Joe Biden is Jimmy Carter 2.0

By John Kass

Oct 22, 2023

When his White House handlers lead the rheumy-eyed old man forward to speak on the critical issues like the beginning of possible World War, what do you do?

Do you lean forward, eager to pay attention to his words? If you’re like me, you cringe and worry for America and the world. Most of us are in that category now when Joe the Boneless opens his mouth. We fear what he’ll say.

Charles Hurt, the opinion editor at The Washington Times had the perfect line about doddering old President Joseph Biden in his column that was linked by Real Clear Politics. Hurt said it was painful to watch Biden learning to read what appeared to be a foreign language, even for his detractors. It got better.

“It was like watching an old man picked up off the street and hauled before cameras to be waterboarded.”


The world sees the spectacular weakness in Biden. There is no hiding it. And who is responsible? The Democrats who installed him to wreak his dreams upon the world.

It is Biden’s own policies that fuel both war in Ukraine and feed Iran’s war machine. It’s all about the oil and continuation of ruinous policy from Barack Obama. Meanwhile, Biden apologists—including those Iran apologists within his administration—refuse to acknowledge that he and Obama have allowed Iran to reap $70 billion in petrodollars to fund Hamas and Hezbollah terrorism against Israel.

Even the constant protection of the corrupt corporate media no longer works for Biden as it once did.  He’s weak. He’s afraid of Iran. He appeases Iran.

His disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan was only the beginning. The people see what he’s done. They’re waking up. They know.

Watching Biden draw unintended but altogether feeble comparisons between himself, and failed President Jimmy Carter, gives me no satisfaction. It offered only dread as if the best course of action would be to pull the covers back over our heads and hide from the world. But we can’t.

At least when Carter was exposing himself to the world as a weak man, when his name became a joke synonymous with feebleness, when the Americans were taken hostage in Iran.  Carter only cemented the notion he was a weakling when he literally panicked and  feared he was being threatened by a rabbit near a fishing hole.

Yet even through that, as inflation tore through our wallets and our savings, as Iran burned our flag, as our hostages waited helplessly because the president was so seemingly powerless, the Democrats were behind him and we called him president.

But that’s not true for today’s Democrats, who tear each other up over support for Israel. The hard left of Barack Obama has grown. They’re the anti-Semites who hate Israel. They’re the Democrats who support the do-nothing Soros prosecutors who don’t prosecute. And they take the country on a wild, dangerous joy ride, to a demolition derby on their Intersectionality Highway where victimhood crashes into victimhood.

The Democrats have a Hamas problem. It is an alliance of the sick, of the ill, as explained by my friend Charles Lipson in his essay “The Sick Alliance between the Left and Muslim Extremists” here.

“The virulent anti-Israel protests across America and Europe throw a glaring light on the bizarre alliance between left-wing activists and militant Muslims,” Lipson writes. “That odd combination has been the bedrock of political activism at universities and in the streets for years. It began in universities, where it now dominates political discourse, threatens Jewish students, and intimidates anyone brave enough to voice their dissent. We can now see how it has spread far beyond the campus.”

Some readers have already sent messages warning me against making  any Biden Carter comparison. If there was a cage match of today’s Biden now, the president who high steps it across short cut grass, and Carter then, only Carter would walk out on his own two feet. Biden is little more than a meat puppet. He will not debate anyone with a brain and lips to speak, let alone sit for hard-ball news interviews. That scripted puff piece by 60 Minutes shouldn’t count. America watched, horrified as he played Israel for campaign photo ops and could barely recite the lines provided to him by his puppet masters. He could barely focus his gaze.


But then, CBS News has long been in the Democrat pocket, pumping for Obama’s notorious Iran nuclear deal promoted by media manipulator and puppeteer Ben Rhodes–the brother of then CBS president David Rhodes–is but one example of the dangers of the Democrat Media Complex.

I’m writing this for Sunday, the day Americans say they’d like to go to church, but corporate America dictates otherwise. Jesus Christ must compete with football with the hands and football with the feet on TV. Before the sports spectacle is a visit to the narthex of TV service on Sunday: The sermons of the chin strokers, those armchair anchors and armchair generals and armchair pundits.

On those shows they will talk of things we can barely grasp, like what it must be like fighting in the dark, in the terrorist built tunnel networks that have been dug under Gaza. And Democrats and their pundits will push Joe Biden’s wrong-headed policy of linking U.S. military aide to Ukraine to support for Israel and humanitarian aide for Palestinians–which means terrorist Hamas will take more American money.

One of the silver tongues supporting a linkage between aid to Ukraine and Israel is Secretary of State Anthony Blinken. When Blinken opens his mouth, please think of two things: Biden’s horror at even mentioning Iran as the architect of the Hamas war crimes against Israeli civilians in Gaza, and also remember how Blinken got his job in the first place.

Because it was Blinken who who orchestrated the slime attack against The New York Post for its reporting of the Hunter Biden laptop fiasco.

The Democrats have a Hamas problem, as my friend Charles Lipson explains here.

It is in the narthex of the news shows where the Liturgy of Nikki Haley is sung. I’m not a fan. I don’t know the woman personally, she might be gracious. I could be wrong, but I see her as a cheerleader for the Bush wing to reassert itself.

It has been years since the establishment Republican War Party broke the Middle East by pushing former President George Bush’s wrong-headed and completely unnecessary invasion of Iraq backed by disinformation experts in the intelligence section and Vice President Dick Cheney.

Back then I, like many Americans after the September 11 terrorist attacks on our country, was vulnerable to the whisperings of the neo-cons, from their insistence on increasing the dangerous powers of the Deep State and all its surveillance of Americans, to the pushing of endless wars and their determination to set unelected federal bureaucrats (the American Kemalists) against American liberty.

I promised myself then, never again. I’ve studied political animals all my life. There’s one thing that those out of power really want: power.

Fox News and the neo-conservative catechism seeks to elevate Nikki Haley, because she and the war in Ukraine and the war now in Gaza are their tickets back to power.

John Daniel Davidson in The Federalist warned against the neo-con impulse now being fueled by Biden to build one big war in the Middle East and Ukraine in his column “No, The Conflicts in Israel and Ukraine Are Not ‘One War’.

“A memo must have gone out this week to all unreconstructed neocons directing them to propagate the idea that the conflicts in Israel and Ukraine are “one war,” and that the stakes of this one war are so high — civilization itself hangs in the balance! — that the United States must get deeply involved in both of them,” Davidson wrote.

“I know, it sounds idiotic,” he continued, “but that’s the line. President Joe Biden peddled a version of it in an Oval Office speech Thursday, saying Hamas and Putin represent different threats but “both want to completely annihilate a neighboring democracy.”

I agree with Davidson, and with Ohio Republican Sen. J.D. Vance and I think most Americans agree also. Aid to Israel and Ukraine should not be linked. We should support our ally Israel.

Most Americans don’t like what Putin has done in Ukraine, but spent so much already without accounting. The U.S. is $33 trillion in debt and the Biden administration has opened the Southern border with Mexico, and how many terrorists have crossed over there?

“What Biden is doing is disgusting,” Sen. Vance wrote. “He’s using dead children in Israel to sell his disastrous Ukraine policy to skeptical Americans. They are not the same countries, they are not the same problems, and this effort to use Israel for political cover is offensive. Hell no.”

Let Israel do what must be done to protect Israeli citizens. Stop linking aid to Ukraine with aid to Israel. And stand up to Iranian aggression, stop helping fund Iranian terrorism, or it will only get worse for you, America and the world.

Ruhollah Khomeini


Comments 40

  1. The One Big World globalists ( EU and USA) want world conflict to sort out the deplorables. A clear passage to and Elite Nirvana.

    From Woodrow Wilson’s League of Nations to the United Nations were chimeras to keep the deplorables quiet and glued to the media(radios to World Wide Web) and busy betting on the Sox and Bears, or whipping up Class and Rave Hate. There is no need for such enterprises for the Skull & Bones crowd to occupy their efforts.

    Like Dickens’s Marley we have forged the chains dragging us to war and economic servitude. No one is reading anymore.

    John Kass News has readers. Readers must spark some interest in the doings of those who hate us.

    Thank you for that reminder, John Kass!

    1. The globalists of the U.N., WEF, WHO…want power. The way to get it is to get rid of those of us who will fight their communist ideas at every turn. So, they breed a new group of globalists within colleges. Those silly kids have NO sense of the world, cannot find various countries on a map, nor identify which countries lie to our north and south. But they have their speaking points memorized and have been given their marching orders to cause unrest due to perceived oppression and vote based on group think.

      Our Dems and GOP have forged together, so there is no difference between the two anymore. Without a miracle, we’re screwed.

      1. “Silly kids”: There have been at least two generations of ‘college’ educated (brainwashed) ‘sheeple’ – raised by coddling parents and not allowed by academia to think for themselves.

        Which is why the swing to the far left is full of ‘elites’ and not the blue-collar worker.

    2. As a public service to your many readers, why not list exactly who owns the media that reports the news through their own selfish eyes. To be clear, I mean the person or persons who control what’s being reported in the various outlets. Who are they affiliated with and to whom in politics do they donate money to ? In other words, what is their personal agenda and why? Lastly did any one of these people even attend Journalism school ?

      1. LOVED that book! Taught me so much as to how the Great Depression started and how the East coast liberal elite planted their despicable roots. Helped me understand the banking industry, too (In It’s a Wonderful Life, George Bailey explains fractional reserve banking very succinctly).

    3. There are so many dreadful aspects to what Hamas has done, but nothing more disturbing than how many people in our country seem to support their actions. These are the same people who cheered 911. I really don’t understand America’s immigration policies. So many different groups come here to live the American way of life and they fit in really well. Chicago wouldn’t survive without all the great Mexicans who have moved here. Why do we let in the haters?

  2. To compare Biden to Carter is an insult to Carter! Biden is a grifter who’s lied to Americans! His policies shift with the wind. Carter, while not an effective president, runs rings around this buffoon that currently occupies the White House!

    1. I agree that President Carter is a man of character. He was ill prepared for the cesspool of DC and the world. However, he has served as a great role model post-presidency. Mr. & Mrs. Carter have been advocating and working for the homeless for decades, living simply and giving bac, The Biden family buys more houses for themselves.

  3. Great column as usual, Mr. Kass. While I agree that Carter and Biden are both weak, I think that the difference between the two is basic morality.
    Carter was a very weak President, as evidenced by the takeover of the embassy in Tehran, the holding of American hostages for over a year, and the debacle “rescue attempt”, using elite units that had not adequately trained together and equipment not tested in a desert environment.
    Biden’s weakness, and the weakness and idiocy of his subordinates, was evidenced by our debacle “withdrawal” from Afghanistan, which was the most poorly planned and executed military operation I’ve ever seen.
    In my opinion, although both were/are weak, I believe that Carter had some
    “basic morality” going for him. He had served as a Naval Officer and a Governor in his past, and I believe that he cared about this country instead of caring about getting wealthy.
    But, like my Dad always said “People get the kind of politicians that they richly deserve”, then and now.

  4. John, at a minimum, the press in 1979-1980 period tracked the Iranian hostage crisis daily (Nightline was born from this coverage). They also covered Ted Kennedy’s challenge to Carter as a real contest, unlike the coverage his nephew experienced 44 years later. My point is, the most destructive force right now in our country is the indoctrination of younger Americans by those smug media elites in the salons along the Acela Corridor. I’m praying we survive the Biden presidency, but administrations come and go. But what of the Sunday morning experts in the narthex porches of the network green rooms? (Had to look up narthex; hope I used it correctly) they remain the cancer that is an existential threat to our constitutional republic!

  5. Nice column, JK. Since America’s civic memory is about as weak as Joe’s personal memory, few journalists or other Democrat apologists now recall how Biden’s first presidential campaign ended. In 1987 he gave an impassioned autobiographical speech about being the first person in his family ever to go to college, recalling his Welsh ancestors climbing up from a long day in the coal mines to play a game of soccer, and other inspiring Biden family history. Turned out that was the autobiography recently speechified by British politician Neil Kinnock.

    Biden was enough of a gasbag goof to try stealing someone else’s autobiography — 36 years ago. It’s worth remembering that he was a blithering fool long before he became an infirm blithering fool.

    Don’t be surprised if Joe’s next ramble includes the lessons he learned as a peanut farmer.

    1. Excellent point, David. Biden has never been bright or exhibited an abundance of character. “Blithering fool” or “charlatan” are the perfect descriptors for our current president.

  6. I, too, went along with Bush policies because of the horror of 9/11 and fear. Fear is the worst way to make long term decisions, and I have learned my lesson. What I don’t understand is why wars are so politicized that they become unwinnable. Presidents are not in the military, yet they direct which parallel we cannot cross or tell our allies to fight with one arm tied behind their back–to save humanity. Wars are about breaking things and killing people. It’s not pleasant, but it’s a fact.

    Biden linking both the situations in Ukraine and Israel as if they are equal diminishes the Israeli conflict. He also left out Iran who is funding Hamas because of other boneheaded decisions Biden has made.

    But, hey, I’m sure our foes are really shaking in their boots when our squinty eyed, senile president tells them, “Don’t. Don’t. Don’t.” Is this some secret code not to let the U.S. citizens know about his family’s money laundering operation in Ukraine?

    It’s as if Biden & Co need a war. Obama’s hands are all over this. For it is he whose hand is up the meat puppet controlling things. And while the destruction of our country and world continue, the GOP is too busy infighting to be of any worth.

    1. Thank you Erin. Thank you so much. Your last paragraph says it all. I admit I’ve been very blind. I have wondered who the Biden puppet master really was. It’s been obvious all along, right under my nose. Thank you for truly waking me up to the reality.

  7. Every day brings us closer to the brink. Maybe it’s my age, but the more things change the more they stay the same, FUBAR! I keep thinking of the Temptations hit from the sixties, ‘Ball of Confusion”. that’s what we got and it ain’t pretty.

  8. I am curious. What if Hillary beat Trump. I know I know, never would have happened. But just for argument say she did. Would Obama have had his hand so far up her butt playing puppet master then that we’d have been where we are now much sooner ???

    Scary thought

  9. Mike, you’re in the sixties. I’ll jump to the 80’s. Ever see the Gensis video for “Land of Confusion” with a babbling Reagan vs Gorbachev ? Lyrics to the song are accurate and chilling. Ends with him pushing the button from bed thinking it was the alarm or something.

    Scary then, even scarier now.

  10. Well written sir!
    It is so easy for the DC crowd to link the two conflicts because they know the room. The DC press corps will echo this drivel to the masses and the masses will like it. Think North Korean Generals taking notes from the Supreme Leader. The only thing missing is the throng of crying females touching the Supreme Leader in reverence.

  11. I agree with the assessment of Jimmy Carter. He was pretty incompetent but he meant well. Biden is also very incompetent but his corruption cannot be matched by any other president. He and his family are the epitome of grifters. The millions of dollars they have hustled by manipulating global policy are unmatched. They precipitated the war in the Ukraine by Biden admittedly threatening to withhold aid if they didn’t fire the prosecutor who was looking into Burisma and Hunter Biden. Just like the terrorist attacks on 9/11 and the attacks on Israel it is not hard to disbelieve that intelligence failures are too blame. It’s also not hard to believe the American public is getting played with the media endorsing our involvement in these endless wars. Who is profiting from these wars? I’m sure the Bidens have healthy stock portfolios in the companies dealing with munitions. Susan Rice supposedly made millions from riding the Trump pro business economy. If you rode the Trump wave you probably did well too. But we’re not elites. We need to stay in our designated lane. If you knew where the next “crisis” was you would probably get wealthy too. We’re not privy to the plan so don’t bother looking. We’re all getting played. If you don’t know who the mark is on the card game, THEN YOU’RE THE MARK.

  12. I agree with most said already. But regarding the hostage situation, Biden should have stood up regarding the U.S. citizens taken hostage by Hamas. He should have said immediately. You will free all U.S. citizens in you custody by morning or we will consider your actions an act of war against the U.S. In addition, his blithering of “Don’t” should have been directed to Hezbollah in the strongest of words. That is what strong leaders do.

  13. And while on comparisons, Hunter even makes Billy look good and make Bert Lance look like a piker. The only thing Billy did to feed at the trough was get his name on the beer can.

  14. Brilliant assessment; blunt and honest. Whether by design, dumb has been defined downward so far in public schools that the media and the colleges they graduate from are defined by it. The ACT and SAT results bear it out, as do their parroted talking points on the Marxism they are fed. They have no reading skills, and newspapers continue their die-off. Garbage goes in for their formative years- will be a lifetime coming back out. Sadly it seems to be the best they can give.

  15. Of course there is an “alliance between left-wing activists and militant Muslims” as they both have ‘Death to America’ as a basic tenet of their movements. As far as I’m concerned, the Federal Representatives who buy into that concept, I’m looking at “The Squat” in particular, are unfit to serve in Congress.

  16. You mention “the bizarre alliance between left-wing activists and militant Muslims”. I, however, do not see this a bizarre alliance. Even though these two group have very different core beliefs, they have one thing in common: antisemitism. Since WWII no one has wanted to be branded as antisemitic but antisemitism has existed for centuries. This belief has become ingrained deeply into certain areas of society to the point of being a visceral reaction and Jews held as the natural scapegoats for all the ills of the world. Any thinking person knows this is ridiculous but still it persists.

    Perhaps it’s time we labeled the “the bizarre alliance between left-wing activists and militant Muslims” as no more than raw antisemitism and let world see them in their true light.

  17. Yianni,
    Once again, you’ve put down in black and white, what we’ve all been thinking and mulling over each day for the past three years. How the hell did so many naive voters – who disliked Trump so much – ever have the mentality to elect Joe? I’ll never understand it! He’s always been a socialist/lefty, and unable to think on his own. Obama has repeatedly stated what an empty suit Joe was, and continues to be. It’s no wonder all our adversaries have decided it’s time to strike when we’re at our weakest, with a president that can’t put two cohesive sentences together in critical times. Some commander in chief? More like commander in thief! At least I don’t believe Carter was a crook, just an inept head of state that wasn’t able to delegate, insisting on doing it all himself, which led to his demise. No wonder American citizenry has been arming themselves, as they fear we’re heading down a most perilous path of confrontation with our enemies, and we’re basically “on our own” to protect ourselves, thanks to progressive policies and Soros minions.

  18. To Carter’s credit he recognized the drag that unnecessary regulation exerts on the economy. He tried to attack inflation by substantially reducing the government’s non-competitive restraints and encouraged free markets in air transportation, trucking, rails, and long distance telephone service. Biden is aggressively moving in the opposite regulatory direction.

  19. John, I concur with your headline, “Joe Biden is Jimmy Carter 2.0.” However, perhaps an even more appropriate headline might be, “Joe Biden is Barack Obama’s Third Term.” Seeing what Biden has done and is doing in Washington, I am convinced that Obama’s influence is still quite pervasive.

  20. Thanks for your latest article John! I agree with many of the reader comments who have expressed that while both Carter and Biden are both weak Presidents, Carter was a moral man who cared about the country – he wasn’t a liar and corrupted by greed and power and willing to be controlled by the “handlers”. So to that end, Biden is not Carter 2.0, but Carter version negative -2.0. The difference is Biden is all about Biden and pleasing the left leaning handlers and elites. The support for Israel we see from his administration is only to appease the American populace that has seen the horror of what Hamas did and does, and to try to divert attention from their colossal failures in supporting Iran and all its cronies like Hamas. Lipson is correct about the unbelievable alliance of Progressivism and Radical Islam, “the enemy of my enemy (USA/Israel) is my friend”, at least until the achieve what they jointly seek. The bigger issue is the drive to categorize everyone in the USA, so as to control them- seeking after power. Truly, The real enemy is the spiritual one who seeks to divide and categorize and blind us to the truths of loving God and loving our neighbor above all!

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