Charles Thomas Steps Off Pritzker Plantation, Enrages White Liberal Journos, & Wins First Ever “No Chumbolone Zone” Award
By John Kass | October 22, 2022
By now I figure you’ve already read my Friday column on this, but I really don’t assume anything.
Assume is apt to make an ass of you and me. I think.
But here’s the top:
Veteran WLS-TV political reporter Charles Thomas upset white liberal journalists by walking—nay, running—off Gov. J.B. Pritzker’s Democratic political plantation and working with the devil himself, Dan Proft to endorse State Sen. Darren Bailey the Christian conservative Republican farmer for governor.
All this amuses me.
Especially the white lib journos who talk about “speaking truth to power” when all they really do is kneel before some Democratic lord and wait for orders. They’ve got their Democrat families benefitting from their political reporting, but if a black man like Charles Thomas decides to think for himself, they pull their hair out and weep piteous tears.
Cowboy up you worms.
And Thomas wins the first ever “No Chumbolone Zone” award. Listen up. Jeff Carlin and I think it’s a good podcast, or we wouldn’t have offered it to you. And as always, Free.
Now all I’ve got to do is figure out an appropriate award to send Charles. Any thoughts as to what would make the perfect “No Chumbolone Zone” award?
A token? A small gift? Something?
Just don’t be a chumbolone about it.
(Copyright 2022 John Kass)