Heather Mac Donald, “The War on Cops,” The Chicago Way
By John Kass
“I hate lies,” said Heather Mac Donald, the author of “The War on Cops,” on this latest edition of The Chicago Way podcast.
“Everything the public thinks it knows about race and policing in this country, reverse it, and you’re likely to get the truth,” she said.
The city of Chicago is being consumed by violence, anarchy, chaos, and lawlessness. Mayor Lori Lightfoot and her allies on the left are in a panic. They released the furies by emboldening the lawlessness, after demoralizing the police, and by re-endorsing Cook County State’s Attorney Kim Foxx.
Lightfoot turned over the downtown to the Black Lives Matters rioters. And now, with mobs cruising the Loop and downtown again, Lightfoot has no clue.
“Black Lives Matter is a complete fraud,” Mac Donald said. “You now have anarchy unleashed. And you now have the Magnificent Mile prey to these utterly savage mobs.”
At the famous “Bean,” at Millennium Park on Michigan Avenue –once a celebrated and civilized meeting place for tourists and all Chicagoans—has become the place where street gangs shoot at random into crowds and people die. So much for tourism. So much for Lightfoot’s Summer of Joy.
On this edition of the Chicago Way podcast, my friend and co-host Jeff Carlin and I wanted to know from Mac Donald:
How did Chicago and other cities get this way?
Some of the issues discussed: The role of woke corporate media covering for Lightfoot and her allies on the left, from Cook County State’s Attorney Kim Foxx, to Kim’s boss, Boss Toni. And how the Democratic elite worked to demoralize cops. What of the “Ferguson effect,” and the perpetuation of leftist myths (again through woke media) of “racist policing” and “mass incarceration.”
Mac Donald, of the Manhattan Institute and frequent contributor to “City Journal” is a sobering, but refreshing interview. She’s honest. And her clarity is refreshing after all the slogans of the left .
You see what’s happening to Chicago on the news. Aren’t you tired of being lied to, and blamed for the barbarism?
You won’t hear Mac Donald on woke corporate radio or read her arguments in woke corporate legacy media.
But you will hear her most important voice on The Chicago Way podcast. And you’ll read more about these ideas in my column later this week.
Chicago is on the brink. You know this. So why not listen to the full argument, here on The Chicago Way podcast?
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(Copyright 2022 John Kass)