should be. And jury nullification – although discouraged by all judges – is a fact … used in the past … and that’s the way it is … in OUR democracy.
I’m speaking specifically related to this case, the potential impact. Trump would parade that victory until his end days as ‘proof’ the system is corrupt, and only he can wield justice. That’s dangerous.
There is an ancient Chinese proverb that asks “Does the sleeping dog smell his own farts?”. RigaTony, Phony, Baloney readily supplies the answer to this centuries old question. He us completely unaware that his windbag, bloviating , and gassbagging idiotic posts here are particularly odious and offensive . He genuinely believes his witticisms have value despite his polluting on this forum. He refuses to acknowledge the stench of his own flatulant postings. He is delusional in his own offal. He definitely needs mental therapy, prayers and perhaps even a frontal lobotomy to help his troubled, empty mind. A lobotomy would definitely help maintain this disconnect from reality. It certainly couldn’t hurt him that’s for sure. Then and only then, maybe he would notice the foul odor that permeates his very presence. Can someone start a Gofund Me to get him the frontal lobotomy that he desperately needs? I have 13 cents ( in pennies) and a couple of empty beer bottles owed deposit in California that I would gladly pledge if someone would care tostart a fund to provide the lobotomy Riga Tony Baloney needs. Until then..we can only hope and pray for a positive outcome.
I’m my mind when the chumbalones realize they are about to be voted off the island, I picture the last moments of William and Charlotte Dauber on July 2, 1980, and what the look on their faces must have been when they left the Will county courthouse and were gunned down by the Grand Ave. Crew as a Ford van pulled up alongside them and opened fire.
All this talk about canaries and testimonies prompted me to put on the old Benny Goodman/Gene Krupa performance of Louis Prima’s famous “Sing, Sing, Sing”.,,
I know it would break your rule, but I don’t know if a president has ever deserved the Golden Moutza as much as Joe Biden.
“Let’s be clear. We’re talking about a man who is facing three separate indictments: for unlawfully taking classified documents and lying about it, for paying hush money to a porn star and, now, for trying to overturn the results of a legitimate election. Trump deserves a trial, of course, but he doesn’t have to be a criminal to deserve criticism. He repeated falsehoods about stolen elections and has been caught on phone trying to steal votes in Georgia. Even before Trump faced charges, it should have been easy to denounce him. He is morally bankrupt and disgraced the presidency before he even walked in the White House doors.”
clinton,obama ,biden ,3 presidents who didn’t have a pot to P in when they started in politics. Now each have become multi millionaires. obama and biden need 3 mansionsbecause ,I guess 2 aren’t enough. How do you amass that much wealth on a politicians salary? If you remember TRUMP donated his salary . TRUMP was a wealthy man who lost money as president. The border was closed,gas was cheap,we were still strong in the eyes of the world. This is AMERICA, you don’t have to believe your lying eyes if you don’t want to. TRUMP is not morally bankrupt but the trailer trash in the white house sure are.
Selling access. Isn’t that what we used to call influence peddling in simpler times ? The illusion of selling access. A euphemism for defrauding the client. Was Rosemont Seneca Partners running a con job that unraveled or were they just run of the mill influence peddlers?
100%! But no one will indict Biden, Obama, or Clinton. That’s the problem.
Looking forward to you hats! Hope you have them in a kid size. I have a pea head. 🤣
Once again, outstanding column John. Chicago and Illinois are run by a bunch of chumbalones.
Yianni-if it talks like a duck, and walks like a duck..then it’s a duck!! Biden’s been a crook for years, so crooked he could hide behind a Cork screw!! We’re being played, and we all know it. But then, can we stand two years with Kamala as president? She was Joe’s insurance policy!!
Θεός να βάλει το χέρι του!!
Both Biden & Trump are embarrassment to our country, for different underlying reasons. Both parties can, and should for the sake of our country, do better. Give me someone to vote *for*, rather than a choice voting for someone who is less “putrid”. It’s my duty to vote, but who the he!! can you vote for in good conscience? I’d like to hear solutions rather than beating the dead horse that our leaders suck.
On Dec. 27, 2020, Trump called Jeffrey Rosen, then acting attorney general, and Richard Donoghue, acting deputy attorney general, and “raised multiple false claims” about the election, according to the indictment. Donoghue had a meeting with prosecutors but was not called to testify.
“When the Acting Attorney General told the Defendant that the Justice Department could not and would not change the outcome of the election, the Defendant responded, ‘Just say that the election was corrupt and leave the rest to me and the Republican congressmen,’” the indictment states.
I know, another post exposing the real crimes John is ignoring. Dad is going to be soooo mad… (:
I don’t see why we have to stick with this binary choice; dumb and dumber. Is Joe B corrupt? Certainly. They turned to him in desperation, because they feared a Sanders presidency.
It was written by someone on this thread that Biden is enacting Sanders’ agenda. I only wish Sanders was still pushing for the agenda he campaigned on. No health care, no increase in min wage, no lowering drug costs, not enough services for the sick and the elderly.
This identity stuff is merely a cloak to distract us. It’s something to keep, elite virtue signalers occupied. We do not have any real “progressives” in our government. They are all pseudo liberal virtue signaling elites who never worked a day in their lives.
It’s why Joe’s polls are so low. True Liberals cannot stand him. Joe is actually more of a true Republican than Trump, who actually has no compass. He just has an uncanny ability to read a room, take the pulse and go that way. If Joe was truly enacting the Sanders policies, he’d be at 60% nationally and a shoe in for reelection. As it stands, it’s a toss up between him and the multiple time indicted game show host. Who, by the way John, always brags about how rich he is, like Joe brags about what a tough guy he is. Both of these men are unfit for office and a national disgrace.
We are in this boat because of the campaign rules, all the money that’s sloshing around form the special interests. These pols are such whores and must prostitute themselves so much to get elected, that good, decent folks rarely go into politics.
Everything Kass said about Joe in his column is true. Most of you out there have no idea what liberalism is. I don’t think our elected officials have an idea either. Liberals used to stand for free speech, debate, peace, the constitution. Today the Democrats are the war mongers, they are racist in their policies, the y are for censorship, and stifle any debate, especially about Covid.
It’s why Joe is even money or less to be re-elected. His policies stink, they’re laundering money for the oligarchs left and right. He’s got us stuck in this awful war. He hasn’t delivered on any campaign promises for working people.
Careful Robert, you have exceeded your allotment of responses, Dad’s gonna be so maaaad….
Yo Tee..you have feces for brains!
Great article John!
Another great article John. But as a previous poster mentioned, we’re a nation of too many chumbolones and I don’t know if the message will be heard. The canary trick reminded me of a great movie though, The Prestige. The one magician (Biden) just couldn’t keep up with the other Magician (Trump) which I hope happens here.
I know a good column when I see it. And I’m n0 Chumbalone.
I have no doubt Biden and family have little to no ethics and I hope they receive their just due. I understand all the anger regarding Biden, Hunter, Pritzker basically the Democratic Party I share it. That said anyone who believes Trump cares about the USA, about democracy is a chumbolone. He is destroying democracy by playing the Roy Cohn playbook-always lie to defend yourself. He and his band of nut jobs need to be stopped spreading 100 percent lies about 2020. Our country just had our credit rating Lowered, our debt is over $31 trillion and from I can tell neither party cares. Trump is a seditionist and sadly people believe his blatant disregard for anything except himself-maga-really?
Get a shot of reason… you suffer from TDS.
Great Column, John. Today’s Democratic Party establishment are a disgrace to FDR and HST legacies. Nothing but racist BS spread thick to cover up their corporate donors’ BS.