Behold the Golden Moutza and the Witch of November
By John Kass
Dec. 4, 2024
Sorry! I apologize for being late with November’s Moutza, but there are excuses.
For example, the Ohio woman who killed and ate a cat. The psycho who inspired many political memes, much Democrat anguish and MAGA laughs has finally been sentenced.
“To me, you present quite a danger to our community,” Stark County Common Pleas Judge Frank Forchione told Allexis Ferrell, 27, the Massillon Independent reported.
“This is repulsive to me. I mean that anyone would do this to an animal. And an animal’s like a child. I don’t know if you understand that or not,” the judge said. “I can’t express the disappointment, shock, disgust that this crime has brought to me.”
Me? I, too, find it repulsive. And I’m disgusted on behalf of my good friend Jeff Carlin, co-host of the Chicago Way podcast, the best producer in Chicago and a celebrated cat lover.
He’s gone out of his way to care for felines, and though we don’t share a common affection for the creatures, he is my friend.
Also, former Cook County State’s Attorney’s Devine, O’Malley, Daley, and Alvarez attended the swearing in ceremony for the swearing in for new prosecutor Eileen Burke.
But did prominent leftists in Chicago show up to wave bye-bye to outgoing Soros prosecutor Zero Kim Foxx?
I mean did the pro-Soros Marxist leaders of the Chicago Tribune Guild show up? Or their ankle biting cheerleader Eric Zorn show up to hold hands with guild boss/political Soros hack Greg Pratt?
“And I didn’t see (Chief Judge) Tim Evans, nor Boss Toni Preckwinkle” said a prominent retired judge.
Well, perhaps the machine Democrats who are most responsible for violent crime in Cook County were hiding along the baseboards in the manner of vermin.
Cockroaches and mice.
Nah! and Nah!
“To the American universities, and parents raising snowflakes, that supplied milk, cookies, and therapy dogs to help their delicate young’uns cope with the election. US education at its finest. Nah!!!” said Timm Schwartz.
Like the left wing multi-million dollar “journos” at MSNBC and CNN?
“Obama should get the Moutza this month,” writes Joe Mulka, “Slick Barack was the one who put Kamala in the forefront.”
Joe, I agree that Obama is one slick silky with a forked tongue. And the Moutzatution is clear that former presidents are exempt.
But I have something for Big O, and he won’t like it. You’ll have to read my Sunday column at
You all know how this works. Toward the end of the month readers find me on social media and nominate their most worthy idiots. These noble souls do great honor to my Hellenic ancestors who invented the moutza flinging street cinders and animal skat at the worst of the criminally condemned: hence the wide-open palm of the moutza.
“The Golden Moutza should be given to the campaign staff responsible for orchestrating the worst presidential campaign in history,” says Dino Costa. “Record expenses for the least results. A dismal failure by all measures. I am grateful and thankful.”
I’m grateful for the boxed wine in her fridge, lubricating her tongue to unleash her many idiotic thoughts that were defended by legacy corporate media.
And when Kamala speaks, the donkey breaks wind.
“I would like to nominate the legacy media, both tv and written, for their coverage of 2024 election,” writes Bob Boren. “Their biased coverage for the far left and liberal candidates was unprofessional and unethical. They clearly stated opinion disguised as actual news and didn’t label their coverage as opinion and/or commentary.
“Fortunately US citizens finally woke up and tuned them out and sought out alternate sources of the news (like and voted based on what was important to them not the media. So, NAH to the Legacy Media, blow on it. It’s amusing now that they are in panic mode now trying to figure out what they did wrong. It shouldn’t be that hard. Just start listening to the people instead of dictating to them.”
Thanks Bob Boren.
The times they are a changin’.
Except in Chicago. The city by the lake is the city of corrupt Democrat politics, a thoroughly broken corporate legacy media and lawlessness presented by pro-Soros hacks.
“I nominate MSNBC for their headline stating Jose Ibarra “Never had a chance,” says reader Sue Hill Schwab.
“The prosecution had a rock-solid case against this piece of garbage, only lacking a video of him actually killing beautiful Laken. Just despicable.”
“We should be so thankful this Thanksgiving for so many things.” writes Bruce Kline. “One of which is how we are so fortunate to live in this great country. But also let us not forget that we also, this very month, have a wealth of candidates for the Golden Moutza. I am overwhelmed. But in the interest of brevity, I will mention two who are so deserving. First, “respected” pollster Ann Selzer who sensed that Kamala might need some help, so despite common sense saying otherwise, she came out with her final poll showing remarkably enough that – wonders of wonders – Kamala was in fact ahead of Donald Trump in deep red Iowa.
“And of course the water carriers in the legacy media picked up on this intriguing finding and spread the word that Kamala was ahead in Iowa, so that must mean Kamala was ahead in so many other red states. Kamala was going to win, so all is good, come on out folks and send the Orange Man scurrying away for good. But alas it was all a lie. And of course, Ann Selzer has now retired from polling, but her stupendous polling fiasco had nothing to do with her retirement. Of course. Ann is on record saying she can’t figure out what went wrong. Well, how’s this Ann: Nah to you. Feesah etho. That’s what went wrong.
But not to be outdone by Ann we have fired (presumably) FEMA worker Marn’i Washington who on a mission of help in hurricane ravaged Florida told her staff to ignore any homes displaying Donald Trump for President yard signs. How helpful Marn’i. And here’s some help for you Marn’i: Nah, Feesah etho. “
“I nominate JB Pritzker,” writes Robert Javor, “who will fight against the incoming administration to protect illegal aliens, criminal or not, thereby jeopardizing much needed government funding to Illinois. NAH!!!”
Such a macho tough guy snarling “You’ve got to come through me.” Hard to believe Gov. Fat Boy is so fat that he broke his leg simply by standing on it.
And he says he didn’t know what happened, or how it broke.
Really? Have another six or seven double cheeseburgers and lecture Illinois taxpayers on not being wasteful.
“PRITZKER nahh!!!” said Agatha Mantanes.
“I nominate as a singular group all those in the EVIL CABAL who have hidden and continue to hide behind the scenes in Washington DC and other dank places,” writes Kathleen Sawicki. Those of little minds have tried to ruin our great country with the false rhetoric of DEI and defunding law and order in the name of justice and equity, open borders with human/drug trafficking, weaponized government, a man-made pandemic, censorship, massaged stats/media that point to everything’s being “fine,” gender doublespeak, lawfare, condemnation of our best ally in the Middle East, countless U.S. tax dollars being spent on another hopeless war overseas, our once great cities crumbling before our eyes,
“And the worst presidential candidate in my time (Kamala Harris), if not EVER. There are many in this group who could stand on his/her own due to egregious deeds, but far too many to leave even one of them out! NAH! The Golden Hand should be used to spank them all because being banished to a dark corner just doesn’t seem appropriate. ”
“Moutza to village idiots of Oak Park, who bought a stainless-steel monolith with “Hate Has No Home Here” carved in 12 languages outside Village Hall,” writes always prescient reader Tom Winike. “That money should have been spent on sufficient funding for police. Two village trustees demanded defunding at board meetings in 2021, and later they put defunding on a losing referendum. Maybe if they supported their own police, Detective Allan Reddins would still be alive. Feesah Etho!”
Is there a town that embraces stupid leftist virtue signaling better than does Oak Park? No. There is a reason so many newspaper reporters wanted to live there. FEEESAHHH! So precious. So pathetic. Hate has no home here? My ass. Same town that puts up viaducts to stop West Side blacks from driving through.
“Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family John. I would like to nominate what I consider a person that could win the award every month,” says Pete Sremac.
“The mayor of Chicago doesn’t disappoint when it comes to stupidity. His nonsensical replies to tough questions about his administration’s failures are just the beginning. Even the City Council has had enough when they voted 50-0 to reject his $300 million property tax increase.
I thought his predecessor was bad, but this is truly a hold my beer moment. I do not have enough hands to give Mayor BJ the proper Moutza he deserves. NAH!”
Thanks Peter. Question: Where are the Democrats who installed Mayor Panic Attacks in office?
They’re nowhere, man.
“It’s Thanksgiving,” says Ken Frantzen. Thankfully, Harris Democrats are trying to figure why she is a turkey.”
William G. Demitroulas gives a blanket Moutza to the leftists who dress up and play pretend while demanding we march politically with them.
“I love listening to people who make a living pretending to be someone else in front of a camera. Such an honorable profession deserving of so much respect.”
“I gotta go with Woke Hollywood en masse,” says Pat Hickey. “Feesah Etho!!! Y’all! When are you whiney clowns gonna drift?”
The left—in Hollywood and in newspapers—lives to be noticed. So, don’t. I don’t.
Nancy Trainor “So many good nominations! I go with Sharon Stone, Alec Baldwin and the killers of peanut and his racoon brother. Honorable mention to Kamala Harris for her drunken rant.”
And thanks to her boxed wine.
“I nominate James Carville,” writes Leo Manta. “He assured the country that Kamala would sweep the election by millions of votes! DUH! Guess his polls were just a wee bit off!!”
“Definitely Gov JB for saying “a happy warrior is still a warrior” after President Trump’s big election win,” writes Jennifer Husak Boehm. “Like anyone in the government is going to be afraid of him when they’re following US immigration law?? Nah!!!! The people have spoken.”
“A less political submission for this month’s candidates,” from reader Bruce Vee. “If it were possible to make these things stick to the faceless marketing people who, in their lust for “scooping” the competition, have extended “black Friday” from the day after Thanksgiving shopping free-for-all into “black Friday week.” Besides the obvious lack of clarity for which day it actually falls on (Black Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, etc.) we also haven’t been given proper guidance about the observation of this proclaimed span of days. Is it the week prior to Thanksgiving week? Is it the week after? What to wear during this pagan event? Mix this all in with the additional confusion caused by “Cyber Monday” or “Giving Tuesday,” I find myself confused considerably. What federal statute am I in violation of should I purchase an electronic device on Giving Tuesday? Does my wearing of black garments negate the effects of buying on Cyber Monday? The list of uncertainties goes on and on.
And to this spaghetti bowl of merchandising, I submit a hearty NAH! Feesah! Begone with the craziness.”
But I keep clicking on 150 cool gifts.
Nah to me.
James Gianukos:
“I nominate the DNC for their magnificent contributions to making the Trumpster President of the United States.
Jeff Alan:
“I was going for Ann Selzer with her sellout politically motivated gaslighting of her poll in Iowa that showed Harris winning by 3 points but the losing by like 15 points! However, O may have to with Matt Eberflus for the worst time management I have ever seen.
John Dyslin:
“Or the murderous bureaucrats of NY that killed an innocent squirrel and raccoon because they could? Nah to NY government bureaucrats:
Owners of beloved Peanut the squirrel plan to sue New York state over seizure and killing by authorities.”
Matt Latourette:
” The US farm industry groups need a moutza. They elect trump then after the election they ask trump to not deport their workforce. Should have thought about that before the election.
Deport them and let Americans do that work.
And here comes Bruce Vee with a two-fer!!!
“Although it is pointless to nominate the reverend John Kass, his doppelganger, Mr. Thanksgiving Advice Man deserves a mention. In hoping one day to host my favorite columnist, I find Mr. Turkey Advice Dude’s culinary observations defining a more refined palate. This continued discussion further elevates his expectations from my meager abilities. Apple wood smoked marinated pork chops seem so mundane compared to his educated buds. Who takes an ordinary hot dog and renders it into a work of art? Nobody I know from da Sout side. So, in full understanding that “I’m rubber, you’re glue, whatever you say bounce off me and sticks to you.” I still suggest Turkey Dude for the win. Nah for making me feel like Chef Boyardee is still a delicacy.”
No comment except to say I’ve been asked to write a cookbook.
Frank A. Icuss
“Have a good day, John. A pox on hate. Happy Thanksgiving John. What’s with all of your angry republicans? They won, they need to accept victory and embrace the rest and hope and pray for calm. If they won’t, Moutza them.”
Ok. Chill my Republican and Democrat friends. And lift a toast to each other. (It would be nice if I had another bottle of Frank Icuss’ superb, dry Democrat red.)
Christine Morley: I see double nominees. So many worthy candidates. My pick is the anti-Illinois taxpayer Governor Jelly Belly and his equally tone-deaf political pal Mayor BLM Brandon. Two disgraceful polls with little respect for our constitution or citizens. NAH!
Kelly McCarthy:
Moutza to Kim Fox
Anastasia Terovolas: To all the celebrities who are theoretically leaving the country now that Trump has been elected.
Michael Stefani: “Blue teams’ losers; too easy. Moutza goes to Matt Gaetz not entirely discredited except for being the GOP’s #1 love to hate villain.
David Kleckner: The Butterball Turkey Hotline. I tried calling to ask about our governor, and they had no answers for that. Nah!
Robert Zaleski: “Sharon Stone……She should have kept both her legs, and her mouth shut…”
I’m sure her kids are so proud of their mommy.
Lin Feddor Cappozzo:
“Did anyone nominate Jussie Smollett? Seriously overturning his conviction? Gee it’s like it never happened. Could this be the long arm of the Obamas?”
The Golden Moutza of November must go to the most worthy: Kim Foxx, the now gone Cook County non-prosecutor and Soros prosecutor zero, and the Chicago Tribune Guild, which ran to Soros and piteously clasped his knees as they helped kill a once-great newspaper.
Two hands. Nah! and Nah!
Take them and blow on them.
Don’t forget, stay tuned for Obama on Sunday here at
And while you’re waiting why not do some Christmas shopping for cool gifts? Love that No Chumbolone Zone cap and the mugs, waiting to be filled with good Midwestern common sense.
Comments 32
Always love this. Thanks John.
Thank you Larry, after all, I am a river to my people!
John- late for this month’s nominations but your comment regarding the clown suburb of Oak Park brings me to make a nomination for next month- how about a blanket moutza for anyone who has one of those textbook virtue-signaling “Hate has no home here” signs? We all know that hate has no home there EXCEPT for Trump supporters, so hate DOES have a home there. Such hypocrisy from such sanctimonious buffoons.
Don’t forget Evanston, neck and neck with Oak Park.
Happy to second George Kages’ nomination of the MANY suburbs with “Hate has no home here” signs. Their OBVIOUS HATE needs to be called out.
Though I agree with Kim Foxx as the winner, there are so many nominees who I am sure were just happy to be nominated. My favorite entry is the Butterball Turkey Hotline! Give the hotline some grace, David Kleckner. They’ve never roasted a turkey so large and with so much stuffing.
The Golden Moutza Awards are my favorite pieces to read for a laugh. Write that cookbook, John.
One of your best, John. November came with so many gifts hard to pick just one;)
Double down on Ann Selzer, since Trump only won by 220,000 votes, Wow that was close!
Once again it was a target-rich environment with so many good choices a bad one was impossible. Kim Fox deserves her bow out Moutza though, there likely won’t be another chance.
Looking forward to the cookbook!
I hate cats.
We need to kill a lot more. Despicable animal.
Dogs are far better and loyal.
Now Tom. Don’t be a hater. I escaped from Illinois to Texas six years ago and my wife insisted, despite my protestations to bring a family of kittens living in my backyard. Once she started feeding them, the mother like any good welfare queen took off. I did not want to bring them and tried to get them to a shelter. She wouldn’t yield. We all are happy in Texas and get along quite well now. I have learned to accept and even enjoy their company. They are thriving and quite healthy, just happy to be here. We’re kind of stuck with each other. And I guess it’s not too bad…
Best column every month. So so many worthies this go around starting at the very top! While ineligible and the event did not occur in November, pardoning of Hunter (and eventually his brother ) the law of unintended consequences may befall old Joe. Hunter cannot take the 5th if questioned by Congress. Nah. He’ll just lie like Joe. Kamala had dreams of grandeur, a vapid mind with no real message, and a seemingly endless budget to spend on living the VERY high life for a few months. It will be surprising to see if she has any traction with the Dems in six months. She belongs as at best an asterisk in history.
Thence to our local situation. A man on the 5th floor in way way over his head. A Gov who has delusions too of his address being 1600 Penna Ave. Oak Park where Hate has no home signs abounded (yet as was pointed out hated DJT) and blew a bunch of money on a fancy liberal monument. Finally to the most worthy this month. Li’l Kimmie who single handedly turned Cook. County into a criminal paradise. Some of her kiddies were not so bright and committed their crimes a wee bit west or south of the golden zone into the province of Bob Berlin or Jim Glasgow. Big oops. For her double jeopardy move against Jussie (who?) which she probably knew would get overturned. Her palling around with her Mentor Veep word salad. Well deserved.
Great pick. Thanks John.
Nice job to all. But there has to be some way to condemn presidents in award form or at least once they leave office they are or should be definitely fair game. Immunity shouldn’t apply once out of office.
And, Thomas gets the first Moutza vote for December for obvious reasons
As always we defer to your better judgement, however, for Kim and George, I feel they are deserving of both hands and feet for a total of 20 mountza! NAH! Parta olla! But that’s just me!
All the “Pritzker fat” comments make me cringe but he did recently brag that cannabis is one of the fastest growing businesses in the state.
Yes Frank Cannabis, lawsuits and crime are the leading industries in Illinois!
With legal weed available 24/7, 364 days a year, Gov. Pugsley can keep his constituents stoned, stupid and impoverished.
With Illinois collecting close to a half a billion dollars in marijuana taxes, what happens to all that dough ?
John – Whenever I’ve felt down and out, feeling the psychotic slings and arrows from my few remaining liberal friends for being an unapologetic conservative AND – as they like to say – “Trumplican” and feeling as if the “bluesers” still have something up their blousey sleeves, I read your words, your guest commentators words and of course the readers’ responses. With that I feel we WILL right this listing ship! The pendulum is sweeping back in the right direction finally…
When you do get around to our portly and porcine provocateur Jelly Belly for the Golden Moutza, it will require three or four to cover him.
He has made our own long-suffering taxpayers our largest export.
So I assume Ms. Foxx didn’t show up at Butch McGuire’s this year either. So love seeing these Democrats scatter like rats now, its so revealing. Almost too much to take in all at once 🙂
Worst governor in the country goes to Governor JB Plussize.
Worst mayor in the state is not so obvious. No; it’s not Mayor BJ, but it’s none other than Dolton, IL mayor Tiffany Heyward. It’s so bad in Dolton that their board asked Lori Lightfoot to investigate.
Illinois is fertile ground for moutza.
John, I was busy filling out ballots ALL month, so I forgot it was time for the moutzah. That said, I’d like to belatedly nominate the election officials in California who are STILL “counting” ballots a month after the election and finding — surprise! surprise! — that Republicans who won congressional seats on Nov. 5 actually lost. I’m shocked — shocked I tell you!
Reply to no one contributor in particular but surprised to see no mention of Toni Preckwinkle the backer of Kim Foxx.
So late but for the holidays I nominate Toni.
“Really? Have another six or seven double cheeseburgers and lecture Illinois taxpayers on not being wasteful.”
Aw, c’mon John. Fat guys like me were always taught that it’s not being wasteful if you clean your plate. And, I’m pretty sure Pritzy has no problems on that score…
I nominate DEI TV Commercials that started a backlash on colored people. Sadly these people blame Trump’s election for this hate. I can’t wait to see their looks when I wear my 2016 MAGA hat on Trump’s Inauguration Day!
John- you really should be more careful of the people you let nominate Moutza candidates. You need to be watchful of that Timm Schwartz guy. He’s a corduroy wearing John Birch’er from Central Illinois.
But if you need a great dentist, he’s the man!!!
Two thoughts: Maybe we could suggest some ancillary awards, just because there are so many that burble to the top each month. Maybe they could be something like a MOUTZETTE, for those who shouldn’t be forgotten in the rush of malicious idiocy. Secondly, I understand and agree with the idea that a President is ‘immune’ (or something), however: Is it not possible that Joe Biden could still be eligible because he doesn’t seem to actually realize he’s President, and there’s a good chance that Obama is doing the “president” job while Joe wanders around and takes care of things like sand at the beach. Just a thought……
You have some great ideas there, Karen. The presidential Moutza prohibition is necessary – I understand that – but also problematic … especially with the likes of senile ole Joe who as you point out is really not the President anyways. Maybe the Moutzatution could be amended, but I suspect like amending the US Constitution, that might prove difficult. One thing that your post got me thinking though:
Maybe at the end of each year there should be a vote – based upon the previous years 12 awardees – of who should receive the highest honor possible, “for idiocy over and beyond the call, for idiocy over and beyond any of their peers”: the Moutza of the Year Award.
I’m late in reading. Dealing with a few too many health problems.
Thanks for the shoutout on my nomination.
Great column as usual for the Moutza.
So many Moutza worthy creeps, grifters and bullies. One can only do what one might . . .and do so mightily!
Can not wait for the upcoming Obama light-up. No clown has done so
much, to so many, for so long.
John, since I will not use Facebook because it supports a left-wing idiot, and since is, after all, a form of social media, how about starting a thread around the 20th of each month for folks to make nominations for the Golden Moutza here on
So many deserving souls, but only one Moutza a month. Ah, the injustice of it all.
Oops, that should have been :sigh: