The Long Road to Confronting China’s War on Religion: Part I

Comments 11

  1. Wonderful and disturbing presentation of Maoism 2.0. Ms. Crabtree and Mr. Cannon’s two-part series should confound the globalist sheep in Washington and the Vatican, but I doubt that.

    I soured on the current occupant of the Vatican when he turned his back on Catholics in Red China. Our sainted John Paul II would have railed against the persecutions and murders that go unanswered.

    Catholic school children in America never learn about the heroic Bishop Walsh and the treatment he endured at the hands of the ChiComs.

    Those who scratch the horns of Mammon (globalist elites and mitre’d frauds) will allow millions to be murdered be it “A woman’s right to Chose,” or “Progressive re-education.”

    God help us.

    Thank you both for tossing water in the faces of the American nappers.

    1. Agreed on all counts, Pat. I don’t doubt Francis means well, but his judgment is poor.
      I hope you are doing well and enjoying the great state of Indiana. My brother and his wife left their gorgeous Lincoln Park penthouse due to crime. Now live in the ‘burbs but would escape Illinois altogether but for his bride’s close immigrant family. I’m still in Atlanta, but now retired but for my occupation as Grandpa to four granddaughters. Still volunteering at Rice.
      Give me a shout sometime.

      1. Hi Mike! All is wonderful here in the great State of Indiana. I sure miss watching Brother Rice baseball, but not much else in Illinois. Hope you and yours are well!
        Pat Hickey – Local Yokel

    2. Agree with you, Pat. Our pope has done nothing. But he’s a Communist too.

      This was an incredibly informative piece about China’s history and where we are headed if we don’t start turning things around.

  2. John I didn’t read this yet however I want to make a statement.
    Please remember who we are, us Chicagoans and that we are the city of big shoulders. This is a wonderful place with the majority of great people. Please continue the critique on pols but remind our fellow citizens of our resilience and our moral character.
    Keep up the great work
    Hope your better
    Tony Loukas

  3. A well-written column!
    I grew up & lived/worked in Japan and Taiwan in the ’70s and ’80s & ’90s and saw much of the turmoil in China during those times. What still strikes me is that history always likes to repeat itself; the players may be different at times. So this column tracks well with what I saw from across the strait and when I traveled in China on business.

  4. I was in grammar school in the ’50s and high school in the ’60s, both Catholic, and we were taught about the dangers of communism and totalitarianism, including their war on religion and the persecution of religious men and women. Today’s students I fear have not had the same education as can be evidenced by the acceptance and promotion of socialism. At the same time we’re seeing a weaponized DOJ and its branches taking far too much interest in Catholicism and religion in general as members are now being called “MAGA extremists” who must be infiltrated. This new kind of Democratic Party (to me at least) is threatened by the influence of religion on voters who oppose such things as late-term abortion and hedonism while embracing traditional family values. If not confronted head on, how long will it be before those in government seek the same kind of control over every aspect of our lives including our very belief systems?

  5. Fascinating article, I look forward to Part 2.
    As a former proofreader I learned a new word: “sinicization”.
    Hope you are feeling better, John.

  6. Lots of conflagration, bias, and intellectual contortions. Why shouldn’t Everyone accept Christianity? After all, it’s the one, true religion.

    Of course, there’s nothing wrong with Christ, his teachings, and the overall theme of love, compassion, and service to God through serving faith, family, and community.

    We’re the Chinese wrong is seeing Jesus as the white imperialists God? Are they not essentially white supremacists? Why would anyone not from European descent be a Christian? Malcolm X said so much, and I’m inclined to agree.

    As for the killing babies issue, I agree it is barbaric. Why not provide assistance to these women? Prenatal care is not good quality for poor people. 1 of 5 children live in poverty, do. Not have good schools, nor do they have good nutrition.

    Why not require “fathers” to step up and support their offspring? Jesus wouldn’t want men to take responsibility? If men were jailed for nonsupport, I think things would change.

    We could drive abortion numbers way down with counseling and services to women. Birth control should be provided too.

    Every sperm is not sacred no matter what Monty Python said in their movie. I blame the men for our current predicament.

  7. Yeah, Communist China in the late 1950s and especially in Mao’s Cultural Revolution (Madam Mao was the worst, even worse than our Hillary and Chelsea Clinton) were profoundly anti religion, anti Christian, anti Confucian, anti intellectual – so was the Soviet Union from the Bolshevik Coup, reign the Great Terror (Robert Conquest’s description of the Stalin and Beria years). No s*** Sherlock.

    But that was then over 60 years ago. Now folks in Russia and most of China, Hong Kong have more religious freedom, especially for Christians who are patriots in China and Russia than we do here in the USA, in Woke, BLM, Leftist cities like Portland OR, Minneapolis or Lib Leftist college towns like Boulder Colorado, Charlottesville VA, University of Illinois Chicago campus or even Dartmouth.

    When Antifa Pussy riot invaded historic Christian Orthodox Cathedrals or did blasphemous anti Russia demos at the Russian Winter Olympics, the authorities sent in Cossacks to pepper spray and whip the Antifa Pussy Rioters, then Russian Christian savior Vladimir Putin had the Pussy Riot blasphemers sentenced to hard labor prison camps in Siberia!
    Don’t believe me? Let’s go to the video.

    How about we don’t live and think in the past? The Communist, anti Christian, anti Religious forces are not dominant in Russia or China. They are dominant here in BLM, Antifa, WOKE, (Dis) United States of America.

    How about living in this time, living in our real world?

    Left Behind in Hyde Park Chicago

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