Can You Hear the Democrat Left Hating the “Sound of Freedom?”

By John Kass

Aug 9, 2023

I think I know how deep the Political Left’s roots go in its irrational, drooling hatred of a wonderful important movie, the “Sound of Freedom.”

And I think the answers can be found where the demons sleep.

Rolling Stone called it a “Superhero Movie for Dads With Brainworms.” Jezebel said it was an “anti-child trafficking fantasy fit for Qanon,” and media matters said the star, Jim Caviezel, offered “little more than a fever swamp of right-wing conspiracy theories.

In other words, their message is this: See this film and risk being branded as a right-winger.

Caviezel, as many of you know, played the part of Jesus Christ in “Passion of the Christ.” It is the role for which he was chastised and reviled by the Political Left that also loathes “Sound of Freedom.” But even that does not touch the depth of hatred demonstrated by the left for this film.

Watch them in interviews, see the mashups of video commentary, the angry unfounded reactions to conspiracy theorists hoping to drive Americans away from the box-office hit, and I think of that line in the Bible, from Matthew 18:6 with God’s warning for those who would traffic in children, and use them sexually and make of them slaves:

But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.

There is nothing ambiguous about it. God knows and God will hunt you down, and if you somehow escape for a short time, you’ll never escape the final judgement.

Left-wing publications have claimed the film—based on the true story of a U.S. Homeland Security investigator rescuing two little children from human traffickers in South and Central America—has bought into fringe conspiracy theories.

The film does nothing of the kind. It does not engage in fringe conspiracy theories as it exposes the underground sex slave trade. All that is a lie.

But leftist media seeks to engage such theories as an attempt to discredit the film and keep people away. It seeks to frighten them away with threats of social sanction.

That is the point of the seething media political rage—to maintain the cover of the shadow—lest they be illuminated by sunlight and they all burn.

Were Betty and I angry as we watched? Of course, we were angry.

We are parents. I was angry enough to have committed murder with a rock in a burlap sack, that’s how angry. I would do it slowly.

Angry at the politics that allows the open Southern border with Mexico. Angry that Chinese fentanyl and little children are sold across the non-existent border.

You can see why the left hates this film, and will try anything, from small lies to big, to keep Americans from seeing it, to frighten them away with the promise (threat) they will be associated with Qanon Conspiracy theorists.

And this is the reason for their frenzy.

It is making money, more people flock to buy tickets, and it will soon be released world-wide. And they can’t stop it.

Kind of a stupid move on Disney’s part to help make it, keep it on the shelf, unseen for years, yes?

“Sound of Freedom” isn’t car chases and repartee of “Mission Impossible.” It isn’t as important to little girls as is “Barbie” and important to their mothers who so desperately want their daughters to be part of the popular crowd.

“God’s Children aren’t for sale,” Caviezel says at one point in the film. And, at another point he explains why the selling of children is so popular with the evil ones.

Fentanyl and other drugs can be sold and used once by the addicted. Then it is consumed. It is gone and must be reshipped from China to the Mexican Cartels, and reprocessed. And we know that more than 100,000 young Americans were poisoned and killed by Chinese fentanyl this year alone. The market continues.

But Caviezel’s character explains that unlike narcotics which are sold to the user only once, a child sex slave can be sold 20 times a day.

You hear that, and then you listen to pro-Biden Democrats tell you that the border is secure, you hear pro-Biden Democrat media lickspittles tell each other that child trafficking is a story told only by conspiracy nuts.

And what do you do? You tell people to spend time with their kids, to be on watch constantly for the monsters that are attracted to and hunt vulnerable children. Oh, and one more thing:

To see “Sound of Freedom” for themselves and don’t let any media lickspittle convince them to avoid the truth of it. The children that are loved by God.


Comments 57

  1. “In other words, their message is this: See this film and risk being branded as a right-winger.”

    Saw the film, and will proudly be branded as a right-winger. Every child is worth it.

  2. People who worship gold also admire monsters(Clinton, Prince Andrew and Bill Gates) who venture to Jefferey Epstein’s island of horror, as did thosewho mocked the guy who brought the tablets of stone down from the mountain.

      1. Forgot to mention, Dershwitz, Kiplinger’s, Steve Bannon and Tom Barrad, both Trump advisors. And Ivana, Ivanka, and Melanie Trump were all there!

          1. Get it correct – “Of course there were always guests. Among the famous names reportedly hosted by Epstein were theoretical physicist Stephen Hawking, Nobel laureate Lawrence Krauss, comedian Chris Tucker, actor Kevin Spacey, Victoria’s Secret magnate Les Wexner, model Naomi Campbell, former Tony Blair aide Lord Peter Mandelson and Prince Andrew of the United Kingdom.

            It has been claimed that Bill Clinton was also a guest, though he denies ever having been there. Donald Trump reportedly flew on one of Epstein’s private jets, but it is unclear if he visited the island. The magician David Copperfield is even said to have proposed to supermodel Claudia Schiffer there.”


      2. Get educated! When Trump was still in office, he worked with Tim Ballard to work on this issue. As soon at Biden became ‘president,’ funding and support for Ballard’s efforts died. Makes me wonder who in his administration and in Congress are part of this scourge.

    1. The left has captured the culture, and that culture has made America the largest market for illicit drugs, porn and child trafficking.

      Curing America’s culture will require a monumental effort by the “right” to bring back the teachings of the Judeo-Christian foundations of this Republic. Those who believe that it is already too late need to take heart and find the courage to engage in the battle.

      The fight is not only for the soul of America. It is also for America itself as a sovereign country and for its children.

      1. Thank you John & George! The progressives “believe” they have captured the culture, but there is a sizeable group of American people who do not bow down to the cultural elites. They are those who are flocking to see this non-Hollywood driven movie. The progressive elite cannot abide with the truth, for it is, as Jesus said, the truth that sets one free, and is why they nock and attack people of faith and are attacking the 1st amendment so vigorously, to control what is truth. Just like the Chinese Communist Party, rewriting the Bible to say what the party wants you to think, because real Christians now outnumber the Chinese Communist Party there.

  3. Saw it. Cousin who works with children who have similar problems saw it. IT NEEDS TO BE SEEN. Yes, it’s a movie, and a couple facts have been altered ala Jack Webb, to protect people. I know I shouldn’t comment before I’ve had my second cup of coffee, but if the Left doesn’t like it, then that’s all the more reason in my book to see it.

  4. Good morning.

    Saw it and loved it, and have told everyone to go and see it. It is a true story as to what is happening to thousands of children that supposedly crossed our Border and are not counted for. I cried and cried watching this film which I know it is true. I encourage all to go and see and it has Sold more tickets than Tom Cruise Top Gun. Our Country is becoming a third World Country and the Voters are not paying attention and keep Voting for Obama and his cronies. Wake up and save your Country and your children and grandchildren from the clutches of the Devil. So sad that the Press is Run by Communists and Socialist that want to take this great Country down. I loved the movie, and would like to see it again, and it is a true story.

  5. I have a family member who is a lifelong liberal Democrat who watched it and thought it was a great and important movie. She is older and doesn’t understand how the radical Left controls today’s Democratic party and is not the party of JFK.

  6. I wasn’t going to see this one – I tend toward more lighthearted fare – but if the radical left wing fringe hates it so much it just made it to the top of my list.

  7. You can be sure that regardless of how universally successful Sound of Freedom becomes, the Leftist’s annual self ingratiation party once known as “The Academy Awards” will ignore the film.

    That in itself is a victory for the film.

  8. I too saw the film and was horrified. I expected it to be a low budget documentary; it is not that. It is professionally filmed and acted. The scene on a private island naturally reminded me of Epstein’s island and the still unreleased VIP guest list.

  9. I recall the Democrat left of the 1960s. Their passions were making big government bigger and taxing everything to death. Wrong-headed altruists, but more dumb than evil.

    What’s a passion driving the Democrat left in the summer of 2023? A fact-based movie about sex trafficking children. Leftists aren’t angry about sex trafficking children. They’re angry about the movie.

    I’m hoping the always-indignant troll who stalks jkn shows up on this “Sound of Freedom” subject. I can almost hear him: You right wing conspiracy nuts Trump Trump unproven claims of trafficking and Trump Trump Trump the real criminals are corporations Trump.

  10. A nation without borders ceases to be a nation. A nation that would tolerate the wholesale slaughter of innocent, defenseless unborn and even born children won’t hesitate to turn a blind eye to the wholesale trafficking of children for immoral exploitation.

    1. The killing of humans at any age is homicide. Once homicide becomes an accepted norm, as in abortion, then life becomes lessened and the entire society eventually collapses. The rampant killing in the black community is a reflection of the lessening of respect for life itself. Until this society regains a respect for life it is doomed.

  11. The first big sign was that Disney kept this on the shelf for 5 years till rights were purchased by someone with the guts to distribute it. Thank God. Such a critical message. It goes on every day all around us. The flood of illegals with no ability to earn a living are turning to the one commodity readily salable, or the coyotes are enslaving them first. Two areas of NYC are now open air markets for sex, one minutes from LaGuardia. (Helps if you speak at least poquito espanol but hey sex for sale is a universal language). A few years back a small story ran in the Chicago papers on a woman who had sold/rented her 6 month old to a man in Gary IN nominally for two year period. Blessedly they both were arrested and this infant rescued. Look up the DHS “Blue Campaign” on the web. That will give you a small idea of the problem. Major sporting events are a magnet. Super Bowl, World Series, Final Four, etc all boost this activity. DHS shut down in the US but other alternate sites are out there.
    It is a rabbit hole, and the left does nothing. Epstein had lots of very powerful friends. They must be protected at all costs. Ironic how we have a blockbuster movie in “Barbie” and the most desirable of those trafficked are the little girls who are in their Barbie years. If you have not seen this film. Do so.

    1. Indeed, Mr Kenney. As you noted, this abomination …”goes on every day all around us.”

      I’ve provided mental health services in remote rural areas for many years now. Enslavement happens in this country, right under our noses, in places you’d least expect. The enemy of our souls is working overtime as the return of the One True King approaches.

      We all must stand for the defenseless. We must do what we can, in whatever way — large or small — to make a difference.

      Don’t let evil win.

  12. It is a good movie. It is a necessary movie.

    A lot of folks (myself included) have difficulty watching intense films. Remarkably, I was able to view Sound of Freedom twice (once with hubs, once with BFF).

    It is well done. There are tense moments, but there is no sensational gore, nor puerile scenes.

    Angel Studios has a page on their site set up to fund tickets. If you can’t afford a ticket, you can get one free, no questions asked.

    If you can afford it, there’s an option to pay it forward.

  13. This was such an important film. Our daughter saw it independent of me and said she cried all the way through. How can anyone dismiss the facts this film illuminates? There are Harvey Weinstein-types in Hollywood who are part of this and attempting to justify having sex with minors. Disgusting.

    And with media attempting to dismiss this movie and try to connect it to the far right, it is becoming more popular. It’s the little movie that could.

  14. Yianni – these leftists are evil. Have said it many times over the course of last few years, and see no reason to retract that statement. Wherever you look, they are seeking to destroy the fabric of our society by denegrating our beliefs, religions, laws, police forces, and any signs of “authority” that do not mesh with theirs. They have refused to accept any rulings by SCOTUS! (So much for checks and balances!) They continue to corrode cities across America, like SanFran, LA, New York, Seattle, Portland, and yes, Chicago, Minneapolis, and on and on. Don’t know if we’ll last another year with these satans at the helm, but we must continue our prayers that, at some point, we’ll be delivered. Theos Filaxi!!

  15. When Grace and I saw it two weeks after it opened at Cinemark in 7 Bridges, the theater was packed. Not one person left before Caviezel’s post script video message, and when that was completed some brave soul shouted “Trump 2024!” The response was loud applause. Yes, This all happened in currently BluPage County. Maybe something’s afoot! 🇺🇸

      1. Uh yeah, Trump is hardly a good example the way he has treated women. Who he is, is out there for all to see. HOWEVER, the deep, hidden corruption of the present administration is WORSE. I wish conservatives would come up with a better candidate than Trump, yes, but I can understand the frustration of this crowd who yelled Trump. Time for a 3rd party option.

    1. Glad many went to see it, sad they applaud Trump. He is a populist and narcissist, about himself. He is using those who dislike leftist progressivism for his own ends. We who are against all that progressives promote, with conservative values, should find another leader than Trump, whose character is sadly flawed. Tim Scott, DeSantis, are much better leadership options than Trump.

  16. The current leadership of this country is heavily influenced by Satan, as is the leftist media. Evil people with selfish evil intent are ruining America. We need to wake up to this, or else we’re finished.

      1. Looks like our nitwitcloser “Riga Tony, Phony, Baloney” has created a new identity for his idiotic ramblings…now I have to think of new insults for this “Rudd” IMBECILE. Oh well… just when you think you have it all figured out!

          1. The day is still young, but I have to give Tony at least a little credit for not reflexively jumping to the defense of the pedos…

      2. Many people believe in God or a higher spiritual being. Perhaps deep down people want to find or believe in something good. Can’t blame them for that. But how many people believe in the Devil? The Devil does indeed exist. No further evidence of the Devil’s existence is needed if one simply looks around today and sees the division amongst us today (even here on JKNews) with no dialogue to find the middle ground. The first two commandments given to us by Jesus provide that middle ground. It is not easy to do though. We all have to try to do the best we can.

        1. Thank you Patrick! Love God and Love your neighbor! Progressivism seeks to categorize us all to force us into their control, and is antithetical to God’s first two commandments. Look up the Greek root for categorize, it means to accuse.
          Later, it came to mean classification into groups. Who is the accuser of the believers in God, and who by nature lies always? See Bible John 8:44. The beauty of Christianity is love for our fellow man. We need to fight categorization by progressives and love our neighbors, not separate us apart. You will know them by their fruits!

      3. Actually, Satan is real – and he loves people like you who make fun of this reality. Sure, Satan needs the cooperation of humans, and he gets plenty of it tragically.

  17. When you think about the quote from the scriptures (unscripted) regarding the millstone…. Tim Ballard said that Jesus went “mafioso” when it comes to harming children. Caviezel’s ad libed the quote, which was perfect. How many over the years were thrown into bodies of water to drown by the mafia? No less should it be for those who abuse children, or market their abuse.

  18. We all need to pray for poor souls like Mr. Thomas Rudd. It is obvious to me that his soul has been infected by Satan and the poor guy does not have a clue.

    Steve Baranyk

    1. Yes, Stephen. Mr. Rudd is deceived as are many hundreds of thousands. Satan loves it when someone doesn’t believe he exists. He can do his best dirty work in those situations. All evil is Satanic.

  19. The “it’s for the children” party has spent decades promoting the killing of the unborn. Now they need replacement voters. The fentanyl and sex trade are acceptable collateral damage while the restocking occurs.

  20. There is no use arguing with people who think they can moralize in defense of the abuse and trafficking of children. They are out of the reach of logic, and have a reversed alimentary canal.

  21. A sealed railroad car was recently stopped with about 250 people sealed inside at the Mexican border. They all were suffering from dehydration and drugged up to keep them quiet. Most of the adults were family, a few were single adult males. About 40 were unaccompanied children. Let that sink in for a minute. 40 something children, alone being sent here without any adults. Who was waiting here for these children? When Republicans brought up the issue of child trafficking 3 years ago, they were accused by the media of being racists and they promptly shut up. The people picking up these kids are not being fingerprinted, ID checked background checked or any other check. DNA tests were suggested as another way to verify relation. Once again, racism accusations were leveled and this too was also dropped. Disney sat on this movie FOR 5 YEARS. The incident I spoke of happened last month. How many of these have gained entry without detection? Of course this echoes events depicted in this film and of course, it was ignored in the media. You note that I didn’t refer to it as “News Media”. These outlets lost that right years ago. The proper term is “Propaganda Outlets”. I guess we shouldn’t think about it and just go see “Barbie” instead. If you don’t go to see ” Barbie” you’ll be an outcast, ya’ see? You wouldn’t want that to happen. You wouldn’t want to feel left out now would you?

  22. Kass is certainly his own man. Gotta respect that. This “radical left” that runs things though. I’m a little dubious. Who do they speak for? What working people actually support anything “they” are pushing for. “Woke ideology”, or whatever you call it is merely a smokescreen put up by our oligarchs to keep us fighting and yo distract us.

    The Republic has been absconded with by charlatans. The Democrats sold out and have become a far left performative organization, while in practice is actually Republican. Their grift is just more brazen than the Republican Party.

    When in the course of human events, as it’s stated in the Declaration, it’s time to abolish this government and put in a new one.

    As long as the current rules are in place, as long as political offices, officials snd policy can be sold to the highest bidder, stays quo will reign supreme, and we’ll keep fighting with each other.

    One side defends the joke that is Trump, the other side pretends Biden us running things, crime isn’t a problem, and the Ukraine Wsr is in the square.

    Both sides blame each other for the border crisis, when in truth, they’re both looking the other way due to aspects of open borders they benefit from.

  23. The leftist noise about this movie is an example of how anything good that comes from the right is by definition bad. I actually read one woman who argued the movie was bad because it is about a very small sliver of how children are trafficked, and should have mentioned that most (in her opinion) trafficked children are trafficked by family or those they know. But that isn’t THIS story, is it? Why didn’t Disney help make THAT movie instead of this one. It’s a true story for God’s sake. The daughter of a friend of mine actually works on the FBI child trafficking task force, knew and had worked with the two agents who were murdered a year or so back in Sunrise, Fl., on a raid gone bad. It seems that that “very small sliver” of the child trafficking trade upon which this move is based does in fact, very much exist. Good for the folks that fought to bring this movie to theaters in the face of overwhelming opposition from our friends in Hollywood.

    1. Most people don’t know about this movie, what Antifa is, the radical left, or Karl Marx for that matter.

      The media are elitist self important pukes who have been empowered by and are given far too much sway in policy.

      I saw the vote in Ohio. I can safely say that a majority of the nation is in favor of freedom. That’s what this is about. I personally think abortion is heinous, but I think we should offer help if we want to reduce the numbers, not show a lack of compassion.

      This is an information silo and not a place of ideas, I’m afraid. It’s not like the leftists don’t have their own silos.

      Trump will be the nominee.

      Biden will be the other.

      Abortion will be the deciding issue.

      Sainted Republicans had the majority for two years and failed to act on the border.

      Just as sainted Democrats did and didn’t act on health care, abortion, immigration, none of it.

      Our system encouraged pandering and grandstanding. It even rewards it.

      Trump was scared into not firing Faucci, not releasing JFK documents, nor UFO, he had his own kids making bank off his name just like Joe.

      But he triggers the libs, and is “Strong”, so let’s go!

      I don’t blame people for not voting.

  24. Lefty has proven time and time again that they don’t even have to see, read or hear something to hate it.

    All it takes is a comment from one of their “priests” at the NYT, WaPo, or on CNN, MS/NBC or any of the network shows, hosted almost exclusively by former Democrat staffers.

    They are not only “against” it, but recognize it as a “Threat to “Democracy” (their new favorite phrase) and general world order. They need to wipe it out, along with any and all that disagree with them.

    At some point, that attitude at the wrong time and wrong place is going to earn them a serious electoral “biatch” slap or three. Hopefully sooner rather than later.

  25. Wife and I saw the film – first movie at a theater in a few years. Well worth the money and, given last week the FBI broke up a human-smuggling ring and saved 200 victims, timely. I am discussed with lefties who would jail men for calling an imposter with a penis who thinks he’s a woman “guy” yet think the subjugation and slavery of children for sex is okay. Great movie and I will back all who are for closing the border and seek out the lost kids for the office they run for.

  26. Thank you John for commenting on this film. When I attended the theater was full. We need to get these facts out to everyone and hope for a change. We need to protect these children from sex abuse.

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