You Count the Votes Over and Over Until They Add Up Right
By John Kass
March 27, 2024
Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker—the perpetually frightened rich kid born on third base thinking he hit a triple—has a big fat political problem.
He’s hosting the Democratic National Convention, his big fat coming out party in Chicago, in August. His fantasy? Becoming president of the United States of America.
As he’s planning his party, America is starting to focus on the absolute political wasteland that Illinois has become. And if they but open their eyes they’ll see exactly how the Democrats treat the sanctity of the vote.
The leftists preen like perfumed apes dressed in velvet suits when speechifying about how much they revere the institutions of democracy. Democracy Dies in Darkness is the slogan of The Washington Post, the leftist paper that promoted the Russia Collusion Hoax designed to destabilize the Trump administration. But they received the highest prize of corporate media. They’re all about democracy and darkness.
But in Chicago, where the DNC is to be held, there is another way, the Chicago Way, the Johnny Rocco Way.
The Democrat Primary election for Cook County State’s Attorney—a key office in a county overwhelmed by repeat violent crime–was held last Tuesday. It was a nail-biter with less than 1,700 votes separating the top two candidates.
And a day or so after the polls were closed, there was a miracle. 10,000 “lost” votes were found!!!!
Social justice warrior, Defund the Police leftist and Chicago Board of Elections spokesman Max Bever explained it all as an arithmetic error. But 10,000 votes! Amazing.
As I write this, they’re still counting the votes, again and again. And they’ll keep counting as history and tradition inform us.
The newspaper editorial boards wring their hands, afraid of using the F word (fraud). But I think most voters are thinking about the R word, as in Johnny Rocco, who explained how to win elections in blue Democrat cities like Chicago.
“I take a nobody, see? Teach ’em what to say, get his name in the papers,” Rocco (Edward G. Robinson) says while getting a straight razor shave down in “Key Largo.” During his shave, he explained how Democrat big-city politics works.
“Yeah, pay for his campaign expenses. Dish out a lot of groceries, and coal, get my boys to bring the voters out, and then count the votes over and over until they added up right and he was elected … yeah.”
Why is the election of Cook County State’s Attorney a critical election?

Humphrey Bogart and Edward G. Robinson in Key Largo (1948)
The leftist billionaire George Soros thought it was important enough to spend $2 million to elect Kim Foxx. Yes, yes the same Kim Foxx who stopped prosecuting violent repeat offenders and botched the handling of the fake hate-crime of actor Jussie Smollett. She lied about how she botched it, was found out, and she was communicating secretly with fans of Jussie who were intimates of the Obama White House.
Now that’s erasing a bothersome fake hate crime case blaming those white MAGA voters the Chicago Way. Indeed.
And she keeps her law license.
With violent crime at epidemic proportions, with Pritzker and his Democrats hoping voters will forget about the issue of Soros and his soft-on-crime prosecutors before the November election.
Pritzker must not study history or classic film noir. But that hasn’t stopped him from bragging his fool head off like some idiot chumbolone.
The other day on X he couldn’t help himself. Happily, for the Non-Chumbolones (meaning the rest of us) there was Mark Glennon, founder of wirepoints.org. He wrote about Pritzker’s boast, and I link to his column here:
“With polls showing as few as 37% of Americans confident that our elections are open and honest, you wouldn’t think anybody would be bragging about integrity of the process,” wrote Glennon. “That’s especially true in Illinois, where the bungled vote count for Cook County State’s Attorney is rapidly getting even international attention.
“But brag away is what Gov. JB Pritzker did. “Here in Illinois, our elections are protected,” he wrote on X (Twitter) last week. “We’re not scared of more of our people exercising their right to vote. That’s why we’ve expanded early voting, curbside voting, and made the vote-by-mail registry permanent to protect your fundamental right.”
“The replies were savage — over 500 of them and counting, almost entirely negative.”
No one likes a braggart. Not even a timid racist billionaire who used his inherited wealth to pay weasel Democrat pols like Obama and Blagojevich to pretend to like him.
But he is the lead Democrat of Illinois. He funds their Democrat campaigns. He bought the Democrat Party and now he owns it.
He should be held up for national ridicule over this Cook County State’s Attorney race.
Because the American people have little if any confidence in American elections. They haven’t forgotten 2020, the media censorship of the politics that joined to rig the last election.
And once they completely lose confidence in elections and the rule of law, what do you think happens?
Not rhetorical violence on cable tv among the hair boys and girls, not mean commentary by columnists who’ve never thrown a punch, but real unspeakable violence.
The kind that ends with children screaming. Once that starts there is no coming back.
So, what would it take to get a handle on vote fraud before it metastasizes and kills the republic?
Sunlight and the vigilance of the American people.
That’s why I’m telling you about a website that means to bring sunlight to the dark corners of our republic.
In Illinois and other states for example, the local county clerk rarely purges the voter rolls.
And with mail-in ballots, as long as the dead are still listed as registered voters, what do you think will happen?
Someone will raise the dead to vote.
But if you dare suggest that the voter rolls be purged of the dead and those who have moved away, what happens?
Democrats will scream that you’re a racist. As they hide in the darkness.
And we can’t afford that now.
According to the website, the Voter Reference Foundation was founded by West Point graduate, successful entrepreneur Doug Truax.
In a commentary piece in Real Clear Politics, that I’m linking to here, Truax explained the necessary reforms. If you paid attention to the 2020 elections, you know what’s needed.
“Americans consistently say they want common-sense security measures making sure their votes count and that illegal votes do not,” Truax wrote. “They don’t buy the Democrats’ and corporate media spin that voter “suppression” is real.
“Two of the broadest problem areas that remain are blanket absentee ballots and our bloated, inaccurate voter rolls. Each gives cover to those inclined to cheat.”
One of the co-founders of VoteRef.com is Brian Timpone, a journalist and former political operative hated by the leftists.
He argues for sunshine.
“Isn’t sunshine the best disinfectant?” says Timpone, a Cook County resident.
Of course it is.
And that’s why the machine pols hate the sunshine. They’ve always hated it from long before the days when the Chicago mob and the Chicago Way became the American Way and their creed. They hated it long before they pretended to champion democracy even as they use their corrupt corporate media to box out candidates they don’t like, including Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
They brag about how much they love democracy, even though they are the true authoritarians. All they want is power to control you and how and what you think.
Forget the sloganeering of their bs newspapers, the preening of their cable news mouthpieces. They’re all like cockroaches, afraid of bright light.

Colonial Theater advertisement for the American film Key Largo (1948)
About the author: John Kass spent decades as a political writer and news columnist in Chicago working at a major metropolitan newspaper. He is co-host of The Chicago Way podcast. And he just loves his “No Chumbolone” hat, because johnkassnews.com is a “No Chumbolone” Zone where you can always get good a cup of common sense.
Comments 62
Where are the political reporters for our daily newspapers who are supposed to protect us from the crooked pols fixing our elections? Nowhere to be seen, because they like the fake election process, counting votes that magically appear a week AFTER the election. I’ve said it before, NOTHIN’S ON THE SQUARE! Both Dems in this race are in on it. I see an opportunity for Bob Fioretti in the general election to expose these bastards, and demand once and for all that Cook County get straight.
Bob Fioretti is as straight as cork screw. That said, he is as straight as a poker compared to Governor Graf Von Zepplin.
Mr. Kass noted that, “The leftists preen like perfumed apes dressed in velvet suits when speechifying about how much they revere the institutions of democracy. ” See? Yeah!
Luv it, luv it: Gov. Graf Von Zepplin.
100% love Gov. Graf Von Zeppelin too but I have to stick with Gov. (Tax-Dodger) Toilets, lest we forget.
Personally, I like Gov. Lizzo.
Speaking of Leftist newspapers, seems the NYT is way worse than the CT rag?
Very interesting read today thanks to Epoch Times exposing it:
That you tube you posted is EXCELLENT as is this article by John Kass. He nails it yet again,
This is another #MustRead!
Well, John has finally gone off the deep end. And that happens to be the highest rising tide.
10K new ballots! Which cemetery forgot to report their results?
We were told this was on of the lowest voter turnout elections recorded. We were told that people weee not coming out. We were told that apathy raised its ugly head and people weren’t voting. Until…. Wait for it…. Praise Jesus.. . The Savior has saved us with VBM. Thousands upon thousands of VBM ballots found their way home. They surfaced, they appeared, they came home, and now they demand to be counted. And amazing as it may appear the majority of them are for “the other guy”. Who would’ve thought such a Christmas miracle would appear in March.
There’s no hiding. There’s no shame. Those things don’t exist when your middle name is Chicago. This is all legit and you know why, because we told you so. So just move along folks, nothing to see here.
Well said!
Preckwinkle said “Find me the votes!”
I told my wife yesterday morning that they will continue finding votes until Harris wins. They will do it again in November when Harris goes up against Bob Fioretti. They always seem to find “ lost” ballots and boxes of unopened and uncounted ballots just lying around, hidden in a corner somewhere like the Easter Bunny hides eggs. I’m looking forward to August when the far left turns this city upside down only to have JB and Brandon Johnson blame the MAGA and white supremacists for all the destruction being done by those within their own party. Note to all… it might be a great time to get out of town and go fishing up north between August 17th and 24th.
I’m honestly afraid of what will happen in November!
My thoughts exactly !
Good morning John. I have been telling everyone that will listen that we have lost our Country to Obama and his cronies, and they want to wipe out the Middle Class and America will look like Palestine and take the money from the rich to pay for 15 Million illegals. They are taking the money away from our Military and giving it to the Illegals. The Lady Obrien I believe her name is in Chicago running for office will lose the Election to mail in ballots and to the guy the Dems want she already did win Election but this is how it is done today. Democrats have killed our Democracy and blame Trump for it. I am not a fan of Trump but I pray that he will choose the perfect VP, Win and than retire, we must fight for America. The DA’s are winning because of the George Soros money, they want a Black America and they Vote for Democrats that broke up the Black Family and separated the American people for Votes. We legal Immigrants worked hard for this Country America that we love and now they are giving it away by saying White Supremacy built this Country. NO, NO that is not correct. The Immigrants that came to America built the Country by sweat and tears and Michelle Obama never liked America? What is that. She made money by those words millions to be exact, has Real Estate Worth Millions on the backs of the Black people and the poor. If you study History you will know that the Old Democratic Senators were the Racists and kept the Black people poor for Votes. Whom are they kidding. As for the Rich, the hard work their Ancestors provided for this Great Country are not standing up for Freedom or America. Their is a Black History Month correct? How about an Italian, Irish, German, Greek, Polish History Month. This is all Politics to destroy America and for them to get rich. Hollywood is all about Sex and sex trafficking but no one speaks about that the Epstein clan is still out there destroying our young people. The Europeans built America, they came here and work day and night washing dishes, and work 24/7 but kept their Countries Values like FAITH, and taught their children English. When I went to school all these young high schoolers had Parents from the old Country but very few spoke their Parents language they were told they are Americans now and have to work hard to preserve it. And here comes the Communists wanting to destroy the best Country on Earth. They said so and Schumer wants to be a Senator until he dies with our tax money. MSNBC fired a woman that I do not know much about because the LEFT WING RACISTS OF MSNBC do not want a different opinion. Of coarse most Educated and knowledgeable people know that is the Obama network like Netflix and Comcast. I do not care what people do we are all going to see the Lord someday, but I care that they are so dumb, they gave their kids millions and those kids have never had to work for any of it, while the Immigrants worked so hard for them and most never even visit them. So sad that our World is all about Greed and Power not knowing that God will destroy all of it someday. Illinois is about Johnson and his cronies and they do not want Democracy they fix the Votes and that is not DEMOCRACY FOLKS. WAKE UP. Happy Western Easter to my friends that know God and Celebrate his Resurrection.
Luv it, luv it: Gov. Graf Von Zepplin.
I was wondering where Kill a Commie for Christ Helen was. Welcome back!
You nailed it, Helen & belated Happy Easter to you too.
Please don’t forget: when JB actually took a short break from buying Illinois governance, he also bought Wisconsin’s state Supreme Court, giving him effective control of two states. Where will his next take-over be?
The Second Coming of Jesus won’t raise as many people from the dead as Election Day in Chicago.
This is so true!!
It’s starts here in Chicago but will return in November. Where are the protest marches? Chicagoans and those of Cook County should gather together to march through the streets with torches and pitchforks pushing for transparency and accountability. But, of course, they’ll need a catchy name. Voters Lives Matter (VLM)? Tar-n-Feather (TNF)? Anti-Corruption (Antico)?
We have a short window of time to come together as Americans to ensure only non-felony citizen’s votes are counted. Illegals are here for a reason, and Dems are pushing for votes from prisoners.
It’s do or die.
Good idea Erin but the media wouldn’t cover something like that, letting it fall on deaf ears.
Future (really, current) elections will not be decided by the peoples’ votes. Our elections will be decided by judges, after long litigation. Welcome to America in 2024.
Agreed! As John says “the Chicago way”.
Democrats in charge of counting the votes are either incompetent or cheaters. Take your pick.
Debbie, more like corrupt, fraudulent, criminal.
From the film “The Great McGinty”n —
If it wasn’t for graft, you’d get a very low type of people in politics. Men without ambition. Jellyfish.
Especially since you can’t rob the people anyway.
Sure. How was that?
What you rob, you spend, and what you spend goes back to the people. So, where’s the robbery? I read that in one of my father’s books.
That book should be in every home.
Chicago Democrat pols have always been the unanimous choice of its many dead voters. That’s a bonus for a well-financed Soros criminal advocate like Foxx. She makes sure Chicago’s thug community keeps being returned to the streets — and whaddaya get? More social justice and more dead people. More votes for a big union organizer promoted to Chicago mayor. More votes for an EXTREMELY big Democrat like the governor.
Yeah, and keep countin’ them votes, boy, long as it takes! Cemeteries need aldermen too. See?
Germany 1933: The NAZI party gained control of the nation. The following then occurred:
Joseph Goebels gained control of all radios and newspapers. His Mantra was, “Tell a big lie and repeat it often enough and everyone will believe it.”
Today. Biden is “is pressing Congress for asylum restrictions that would have been unthinkable when he took office.” Of course he already has the authority. The big lie is that he needs a new law. The media supports him and his big lie gains support among those who hear it repeated again and again until they believe Biden cannot close the border without a new law that Republicans refuse to pass.
Ignore any evidence that contradicts your message. The Hunter Biden Laptop. JOE BIDEN: “Look, there are 50 former national intelligence folks who said that what he’s accusing me of is a Russian plan. They have said that this has all the characteristics — four, five former heads of the CIA, both parties, say what he’s saying is a bunch of garbage. Nobody believes it except him and his good friend Rudy Giuliani.”
When some of the contents of the laptop’s hard drive made it to The New York Post in the fall of 2020, President Biden and his supporters argued that the contents had the makings of a Russian disinformation campaign, and large social media companies suppressed or blocked access to the Post’s article about it. The “Press” followed the party line and stressed that it was a Russian plot. This was an example of the Joseph Goebels ploy “Tell a big lie and repeat it until every body believes it.”
Next use laws to prosecute opponents.
1. Trump is guilty of possessing secret documents as proven in an FBI raid. Biden is unfit to stand trial for the same crime.
2. Use the power of impeachment rather than a popular election to bring down a president
Take property from owners by right of law. In Germany all Jewish property was taken over by the state. In the USA, judges set unconscionable high fines to take property from opponents. Opponents are bared from ballots because they are guilty of being political opponents.
Step by step it goes on and on making United States ever more totalitarian..
As the philosopher George Santayana said, “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”
Love George Santayana! He also said in his book “The Last Puritan”, final chapter “English Liberty in America”, while praising the collaborative nature of the economy and how ordinary people could rise also said with a caveat “however if one does not cheer, does not push with the crowd, one is made to feel as if a traitor”. Indeed, but what Professor Santayana (in 1920) missed entirely was that this was only the New England variety of “English”. By no means Southern English.
I was at the bar this past weekend in Boston, the Union Oyster House and Ben Franklin came in and sat down with me (an actor on the Freedom Trail). I said “Doctor Franklin, do you recall our dinner by the fire with myself (my ancestor Thomas Walker) and Geo. Washington back in 1763 while we were fighting the French and Algonquin Indians”. The guy looked at me like I was nuts until I informed him that I was “method acting” and was hoping to give him some more material and then we got along just fine, especially after I bought him a cocktail.
What I mean is, the “Chicago way” has as its antecedents Puritan intolerance, but is SO FAR removed from who actual Puritans were, that it is off on a very destructive life of its own.
The upside is the Chicago Way is like an invasive weed with shallow roots. Cook County Forest preserves routinely burn off invasive species in a 100 year process of returning the forest to their aboriginal condition, and it is working BRILLIANTLY. Perhaps we can do the same with Chicago and Democrat National politics, so that the Midwestern Sun can shine!!
But the people of Germany loved the Nazis and supported them in full force. There was no significant resistance before the war. Hitler brought prosperity to a nation that was destroyed economically by Versailles treaty. No one ‘tricked’ them. They hated the Jews, gypsies, slavs, etc way b4 Herr Hitler. They didn’t need to be conned much.
Yesterday I had lunch with some lovely ladies which are high school friends who I’ve known for fifty plus years. On the drive home I was thinking about our conversations. Not surprisingly it centered around politics. We acknowledged we’ve seen many things. Hence we have not seen anything like what is and has been going on in the world around us.
We know our days around the sun grow fewer as time passes quickly.
We worry about ourselves to an extent. We worry more about the grandchildren, great grandchildren, and great nieces and nephews.
We grew up in that boomer mind set of parents wanting more and better for those they will leave behind. That is not to be. And it’s scary as hell.
Democracy dies in darkness? Democracy is a cold cadaver. Not sure there is a way to save it.
Thanks for another great read.
Read Charles Murrays book: By The People, Rebuilding Liberty Without Permission.
It requires a lot of hard work now.
Bravo, Kasso! Bravo!
When it comes to dubious election results, I think about the race that Al Franken won as the U.S. Senator for Minnesota a number of years ago. It was a very tight race, and at one point some election official found hundreds of ballots in a car trunk. Seriously. You can’t make this stuff up!
Your headline says it all. See! There was no March Surprise, ballots magically appeared as they did in 2020. Power and the big lie. You can bet the minute the absentee ballots for November are printed there will be rooms full of people who work for and owe their “jobs” to politicians will be busily marking up thousands of absentee ballots for the favored candidate (sleepy incoherent Joe), so the status quo for those in power will be maintained. Import illegals to fill the census void left by those fleeing to more conservative parts of the country (ps leave your left politics where you came from). Let sixteen year olds vote (and bus them
From their sophomore HS class tonpollinf places). And above all else blame MAGA republicans for whatever bad befalls this country.
I’m disgusted by the process. Obviously, we have a right to vote. It just doesn’t really mean anything. As soon as I heard of the miraculous missing ballots I tuned out. No need to read the news until they figure out how to announce the winner without laughing and winking. I’ll continue to vote, because it’s my right. And I’ll encourage others to as well. Maybe someday the tides will turn and our vote will count…
How terribly sad this election debacle is. Is it really “our right to vote” any longer?
I think that became destroyed in 2020. Oh!!! Oops!! I mentioned 2020….we are supposed to be silent about that election aren’t we?? SILENCED is how THEY want us to be. Just shut up and pay your taxes!! That’s the current message….
Average tax paying citizens are growing weary of all this bs. Disinterested in voting because the process NO LONGER WORKS!! I’m older so I vote. Younger people see zero sense in it so…….goodbye to the America we love and worked for all our lives.
I no longer feel sad that I have no grandchildren….why subject them to this horrendous mess?? GOD BLESS US ALL!!
Ms McNamee, our votes count at the local level, especially for those of us who live in rural areas.
If you’re in Chicago, though…
Mr K. Cook County State Attorneys Election. Fantasy becomes Reality. A work of fiction, like out of a novel, is now the truth.
Brilliant column as usual John! Yes, it’s always the mail in votes. They mysteriously appear in nooks and crannies of polling places waiting to be found by Democrat polling judges. The “Covid Crises” has established this as an acceptable form of fraud since it was used to steal the election from Donald Trump. This is why Democrats have tried to make this form of ballot harvesting as the norm for stealing elections. And this is why they opposed Red States tightening up election laws by requiring voter IDs and mostly in person voting. States like Texas have been accused of the sin of “voter suppression”. How dare they ask you for an ID to cast a vote. The nerve. Burke is getting the Trump treatment from the Crook County regulars. Even Breitbart is ridiculing the in-progress theft. I’m sure Democrat Burke is going to now metamorphose into becoming an “election denier”. I’m sure it doesn’t feel good to get jobbed from your own kind. Hopefully she gets this in federal court to force Crook County into a special election as this one is obviously tainted by impropriety. Hopefully…
Intriguing there has not been much said from the O’Neill Burke camp since last Tuesday – crickets! Why?
The Chicago Way slogan has been, and will always be – vote early-vote often! In my 77 years thus far, nothing has changed. Those of us left behind will see history repeat itself come August with the hosting of the socialist party convention. Sorry, but there’s nothing remotely “democratic” about it any longer. It’s become the Soros Socialist Party -SSP! Anyone with a brain can see the slow demise of a once great city by all the leftists that insist they’re protecting democracy! HAH! BS. It’s all about control, and counting ballots til they add up correctly. Anyone who hasn’t seen the documentary “2000 Mules” should do so. It’s eye opening, and scary as well. Keep counting ballots til you get the desired result….the Chicago Way, since Capone! Is it really any wonder that the new SSP wants to disarm us all?
Imagine my surprise when, after registering to vote in my new home state of Florida, I received a letter from Illinois stating they would be removing me from the voter rolls since I registered in Florida. Could it be because I was a registered Republican?
Reminds me of that old saying, “My dad voted straight Republican before he died. Now, he’s voting straight Democrat.” But, with a wave of the amnesty wand, the dead are destined to become just another minority bloc.
Brilliant John, simply brilliant.
I knew 4 years ago when the D clowns sidestepped the “process”, used a fake manufactured Covid fear campaign and instituted the mail in change the rules on the fly bull$h…
Early voting was supposed to be the answer for those who couldn’t get to the polls on voting day. In the day, it was “absentee” voting, for those like the military for example, who couldn’t get there on Election Day. There was a policy with that … the ballots had to be in for counting on Election Day. Not postmarked, but actually in house to be counted on the day !!! We couldn’t follow the rules so we changed the name, created some overused words like disenfranchised and especially Democracy and here we are. Elections as crooked as an arthritic finger and more painful to boot.
I only hope something happens during the party in August. Something horrible that will expose Gov Michelin Man and the rest of the administration for what they are.
I saw this coming 4 years ago. Never ever had I wished I was so wrong 🥲
Isn’t it amazing that Johnny Rocco’s election philosophy is still used by the democrats in Illinois today. Just keep counting until you get the numbers you want. Here’s a link to refresh your memory. It’s just as John describes in his column but it’s always fun to watch E.G. Robinson in action.
A relative I know is running for office in Washington state, really good person and really honest.
I sent him a check and he called to thank me- I told him I’d vote for him and he said “But you don’t live in Washington”, to which I informed him that since I had lived in Cook County for 41 years I could vote for him several times, even if I were dead.
Thanks for a great column John! The dead voted in 1960 to give Illinois to JFK, they will continue to vote via the various “absentee ballots” till you get the right “Rocco” answer. Red states need to continue to clamp down on such election abuse opportunities. For many blue states, they are too far down the road to fix it. One even bigger concern is the plan to use next census to count all the illegal aliens that have arrived to change the distribution of seats in the house back towards blue states that have lost population. Congress needs to pass a law that only citizens can be counted for the census!
Bravo, Senor Kass, for today’s excellent column. Stealing the State’s Attorney race may very well be the cherry on the cake, the piece de resistance, of Oberfuhrer Prekwinkle’s long run in Illinois politics.
And molti complimenti for your deft, highly creative phrasing:
“The leftists preen like perfumed apes dressed in velvet suits when speechifying about how much they revere the institutions of democracy.”
Love it! Mike Royko and William F Buckley would be proud.
All the best, Speez
“Mail-in” balloting is the biggest scam the commiecrats have EVER created. I’d go along with it IF all mail-in ballots were required to be received by the time polls close. Not the day, week or month after they close, but BY THE TIME they close. That, however, would stop the stealing, which the commiecrats — who have monopolistic control in Killinois and several other states, as well as the federal government — won’t allow. Just like they won’t allow term limits. This will end in bloodshed.
There you go again John. With the conspiracy that 2020 POTUS election was stolen. I thought you were brighter than that. Totals were approximately: 81 million for Biden; 74 million for Trump. The 81 million by Biden was the first time in US history any one got more than 80 million votes! Stolen election conspiracy, John? Your better than that to foster such BS. If it’s true prove it with FACTS, not conspiracy theory
Thomas in all due respect here in Wisconsin in 2016 the Green Party received 31,072 votes and Trump won by 22,748 votes. In 2020 Biden won by 20,608 votes and the Green Party got Zero votes. In 2020 the Green Party was kicked off the ballot in September by the Wisconsin Election Commission because they found the V.P. candidate had the wrong address on the signature petitions because she had moved even though no address of the candidates were required on the forms. Watch to see in Nov.if WI has either RFK Jr., Green Party, or No Labels on the ballot. Why do you think they don’t send the ACT out to High School students? In 2005 the Baker-Carter Commission was formed after hanging chads in FL in 2000 and Ron Wyden and Amy Klobuchar were concerned of the ballot machines in OH in 2004. Top 3 recommendations, 1. Voter ID, 2. Security of Ballots, 3. Paper trail of machines, and the technology of machines. Tech has changed a little since 2005. Governor Evers has vetoed 12 election integrity bills sent to his desk and next Tuesday we get to vote on 2 Constitutional Amendments with one that bars CTCL (Zuckerbucks) and only paid staff at polling places because of Rubin Spitzer-Rubenstein being caught in Greenbay with a laptop open and phone and had to leave when county leaders showed up. Was the WI 2020 stolen, rigged, free and fair, or at minimum questionable? If your best friend (party) is cheating on their wife (voters) should you tell her (people)?
Michael not Rubin.
John, why hasn’t anyone brought up the fact that CTU bussed Hundreds if not, thousands of students to vote in this election and one of the kids who was interviewed on TV when asked a question if he was told how to vote, Said yes, they did tell them how to vote and showed them how to mark the ballot. Just another new way to steal elections. If the CTU would only use their ingenuity to teach kids how to read and write and do math, wouldn’t Chicago be a better place?
Hopefully some enterprising Chicago law firm files a class action lawsuit against the Chicago Teachers Union for their electioneering activities involving Chicago high school students. It would be interesting to find out how many were coerced, threatened or promised passing grades to force them to vote in the primary. I’m sure the kids parents would like to get in on that cash settlement. Of course the added benefit is that a judgement would probably bankrupt that horrible union….
10,000 votes. See!
A nice round number. See!
Yeah, found in da garage on Clark.
Keep countin’. See!
Or as Biden say, “Look, man!”
See who wins.
Every debit/credit card has a chip.
if lost, the credit card company cancels the old card and sends you a new one within a week. It keeps track down to the penny of your purchases.
Make Illinois ID’s with a chip. Use that chip to update any voting roll, death or moving would be automatically fed into the system. Use that ID to get a ballot from a machine in any library or polling place. Either mail it in or put it in the box at your polling place. Have a serial number on each ballot to authenticate it, not the voter (every dollar bill has a different serial number). Early voting should be 5 days MAX. We already have to switch to REAL ID to counter the Chicago KEY cards and the massive amount of illegal DL’s out there because of the Chicago KEY cards. By 2028, we could have an auditable secure voting system….and fire bevers, investigate the whole board and if guilty, toss them in prison for life.
You’re at your best when focused on Chicago, Cook County, and Illinois. Thank you and happy Easter.
You triggered little Eric Zorn, so you know it was a great column!