What to do about Cackling Kamala?

By John Kass

February 14, 2024

Now that President Joe Biden has revealed himself to possess a mind of room-temperature banana pudding, what should we do with Vice President Kamala Harris?

You haven’t forgotten Kamala, have you? She’s central to this story, pivotal actually, as essential as any of the great “Femme Fatal” characters in those Film Noir movies, like Barbara Stanwyck in the classic “Double Indemnity,” Pam Grier in “Jackie Brown,” and Kim Basinger in “LA Confidential.”

The simple truth people, is this: You can’t have the Senile Joe Biden drama without Harris and her singsong voice and that terrifyingly famous Kamala Cackle of hers, so she “can be, unburdened by what had been.” Repeat her signature Kamala word salad about 50 times while looking at the photograph above where she cackles away.

And with Biden poll numbers collapsing, as the Southern border collapses, as the Mexican drug gangs control the border, we see it happen before our very eyes: The Biden cabinet cracks under pressure at what Joe has done, and points the finger of blame at each other, the Biden cabinet calling each other out as “bitch ass” and worse, it would seem this is now Kamala time. Except nobody likes her.

Her national poll numbers are even worse than Joe’s. Only 28% of voters have a positive opinion of Harris. And if you play them a recording of the Kamala Kackle, the few positive numbers disappear entirely.

She’s not viable.

So, what to do, what to do?

If  Washington politics were Hollywood, the answer would be easy-peasy: Kamala Harris and embarks on a brand new career in the movies: Kamala Noir or let’s say Film Noir. Netflix film moguls Barack Obama and wife Michelle could dangle a juicy character part before Kamala if they need something to pry her away from Washington.

Problem: I love film. And once I wanted to become a director. There are two roles for females in film noir, one is the girl-next-door. The other is the femme fatale. And given her rapid rise up California politics with the able assistance of Willie Brown, where she apparently earned the nickname “Heels Up” Harris.

“Heels Up” is not a proper name for a girl next door. It’s not a proper name for anyone. The smoldering Barbara Stanwyck was not the girl next door. But would she murder her husband to feast upon on the insurance money? No spoilers from me. I guess you have to see it.

Promotional still from the 1944 film Double Indemnity starring Fred MacMurray and Barbara Stanwyck

For Harris, she was surviving under the radar–without any real responsibility, without any real pressure–until Biden began to implode and she decided to open her mouth. Don’t you hate when that happens? Just keep your mouth shut and keep your grift, but no.

Think of Bridget Fonda opening her mouth one too many times, aggravating Robert DiNiro in “Jackie Brown

What did Harris say?

”I am ready to serve, There’s no question about that,” she told the Wall Street Journal.

Really? No question? She just couldn’t keep her mouth shut, yet not even her old “mentor” Willie Brown would believe she’s ready. But Kamala insists that she’s ready.

She told the WSJ that “everyone” who sees her on the job “walks away fully aware of my capacity to lead.”

Nobody sees you that way, honey. Not even the Bidens. Your poll numbers suck, even worse than Joe’s. An ABC poll shows that 86 percent of voters think Biden is too old now. And that was before his freak show in which his own Department of Justice couldn’t charge him with crimes–even though they admitted he was guilty–because he’s too feeble minded to stand trial.

So what will voters think by August?

The pressing American political issue isn’t the drama of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. It’s the border and the illegal migrant gangs swarming over the Democrat blue “Sanctuary Cities” from New York to Chicago, St. Louis and Los Angeles.

Even the corrupt leftist media has turned on Biden with this story from Axios, the not-so-secret Obama mouthpiece: How Biden Botched the Border.

According to Axios, Harris and her office wasn’t interested in the border.

“A former Biden administration senior official told Axios: “She’s been at best ineffective, and at worst sporadically engaged and not seeing it was her responsibility. It’s an opportunity for her, and she didn’t fill the breach.”

Years ago I worked as a columnist for a major metropolitan newspaper that was going woke. It was a toxic work environment for anyone who wasn’t a Marxist. And back then I wrote a column that her absolute awfulness was Biden’s insurance policy.

Who would want to remove Joe if it meant Kamala as president?

The headline of the column was this: Please God, please. Biden must endure until 2024.

If Harris were president, I could write about her cackle. It would be easy for me. Comedy gold, infuriating all the libs in corporate media. I could see them clenching their tiny fists in rage, barking like little liberal yap dogs. We could get a lot of laughs out of it.

Yes, it would be easy for me. But it would be terrible for America.

Democrats knew that back then that she was wrong for the job, that she was not capable of being president, but they didn’t really care. Joe wasn’t capable either.

So they reached out for the race-hoaxing hysteric with the cackling bucket of laughs because they cared more about winning elections and checking identity politics boxes than checking that the nation was protected and secure.

And now it’s either the senile old man who doesn’t know where he is. Or  Cackling Kamala.

God help us.


About the author: John Kass spent decades as a political writer and news columnist in Chicago working at a major metropolitan newspaper.  All he really wanted to do was cover boxing and write Chicago restaurant reviews and file one story a week. It didn’t work out that way. He lives in Northwest Indiana with the Lovely Sicilian. He is co-host of The Chicago Way podcast. And he just loves his “No Chumbolone” hat, because johnkassnews.com is a “No Chumbolone” Zone where you can always get a cup of common sense.

Comments 50

  1. That witless hag will undo herself.

    Today, please pray for the repose of the soul of Pulitzer Prize Cartoonist Jack Higgins. My pal Jack wore me like a pair of Haines when I lost my wife Mary in 1998, at a time when he was the toast of the town and a constant thorn in the rump of Daley and other grifters,

    Jack Higgins was fierce champion of the Pro Life movement, a constant Patriot and a man of wit and grace.

    Christ welcome home a true son.

    1. My old man, a photo engraver at both dailies, knew Higgins too. One of my brothers has the “Flash Gordon” drawing Higgins drew when he retired. It’s a worthy epitaph, “fierce champion” and another example of your (and Kass’) fine way with words. Thanks for that moment. Here’s an Ash Wednesday prayer for Higgins and for all the good Chicagoans who used to put the news on the street.


  2. Phyllis Diedrickson: There’s a speed limit in this state Mr. Neff, 45 miles an hour.
    Walter Neff: How fast was I going?
    Phyllis: I’d say about 90.
    Walter: Suppose you get down off your motorcycle and give me a ticket.
    Phyllis: Suppose I let you off this time with a warning.
    Walter: Suppose it doesn’t take.
    Phyllis: Suppose I have to whack you over the knuckles.
    Walter: Suppose I bust out cackling and demand you make me POTUS.
    Phyllis: That’s my line, Mr. Neff.

  3. The way I see it we’re doomed either way. Scenario 1 …. Pray we , as a country and world , can survive until Nov under Biden. Scenario 2…. Ole Joe gets booted under Article 25 and Kackling Kamala becomes president. The democrats are STUCK with her because of the identity politics they’ve boxed themselves into and MUST run her as their candidate ! Bozo the Clown could defeat her! Either way, I see a lose- lose situation for them. This is going to be the nastiest campaign ever so get the popcorn out!

  4. Democrats – be careful what you ask for, you might get it. The whole country pays the price. These are the same idiots that think that the government printing funny money is not inflationary.

  5. This is why I still believe they’ll dump Joe sometime in June or July and try to run Michelle. If they run JB, Gavin or Gretch, they’ll look like the racists they profess we conservatives to be. You say Michelle doesn’t want it, that she hates politics? Ok. But her husband doesn’t. She might not want to be the president, but doesn’t Barry want to be the first man?

      1. Could he? I think the 12th amendment says otherwise: “no person constitutionally ineligible to the office of President shall be eligible to that of Vice-President of the United States.”

  6. As they inch closer to getting their house majority back, as the republicans implode ,fight each other,don’t stand together,as they give up (see Mike Gallagher) I am not feeling good about November no matter who the dems throw at the country.

    1. Me too Ed. With another recent rep loss in East Meadow, NY to the dems, I’m wondering if Trump on the ticket can garner enuf votes to take over. I’m getting butterflies as well….

      1. Republicans had better change how they ‘get out the vote.’ They need to go all in on getting their voters to vote by mail. The democrats do this and spend weeks before every election with paid and volunteer operatives hunting down those that have not yet mailed in a ballot. And in most states, they can turn the ballot in for the voter (and can help them vote if needed – wink wink).

        All these jurisdictions have reports available on which voters have requested an absentee ballot, and if the ballot has been returned. Democrats have this down pat. Republicans concentrate on ‘getting out the vote on election day.’

        If this does not change watch for more red waves that crash into ripples because the democrats concentrate their efforts on toss up races like the one in New York.

  7. Don’t forget The Phantom Factor. Joe has been a phantom president the past three years, with important presidential decisions made by unseen leftist nation-transformers (plus probably one transformer seen constantly for eight years). Joe is the functional President in the same sense that Kamala is the functional Border Czar or Brandon is the functional mayor of Chicago.

    Even though she has only the most remedial ability to speak or reason, Cackles can’t be less presidential than the remains of Joe have been. She’ll be the second consecutive phantom president, serving to secure contemporary Democrats as the party that puts idiots first.

    John is right as usual: “We could get a lot of laughs out of it…” and “…it would be terrible for America.” But The Phantom Factor is a winning play now and not much will change. As noted by our favorite observer, Trump somehow managed to lose to “…a mind of room-temperature banana pudding.” He is likely to lose to the cackling courtesan. I’ll vote against that but prepare to keep enjoying good commentary at jkn, a good laugh here and there, and each of my White Sox’ 60 wins.

  8. KK (Kackling Kamala) is an even bigger disaster than her Boss. A total empty suit (Dress?). We can only assume that our Veep and her senile boss have someone behind them (BO?) calling the shots. We can only hope that a good percentage of the black Dem voting base will realize that again they are being left in the dust by the Democrats who have an insatiable thirst for continued power. It’s not what’s right for the common person in flyover country or the big city, it’s how to feather their own nest.
    If somehow KK were to end up behind the desk in the Oval Office the Dems would be stuck with her …. Unless of
    course MO could be “persuaded” to run. God help us all.

  9. She told the WSJ that “everyone” who sees her on the job “walks away fully aware of my capacity to lead.”

    She’s correct – they do know her capacity….[put your thumb and index finger together as close as possible without touching] …and it’s about that much!

  10. Γιάννη,
    Is it too early to nominate Harris for the golden mountza? I’d give her all ten fingers and toes, seeing as how she’s done absolutely nothing while in office to give us a clue of her mental wellbeing! She’s as daft as Joe!! Θεός φυλαξη!!

  11. The dems have a solution for Kackles. The Pooh Bahs of the left go to Kamala, offer her a juicy job in the education field. They offer Kackles the Presidency of Harvard at about 1.5 million a year. After all, the last President at Harvard was a complete idiot, plagiarizer, totally inept leader and she still makes 900 thousand a year as a so called educator.

    Kamala is removed gracefully which satisfies all the Ben Crumps and Al Sharptons of the racist left. Then, with the Vice-President’s office open, the same Pooh Bahs go to Joe, tell him it is time to retire and enjoy the riches the Chinese Communist Party gave you. First, he appoints Gavon Newsome as Vice President.

    Then Joe can declare that he is tired and has decided to go live on the beach in the four and half million dollar home on the beach in Delaware. The agreement with Newsome will include an unwritten promise to pardon Hunter the Scum Bag of all his crimes. Newsome also get five gallons of hair jell.

  12. Don’t forget, at age 77, and supposedly only a one term president, Biden picked her. He knew damn well she wasn’t presidential material. But he could say, the first black, the first woman, and then went on to do many more “firsts” for the rest of his cabinet. It’s always been about Joe. So, we look at the prospect of two octogenarian presidents and two extreme narcissists. Trump can differentiate himself not only as being more “with it” but by selecting a running mate solely on merit.

    1. bill walsh asks: “I believe she is also the first “ black” female to be in the executive suite who’s ancestors owned slaves ….yet, no one talk about it..why?”
      My answer is simple, and I wish I’d have thought of it first. Simple, elegant, and true…

      “It’s (D)ifferent when they (D)o it”.

  13. What to do? Both parties need to jettison their geriatric embarrassments of presidential candidates and run coherent candidates that offer solutions for the majority of citizens, rather than pander to the populist extremes of their respective parties sound bite by sound bite. Jon Stewart’s bit on Feb 12th pretty much sums up my disgust with this election.

    Solution = “lunch pail” types grinding it out on a daily basis to get positive results for the masses, rather than their own self-aggrandizement. Get a great candidate and tell me why I should vote for them rather than why I should vote against the current cast of dumb-sh** candidates. God help us all.

  14. Yes Brandon gets dumped at the Democratic convention. Chicago should be burning pretty well by then due to the influx of Hamas wanna bees eco- terrorists, unborn baby murderers and every other fringe misfit groups that Democrats cater to. The five illegals shot in Pilson apparently couldn’t wait for Brandon’s violence interrupters so they decided to catch the bullets with their own bodies. Since Brandon replaced police officers with these “interrupters” I’m sure the city’s going to be begging retired police to come back, unarmed of course to assist the rioters. Hopefully none are stupid enough to volunteer. Could a Harris/Haley ticket be in store at the convention? The latest media buzzword is “bipartisan”. A “bipartisan” presidency? Harris is odious and Nikki certainly comes with a guaranteed amount of “Never Trump” votes. Haley’s being propped up for a reason. Just long enough to declare herself to be a “conservative independant” enabling her additionto the Democrat ticket. After Covid can anything be considered far fetched? Something big is in the air. Lets just wait and see….

  15. Biden does not plan to be President. His plan is to give up the presidency within six months of being elected and making Harris President. So a vote for Biden is actually a vote for Harris. Biden has no plans for leaving the ticket. His plan is to make her President. As dim witted as he appears, this has been thoroughly thought out. Completely in order with the United States Presidential Line of Succession. He knows he’s got pudding for brains, but he wants her in.

  16. Biden and the Democrats have waged war on prosperity since 2021. So far they are winning. I pray the voters turn the tide in November, and we see Biden gone, and no cackling-in ceremony with Sky Heels.

  17. Her ridiculous Super Bowl video proves she’s not ready to serve in any capacity, not as president, not as a future Netflix “star” and not as a community organizer in her beloved Oakland, which now appears to be worse than Dresden after WW2 and in need of a Marshall plan!

  18. Selecting CACKLING Kamala as VP was actually a ‘stroke’ of genius for me Biden’s campaign. Besides being a black woman appealing to the woke demographic, she was the perfect insurance policy to make sure no one interrupts JB’s 4 year term! May God help us all!

  19. Kamala might actually learn how to lead if she could appeal to her Slaveholding ancestors – seeing as how 10 of the first 12 US Presidents were of Plantation Culture – but she’s a California Lib, so there is no chance of that. Nikkie Haley is correct when she leaves Slavery out of the many causes of the late Civil War, and also correct when she does not criticize secession – but she’s a corporatist and a War monger. I just think the US has to break up – everyone wins!

  20. Ask anyone from Chicago how well things turn out when you have a “box checker” in office (although Mayor Triple Threat’s successor is arguably worse).

    Continuing with your film references, I think they’re going to have to go the Vito Corleone route and make Kamala an “offer she can’t refuse.” One possibility: I hear Harvard is looking for a new President. Another more frightening scenario: the Dem candidate (whether it be Biden, Newsom, Michelle)..promises Kamala a SCOTUS appointment if she agrees to step down as VP.

    Like many who have commented here, I’m getting queasy thinking about November. 🙁

    1. I agree on the Supreme Court appointment. It would be a “face” saver for her….now to figure out which sitting Justice is going to be ‘excused’ or have an ‘accident’. They need a vacancy – wonder who will be ‘assisted’ to co-operate?

      1. Unfortunately Clarence Thomas is the oldest justice right now (75). He wouldn’t dare leave on his own accord of course. But the left wing has been gunning for him for a while with frivolous accusations. Expect that to ramp up if the Dems win big in November. After seeing their attempts to take out Trump, I have no problem believing they would try to pull the same b.s. with Thomas.

      2. If the Democrats hit in big in 2024 – due to the likely stupidity and incompetence of the Republicans – namely sweep the Presidency, House and Senate – then they will not need a vacancy on the Court at all in order to appoint Harris. Because they then will likely make one of their long term fantasies a reality: pack the Court. And Harris, amongst other Bolsheviks will be Justices of the Supreme Court. Now if that is not a plot for a horror movie (in keeping with John’s movie themes) then I don’t know what is.

  21. You’d have been a great boxing writer. I still have a clipping of a story you wrote in the late ’80s about the space between fighters.
    Of course, you’re a great political columnist, too. A Chicago treasure.

  22. I struggle to think that Kamala or Joe even know that today is Wednesday! What will be a much bigger impact on all of this will be what “something” will happen between now and ‘the’ Convention. We are currently seeing 150 Chinese A DAY coming through the southern border….extensive film of it today, coming in through the San Diego sector. Estimates of 25,000 so far. Are we going to sit here and convince each other that the Communist Chinese government has willingly sent these folks to Mexico so they could “vacation” in the U.S.? That Biden & Co. are not FULLY aware that they’re coming here? That they’re ok with it? Oh, come on! My guess? The power grid. The ramifications are staggering….and it wouldn’t take much. Some folks are lulled into thinking that won’t be an issue, ’cause we have solar, right! All they need to take down is Funds Transfer and Fuel. Watch for it.

  23. So far, the Biden Brain Trust is silent on his running mate.
    Kamala has every intention of being that running mate.
    I, too, believe that Kamala was always insurance for Joe to remain in office, even though he committed crimes and can’t remember the years he was Vice-President for Obama.
    Kamala needs to cackle her way to a job at Harvard.

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