Chicago Way w/John Kass: Are the wheels coming off the clown car at the CTU’s City Hall?

Chicago Way w/John Kass (02/16/24): Austin Berg is here from the Illinois Policy Institute with a breakdown of how things are going at the Chicago Teachers Union controlled City Hall. Austin joins John Kass & Jeff Carlin with a look at how Cook County President Toni Preckwinkle is attempting to distance themselves from Mayor Brandon Johnson after a series of missteps around Chicago’s ShotSpotter gunfire detection contract and the importance of voting in Chicago’s March primary election with candidates for Cook County State’s Attorney & a ‘mansion tax’ referendum on the ballot. Plus, Kasso wonders if CTU President Stacey Davis-Gates has sumptuous wood flours in her Indiana home?

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Comments 18

  1. You guys are just being spiteful cause you’ve never seen a mayor like this. A mayor that has a black wife, three sons and soccer games. That and the immigrants crises and the public safety crises and….ah..BALONEY!!! If all else fails use: Racists, Anti LBGDEFG, Maga, Anti Vaxxers, Trumpers, Climate Change Deniers, blah, blah, blah. The fact that anyone could vote for the idiot Brandon Johnson for mayor is living proof you can’t save someone too stupid to save themselves. We moved out of that wretched city because we were outnumbered by the stupid. Chicago’s elected politicians have proven this to be true. Those that can leave DO. Those that can’t pray…

    1. The problem is that the people that voted for Brandon Johnson. The real problem is the people that did not go out to vote for Paul Vallas. Especially in the runoff. The CTU folks know how the game is played and they got the vote out. Vallas voters just sat on their asses. Hence, the clown that’s in the 5th floor office today

      1. Paul was the one. I kept telling them Brandon couldn’t manage, but they voted the race card and the commie card and the CTU screamed and screamed stfu.
        now they deserve it

    2. good people still there Enrique. what’s wrong is they’ve been betrayed by local media, no columnists there to give people hope by calling out out the crooks, trib, wbez times, it’s all bs. i do what i can but I’m a one man band

    3. I spent most of my life living in Chicago and after moving out of state I miss it very much, or at least miss the Chicago and Illinois that used to be, but still it was the right thing to do. I had been close to moving for some time but when Rahm made his exit I knew it was time.I never had much fondness for Mayor Emanuel but had to admire his keen political insights, he left because he could see the handwriting on the wall. One can be generous and attribute Mayor Lightfoots election to ignorance unfortunately you are correct about the Chicago/Illinois voter , the election of Mayor Brandon as her successor indicates stupidity, was it Einstein who said “the difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has its limits”

  2. I confess that I do watch the first 15 minutes of local news, mostly WGN. Like most everyone else on this feed, I usually get frustrated by their lack of attention to the machine politics in Chicago and Illinois.
    Recently the so called “WGN investigative report” has been going after the mayor of Dalton, Tiffany Henyard, and it looks like rightfully so. Maybe there is hope after all. The mayor is a woman and is black and they keep going after her. I would love to see them go after Preckwinkle, Davis, Johnson and the CTU the same way.

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