It’s Moutza Time: Just Say Nah! to the Idiocracy

By John Kass | June 7, 2024

The idiocracy stretches to the far horizons with absolute morons eagerly lining up for the Golden Moutza of the Month.

There was beleaguered Chicago Transit Authority boss Dorval Carter playing the race card, the last refuge of the weasel.

Mr. Carter, you and your CTA suits should try riding the CTA after midnight, without bodyguards, so you can experience it the way poor black and Latino women must experience public transit.

And blow on this.


The morons line up like Joe Biden’s illegals at the border as the president gaslights the nation that he’s doing something about immigration.

Meanwhile, Jill Biden, the First Lady of the United States, the Edith Wilson of the Biden White House, plays the role of Queen Bee seeking sympathy in a Delaware courtroom.

Presidents are exempt from winning the Golden Moutza, but the Moutzatution is mum on Dr. Jill doing a cheap rendition of a  mob mommy giving jurors the fish eye as she protects her son.



She seeks sympathy for crackhead First son Hunter Biden on trial for lying on a federal firearms form. The evidence is in the laptop. It was real. It wasn’t a Russian op.

Where are the 51 American intelligence officials who insisted it was Russian disinformation?

Nah and Nah again.

Delaware is a suck-up state, and for 50 years they’ve sucked up to the Bidens. Jill and Joe and Hunter are playing for sympathy and jury nullification according to law professor Jonathan Turley.


But a jury in New York convicted Donald Trump on bs misdemeanor charges ginned up into felonies by a Soros prosecutor who campaigned on the promise that he’d “get” Trump?


“I nominate myself, John,” writes loyal reader Jackie Marie in the nominations for the Golden Moutza of May. “I was absolutely ignorant thinking the Trump jury was going to do the right thing and follow the rule of law. NAH!!”

They didn’t do the right thing. They convicted him like the “jury” in a banana republic. But they declared that New York is the city of chumbolones.

And now Republicans will grab the legal tomahawks for revenge.

You know how this works. Readers find me on social media to make their nominations.

But all this Golden Moutza activity is making me hungry for certain fats now that my gallbladder is gone.

Anyone hungry yet?

How about a good grilled cheese sandwich? All you need is factory cheese and crappy factory white bread and a sauté pan. And what do you get?

A crappy sandwich.

It didn’t have to be that way. If only there was a master of grilled cheese sandwiches as I am the master of the moutza, the world would be a better place.

But as I am a river to my people, here’s a sandwich hint. Use two slices of good sourdough bread and grate gruyere cheese and Swiss, and brush both sides of the bread with mayonnaise. Put it all in a pan and grill it.

You’ll get a tasty gourmet grilled cheese fit for an adult.

Add a good hot cup of homemade tomato soup, and that’s a lunch fit for a king.

Question. Would you put the fat, leftist and oafish head of MSNBC’s Mike Barnicle between two slices of bread for a moutza sandwich?

Not really.

As I sat down to write this, there was Barnicle–the serial plagiarist and former Boston Globe columnist– pontificating on the leftist network show “Morning Joe.”

Barnicle? Blow on it. Nah!

How does he have a job when he has a history of making stuff up? Because the left loves fairy tales, whether the tales come from Joe Biden or some other congenital liar.

Barnicle was upset that the Wall Street Journal had reported what every politico and American know to be true:

That president Joe Biden’s mental state is in rapid decline, something that I and others of us have been warning about for years. Biden is Barack Obama’s meat puppet. His mental acuity is gone.

You wouldn’t hire him to make hamburgers at a McDonald’s.

But the left and their Democrats want America to hire him to run the country?

My lord. Absolutely not.

All this has enraged the Biden White House. And so, they pushed back using Axios to whine and complain and distribute talking points.

According to Axios, “It’s a little surprising that The Wall Street Journal thought it was breaking news when congressional Republicans told them the same false claims they’ve spouted on Fox News for years, but it’s also telling that the only individuals willing to smear the President in this story are political opponents afraid to use their names — plus one proven liar.”

Wrong.  They weren’t false claims. Can’t the corrupt corporate media admit Biden is a senile puddle of goo and that Jill Biden engages in senior abuse to keep her power status?

MSNBC’s Barnicle read the Axios talking points and spouted them on cue. He was a good columnist once, and former friends at the Tribune revere him.

I don’t.

Barnicle was a repeat serial plagiarist. He made stuff up. He stole ideas. He lifted quotes about cancer patients. Pathetic.

And the left loved him. They still do. There is no shame.

Biden, the Commander McBrag of American politics, a serial fabulist who says his “heroic” uncle was eaten by cannibals, is defended by Barnicle the plagiarist.

And yet Democrats of the hard left rush to the hysterics of MSNBC, seeking reassurance as if they were baby rats seeking mother’s milk.

What does that tell us?

They are so desperate to win in November that they too have no shame.

Denise Harmantas Mikkelsen nominated the walking conflict of interest, Trump trial judge Juan Merchan.

“Judge Merchan,” wrote Mikkelsen. “He is the worst judge ever.”

Tom Winike: “Nah ! Moutza to woke movie stars. We should expect a “Taxi Driver” sequel with Robert De Niro as a psycho stalker who develops a crush on Joe Biden. He undergoes sex-change surgery and drives a “Transgender Taxi”

“Last minute nomination,” said writer David Mansfield. “The New York judicial system. Nuf said. NAH!!  And Easy one. Robert De Niro with his TDS induced rant explaining how the nation would be destroyed if Trump is reelected even though it wasn’t destroyed the last time, he was President and was actually even better. Nah!

From Nancy Trainor:

“Let’s add Judge Merchan and the cue-ball head, fat Alvin [Bragg] to the list.”

Reader Vicky Iwanow Ziemba puts it this way:

“With each passing month comes a smorgasbord of Moutza-worthy candidates! How about that NYC judge Merchan presiding over Trump’s trial, bypassing court laws and making up his own rules for the jury! Nah!!”

Judge Merchan is a walking conflict of interest who shames the New York legal system.

Merchan’s daughter raises millions off the Trump trial and her father’s kangaroo court. And yet he repeatedly refused to recuse himself.

There are many who deserve this Golden Moutza of May, from fat head Soros prosecutor Alvin Bragg to Jill Biden to the Democrats letting invaders into the U.S., but Judge Juan Merchan goes into the history books as the judge who formalized Americas transition as a Banana Republic.

Some Golden Moutzas come by accident, but Juan Merchan, you worked hard for this one. It is no accident. Lift up your chin Merchan. Take it in the face like a man.


Blow on it.




About the author: John Kass spent decades as a political writer and news columnist in Chicago working at a major metropolitan newspaper. He is co-host of The Chicago Way podcast. And he just loves his “No Chumbolone” hat, because is a “No Chumbolone” Zone where you can always get a cup of common sense.

Comments 36

  1. It seems to be getting harder and harder to pick the monthly Golden Moutzas. The list seems to grow with each month. We are in for a long hot summer and June seems to be off to a “good” start with the anxiety ridden mayor cancelling the July 4th fireworks.

  2. Until Bragg ginned up and hyperinflated “charges” and the Judge helped his daughter raise oodles of money for the Dems and DOCTOR Jill Biden looks all weepy at Sonny Hunters trial, one might think the republic could survive. Banana republic fits. The left crafts their “vision” for a Soros/Obama utopia. Just like days of yore you followed the Dem party line, maybe rsng a doorbell or two and you got a nice 55 Gal drum in the alley or the snowplow made an off course run down your block or the best cop ignored a parking violation. All was well in Daleyland. Today it’s forgive student loans, or benefits for the mountains of illegals who want to turn the USA into the hellhole they supposedly ran from. Biden and Co gaslight so well. The kids have no clue what happened 80 years ago yesterday. Fight? Risk their life. Why?

  3. New York City is a cesspool. The legal system there is a joke. The judge’s actions are the rule, not the exception. Remember, New York is the state that gave us the oily, slimy Chuck Schumer, who never will be mistaken as nothing else but a political hack of the lowest degree. It hard to think that a state could be worse than Illinois, but New York and New Jersey are right up there.

  4. Man, you are popping on all sixes, Brother John! MSNBC is a Huge tent packed with cretins, feebs and dummies ( Chris Hayes (Andy Shaw’s in-law), Rachel Maddcow, the always repulsive Nicole Wallace, Larry the Leftist O’Donnell, Morning Murderer and his cow of a paramore, ) BUTT!!!

    Of all of the repellant gasbags on MSNBC, Mike Barnicle takes the cheese . . .out of a poor kid’s sandwich!

    Moutzah the MoFo!!!!

  5. Nice Moutza. Suggests a big-budget movie, “Banana Republic.” Of course it stars De Niro as Generalissimo De Nounco, threatening opponents with dungeon and death. Mike Barnicle claims he actually wrote the script. And Judge Merchan sentences critical reviewers to a private meeting with De Niro.

    Joe tries to sit down to watch this inflated production, but there’s no seat. Jill escorts him away.

  6. My thoughts so far.

    Oh, grilled cheese: Yes to the mayonnaise. Use Duke’s, a southern tradition available at stores nationwide, including Jewel (Safeway-SUPERVALU) and Mariano’s (Kroger). Change out the gruyere for extra-sharp cheddar, use Rosen’s or bakery rye, and occasionally add thin slivers of raw onion or a thin layer of sauerkraut before pan grilling. Tomato soup is a given for this sandwich.

  7. Over the years, Moutza Time has always been my favorite article. It IS upsetting to know there are always so many viable candidates; one might assume we’d have to run out, eventually. But NOOOO! To borrow Jimmy Durante’s famous line: “I’m surrounded by assassins!”

  8. “Where are the 51 American intelligence officials who insisted it was Russian disinformation?”

    Actually, John, they never “insisted” that Hunter’s laptop was Russian disinformation. They built an escape hatch by saying that it had “all the earmarks” that it was. This smarmy, legalistic formulation was designed to give them a way to deny that they were either lying or mistaken. They damn well knew that most reporters and the vast majority of readers would skip over their intentional ambiguity and go right to how you characterized their statement.

  9. I was going to rail that maybe it’s time to drop the amnesty for Presidents being excluded for the Moutza. Biden is a poster child for every loser award there is.

    But, yes without a doubt, Juan (doesn’t deserve to be called a judge) Merchan is the obvious choice from the biggest pile of steaming cow dung (without shots 😳) candidates there is.

    You made this statement, “Judge Merchan is a walking conflict of interest who shames the New York legal system.”

    Not the New York legal system, John, the entire legal system, the entire damn system.

    1. God willing, January 2025 we will finally see Joe Biden’s name in the Moutza award column! John can recount the four years of hell he has put our nation through. It can’t come soon enough…

  10. Excellent pick. I always enjoy the whole Moutza process. Reading all the worthy nominations.
    Then low and behold the worthy candidates are revealed.
    I must admit some months I say yep that idiot deserves it with a little chuckle. Then there are months I say holy cow this is beyond egregious behavior and I’m saddened by how we got here.
    Now onto that grilled cheese. Apply a thin layer of cream cheese then pile on the cheese, ( yes grate your cheese it matters)
    You will thank me. Enjoy.

  11. Bravo! You nailed it as always. Nothing is more satisfying than giving someone a well-deserved hand plant, NAH! Let’s have a Moutza Wall of Shame printed! (and posted to all social media for everyone to see) Stay healthy, John ~ we need your voice of common sense and logic.

  12. Someone needs to do a study on how much money is going to be generated by the Trump trial conviction. Everything. I mean everything. Everyone involved. Trump has now raised a record amount of money for his campaign fund . “Judge” (and I use that term lightly) Merchan’s daughter has raised millions off of never Trumpers. Every juror is going to cash out with appearances on the fecal ridden “The View” and equally fecal ridden Colbert show. At least when the jurors come out of hiding. That loathsome swamp creature and failed presidential candidate Ara Hutchinson has stated that jurors are not cashing out proving their sincerity in the legal
    process. Really? The jurors are currently hiding deeper than the Navy Seals who killed Bon Laden did over their guilt and complicity in this “trial”. When the first juror decides to cash in they all will. I can’t wait to hear “Joy” Behar gushing in her adoration of these jurors. Bragg will cash in with book deals interviews and corporate America gifts to explain his brilliant, unsound legal logic that saved “our democracy”. Biased and corrupt Judge Merchan will also be gifted by corporate America and George Soros for his brilliant musings on this sham trial. When this ends up at the Supreme Court, hopefully it is overturned with a recommendation of legal disbarment for both of these corrupt state agents. Along with criminal prosecution for both. Any corporate entity that hires them should be hit with boycotts. Trump should also file lawsuits for punitive damages reaching into their pensions and 401 k’s for damages. Really.

  13. Certainly Jill Biden is a strong alternate choice. If you listen to a Joe Biden speech now, you’ll notice that much of the time he’s actually slurring his words. Imagine the kind of things that she sees regarding his cognitive decline. The fact that she not only didn’t talk him out of running again, but openly stomps for him and his fitness is unconscionable.

    1. Who else do they have? that’s their problem, if the latest nothing burger , emigration fix is swallowed by enough of the kool aid drinkers he will still be allowed to run, watch the poll numbers that will tell, must be some vicious knife fights going on behind closed doors , who gets the top spot if they have to jettison ol Joe

  14. By the way…CNN just aired an interview with the neighbor of Supreme Court Justice Alito over the so called “distress” flag incident. The woman revealed how she baited Alitos wife into a verbal exchange in which she called Alitos wife a four letter word that rhymes with “runt”. The CNN interviewer sat by and smugly smiled. Despicable. I guess it’s our new society where you can call elderly woman a vile term and be praised for it. Not a word of outrage from the left or our friends atc” The View”. I wonder how much CNN paid her for this tidbit….

  15. I said it once before, I’ll say it again: IT IS WRONG TO MAKE FUN OF SOMEONES ILLNESS. Yes, one can criticize his decisions and you can make fun of those around him who manipulate the man. But to make fun of someone who doesn’t know what’s happening is wrong. People with early dementia are like children. They look to please those who take care and love them . What’s next John, calling those with Downs syndrome ‘retards’, those with disabilities ‘cripples’, etc. Don’t lower yourself to Trump status where he made fun of someone with a disability by flailing his arms and talking incoherently. And don’t forget that our draft dodging former president made fun of John McCa

      1. Thomas, although I agree with your saying


        I don’t think anyone is making fun of it, rather just stating an obvious fact. There are some serious stories popping up out there in which his own cabinet is stating such, although other frauds within his circle are trying to control the spin. This man is seriously ill and it rears its ugly head each and every day he appears in public. The pics/videos of this weekends Normandy get together are pitiful, complete with Dr Jill doing whatever the hell she is trying to do, allegedly whispering to him to stand when he tried to sit on a chair that wasn’t there.

        No, the real crime is putting him front and center for the masses to see. He has no business at this point being President, and less business as a candidate for re-election.

        No, this is not about making fun of his condition. It’s more of asking people – all people to wake the hell up.

        1. John calls him a meat puppet.
          Is that fair to a man who is being manipulated by his so called love ones. Patients at this early stage of dementia are full of fear. They know somethings wrong. They are dependent on those close to them. They want to please their loved ones so that they get support. They fear of being put in nursing homes, being abandoned. They try to please and can be manipulated. Every time he stumbles, makes a gaff, looks confused I see my mother, in law, aunt and uncles, etc.
          Just stop calling him names. Its wrong! Try being kind to those who suffer from this terrible disease.

    1. Have Dr. Jill (sic) make the President resign, or at least stop him from running for re-election. The entire world knows he is a bumbling, stumbling buffoon. Half of the country will stop making fun of him. The other half will have their collective heads in the sand. FYI, I’m no fan of the orange guy either.

  16. John Kass, you are the greatest and your montage of Golden Moutza superb in printed form. God bless you sir and keep on keeping on.
    Always proud to share your words with all my family and friends. I hope some of them get the stimulus to pay forward on your packages of wisdom, facts and truth.
    All my best,

  17. I always look so forward to the monthly Moutza column…and bonus extra for this morning, you gave me a mention for cue-ball head fat Alvin Bragg! I can’t wait until this joke of a trail is overturned. NAH!

  18. I’m watching Joe Biden giving a speech in France where he’s thanking the soldiers who stormed the beaches at Hiroshima enabling the defeat of Japan that ended the Second World War…

    1. Hey Enrique did ole Joe mention how the Germans started the war by bombing Pearl Harbor and how we ended the war by dropping the BOMB on Berlin?

  19. Mimicking an ethically impaired Umpire behind home plate, calling them through partisan tinted lenses.

    Gaveled out with a world class piece of journalism laden with razor sharp analogies, booting this Despotic Jurist where it hurts the most with wheel barrows full of Truth.

    I read it twice.


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