Behold the Power: The Golden Moutza of the Month
By John Kass
December 3, 2023
The thing about the Golden Moutza of the Month is that the hordes of idiots and nincompoops worthy of the award stretch in every direction to the far horizons.
The morons stretch all the way to Ireland, the woke capitol of Europe. A few dozen more woke morons in Ireland–threatening the people to shut up about destructive wave after wave of non-assimilating migrants–and the whole shebang might tip over into the sea.
“There are more than enough candidates” says reader Mike Brady. “You should make it a weekly award.”
Hmm. Interesting idea.
But, no.
This is not Harvard catering to hate-filled antisemite Bolsheviks who want to cancel America. This is not some woke corporation, like Disney that tries to be all to all parents and supporters of the trans agenda and despises parents who don’t want to teach sexuality to kindergarteners. Does the trans caucus in the corporate suites wonder if trying to force feed the rest of us hurts Disney’s business?
This is the Golden Moutza. The hand of the people.
This is serious business.
You know how this works. Readers find me on Facebook or zuckerbucks land or whatever it is called now and make their nominations.
“I believe the segregationists in Evanston are a lock,” writes Thom Heaney.
Great one Thom, except for one thing: you forgot the magic words of NAH! Or FEESA ETHO! Or some other pithy Greek saying. Sorry rules are rules, but glad you pointed out, malevolent idiocy of those left wing Evanston segregationists.
Weeks ago, it was Chicago morning radio host @DanProft that broke the story on his Morning Answer show with Amy Jacobson–when left wing Evanston decided to go full racist Jim Crow.
Educators in the “progressive” utopia of Evanston segregated students by race in the “hopes” of shrinking the so-called learning gap suffered by minority students. And they lied about it. They denied it.
Rather than impose standards and demand all students meet those standards, Evanston wokists separated the kids by race. Whites here, blacks there, browns there. Yeah, the progs of oh, so woke Evanston are the definition of racists.
Any adult who listens to Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson for five minutes knows about left-wing racism. You might think the Chicago media with all their angry karens–the Libune Tribune and the state-run National Public Radio Sun Times–which are left wing, and consumed as all liberals are consumed by racial guilt (the easier to manipulate them) would take a stand.
You’d think they’d draw an Obama line in the sand and say “Enough!!!” But the Chicago papers don’t like conservatives like Dan Proft. They attack him. They’re afraid of him. And so, they isolate and ignore him.
And so they ignored the story in Evanston and played left wing hypocrites, those chinless men without chests that we know them to be. But in doing so, they ignored their obligations to their readers. A newspaper creation myth wraps itself up in the notion they’ll report the news without fear or favor. That’s what separated the news from propaganda.
But as their business model collapsed and Donald Trump won the 2016 election and angered the Obama posse, newspapers found that propaganda from the left pays their bills.
Unfortunately for the progressive racists of Evanston, the Wall Street Journal is still a newspaper.
And the WSJ reported on this racial segregation. The Trib and Sun Times gives itself away and cheaply, for pennies, and they spend too much time protecting left wing politicians from themselves. But the Journal remembered that it is a newspaper, at least this time.
If all you’re interested in is stuffing your face and watching TV, and becoming more stupid than you were yesterday, I suppose the Chicago papers are fine. But if you’re a grown-up you’ve, already given up on the corporate Chicago media and look elsewhere for balanced commentary.
I’m addicted to Real Clear Politics. And to The Federalist, because I know how much the establishment corporate left hates us.
My favorite pithy saying of the moment involves Elon Musk’s response to Disney CEO Bob Iger who is behind the anti-Musk advertiser boycott.
When Musk took over the social media site formerly known as “Twitter,” now “X,” the left lost its collective mind. Because they lost their monopoly on surreptitiously shaping American thought before the 2024 election. They went mad, ginned up allegations he’s a bigot, the same crap that the hard left newspaper guild tried with me. I refused to bend the knee and started johnkassnews.com.
What did Musk do? He reacted like a man with a pair, telling Iger and all others who would threaten him with the loss of advertising revenue to go F themselves.
Yeah, he said “Go F Yourself, Bob.”
“Tis a lame offering this month,” lamented Bruce Vee. “Perhaps I will rise to the challenge later this week, but for now, I offer my meager Moutza. Myself. Indeed this golden hand grenade upon which I fall is due to my lack of offering to John Kass the bucket load of grape vines I have harvested. I intended to reach out to him so that he could enjoy the sweet smoky goodness that these vines provide to roasted meat. I still have them, and the offer is still good. But until I am absolved of my shortcomings, I will selfie-Moutza and offer a hearty “Nah!” to my mirror.”
Be kind to yourself Bruce Vee. No need to give yourself a Moutza. Cover them with a tarp and keep them dry. Since I already drive two hours for Joseph’s Finest Meats sausage, I’ll gladly drive for charcoal seasoning sticks. I’ll pick them up in time for Easter. I can almost hear the silence of the lamb.
“My absence from making a Moutza nomination has come to a close,” announced reader Bryan Surek. “My nomination is U.S. Secretary of Education Miguel Cardona who is quoted as saying “I think it was President Reagan said ‘We’re from the government, we’re here to help.’ Umm Mr. Cardona, the words President Reagan said on August 12th, 1996 were these “The nine most terrifying words in the English language are ‘I’m from the government and I’m here to help’ Big Difference Mr. Cardona! Big Moutza nomination from me. NAH!!!”
Context is wasted on propagandists. Indeed, what a tool.
And speaking of tools, the dimwit Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson is widely accepted now as being thoroughly unprepared for the job. Even his possie of commies are turning against him.
Mayor Dimwit’s ally, Ald. Jeanette Taylor, 20th, said he should not be mayor because he hasn’t been in government long enough to know how it works. (I tolja)
“I feel like we not ready and it’s showing out in the wash,” Taylor, 20th, complained to another hard leftist on the Ben Jarovsky show. “I don’t got to say it, people see it. We’re pretending like now we got the power, let us show you how it’s supposed to done. And we look real stupid right now.”
Agreed you look really stupid now. But you backed a fool based on his race.
Even Bolsheviks get mugged by reality. But until they and their leftist media friends in Chicago focus on Boss Toni, and the fat governor who funds them, Chicago and the Democrats–and all the taxpayers of Illinois–are a floating ship of fools.
David Mansfield:
“Was listening to April Ryan’s moronic question to equally moronic Karine Jean-Pierre for like the 8th time, and caught something I previously missed. Ryan said that Stevie Wonder was concerned about the advancement of “the Black agenda” by the Biden administration and sought out a meeting with him. Just what is “the Black agenda”? What are the wide range of issues that ALL Blacks agree on? Defund the police, especially in poorer and crime ridden neighborhoods? Supporting the teacher’s unions and being against school choice? And who is a good spokesperson person for “the Black agenda”, her ? Stevie Wonder? Clarence Thomas? How pompous and ignorant of her to believe all Blacks agree on “a Black agenda”. Is there “a White agenda” we should be aware of? A Hispanic agenda? An Asian agenda? Identity politics and its proponents are ruining this country! I nominate alleged journalist April Ryan. Nah!”
John Dyslin: “How about Disney? This once great family-oriented business, the epitome of the American dream and Americana has gone down the tubes due to left wing indoctrination and wokism. Theme park revenue and attendance down. Movie business down. Streaming business failing. While their stock is up some this year, it’s nearly half what is was 2 years ago. Can Disney recover? If they stop with the left wing wokism. Nah to Disney!”
How did Elon Musk put it? Go F Yourself Disney.
Ann MacIntosh Baker: “John Kass I am oddly without a nomination this month. I’m sure there are many worthy recipients. There always is. Maybe because I’ve been dealing with one family crisis after another, I find myself looking more for the occasional blessing or reason to be thankful (which are many). I hope to be back into full Moutza nomination mode soon!”
We can’t do it without you Ann!
Steve Rauter: “John–Great job filling in with Dan Proft. As I’ve told you many times, you have a face for radio. My moutza nomination is SOS Blinken. He looked like he was going to vomit any time President Brandon opened his yap on the visit with the CCP (Joe’s business partners) in SanFran. When Blinken speaks, he looks like he can’t believe what is coming out of his own mouth, much like John Kirby. If Blinken is supposed to be a “handler” for the Bumbler in Chief, he’s doing a poor job.”
He might organize a letter writing campaign of 51 “intelligence officials” to tell us that Biden’s brain has been hijacked.
Pete Sremac: “The mayor and his minions for moving ahead on his Brighton Park migrant camp built on contaminated soil rented from AL Sanchez? I’m waiting for the lawsuits on the illnesses to begin. Blow on this Comrade Mayor, Nah!”
But who gets the Golden Moutza TM, an award suitable for a tee-shirt or coffee cup to subscribers at johnkassnews.com?
Chicago Mayor Dimwits isn’t going anywhere, as much as his hubris has brought him all his latest panic attacks, I suggest we let him ripen like a December pear and serve him with Stilton. But what of Evanston?
There is nothing so precious as drooling racist who’ve convinced themselves that separating kids by race is consistent with “progressive” ideals.
Evanston, you constantly beclown yourself. But now you add the trappings of the fool for all to see, and the Chicago media jesters for covering you with their many sins of omission. If you were Republicans the Chicago media would skin you alive, but you’re leftists and so they protect you.
Lift up your chins and take this full frontal in the face. As Papou Pete would have said of Evanston educators, “They speak and the donkeys break wind.”
This Golden Moutza of the Month is yours.
Nah and blow on it right here you racist fools, revealed as the hateful hypocrites of the North Shore. You disgust me.
Evanston FEESAH!!!!!
Comments 46
Great compilation of morons, creeps, ninnies and grifters! In Ireland this column and its author would be called before the bar and be sentenced (trials are for free societies) for Hate Crime.
I had no idea that so many culchies, tinkers and knackers dwelled in Evanston!
Bainigí sult as an duais, a bhuachaillí! Enjoy the prize, Lads!
Evanstan, not Evanston. Anyplace that embraces Jan Schakowsky you should be wary of.
Never be surprised by anything that comes out of The People’s Republic of Evanston! A leader in the Reparations Movement now revealed to be racists as well.
During the 1960’s Evanston had “Open Housing Marches” lead by Father Groppi. As a college student in the City College of Mayfair some of us participated in this. No drama, no violence, no looting. Black and white students. Quiet. Once Groppi never showed up and we left without any demonstration. I think he was tired of the whole thing. Anyway, Evenston has always had an attitude of liberal progressive ideas. Beware of unintended consequences.
Good morning John. Some many Politicians deserve the Moutza of the Month and the so called Mayor of Chicago is one of them. He blames White people by saying that they are glad that the Black Race is free. He forgets that the White people freed the Slaves, and they have assimilated together for Centuries now, and it is people like him that want a free ride, while their people are having babies left and right without both parents taking responsibility for all those poor Souls. He must go and the Woke nonsense must stop. Big business has been told what to do, and Obama is behind Biden’s administration and he wants Hamas to destroy Israel. Watch Mark Levin and learn History folks and I admire the Senator Tom Cotton and he should run for President, he knows where the truth is. All the Middle East Countries start wars and send their people to take over Europe which they have, and the US with no intention of assimilating. Their purpose is to destroy the White Race, and Christianity all over the World which they are doing while the American Voter sits back and listen to the sweet Words of the Devil. Obama hates America and will destroy it while he took enough money to live like a King. We that know the truth of Christ are protected by him, and the end is not far away. America will be a Muslim Country in about 30 years and our Children have been brainwashed by the Education System in America that is run by Liberals and the Obama people. Know the truth people and wake up as to what is taking place in our Cities and our Streets. Alex Sotos, the Son of George Sotos and one of Obamas best friends said recently that the Blue Cities are safer than the ones run by Republican Governors. That is the propaganda they are spreading and brain washed young College kids paid by Sotos and march in our Streets by destroying the Holiday Season and destroying our once Free Country. Wake up folks the truth should set you free if you are smart enough to study and learn it. So sad as to what has happened to a Great Country that was built by Immigrants and they truly assimilated and learn the language and fought for this great Country. We are free because of them not today’s Politicians. Our Cable news, our Newspapers, and our Universities, and School System is run by Communist and Liberals that Hate America. Look what has happened to Sweden, London and Paris. Muslims run the Cities and they are fool of crime.
Hear Hear!
300 word max
Hah! Glad to see Evanston being recognized for the woke posers they are. I worked in that burb for several years in a capacity that dealt with a lot of NU employees. These folks were book smart, arrogant, and totally lacking in common sense.
Most of these folks really thought that their s**t didn’t stink. Don’t forget that the “medildoes” of the NU chapter of the Innocence Project falsified information in service to their narrative rather than service to facts. Is it any surprise that journalism students from back then grew up to be the talking heads we have now? Blow on it Evanston!
I’m not on Facebooger so I’ll give my 2 cents here with a big NAH!! to the modern-day Tech railroad barons who paid 40 grand a plate in San Fran to give President Pooh Bear a standing ovation. It was so nice to see the streets cleaned up of the homeless and feces so they could Kowtow to a commie. John, are we able to say Kowtow or not?
In the mid-1980s I lived on Washington St. in Evanston and loved the city and food, especially Dave’s Italian Kitchen or the Fish Keg on Howard St. As a blue-collar kid growing up in Wilmette (yes there was a time) there was a lot of rivalry between us but the Evanstonians were a lot more fun to party with at Lighthouse Beach 🙂
NAH! All the drivers who step on the gas to run red lights on Hollywood, Bryn Mawr – and elsewhere. And the ones who love to move their wheels as near as possible to the curb to splash water during steady rains to make pedestrians wet as they hurry to get on the drive.
When I first came to this country in 1960, in my best friend’s classroom they tried an unusual learning strategy. The class was told that this was Russia, and that they would be divided into the rulers (party officials and their families) and the ruled. The kids first thought it was a joke, but then the rulers actually got to criticize and denounce and belittle the other students, and even to devise punishments for them. After a week everyone hated the class, and hated the kids who were seemingly enjoying the exercise.
I guess it’s too late for Evanston to try this kind of “student separation”, isn’t it?
Thanks for provoking long-lost thoughts from my formative past as an immigrant!
Evanston is the Harvey of Highland Parks – Excellent choice!
Evanstan Is right. Way to go Jeffrey Carter. Jan Schakowsky, a member of Congress, took a local stand against INVEST IN KIDS, the minority kids scholarship program. The program will disappear next year thanks to her and other politicians feeding at the trough of the Chicago Teachers Union. 9,600 thriving, poor and minority kids will lose their scholarships to parochial, private and charter schools and be assigned to the failing Chicago Public School system. Money talks, right Jan?
On the money, Louis!
But they care so much about the kids!
Attention Oak Park! You’re falling behind. Oh, I know you just banned new natural gas hook ups but you’ll have to do better if you’re to keep up in the Woke Olympics. Evanston is kicking your…
HaHaHa – excellent, Richard!
Actually, Richard, Oak Park is way ahead of Evanston. Oak Park’s MO has transformed into cunning political sophistication as opposed to Evanston’s crude virtue signaling. I mean Evanston’s exercise in woke racism might be challenged in court. Wouldn’t it be nice to “own the court” such that one could be assured that progressive woke policies even when challenged would always meet court approval? Well that is exactly what Oak Park’s favorite sons – Sen. Don Harmon and his sidekick Luke Casson – did when they “purchased” two Illinois Supreme Court Justices. Of course they were fined for doing so. But so what? Mr. Casson made sure there would be no money to pay the fine anyways. When it comes to Illinois’ local “People’s Republics” Evanston is a piker compared to Oak Park.
OMG! Evanston. As usual, talking out of both sides of their collective mouths. And “Big Johnson” doing what he does best. Take a Xanax and show off for the camera, then go hide.
Oh, you had to bring up the Lamb. My mouth is drooling just thinking about it. Your family is lucky to have you for it!! Wish I could sneak in for a taste. Keep up the good work John, and stay healthy. We need you, my friend.
Evanston — worthy of this honor. My summer semester at Northwestern was the first year when Evanston permitted restaurant patrons to order a drink if they also ordered a piece of toast. Anyone recall that the Women’s Christian Temperance Union was founded in Evanston? Very different evangelism there this century.
The north shore of my Milwaukee area has its our own Evanston. It’s called Shorewood. Patriotic students sing “The Internationale.” White people denounce themselves for being too white. The wine and cheese parties welcome all loyal party members.
Shorewood had a referendum to choose a sister city. Havana won 65% of the vote and Pyongyang won 70%. The Mayor announced that all referendum deniers would be arrested.
Great column, as always, John. I’m a voracious news junkie yet somehow missed the Evanston story — probably because I decided to give myself a much-needed “news break” over Thanksgiving. Looks like I missed a doozy. So many reactions but one in particular is how scary it is that Chicago voters continue to elect “leaders” who can’t even form a coherent sentence. “We not ready”? “I don’t got to say it”? Coupled, of course, with Mayor Dimwit’s repeated reference to “Democratically-ran” cities. Then again, after decades of our public education system being strategically destroyed, what do we expect?
I think it is racist to laugh or even to shake your head at those quotes. Better be careful…
We will go broke sending our grandkids to the private schools, but that is seemingly what the Illinois politicians want. Do you want the kids to have a good education, devoid of indoctrination, or do you want to be able to pay your mortgage, gas bills, food bills, etc.? Guess we could just not pay our bills like Brandon. Seems to have worked for him.
Another outstanding job, Mr. Kass, and my takeaway is this: “But if you’re a grown-up you’ve, already given up on the corporate Chicago media and look elsewhere for balanced commentary.”
That sums up why you have so many loyal readers- we gave up looking for common sense and balanced commentary elsewhere. Keep up the great work, your Greek ancestors are proud of you.
Nice new cover picture!
What will happen when the Blacks, the Hispanics, and the Whites do not get the same total for 2 + 2?
They are being counted upon to forget how they have been screwed this time by the next election.
Excellent Moutza choice, and many on the mark (and amusing as well) replies. Super column, John – you never fail to educate – even the Moutza Awards are full of truth. Evanston – NAH!
The nominations are almost as good as the award, keep them coming.
I enjoy you, John, but get a bit tired of your sour grapes regarding the Trib. I still get the skeleton of what it once was and have to say the opinion page leans a bit to the left but is hardly the progressive playground you describe. They supported Paula Vallas and are all over the mayor.
Having said this, The City of Evanston is a worthy winner of the Moutza Award.
You’re kidding, right? Col. McCormick has been spinning in his grave for years because of the commie takeover of his paper. It’s nothing but a left-wing propaganda sheet. Read racist Clarence Page some time.
John, you are really something
Didn’t know that oak park has cut off natural gas hookups.
Clearly trying to keep up with evanston
Thanks for sharing my nomination John. And your winner the city of Evanston is a worthy winner!
Great column, John. I was sad to hear that Ireland has become the Woke capital of Europe. When did that happen? I must admit I’ve been a little distracted lately, you know, with the state of things in D.C. , Chicago, the Ukraine, the Middle East, CHINA. I only have so much space left in my brain to handle crisis after crisis. How does Joe do it?
Joe just sleeps and keeps good health – to be able to walk and speak!
Oh Marita, you are so right! My brain is about to explode with all the progressive BS that is all around us! 🤯
How in the world can anyone with half a brain not see what the dimwits are doing to our city, state and country? It’s beyond me…
Howsabout the entire Chicago mass media ( I refuse to call it News Media, they lost that right years ago) who refused to report on Mayor Gumbys latest anti white tirade to excuse his incompetence. Not one word in print or on television was aired on local media. They must have cowered in the corner of the room trembling in fear when he accused them of being racists. His rantings about “..ultra Maga white men who hate to see a brother succeed and wanna put me back in chains..” are obviously racist. Not a peep from local media. If it wasn’t for the internet you never would have heard his words. Reminds me of the intro for the old ” Outer Limits” . ” ..do not adjust the volume of your TV set, we control the volume. Do not adjust the picture, we control the feed…” I think a special Moutza is in order for Chicago media. Using your reporter creds maybe you can get comments from management of these outlets as to the reason WHY they didn’t air or publish the rantings of Chicagos IMBECILIC Mayor Gumby. Most white folk Chicagoans have thick skin. They can take the hit from Mayor Gumby. Don’t protect ’em. Let em have it. I’m sure they’ll still continue to vote Democrat.
A bipartition watch-dog committee to straighten the media mess could be the only answer at this moment.
“There is nothing so precious as drooling racist who’ve convinced themselves that separating kids by race is consistent with ‘progressive’ ideals.”
In any other context, such separations would make sense pedagogically:
– It makes sense to provide non-english-speakers with different curriculum than english-speakers
– It makes sense to provide students at different grade-levels with different curriculum, irrespective of biological age.
The problem the left has is refusing to admit that individual choices come with rewards/consequences. Sub-cultures with active fathers have children with wildly-better academic outcomes than sub-cultures with absent fathers. The fact that Evanston’s education initiative is congruent with this reality makes me wonder if they’re coming around.
So, is it more helpful to let them self-correct, or do we call them out on it and risk that they’ll double-down and revert back to what they were? I’d definitely call them out if they started prattling about others setting up separate programs after they did the same thing – I’m not sure that’s happened yet.
Could you please spell out your “Sub Cultures”? Or could I rightly assume they are Black & Brown or Yellow?
In my mind, Evanston gets the PLATINUM version of the Golden Moutza.
All of my life, I have had a very simple test to determine racism, which is: if you use the color of your skin to seek advantage or as justification for a failing, you are racist. In fact; my view might very well be racist. What isn’t?
Christmas stories, John.
We need some Christmas stories to remind us of the reason for the season.
Make it a contest for bragging rights.
Reagan made his famous comment on August 12, 1986, not 1996.
There is lot of noise these days about uncontrolled, rogue news media. And yes, if you control the media you control the nation. But what is the remedy? No one, including John Kass has suggested one. You hear only complaints day in and day out. Ever since Biden went for racial politics by picking Harris for his VP and then appointing a black Justice to the SCOTUS, every where you turn you see blacks and you have to deal with the blacks. In all, at least 3 out of 5 of them. And look at the local TV news stations – ABC News has a news anchor Cheryl Burton who is all smiles and eyes popping when she reads something about Bozo Pritzker as if he is her boy friend! And then in WGN news, there is this black woman who has been a long time news anchorwoman from the time even before I was born, quips ” he was an election denier” following her co-anchor’s announcement that US Rep. Michael Johnson was elected House Speaker. Watching these two anchor woman you can right away sense that they are only leftist propaganda hires. And there is this black reporter from Chicago Fox news who laughs like a buffoon while reporting from Chicago Streets. Enough of the racial hires.
Just before TRUMP was sworn in, I e-mailed a 13-point recommendation to his Transition Team which right away acknowledged the receipt of my mail but without any further response. My recommendations were mainly on the Supreme Court, immigration reform, particularly against chain-migration, religious freedom, and the news media. I also high lighted and expanded on three items under the heading “3 M’s – Mexicans, Moslems and Media”. On media, I strongly suggested forming a Bi-partition Watch dog Committee comprising of leading journalists, faculty members and wise, responsible citizens to control the media: Any propaganda by the news media will be issued a warning for the first rime and then fined a second time for repeat offense followed by cancellation of the broadcasting license after 3rd time offense. And Trump committed two (2) grave sins after taking office. First he said he is all for free speech and then fell deep into his twitter mania. The second one was that he said gay marriage was a settled law. While the democrats started weaponing the COVID-19 for their election campaign, Trump should have declared a national emergency and sent the Obama-Biden-Antony Kennedy team into exile for seeding the pandemic, in the first place and also could have fixed the media.
Anyways, I also sent a copy of my recommendations to John Kass who then was writing for Tribune and also was on the editorial board.
And I didn’t even get an acknowledgement from Kass, sad…..
Unbelievable. I guess the folks in Evanston now believe in “separate but equal” as a social policy.
The soft racism of low expectations.
Don’t forget Dick Durbin wanting fill our Military with Illegal immigrants as Soldiers. Ask not what your Country can do for you. Ask what the Hell your Government is trying to do to you and this country!