Trump, the Golden Age of America and the Forgotten Man
By John Kass
Jan. 22, 2025
No one who watched President Donald J. Trump’s second inauguration could avoid the infectious optimism of his words.
His speech was a rallying cry for the people who’ve been slapped in the mouth, again and again and again by America’s corrupt bi-partisan ruling establishment that detests them:
The Combine.
It cuts down any weeds standing before it. It chops them fine until there’s nothing left.
America and the world needed to hear those words from Mr. Trump in Washington, and our 47th president delivered.
“The golden age of America begins right now,” Mr. Trump said. “From this moment on, America’s decline is over.”
It was short. It was sweet. And, yes, as an American, I loved it. Perhaps you did, as well. Americans wanted secure borders, less crime in the cities, lower gas prices. It’s really not magical. It’s just simple American common sense. That is what America is all about—common sense.
Much of his speech was polite and direct, but there was no mistaking the president’s tone: Surrounded as he was by Presidents Bush, Obama, and Biden, he made a clear break from their absolute corrosive administrative failures.
Bush and the neo-con Republicans promoted the endless foreign wars that broke the Middle East, sending refugees streaming into Europe. Obama’s Marxist obsession with race and gender over merit led him to champion the racism of DEI (Diversity, Equity and Inclusion) that runs counter to the American belief in competence. And Biden, who sat there with wife Jill, was the senile Democrat meat puppet who had just quietly issued a blanket pardon for his corrupt family members, including his bagman brother James and others who pocketed millions in foreign cash.
Yet in President Trump’s brief address there was none of the seething anger of former adviser Steve Bannon that helped sour the country against Trump when he first took office the last time.
It was a call of hope for those of us who stopped looking to Washington for anything resembling hope.
But it was also a clear repudiation of the bi-partisan Combine that has for decades loathed forgotten Americans, the people that played by the rules and served their nation and their communities with loyalty and honor.
Think of Mitch McConnel making his fortune through China shipping connections. Think of Nancy Pelosi killing the stock market. The Combine Way is the Washington Way, is the Delaware Way. And only suckers beef.
Theirs is not a partisan arrangement. It is the establishment prerogative. It is the Deep State. It hates American freedom and liberty. It hates what it can’t control. It protects its own and they hate us and they hate Trump.
The forgotten are the people who elected Trump twice, making him the 45th and 47th president.
“For many years, a radical and corrupt establishment has extracted power and wealth from our citizens, while the pillars of our society lay broken and seemingly in complete disrepair,” said President Trump.
But he is also correct that the federal government has too often failed Americans in its essential job:
To provide for public safety and protecting the border and providing for basic services.
One of those expectations—as written down in our own sacred Bill of Rights—is our freedom of speech:
“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”
Journalists once believed this as a creed. It was a given. It was our secular civic religion at the papers where I worked, especially the last one that capitulated to the power-drunk Jacobin mob and essentially killed itself.
But as we know now, all of that sacred obligation changed once Biden and Obama, and the rest of the Deep State buccaneers used federal power to deny this freedom of speech to the forgotten Americans. It was another of their ways of leveraging fear for political power. Biden used it to suppress the news to protect their power, including legitimate news about his crooked son Hunter that he and other Democrats wanted to snuff out before the 2016 election. And left wing corporate media helped.
As we learned from sworn testimony and evidence in court, the Biden White House also used its leverage to stifle critics on social media. Democrats have cemented themselves in the public mind as enemies of public discussion.
Now though, the cancel culture is in retreat and the people reach out to Trump. That’s common sense too. They feel pain. And they don’t like being mocked by soft-handed men in suits. Somebody might write a song.
What Americans find particularly insufferable is ideological stupidity: like the left’s repeated and obnoxious insistence that their America is not only the land of unicorns and rainbows, it’s also the land of many genders.
Happily, he knocked that one down within minutes with one of his many executive actions designed to return to normalcy.
“As of today, it will henceforth be the official policy of the United States government that there are only two genders, male and female,” Trump said during his inaugural address Monday, taking an early step to fulfill one of his political campaign promises.
Ye gods!!!! Only two genders?
Titled “Defending Women From Gender Ideology Extremism and Restoring Biological Truth to the Federal Government,” the order says that “sexes that are not changeable, and they are grounded in fundamental and incontrovertible reality.”
The federal government will also shift from using the term “gender” to “sex,” and that sex is “an individual’s immutable biological classification,” Trump administration officials later told reporters.
Naturally, the left lost their minds, mouths frothing on CNN and MSNBC. They’re absolutely crazy. It is stupefying to have to say this, but we’ve all seen Democrats so terrified and confused about gender that Supreme Court Justice Katanji Brown Jackson was unable to answer a simple question about women.
It is amazing, said the writer David Marcus on Fox News. I like his writing. I find him reasonable and clear-thinking
“It truly is,” said the writer David Marcus in an interview on Fox News. “we have a sitting Supreme Court justice who refused to say that very thing on the grounds that she is not a biologist. It was always madness.
“But it’s good that Trump is taking such a strong tack on this, for a very long time I think conservatives thought there were some accommodations that could be made at least as far as adults were concerned, that we could deal with prisons and shelters and still let people pretend to be a gender that they’re not. I think Trump drew a line in the sand there and said no, this is actually make-believe, and the government is not going to play pretend anymore.”
For years before Trump, and recently as Biden the Obama meat puppet was installed in the White House, America’s middle-class was abused, mocked, scourged and jailed. Those days are now gone. Trump will not pretend. He isn’t going to play make-believe as America in Trump’s restoration.
We are a nation that reaches for common sense, as we enter the new Golden Age.
About the author: John Kass spent decades as a political writer and news columnist in Chicago working at a major metropolitan newspaper. He is co-host of The Chicago Way podcast. And he just loves his “No Chumbolone” hat, because is a “No Chumbolone” Zone where you can always get a cup of common sense.
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Where else would you find a No Chumbolone™ cap or a Chicago Way™ coffee cup?
Because I know this about you: You’re not a Chumbolone.
Comments 48
Well-said, John….as always. Seeing the pretzel twists some of the networks are contortioning themselves into? Hilarious! Forget what the man SAID in his address, let’s focus on “Is he REALLY the President? His hand was NOT on the Bible!” And the other question to be answered: “Was that REALLY Melania? Why did she wear the hat so we couldn’t see her whole face? Maybe she didn’t really want to be there!”
The clarity with which you captured the Eagle-eye view of the day was not part of the offering on some of the networks. They’re working hard to breathe their last and most don’t realize it’s their own foot on their neck.
Bravissimo, John!!!! Perhaps I’ll say more when I’ve had coffee, and can spell adequately, but bravissimo!!!!
Lead, follow, or get out of the way. “…what can you do for your country.” How far the Democratic Party has fallen and the RINOs have been captured. Next year we will celebrate our countries founding 250 years ago and what a party its going to be. “A Republic, if you can keep it.” Well Ben we’re still hanging on and “We’re Going To Mars Baby !!”. Keep up the righteous fight John they’re greasing up the Combine in the machine shed and you need to keep shining your lantern on it.
Stay Strong Patriots !!
Oh my, it’s just remarkable. Common sense is breaking out like a respiratory virus, please let’s keep it up
I like how you say it’s bipartisan making millions off your job in Congress. A political whore is political whore no matter which party. They are all in it for themselves. Locally you left out 10th Cong district US House rep Brad Schneider who has become the 24th most wealthy member of House. He has done this by sitting on various health committees feeding info to his wife who then buys and sells health stocks on insider information. I will attempt to run against him in 2026.
Finally, one must remember, he is a lame duck. If Dems delay for 2 years, Trump is toast. He’s already doing stupid things like saying birth right citizenship is now not allowed. Sorry it’s written law. It will be struck down big time. You must pass a law to change that. And it doesn’t take much for a GOPer to vote Dem on certain issues. The GOP has very slim margins.
As far as queers and transgenitals (a phrase i coined, soon to be trademarked) are concerned, I think Sam Kinnison the former preacher turned foul mouthed screaming comedian said about them is best: ‘they do things that make even Jesus puke’.
Thomas I think you missed the point. You have already shown your spectacular ignorance regarding Trump with your nonsense 5Ws and “you can put it on the board … yes.” You were – the great prognosticator – 100% sure Trump was gonna lose. How’d that work out Thomas? At least have some humility.
Trump is a lame duck in the traditional sense but – as with anything regarding Trump – we’re not talking about traditional sense. He is setting up his legacy. And setting up Vance to go forward. And since Trump will not be running for reelection he is swinging for the fences so to speak. That is what is going on here.
Regarding “birth right” citizenship, sure it will require an amendment (but you never know these days). He likely knows that. But what he is doing is sending a loud and clear message that he is F’n serious about immigration reform. Now and immediately. Furthermore, he is just following Biden’s philosophy regarding what is lawful and what is not: “Unlawful? Who says? If a court has not weighed in, then it is lawful as I say it is.” And incidentally Biden even went a step further: He ignored the Supreme Court Court’s decision (regarding his loan forgiveness) anyways. Trump is just following along these lines. Furthermore, since you have not been in the federal system, I got news for you. Trumps EO, illegal or not, stands until it is reversed in the courts.
You really have no idea what you’re talking about sometimes. Stick to what you know about. Because you obviously know zero about the federal beast or how it works or does not.
Congress is gridlocked because the country is divided. Hence, Congress cannot pass laws, so we are left with executive orders, whose final judgment is rendered by the judiciary. Because conservatives has a 6 – 3 SCOTUS majority, the winds are definitely in our favor.
But I caution against Republican overconfidence. Republicans have a habit of overplaying their hands after an election victory. None of these executive orders are permanent, they can all be overturned 4 years from now. The Senate majority is small, and the House majority is razor thin, so it is unlikely that any major laws will be passed. Trump’s victory was convincing but not at all a landslide. Although he won the popular vote, demographics are still in the Democrats favor.
Agreed with everything you said. The risk of President Trump over playing his hand is high.
John Kass deserves credit for his significant role in ushering in this Golden Age. No one worked more couragesously than John Kass to help the voices of common sense during the Wilderness Years, now in the rear view mirror. God Bless America!
Well stated. I think you captured the central theme as largely a need to de-Obama this government.
It has had 12 years to metastasize, and was lawlessly able to survive Trump’s four year intervention. God grant us the eradication of it this time.
Very well done as always, Mr. Kass, and your Greek ancestors are once again proud of you. I sincerely hope that our President is permitted to go forward on many of his pledges, but I have no doubt that the (sic) “media” and “hollywood glitterati” will do everything they can to stop him. Freedom of Speech is an interesting topic that used to exist in this country, but only seems to exist nowadays when the person speaking agrees with the people from the two aforementioned entities.
Freedom of Speech is critical and shouldn’t be minimized. If it weren’t for Freedom of Speech, Black people would still be (literally) riding in the back of the bus, if it weren’t for Freedom of Speech, we’d probably still be involved in the Vietnam War. Sometimes the minimization of this important part of what America is might seem minimal and unimportant, but it isn’t. Threatening someone for simply stating that they don’t believe some of the nonsense that is being spewed isn’t minimal or unimportant, it is dangerous. Many of us recognize that danger, and some of us, like you, have guts enough to say it publicly. Please keep it up, we desperately need it.
I’ve read or heard this in many places that last two days, but nowhere with such concise clarity! It sums up the feelings of so many millions; one of your best!
The fight is just beginning. The leftists need to be shamed, hammered down so deeply that they can never rise again. What fool wants to return to those days of silly madness? No mercy.
Great column John. I’m looking forward to President Trump’s term with optimism like never before after watching Biden/Obama destroy our Country and it’s fundamental values.
Reading your article makes me feel all giddy, like that warm feeling on Christmas morning when you’re at the tree about to open your presents.
Common sense. Another warm, sensible feeling washes over everyone when they get soaked in common sense. If only a mayor in the city of Chicago could guide with common sense. Probably asking a lot, but we can all dream. #47 almost makes me want to run for mayor just to be able to spread some of the common sense dust amongst the good citizens of Chicago.
God bless President Trump, may he govern with common sense and a quiet being and may his actions create an overwhelming abundance of good fortune for the U S of A.
Well said John. Common Sense is the key phrase. Thomas Paine published his piece in 1776 and it was the basis of a government of the people, not the aristocracy.
Trump is making strides but the real progress that is still needed is an election system that restores the people to power. Given the $16b spent on politics just last year and the power of the lobbyists and interest groups that supply most of that funding, we need a system that counters that power and makes money and media subordinate to the will of the people.
That will happen when Congress is elected using tiny districts where money and media is not needed to gain office.
Then, we can get an education system not owned by the teachers unions; a health care system utilizing free market ideas not controlled by huge insurers, the governemnt and health care companies; plentiful energy that is affordable and housing supply that brings down costs.
Lobbyists and interest groups work against these ideas and they need to be disempowered.
Gen: 1:27
So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.
Pretty simple.
Thanks again, John. We shouldn’t have to say “thank you” to people for loving our country, but the fear and disgust over what the Combine was doing vs those who stood for the little people warrants it.
Monday was one of the best days of my life. President Trump took control and will work hard for all of America for the next four years. Already he is cleaning house.
It is such a hopeful time in our country, and I can’t wait to see what he accomplishes.
I like how you say it’s bipartisan making millions off your job in Congress. A political whore is political whore no matter which party. They are all in it for themselves. Locally you left out 10th Cong district US House rep Brad Schneider who has become the 24th most wealthy member of House. He has done this by sitting on various health committees feeding info to his wife who then buys and sells health stocks on insider information. I will attempt to run against him in 2026.
Finally, one must remember, he is a lame duck. If Dems delay for 2 years, Trump is toast. He’s already doing stupid things like saying birth right citizenship is now not allowed. Sorry it’s written law. It will be struck down big time. You must pass a law to change that. And it doesn’t take much for a GOPer to vote Dem on certain issues. The GOP has very slim margins.
As far as queers and transgenitals (a phrase i coined, soon to be trademarked) are concerned, I think Sam Kinnison the former preacher turned foul mouthed screaming comedian said about them is best: ‘they do things that make even Jesus puke’.
Mostly agree with you Mr. Rudd. Good to see a fresh perspective.
” Soft handed men in suits ”
What a great analogy, John !
However, you left out one word……Spineless.
You will know it is truly the death of Wokeness when ABC cancels shitshow “The View”. No more of these shrieking lying slanderous Harpies. Once the victims of their bullshit start hitting them with lawsuits AND collecting we’ll see the last nails pounded in their coffin. Can’t happen soon enough. I don’t watch any ABC, NBC or CBS programming. Football lost me with the kneeling and obnoxious music they play in between plays. If its not someone babbling over a music track, its some foreign language babble trying to sell me a cell phone. The political ads they authorized during this election also cemented their legacy of trash. Hopefully Trump and others start hitting them with lawsuits…
I am concerned that Trump will act “wildly” – such as violating the law regarding offspring from illegals born here being citizens. He needs to be careful, as his margin in congress is small. He needs to pick his battles carefully, because in 2 years, he could be “silenced” in congress. Great column as usual, John. Our Greek ancestors would be proud for sure! 🙂
I, too, feel as if a fog has lifted from my head, and can finally see clearly. Your words have sustained us all during the dark ages of Obama-ism and Biden-ism! The blinders have been shed and we can all thank God for this new beginning of the age of common sense! Onward and upward! Εις ανώτερα!!
“It hates American freedom and liberty. It hates what it can’t control.” “It”. Indeed. It’s not human, its a thing. This is also why my ancestors from Virginia seceded. I have never been happier, even though no one will realize, that we just fought the Civil War all over again, and won.
We won, if the American People have won back the political power the Founders saw as ours, and ours alone. One man may help us course correct, one great win. Much effort still remains for our Republic to start setting the best example it can, for the rest of the world.
“Men with soft hands” – what American Indians call “Stick People” – so many stick people
Barbara Richardson,…. you’ve stated it so perfectly. How I,….along with millions of others, now feel at this time in American history. Living into a true turning point. Thank you!
Mr. Kass- Much of what you say is true here. But you are deluding yourself and your readers if you think that re-electing a morally corrupt, buffoonish clown for president is going to fix it then you are smoking the latest strain of “hopium”.
Enjoy your delusion while it lasts. I believe America will self-correct very soon.
Hey Bob. Why do you think this “buffoonish” clown is in the WH? Listen he IS the self correction. He was elected to correct Biden’s outlandish wide open border, to bring sanity back to reality, to dig us out of the delusional rabbit hole the Dems put us in: i.e. people with dicks are woman. Men can give birth. Outright Insanity. If you work for the people i.e. a federal public servant – then you belong at work and NOT at home. Duh. And DEI indoctrination and propaganda has NO place in the government. I went through all that marxist bullshit while I was a federal employee. It not only is a violation of the First, it is a glorious waste of time and money. This IS the self correction. Never forget that the most morally righteous and admirable man, Jimmy Carter, was one of the worst of all Presidents. I’m not sure your criterion for POTUS ultimately determines how effective a POTUS will be. We’ll soon find out.
Hi Bruce-
I agree with many things you say but am puzzled by some of your “big picture” conclusions. Nonetheless, I think you are a guy worth listening
A while back, you offered to communicate outside John’s site which I agree would be more appropriate.
Will you please contact me at-
Hi Bob:
Your email address is not working. I tried twice.
Sorry about that. Not sure what the problem is. Can you pls try this one which I only normally only use for, well, buying things!?
I agree with you.
Politicians are politicians are politicians.
People in high places tend to be post turtles.
The world economies are heading for a spectacular fireworks show.
And, FWIW, I think we’ve been viewing kabuki theater for a few years now.
Hi John,
Great column!!!
Get the wonderful writing, you do, coming!
No Chumbolone,
Dennis Conway
Excellent John. You never disappoint!
It makes my day, and I think that the Left Wing Radicals have unleashed their Brown Shirt ANTIFA Turds in Portland Monday night as a test run to see how they will be met with. Most likely the Mayor of Portland will don his/her “Pussy Hat” and join them.
Reading your column, John, I could not help but be reminded of Teddy Roosevelt’s MAN IN THE ARENA speech. Teddy seemed to be talking of Trump’s struggles on our behalf when he said:
It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong
man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better.
The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is
marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who
comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and
shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows
great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy
cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement,
and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that
his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know
victory nor defeat.
Mr. President – what is best in life?
“To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of the Women-Identifying”
– with a nod to Kurt Schlichter of
John, when is the Combine going to start criminally prosecuting the multitude of fraudsters who set up phony baloney businesses and concerns to reap millions of ill-gotten gains and it seems from what I can gather, many of these grifters had government jobs and were minorities, probably politically connected. Also, are the Combine going to sincerely prosecute the multitude of public-school teachers, aides, and other CPS employees for their sex crimes. Funny, any time it is a priest who is accused, you can be sure that the Slime-Times will put is on page one. Just saying.,
John, Thank you! That’s it – just thank you! One day shrimp with grits at Jucy-O in Downers is on me!
Noticed that many on this site like to advertise their godliness.
Here is an actual Christian speech delivered by an actual Christian to our new Chrino administration. Recommend watching the entire video- it’s only 5 1/2 minutes long.
Justice Brown knows full well what a woman is but chose to say she didn’t due to not being a biologist. It doesn’t take a doctorate is biology to differentiate between females and males. Justice Brown chose to evade the legitimate question. Not everyone on the Left is stupid. Many more, I would contend, are intellectually dishonest, as is the case with Madame Justice Brown.
JK Probably going to piss off a few of your readers, but those people from Jan 6
should have been judged individually and not collectively. Trump was wrong to pardon many of them. No person has the right to attack a copper with a fire extinguisher, wasp spray, fence post etc. You touch a cop trying to injure and you’re going down.
Can you also imagine the up roar if it occurred at City Hall and a Chicago cop shot an unarmed woman climbing thru a window twenty feet away from him or her. Man committed murder and should have been charged, not given a pardon. Well pardon the three cops in Minneapolis as well.
How about Bidens middle finger to Law Enforcement. Leonard Peltier, murdered two FBI agents shooting both in the head as one begged for his life. Denied parole in July 2024. Then the number two leader next to Jeff Fort of the El Rukns Gregory Shell gets a commutation.
Main stream media said he released 2500 low level people arrested for dealing dope.
Non violent crime. Tell that to any family member in this country who lost a child, brother, sister, or parent to a drug over dose. It’s not victimless. It’s murder, and forget the bullshit that they brought it on them selves..
I am in disagreement also about any one born in the country losing their citizenship because of parent s not being legal. BS look at the neighborhoods we lived in many people came here from Europe and elsewhere with a travel visa and stayed on for ever raising great kids…
I for one agree with you regarding the pardons. I think criticism of President Trump’s actions have been somewhat muted because of President Biden’s similar outrageous use of the plenary pardon power … as recently as this past Monday in fact. You know if it’s good enough for the goose then ….. Anyway, the WSJ was very critical of Mr. Trump’s pardons for the exact reasons you cite.
The bigger issue of course is if the use of the plenary pardon power becomes the go to standard such that a POTUS can encourage his staff and subordinates to ignore the law and perform illegal acts for the benefit of the POTUS with the understanding that those who do so will receive an all encompassing presidential pardon afterwards. This really could undermine our republic to say nothing of the faith and respect our citizens would have for any president. We really would be on the path to becoming a banana republic. As you imply, this is dangerous stuff.
Yes! So true!
John Kass, thank you for this….Now we are finding that there seems to be a fistful of “meat puppets” in Congress. Sen Schumer proudly was cantankerous about Trump and his erosion of the Green Agenda. Schumer either is too brainless or his aides who shove talking pieces at him are just as stupid as to our need for energy to become the Nation of AI and in charge of same. With a man from Japan willing to spend half a trillion $$ in the USA to build AI business HERE, we need fossil fuel energy and we don’t need windmills and solar panels made in China. Did anyone tell Schumer that “Green Energy” only supplies 10% of our energy?…..answer…NO!
How does one get Schumer to learn from his mistakes? Yes, rhetorical question. I so look forward to President Trump soaking Schumer’s words in a KH salad bowl and making him eat it…..I was thinking of something else, but the guidance from a higher spirit told me not to do that….
God bless you John Kass and keep on keeping on.
Long Time readers of J. Kass are quite familiar with the term “Combine”, a perfect term for Illinois (think of McCormick’s reaper/combine harvester) which John so effectively uses to describe the decades long practice in Illinois/Springfield to spread the graft and corruption among both the Dems and the Repubs. And all this Combine corruption (Walter Russell Meade might call it “honest graft”) takes place in the home of Honest Abe and the Land of Lincoln. Outside Illinois, many Trump supporters use the term UniParty to describe similar activity/corruption that occurs in DC at the National Level. Here’s hoping that Mitch McConnell’s (TN -U) hand-picked successor in the Senate (John Thune) is more America First and less Uniparty/Combine.
My mistake, Mitch M is from Kentucky, not Tennessee. (KY-U) No correction needed in party affiliation; Mitch is strictly Uniparty.
John, was there no Golden Moutza awarded in January?
Another journalistic gem, John.
Couple of things; consider what could have been if Fauci had been overseeing a “gain of common sense” program instead of pumping bats full of bioweaponized viruses. Americans would have been healthier and smarter and Democrats would have been lining up for their shot of common sense. Oh, to dream.
Now, about the J6 pardons. I see that there are disagreements over it.
I think the problem is that people are trying to rationalize it and you can’t. From the day of the protests, to the Nancy Pelosi hand-picked J6 Committee, to the arrests, trials and convictions of some 1600 protesters, none of it makes any sense.
There were protesters who were invited into the Capitol by Capitol Police. There were protesters who got to the Capitol who didn’t go in, but were still charged with crimes. There were protesters who were agitated, angry and aggressive who were hit with rubber bullets and MACE. Would they have been agitated, angry and aggressive had they not been shot with rubber bullets and sprayed with MACE? Were Capitol Police given orders designed to incite the protesters? There are allegations that cops were instructed to rile up the protesters, so that excessive force could be used. From what I witnessed, I have to wonder how many of the Capitol Police were DEI hires. They sure didn’t look or act like well-trained public servants.
Steven Sund wrote a book titled “Courage Under Fire”. Steven Sund was the Chief of the Capitol Police on January 6th. The book was a compelling first-person account of the lead up to January 6th, the day events unfolded and the aftermath.
Even though his pre-plans weren’t followed and his requests for additional resources were denied, he was fired by Nancy Pelosi.
But, most peculiarly, he was never asked to testify at the J6 hearings. WHY?
Michael Byrd, the man who shot and killed Ashli Babbett didn’t testify at the J6 hearings. WHY?
Donald Trump has made it very clear that he backs the blue. Because of the J6 pardons, that has come into question. Could it be that what he saw was criminality on both sides? Did he see the blanket pardons as a way to get this behind us quickly so that the country can start to heal?
I love cops. My dad was a part-time cop when I was growing up. I interacted with cops in my role with a fire department and I have many cops who are my friend to this day.
So, do we want to have another investigation into January 6,2021 or do we want to hit a reset and move forward on making America great again?
Let’s face it; many of us voted for Trump, because we wanted some sort of revenge exacted upon the Democrats. And Trump knows this all too well.
It’s hard to find fault with Trump’s J6 pardons when you look at some of the more than 8,000 pardons and commutations made by Biden. He pardoned a cop killer.
I hate to say it, but Biden set the precedent. He opened to door for Trump to keep a campaign promise. The Trump pardons didn’t come as a surprise, as he talked about it during his campaign. What’s surprising is that Democrats didn’t take him seriously. Well, they found out.
My last thought is on Free Speech.
I took it for granted. I never felt like I was losing my right to free speech.
That is, until Twitter permanently banned my account because I was a MAGA Republican.
THAT was my wake up call.
I take nothing for granted anymore.
Words are powerful.