Chicago Way w/John Kass: Should the DNC’s 2024 calculus include Michelle Obama?

Chicago Way w/John Kass (08/28/23): This week, RealClear Politics’ Tom Bevan joins John Kass and Jeff Carlin to look at the most impressive performances in the first Republican National Committee presidential debate of the 2024 election.

Were some of them so weak that they caused irreparable harm to their political ambitions?

And Kasso wonders out loud if Joe Biden keeps stumblin’ and bumblin’, will Michelle Obama be the only one can save the Democrats in 2024?

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Comments 14

      1. I have fought many battles for Michele Obama. I voted Trump twice. First time because the Democrats threw Bernie under a bus. Second time, I had learned to ignore Trumps lack of verbal ingenuity and concentrate on what he was doing to make the USA work again. First times I have voted Republican I agree, Michelle Obama would beat any candidate, either party. She is intelligent, attractive and able to speak well. Michelle has raised two beautiful.well mannered daughters. She can reach women voters. Democrats would do well to consider her.

    1. Hey H, the Obama’s are not lacking in congeniality and manners. That is Trump’s problem. To the contrary, they are supreme conmen on a level that would make even Trump blush. They have the corporate media on their side and have conned a fair amount of people into thinking they actually advocate for them.

  1. I don’t think Michelle will run. They have a good life, tons of money and homes all over the wealthiest parts of the country. However, I wouldn’t be surprised if Barack pushes her to try. We know they are narcissistic people, always looking for adulation. Barack needs to cement his legacy, which Joe Biden had ruined. Just like it’s been with Biden as President, this is all about Barack.

    1. I have fought many battles for Michele Obama. I voted Trump twice. First time because the Democrats threw Bernie under a bus. Second time, I had learned to ignore Trumps lack of verbal ingenuity and concentrate on what he was doing to make the USA work again. First times I have voted Republican I agree, Michelle Obama would beat any candidate, either party. She is intelligent, attractive and able to speak well. Michelle has raised two beautiful.well mannered daughters. She can reach women voters. Democrats would do well to consider her.

  2. Barack might push her to run if only to have her in place to cover his own misdeeds while he was in office that could get exposed if Dems don’t win.

    Sadly, I agree with John. If she ran she would win.

    1. All presidents are egotistical to an extent. All have to know how to play the game. I don’t believe Barack Obama liked Biden. How could he, Biden was a racist, he fought integration in our schools. Obama learned the “how to” as a Junior Senator in Chi cago. I think he did well with so little experience. Far better than what we have today. One cannot ignore what he inherited from the killer of 100,000 plus Iraqi civilians, father of the housing crash etc. How many Americans returned from that foolish war in caskets or missing limbs?

  3. Michelle would never run : she has not had a ‘real job’ her entire life . When last I heard , even her no work / no show job at the hospital has never been filled . And think of the challenge dressing her for public consumption . “Dr” Jill and her living room drapes ensemble would be Jackie K’s and haute couture by comparison.

    1. Dressing her for public consumption? You remind me of the woman who told me that Michele Obama was a man. She knew it for a fact. She had seen a photo of her in prison with a beard. I find her to be an attractive fit female. Of course, I find most women with dark skin to be attractive. I was raised that way by my parents.

  4. Quite frankly, I feel the more that is written about this possibility, the more fuel is added to the fire that it might actually happen. And I think that would be unfortunate.

    1. Michelle Obama could not be worse than Bush and Biden. Trump has a plan, if he can stop letting everything that comes into his mouth from coming out of his head he could succeed. The non stop tweeting needs to stop. He could have been out greatest President, if he could just reign himself in. However, as much as I understand his anger at those who have done everything to ruin him, do we want 4 years of payback

  5. The Republicans are assisting the Democrats in the removal of Joe Biden. The Democrats are trying to hog tie Donald Trump to reciprocate. Neither are wanted by their parties and both have outlived their usefulness. We are all getting played for chumbalones if anyone believes any of this is legit. Its time to get back to business as usual, there are deals waiting to be made. The Green Energy/ Climate Change industry is wide open for the grift. Billions are already disappearing from public coffers and we need to get someone in who knows how to let everyone wet their beaks. Thats what its all about. The Grift. Kamala? In the interest of “saving democracy” the Democrats opt for having an open primary to get rid of that dim bulb. The winner? It’s already preordained. The party already knows who the pick is but you aren’t invited to the party. You should be used to it. Enjoy…

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