Chicago Way w/John Kass: Where private schools are fascist and the CTU runs the show

By John Kass

Sept. 11, 2023

Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson and his puppet mistress, CTU’s Stacy Davis Gates have been found out and publicly exposed. They don’t like it.

Johnson responds by playing the race card, portraying his critics as racists. And Davis Gates has spent years vilifying as “fascists” those who would offer so-called “School Choice” education opportunities to impoverished black and Latino children. She’s been recently exposed as a fraud for sending her son to a private Catholic School, while she denies the same chances to others.

“It’s all hypocrisy,” said former Chicago mayoral candidate Paul Vallas, who joins Jeff Carlin and me as our guest on The Chicago Way.

He doesn’t begrudge her for wanting to find better schools for her son, but he does mock her for the arrogant hypocrisy she employs publicly damning parents who seek better schools. She’s phony, plain and simple. And her allies are phonies.

And Vallas points out that the CTU’s shutting of the public schools has led to the rise in violent crime.

“We’ve seen a surge in crime in blue cities, which is a direct result of the school system being shut down and the unions demanding defunding the police and pressuring school councils to remove police from schools.”

And now Johnson toys with building a series of tent cities—we might call them “Johnsonvilles”– to house the illegal migrants who have swarmed across the non-existent Southern borders and overwhelmed once-sanctimonious blue Democrat “sanctuary cities.”

“I was in the national guard 13 years and many winters” Vallas said. “Building  tents in the winter in Chicago, what is he (Johnson) thinking?”


Comments 30

  1. Rather than tents, why not McCormick Place? Lori had that tricked out pretty fast for a Covid hospital…all those neatly demised spaces…all of the bathroom facilities, food handling, etc. What’s not to like? C’mon, man!

    1. McCormick Place is an economic engine for the local economy. Trade shows may run for three or four days, however, it can take up to five days to setup and three days to move out. We’re talking about hundreds of jobs for union employees and tens of thousands of jobs in the hotels and restaurants. McP generates much needed revenue. Covid shut those industries down for a long period.

  2. Well, it seems there is no end to Johnson’s cluelessness, or lack of real world experience. Must be true that stupid is as stupid does!! Again and again!! But then the voters who elected him instead of Paul, are just as clueless…oh well…

    1. Well there are many to blame. Only one third of the registered voters in Cook county came out to vote in the last mayoral election!
      Let’s put some blame on the two thirds of register voters who couldn’t be bothered to come out and vote. Totally oblivious to the problems or just don’t care?

  3. Calling those tent cities “Johnsonvilles” defames a reasonable brand of sausages. Perhaps “Clownville,” or “Hypocrisy Acres” would be a better choice.

  4. I thought we already had tent cities. As I drive into the city, infrequently as possible, I notice tents all over the place; under, bridges, in parks, over steam grates, in door ways, and other places. Why not just rent some of these places. How about the Soldier Field Parking lots. After Sunday’s attempt at football, no one should show up to watch the former Monsters of the Midway sleep walk through a game.

  5. The fact that the Illinois General Assembly opted not to renew the one accomplishment of Bruce Rauner’s one term in office, the school choice scholarship program – (Rauner’s Invest In Kids Act) – tells you all you need to know about the hopelessness in this state. They have a chance to bring it up for a vote in the Fall Veto Session, but, John, you and I know that’s not going to happen. But we can shame them into submission with the embarrassing action of Ms. Davis Gates, or at least get a laugh or two as her and BLM Brandon squirm in the defense of their comical effort to justify Ms. Davis Gates sending her son to a private school!

  6. When you think it couldn’t be any worse than Lori, Brandon says “hold my beer’.
    On the positive side, you’ll have an endless supply of columns and podcasts for us.

  7. Black mayor, president of Cook County, police chief, Speaker, aldermen, congressman, Invisible black attorney general, and what do they all have in common?

    They all care less about young black people than those who they vilify and smear as racist. They are worse than racists, they are corrupt, venal, hypocrites who deflect all their misdoings to con their supporters.

    I cannot understand how anyone with an open mind can keep voting these clowns in.

  8. Face it, the CTU and Johnson aren’t democrats anymore, they are socialists and want the citizenry to be beholden to them and the government to give them “free” money, and thereby the citizens owe them their livelihood, not matter how little they get.
    The scholarship program will end as it will erode their hold on the public. The DOJ has labeled the Catholic or Christian schools terrorist organizations, it only follows that the State and City will follow this line of thinking and oppose school choice.

    Teaching kids to live a life of being kind to each other is contrary to their dogma.
    The CPS has been abysmal at best for decades, yet the CTU wants more pay for doing a lot less.

    The drain swirl is only going to grow larger and be the demise of the City, County, the State, and even the Federal Government. This will decimate our society.

    1. It’s not socialism. It’s a power grab using socialism as a vehicle. It’s all a con.

      The oligarchs have used our political parties to further their own ends. They use culture to divide us and platitudes and slogans to distract us.

      We need true reform. We need a return to actual democratic principles.

      We live in a Republic that has been taken over and our representatives have all been bought and psi’s for.

      This is much bigger than MAGA and Trump and Sleepy Joe and Hunter.

      USA is teetering on a high wire and military power is the only thing we still have.

    2. TK, you are absolutely correct in your assessment of Chicago, Cook County, IL. (There is still a glimmer of hope for the Country). The Marxist/Democrats’ goal is dystopia. This societal condition gives them what they really desire: power! Destroying the two parent family and replacing the financial provider with welfare is just one important technique to achieve their goal. Welfare destroys self-worth and creates dependency on government. Poor (or no) education is another technique. As we know the CTU doesn’t care about educating children. They have demonstrated their disdain for education for decades. Also, the race hustlers will continue to play the “racist” card because, sadly, it works.

  9. Great batch of responses, I pretty much agree with them all. It’s one of the worst kept secrets that city teachers send their own kids to parochial schools. While CTU teachers refused to show up in person to teach kids during Covid lockdowns, they had no problem sending their kids to their local Catholic school. At least the ones who didn’t fly to Puerto Rico to remote teach (from the beach) did! Teaching is always best with a MaiTai in hand. Yes, do as I say not as I do. Haven’t had a chance to listen to the podcast yet but I’m sure its gonna rock. BTW..thanks for weeding out the idiots from commenting on your site. Things have certainly gotten nicer here recently…

  10. The Chicago mayor is aptly named: Brandon. Like his model in the White House, he’s an empty suit and others are calling the shots. Shadow government and engineered voter apathy are ruining our Republic.

  11. Yes, She is a big HYPOCRITE! Ashamed to say her “Union Teachers” aren’t good enough for her kid! And “Big Johnson” is really great at showing up for events and photo ops. Now he wants to fast track approval for the Migrants to get jobs. What about jobs for the citizens who are unemployed and the homeless in the city? They want to tear down those tents.
    Sad to say that the city voters believed the Bull that the “Big Johnson” was pedaling and voted him in.

  12. Regarding her son’s soccer she either lied or is clueless. You play soccer in college by playing on a club team. No ifs, ands or buts. D-1 coaches rarely (if ever) go to high school games. The kid could have gone to a public school and joined (often by tryouts) a club team. Some club players I knew even skipped high school soccer altogether.

    1. Great point brad!! ‘Club’ is where the good players play year round. Many play for their HS during the soccer season but they get the competition, and good training outside of the HS environment.

  13. We already have the clowns, Mayor Johnson and Governor Pritzker, so why not build a big top tent… The clowns I mentioned tried to hire gang members as peacekeepers, that worked splendidly, with the peacekeepers robbing and beating people. Winter
    Brandon and J.B. are virtue signaling carnies who proclaim Illinois as a “Sanctuary State” that they charge (tax) citizens for the proposed big top for illegals…Funny, Billionaire J.B. Pritzker never volunteered any of his hotels to take in migrants, maybe they removed the toilets…for tax season…
    Speaking of the Circus Tent and folks like our politician clowns:
    P.T. Barnum once said,”No man went broke overestimating the ignorance of the American Public.”

  14. John,

    I just finished listening to the 9/11 podcast; Paul Vallas never fails to disappoint. In my opinion he could be a good vice Mayor, just not a leader. When will he realize the machine is not his friend, nothing to be gained by playing nice.

  15. I respect Paul Vallas & he was great on your podcast. But I have to say that when he compared the illegal immigrants here in Chicago – several times – to your immigrant grandparents & his own immigrant grandparents (& so, by default, MY immigrant grandparents), I reacted viscerally. Yes, I’m quite proud to be second generation, descended from my hardworking immigrant grandparents. But there’s a big difference: they came here legally. They suffered the questioning of if they were fit enough & disease-free to stay once they arrived. They made strides to assimilate, learn the language, create a life. Now, because of the blatant disregard our government has for our own immigration policies – & ignoring the need for updated ones – we find ourselves here in this situation where our own homeless, underprivileged & veterans are made to suffer because those here illegally suddenly come first? Yes, we need a solution. But don’t dare compare them to my – or your – grandparents.

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