So About That Rigged Trump/Harris Debate…
By John Kass
Sept. 13, 2024
For the past few days, the silver tongues from the left and right chattering classes have been hissing at each other like angry cats fighting over which one will be the last feline to be put in the stewpot in Ohio.
They’ve fought over media favoritism and selective partisan fact checking from the Trump Harris debate. Even the Germans are closing their borders now, but the Democrats in America and the Biden/Harris administration keep the gates wide open without complaint by corporate left-wing media.
And most of the post-debate bitching sounded removed from the concerns of Americans in real life, the bitching separated from reality, hollow screams from hollow men from the bottom of a long hollow tube.
I listened to a podcast of conservative pundit editors giving out debate grades. It was obvious they didn’t like Trump. I read them and I know their views, and their tongues curled as they said his name. And yet, at least at first, I thought it might be entertaining. But I switched it off, since it sounded like college sophomores from an Ivy League university giving nicknames and fingering their fathers’ meerschaum pipes, trading witticisms and bon mots, rich, preppy college boys not realizing how young they sound to the rest of us.
Did the ABC/Disney moderators (i.e. Democrat political activists) rig the debate for Kamala Harris and think they could get away with it? Of course they rigged it and they knew they could get away with it. They’ve been rigging debates long before Candy Crowley of CNN was ever hatched from a leathery egg.
Of course they rigged it and they spat on the republic as they did so. ABC’s Linsey Davis and David Muir embarrassed themselves. Should they run off to Florida and try to sell Disney tickets? Or scoop baboon poop? No. Who’d pay to go to Disneyworld? Only trans-supportive fools or morons who want their daughters to be raised up as victims, as future Disney princesses.
But did former President Donald Trump have a “good” debate performance?
No. Absolutely not.
He put old China Joe Biden away quickly, and the senile Biden invited the Democrat Obama coup that brought Kamala Harris forward. But Trump’s performance the other day against Vice President Harris was poor. I give Trump a D-minus. He was unprepared, and that made me angry because the republic is in the balance. He’s not lazy, but he approached this debate as a lazy man. And that pissed me off. I wanted more from him.
Trump is not a liberal Democrat, nor is he one of those bloodless establishment country club Romney Republicans that are liked by the media. They’re simpering as they finger their pipes and look to the establishment’s corporate world and Mitch McConnell for guidance as they, like Joe Biden, sell our nation to China.
Trump clearly is not one of the hollow corporate men. And he is not an articulate man.
He is anything but articulate and slippery. He is not some silver tongue. He is not some trout hiding under a rock for Nicol Williamson’s Merlin to catch him bare handed and tossed up on the mossy bank, all silvery.
Trump is an alley fighter. He’s direct, like a punch in the mouth, or a swift kick to the special purpose, which is why he was elected in 2016 and in my opinion why he should have been elected in 2020. But he wasn’t elected then. But after this last rigged debate, his voters are sure to come out angry. I think he’ll win.
He was almost assassinated on national TV and what did he do? He got up on his feet, made a fist and exhorted his voters to “fight, fight, fight.” The American people saw there was no backing down with Trump.
Harris? She did well for herself in a show biz sense, she presented herself rather reasonably well, and the ABC moderators protected her. ABC pretty boy David Muir could have played a pouty homicidal male-model in a Zoolander spin-off, but he did not fact-check her much. And neither did Linsey . They never challenged her. They gave off the vibe of protective helicopter parents at the playground, and this unnerved Trump.
Trump was wrong to say illegals were eating pets–although that has spawned many hilarious memes and it has focused attention to the 15-20 million illegals sauntering over the border. But when Harris made statements that could have been fact-checked, the moderators declined.
Harris said that Trump had threatened that there would be a “bloodbath” if he lost the election, and she characterized this as a threat of political violence. The ABC/Disney moderators Mousketeers could have pointed out that Trump was describing the auto industry in Michigan under prospective progressive rule, and that the auto industry in battleground Michigan would suffer a “bloodbath” from the leftist government mandates.
Harris also said there were currently no U.S. military service members in active combat zones. That was flatly untrue.
But the ABC Mousketeers did not fact check Harris on that dangerous whopper.
Then there was bias reflected in the questions the candidates were asked. Trump was deservedly grilled on his conduct surrounding the 2020–2021 transition, and comments he made about Harris’ race. He should have been prepared with a cunning pivot. He wasn’t.
Meanwhile, Harris fielded zero questions about her complicity in the coverup O. When she declined to give specific reasons for her flip-flopping on fracking—or even concede that she has flip-flopped—the moderators did not follow up.
Trump largely failed to show his vision for making the country a better place, and for that he has no one to blame but himself. Still, this debate was often a three-on-one fight, proving Democrats want to win and don’t care that the left wing media is torn up as collateral damage. But by the end of it, despite all the fawning from leftist media, the polls really hadn’t moved much.
Trump announced he wouldn’t do a third debate. He is wise not to roll in that rigged pigsty massaged by the Democrat Media Complex. And growing calls continue for an investigation into the ABC debate by independent journalist John Solomon and others. Who’ll investigate ABC? Clinton donor zero George Stephanopoulos?
And the question for voters remained as it always has been, the same question that the ABC Mousketeers asked Harris early on, the question that Trump didn’t do much with:
Are you better off than you were four years ago?
Kamala Harris dodged that one. But please do me and your country a favor and repeat it: Are you better off today than you were four years ago?
The great Ronald Reagan asked that of voters years ago.
“All of you will go to the polls and will stand there in the polling place and make a decision,” Reagan told Americans, looking straight into the camera and straight into the eyes of millions of voters. “I think as you make that decision it might be well if you would ask yourself: Are you better off than you were four years ago?”
No Mr. President.
We are not better off. And America is not better off.
This is the only question American voters will ask of themselves as they cast their ballots. It’s the one question the Democrats don’t want asked in public. Democrats are desperate to avoid it, because it was Harris who unleashed inflation by her tie-breaking Senate vote spending trillions of newly printed federal dollars. Trump should have crushed that one over the fence.
If I were an editor, I’d assign reporters to the supermarkets, to ask shoppers about being forced to put those “too expensive” items back on the shelf, the “luxuries” like eggs and and school supplies. And milk.
According to some…”Grocery prices are no longer climbing as much as they did in the last two years — but many Americans are still frustrated by what it costs to put food on the table. Some people have apparently hit their limit.”
People don’t vote for political theory. They don’t vote about a politician’s cackling laugh. They don’t vote on who had an unfair advantage in the debate, or how unfair the media has become or what flavor ice cream the politician loves? And after Reagan, it was a cranky old moderate Democrat who said, “It’s the economy, stupid!”
The people think about their nation. But they vote pocketbook issues, what’s best for themselves and their families. They don’t think of silver tongues or who “won” a debate. They don’t think of a Democrat candidate’s feelings or a Republican’s feelings. They think first of themselves and their families, and the rising cost of gas for the car, the high cost of meat, and eggs and vegetables, the rising costs of insurance, electric power. These aren’t luxuries. These are the things people need to stay alive.
Are you better off?
If you’re not better off, you know what to do.
Vote. Don’t whine or complain.
About the author: John Kass spent decades as a political writer and news columnist in Chicago working at a major metropolitan newspaper. He is co-host of The Chicago Way podcast. And he just loves his “No Chumbolone” hat, because johnkassnews.com is a “No Chumbolone” Zone where you can always get a cup of common sense.
Comments 68
This is the civics lesson young people need and the one older sleepy voters reminded of every day.
“Trump is not a liberal Democrat, nor is he one of those bloodless establishment country club Romney Republicans that are liked by the media. They’re simpering as they finger their pipes and look to the establishment’s corporate world and Mitch McConnell for guidance as they, like Joe Biden, sell our nation to China.”
My first reply but I’ve been a reader way before you left the paper. Moved back into the city I worked in after we raised all our kids in the suburbs. Watched the BLM mayhem out my window and helped clean the streets the next morning.
I don’t know how much longer this city can continue to be run by CTU.
Maybe after the latest “abolitionist BS more people will get to the polls in the next election.
As for the national election I hope your right about people voting their pocketbooks, I know I will be.
Just wanted to finally say thanks for your writing all these years. A breath of fresh air in the stink of Illinois politics all these many years. Wish you and yours continued good health and asking you to keep fighting the good fight.
thanks Joseph Brooks..
John, you nailed it again. You knew better than anyone the media would say Kackling Kamala won the debate and that Trump is the reincarnation of Pol Pot.
Excellent piece John. Where I utterly despise Donnie, I feel I have zero choice other than to vote for him again. We’d have been SO much better off with the likes of DeSantis, Halley, Burgum, Scott, etc.
I’ve voted for president since Nixon in 1968. When he was forced to resign, Daniel Moynihan for NY said, never again will someone truly qualified will run, when he/she knows what will be done to them and their families by what has become the Dems, and the MSM. Except for Reagan, I’ve always held my nose. Now, I utterly despise my choices. The voters that thought another Donnie run was a good idea, from a point of logic, I don’t understand. We had fabulous choices, and we pick a clown that can’t keep his mouth shut.
**Writing before the bulletproof coffee kicks in.**
Good gravy YES!!!! Spot on, John.
If you’re looking for optics, and that’s what the Democrats wanted to project, optics, it might seem Cackles Harris won. But as the results come out, most notably from Trafalgar, the whole debate didn’t make that much of a difference. Waste of time, money and energy.
I thought Cackles came across as an entitled middle school girl who knew she could get mouthy and lie and get away with it.
Trump needs to stop promising free stuff, as far as I’m concerned. He is a street fighter. But he had to take on three bullies that night. I’m with Megyn Kelly on this; in the end, that might work to his advantage.
As for rising prices, I keep tabs on them, despite utilizing actual farmers and not the touristy farmers’ markets around here, where the people from Chicago think they are getting such a deal on their ways to and from their “summer houses.” Eggs. From $1.20 a dozen, cheapest, to $2.99 cheapest. That’s a lot of money, more than double. And it’s not just retail eggs. So yes, I see it. And yes, I blame the present administration.
Back to last Tuesday though-are debates really debates at this point? Clearly, this wasn’t Lincoln vs. Douglas. Maybe it’s time to do away with these.
All true. One thing I’d like to see if he wins, is a steadier hand at the helm. The chaos is something that’s tiresome, and doesn’t accomplish anything long term. He needs to find a way to work with Congress to turn his policies into law. He needs to have better judgement when hiring people. A great choice was Mike Pompeo. Frankly, I don’t see Vance as much of a choice, because all it does is satisfy the cult. He needs to go bey0nd his base, knock off the rallies, and hold his speeches to ten minutes or less. Stop the rambling, almost childish stuff. In other words, get over himself, and do what’s best. AND, knock off the free stuff as we just can’t afford it.
Our country has been dying a slow death since obama’s first term. His 4th should finish the job.
Yes, “Our country has been dying a slow death since Obama’s first term. His 4th should finish the job.”
Let’s hope a resurgence of American voters’ common sense can prevent that, and can rebuild the weakened elements of US constitutional government (Constitution, Bill of Rights, Rules of Law, careful policing for public safety, quality non-partisan education,…) that have us sliding rapidly toward the abyss.
Obama’s world “apology” tour said it all. Millions of Obama voters immediately knew the enormity of the mistake they (me included) made in that election. Obama’s two US-undermining terms and the disastrous Biden/Harris term have left the entire world at the point of impending collapse.
Behind it all has been a completely amoral, self-serving mainstream media acting as requested by the Democrat party …. just like the German media before WWII and the Russian and Chinese media since then. The only rays of hope have been the Musk clean-out of the Leftists in XTwitter, the rapid growth of independent media platforms, and the massive well-deserved layoffs in the mainstream media newsrooms.
I agree. I plead guilty, but did not make the same mistake in 2012 … made no difference any way. And then there is the trend within our most influential law schools whereby the very Constitution itself – particularly “separation of powers” with a bull’s eye on the Court, as well as the First (“free speech”) – is under constant attack. “A republic, if you can keep it.” Indeed.
If we all put, “Are you better off than you were four years ago” bumper stickers on our cars without a Trump or Harris tag, Trump would win by a landslide.
YES! Bumper Stickers. Or better yet the headline on the front page of every newspaper, nationwide. (I still subscribe out of necessity for local news.)
Thank you John.
Thank you, John, for the honest analysis.
I guess it’s obvious, at least from every report out there, I didn’t watch, I couldn’t bear to, that the deck was stacked. Every former news person I used to like comes out being a total sh🤬🤬 when all is said and done, although I shouldn’t be surprised. That feeling started locally back with the Cheryl Burton-Mark Giangreco fiasco. It set the table for my media distrust and disgust.
Back to the issue at hand. If, as you say, Trump was unprepared what the hell happened to the supposed Tulsi Gabbard coaching that was supposed to bury queen kammy ? Was a D- performance the plan, conceding the sham stacked deck ? Like why fight it and try and make it look ultra obvious ? Every last comment I see about all of this is so damn disappointing. If you’re correct on your assessment of all of it, and I have no reason to doubt it, I like you, am quite disappointed.
BUT. It’s still going to come down to all of the foolish actors, athletes, young lefties, narrow minded females and robot followers who refuse to wake up and continue to fawn over this loser. And the result will be a loss for all of us. I hope you’re correct and I’m not.
Maybe Trump had a cold or was hangry. He was the only angry old man on the stage and did his best Walter Matthau impersonation. I heard he showed up to Philly 2 hours before the debate and that pissed me off because the low info voters where done with summer vacation and watching as they checked their credit card bills in disbelief. ” I actually have the endorsement of former Vice President Dick Cheney”. This softball statement from Harris could of led to the best line from DJT in a response of “So “The Dick” Cheney that lied about weapons of mass destruction in Iraq that led to 4500 service members deaths is endorsing you, well madam VP Harris that is all the voters watching tonight need to know about how your foreign polices align with the neocon war pigs we booted out of our party.” Whoever wins in Nov. doesn’t concern me much because the Tea Party of a few years back that turned into MAGA and has now morphed into America First and now with the likes of Elon, RFK Jr. and Tulsi in the mix the ship is starting to turn and we will have some setbacks in the short term but this is a long term battle that new Patriots will join because it is a righteous cause for Freedom and Liberty for all. Happy Friday the 13th everyone. Thanks for all you do John.
Once again we were given a master class in media gaslighting. Sadly there are so many uninformed voters that are swayed by this. I pray every single day people think before they vote.
The two folks who acted as (sic) “hosts” for this debate debacle are shining examples of why I haven’t watched the (sic) “network news” in over ten years. Watching someone like these two phonies, who may have never had an original thought, reading a teleprompter, and telling me how to think is insulting. There are no more Walter Cronkites on TV news.
And unfortunately, there are no more folks like John Kass in print media. That’s why this site is so important. And you continue to make your Greek ancestors proud, Mr. Kass- Keep it up- we need you.
I so agree with your column.
However I cannot but help to notice that in spite of the fact people are not better off today than four years ago, they want to will vote Harris in as President. Their reasoning is that they don’t like Trump.
So I do hope that in the end more people will ask themselves are they better off today than four years ago before voting. I hope that they then understand that a vote for Harris is bad and that a vote for Trump is good.
That is exactly why his cult has made this election a horse race. With other candidates (and we did have great choices), now we have the mouth again. I’ll vote for him again, but it just makes my posterior tired.
Thanks John for another great column. Watching this debate was painful thaks to the uneven playing field of 3 against 1. Trump can only take so much. He’s been indicted for crimes he didn’t commit while Biden was let off the hook because he was too senile to be tried. Trump was almost assassinated yet we still have not been told all of the information from the FBI which suggests a cover-up. For Trump to continue to want to run for President is a miracle. I agree the ABC Disney moderators ( I read the female was a Sorority sister of Kamala) should be ashamed of themselves and I hope their careers are ruined.
Had Muir or Davis followed Jim Lehrer’s rules for journalism, they would be mavericks today. Be dispassionate, ask hard questions of BOTH candidates, fact check both hard (if that is the norm). They chose to be sheep. Davis is a sorority sister of kamala. Muir likes his position at ABC. Had they broke the wall and acted like journalists, they may be out of jobs soon, but they would be heroes and would become lesser Rogens or Tucker’s. The money would be there, their mark would be lasting. Ron Majors took a stand against Springer being on the news as a commentator (and Marin followed even though it was a contract move, she wasn’t being resigned), both became Chicago icons for better or worse. Walter Cronkite was a partisan, he maneuvered RFK into the Presidential race and bagged LBJ with the TET reporting…his halo is gone. The lack of courage…….
Had Muir or Davis followed Jim Lehrer’s rules for journalism, they would be mavericks today. Be dispassionate, ask hard questions of BOTH candidates, fact check both hard (if that is the norm). They chose to be sheep. Davis is a sorority sister of kamala. Muir likes his position at ABC. Had they broke the wall and acted like journalists, they may be out of jobs soon, but they would be heroes and would become lesser Rogens or Tucker’s. The money would be there, their mark would be lasting. Ron Majors took a stand against Springer being on the news as a commentator (and Marin followed even though it was a contract move, she wasn’t being re-signed), both became Chicago icons for better or worse. Walter Cronkite was a partisan, he maneuvered RFK into the Presidential race and bagged LBJ with the TET reporting…his halo is gone. The lack of courage…….
Trump may not have won the debate battle but “focus group” polling the last few days suggest he may have gone a long ways toward winning the war. Thanks for the post.
I watched the debate and the split-screen reactions as the other candidate spoke. It was obvious that Harris was not there to inform us of her policies. She dodged and weaved when asked the first question and the ones that followed. There was no follow up, and no explanation of why she changed her policies. She was there for one purpose only–to poke the bear. In that she succeeded brilliantly. After the debate I sat in my chair shell shocked, but the one image that came to my mind–the absolute glee in her eyes and on her face when she landed another blow. The hate was palatable. If she wins, she will lead us to hell.
John, great insight, as always. I hated the way this played out. The two ABC “hosts” (wink wink, kamala operatives) should be ashamed of themselves. That dem consultant pimple, Philippe Reines, rehearsed her well. The condescending chin on her hand, the smirks, I wanted to jump through th TV and slap her. I’m glad he’s not doing anymore debates.
Nancy, I felt the same way. Such arrogance on her part. Now we hear accusations that the questions were given to the Harris team as “sample questions” and she couldn’t even get the answers right. Did she even answer one question? What a disgrace this “debate” was for the moderators, network and the Democratic Party. More like just another 1-1/2 hour partisan attack. Thankfully, Trump is used to these lies and smears. Seriously, I would think they should all be sued for defamation, but I suppose the crooked DOJ would laugh that out of court.
The show was everything we expected. Trump himself called it way before the debate. These people who ran this shit show revealed themselves in the last election cycle when their networks started running their own TV ads declaring their ” fair and impartial reporting “. If that were true THEY WOULDN’T HAVE TO REMIND YOU. Trump unfortunately took the bait Harris and ABC threw at him and didn’t take the gifts Harris gave him. Although he called out Muir for a couple of his lies, Trump handled the three of them admirably. Trump has been running an active campaign. Appearing at rallies, including the one that nearly got him killed, media interviews and fund raising. If anyone can plead fatigue its Donald Trump. No hiding in the basement for Trump. Harris has been in coaching classes, reading from teleprompters and not giving any interviews. Trump is correct in not giving her any more exposure. Trump’s message, one he should keep repeating in the media. NO MORE DEBATES. ASK HER FOR AN INTERVIEW.
In the poll question on “ who won the debate “, Trump actually “ won” by losing. It was painfully obvious from the start that it was 3 on 1. Harris’ act was spot on from the beginning when she shook hands with Trump, her facial expressions, propping her hand under her chin, to never being fact checked. Trump unfortunately stepped on every landmine and grabbed every piece of bait from every trap set. The Kamala show solidified every Harris voter to retain their vote for her, and every Trump voter for him. Polls show little to no movement at all post debate. The voters really need to wake up and see this for the sham it is. I can’t say I am overly fond of either candidate, but I can say my household finances were better off 4 years ago than it is now, and the world was a more peaceful place then as well.
Predicting if Trump wins, all blue cities will be in full riot mode.
Exactly, Jeff. When asked, it tell people I am voting for PEACE AND PROSPERITY.
John, your comment, Vote. Don’t whine or complain. Vote. Therein lies the problem. The last Chicago mayoral election had these results. 35% voted and 38% voted in the runoff with Vallas and Johnson. Only 20% voted in the 16th ward the lowest in the city which is Englewood. Nothing here is surprising, amazing, shocking, astonishing or even mind boggling. It’s Chicago. It’s been this way for years. No has ever really given a shit. When you do give a shit you cast a ballot. Unfotunately many Americans, like Chicagoans have the same mentality.
We can only hope that these last four years were a wakeup call and people have had enough. Generally everyone gets upset when it costs them something personally. When the money comes from their personal accounts/wallets they begin to feel the pinch and they then think it’s time to take action. We’ll see. The DNC cloud still hangs heavy over Chicago as the brainwashing has not yet ended. The Dems will be infecting the minds of as many as they can grasp.
The Democrat mind control machine took control of our state (Illinois) many years ago. It continues to control our children’s minds in the government run indoctrination centers, otherwise known as schools. So sad that there is really only one party here, and that socialism reigns supreme. Many here think, what’s the point of voting? For so many years we have felt like our votes are worthless.
This is the reason many will stay home from the polling place. We need to get past this way of thinking and VOTE EARLY. Vote for the Republicans running against our current leftist representatives. It’s an uphill battle, but these socialists are ruining our communities. We can’t trust these people. They are proven liars. They don’t deserve our support.
The 19th ward didn’t show up on election day. BLM Brandon thought he would come in 2nd and increase his grift, he never thought he would win. Thus weekly if not daily panic attacks.
Excellent analysis, as usual. The “moderators” were anything but. Simply there to give Malaka Kamala some cover. No fact checking on any of her diatribes of “facts!” Most intelligent viewers, either on right or left, could see right through that facade! In any event, Carville was correct when he admitted they set a trap for Trump. He came off flatfooted and unprepared, backpedaling to get any salient points across. I guess his team figured Kamala would be unprepared as she’s been for decades when doing an “interview!” Time to muster the troups and get them to the polls, and ask simply “are you better off today than you were four years ago!” It’s critical that voters see the damage done to the country by these evil forces, letting criminals and illegals flood our cities without regard to laws; defunding the police has backfired and Soros backed DAs and SAs are freeing all perps to simply continue the rampage of crime; eliminating parents from any school discussions about what’s healthy and good for their children; our economy is about to go bust with all the freebies being tossed out to the illegals under the guise of “inflation busting!” (And Kamala is going to toss out more…to illegals to buy a home! Gimme a break!) HAH, what a joke. I think anyone running for office should at least have a year or two of Economics instruction before they tackle the job – in addition to being a US born citizen. In addition, would be refreshing if, before running for office, the individual had a real job before the race!! (And not a community organizer either!) I’m an Econ major, worked before I served in the Navy for 3 years, and went back to work after I got out. But that’s just me. And no, I personally am NOT better off than I was 4 years ago, in case anyone is asking…..
Except for his closing statement, and nice retort about firing incompetent staff – as should have occurred with the Afghanistan fiasco – Trump stunk out the place. I couldn’t help but think if DeSantis had been standing there instead, how he would have wiped that constant smirk off of Hariss’ face by taking advantage of openings that one could have driven a Mack truck through, that Trump didn’t touch. The Fat Lady hasn’t sung yet, but she’s clearing her throat.
In part, I attribute Trump’s grade at least in part to the effect of being the 78-year old, rather than 70-year old that adroitly took the wheels off the Cruz, Rubio, Bush and Clinton debate efforts.
I watched. After I asked myself was that a debate? My final answer without phoning a friend was NO.
Kamala didn’t answer questions. Starting with the first. No answer. She was asked if she met Putin? No answer. Her values haven’t changed was her battle cry. I’m not sure what they are. She came off as a mean girl. She put forth many debunked lies. I was honestly waiting for her to say at one time this man wore a dark blue and a black sock.
The day after I was shopping in a big box store. I was getting eggs. There was an elderly couple next to me. They were contemplating if they could afford eggs. I said isn’t it sad we have to ask that? He then said to me I know who I’m voting for.
Shame on the commentators! Shame on them! The name journalists can’t be used.
I would chose the name school yard bullies.
Thanks for your column.
Great analysis as always, John. I think you have your mojo back! Your description of the moderators as ” ABC Mouseketeers” is perfect. I agree with you that Trump could have done a better job, but one can certainly understand his anger and frustration, given the 9 years of torture they have put him through. As for Kamala, she came across as a smug arrogant obnoxious condescending you know what. It’s easy to relax when the whole team is on your side.
The Trump-Harris debate was decisive. Harris supports funding Ukraine and endless wars. She’s delusional when thinking Ukraine has a chance in hell of defeating a nuclear-powered Russia. Harris will not get my vote.
Orange Man won in 2016 only bcuz of the dislike/hatred of Wench Hiliary.
Orange Man performance was an F. Tulsi can only teach him, not stand in for him.
He should INSIST on 3rd debate on Fox with Ingram and Hannity moderating. When KKK (Kackling Kommie Kamala) refuses then pound the crap out of her during remaining days for being a coward.
Finally, it probably doesn’t matter. Orange Man doesn’t have the fire in his belly anymore. You can clearly see it. The assassination attempt took the wind out of him. Political outcasts get killed: Kennedys, King, Malcolm, Wallace, etc. Threaten the Deep State and your a goner. Plus the 5Ws (wacky, weighty, woke, wealthy, white women) are working over time to bury him. They are incredibly mobilized and organized. School shootings and inability to get abortion stories will continue to proliferate up to 11/5/24. And if some gun crazed Pro lifer shoots up an abortion clinic it will be totally over.
I too have noticed a change in him after the assassination attempt, but for the purposes of the coming election, I think they are good changes. Presidents are not assassinated because they are hated but because they are too loved, so if he leads in the polls mid-October, look out. He is still fiery but more circumspect and controlled than in 2016. He lost in 2020 because Biden was not Trump. He will win in 2024 because Trump IS Trump. The indies will FOR him rather than because he is not Kamala. People are desperate for a savior and he is it.
Praying…..WRT to Trump lack of prep, I also saw a guy who seemed to finally show the effects of having so many people go after him in the vilest of manners, including the media who created the conditions for a “laudable” assassination. Its astounding that this guy still stands…praying
John….regarding the eating of pets assertion ridiculed by you…..some migrants were caught redhanded with dead geese emerging from a park…..what were their intentions ? Huh ?
The Biden/Harris administration dumped 20,000 Haitians into a town in Ohio. What the heck do people think is going to happen? These immigrants aren’t required to assimilate, and for all we know they are not being “coached” as to what American norms are, and what is required of them. Haiti is a 3rd world country where people are spending their days trying to survive, so what do we expect? I really can’t blame these immigrants, but I do blame the government.
The unpolled numbers of the silent majority will rise up on voting day…Orange Man will prevail. Believe it.
God willing…
In theory all debate moderators should be unbiased in their questioning, follow-ups, and fact checking, in other words journalists. However, as we witnessed Tuesday evening such was not the case with ABC’s moderators.
Conversely CNN’s moderators showed fairness and no partiality in their managing the first debate. Cynical observers say there was a motive for CNN’s impartiality during the first debate and that motive was to assist in the Dem’s coup to remove Biden. What better way to destroy Biden’s candidacy than to let Biden destroy himself. Which he did to the Dems satisfaction, thanks to CNN surprisingly not jumping to his aid.
Going forward regardless of what network carries a Presidential Debate, there should be at least three moderators to include two journalists not affiliated with the network.
This may not eliminate the blatant bias we saw Tuesday but it may greatly minimize it..
This will be the rare occasion where I deviate from your point of view that you made regarding Trump’s debate performance. Of the former President you write, “He’s direct, like a punch to the mouth.” And shortly after you state “Trump was wrong to say illegals were eating pets.” It’s those kind of declarative statements that make him who he is, direct, crass and alarmed at the deterioration of norms in this country. It was a net positive in my view. Rarely do I disagree with you but I’ll chalk it up to being Friday the 13th today! While it was not his best performance, the whole exercise was illustrative enough to the American people just how uneven the mainstream media playing field really is.
Trump reminds me of Mohamad Ali-“I am the greatest” except Ali was the greatest heavyweight of his time but Trump is only the greatest in his own mind.
Too bad our choices this election for President do not excite us to support them.
I am 89 years old and I have been fortunate to be an American and have the opportunity to vote. I have survived under both good and bad Presidents. We will survive this election as well no matter what the outcome.
George, I think of my deceased parents rolling over in their graves if the Democrats pull this one out or cheat their way into the White House for another four years. There will be so many executive orders that your head will spin. Kamala will be dictator on day 1 through day 1,460. Personally, I do not want to live in Venezuela.
The debate was a lot of noise. The non-answers were the telling answers. Trying to figure out the Kamala supporters makes my head spin. It’s like they’re back in high school feeling good about voting for the prom queen.
Would be better to acknowledge that this format really isn’t a debate at all. It is alternating questions, often answered with a response that has little to do with the question, but rather is just what the candidate wants to say. When one candidate is aided and abetted by the “moderators” and the other is goaded by them, after they’ve asked childishly “loaded” questions, you get what we saw recently. A waste of time for all involved, though in the eyes of some Ms. Harris’ coaching did improve the visuals of her posing for the cameras.
What would be far more interesting would be: Discuss your approach and your goals, re Foreign Policy. You have 7 uninterrupted minutes. Then the other person gets 7 minutes to talk about Homeland Security. Back to the first one on National Defense. They should pull their topic out of the proverbial hat. Maybe 20 topics in the hat, so they both know what all 20 topics are….they just don’t know which one they will get. They are to use their time to speak to that topic, not to digress/revert to what THEY want to talk about.
Do away with the rebuttals and the arguing. See who understands the job well enough to talk even a few extra minutes on an important topic. TV studios have promoted this 2 minute arguing back and forth crap, thinking it makes for good television. It may, but it makes for a lousy way to figure out who has a CLUE about the most important job in the world.
Karen Bushy- That’s an interesting suggestion. They should definitely try a different format and what you propose might be better.
If Trump is elected in November (and I hope he is), we will still be faced with the problem of the left-wing media. They will twist every word that he says. For example, when Trump talked about a “bloodbath,” he was referring to huge losses facing the auto industry with its transition to electric vehicles. Yet the media instantly started accusing him of inciting physical violence.
The other problem we face is that even with Trump in the White House, a change in control in the House could mean that we will simply have more impeachments to contend with. There will be one impeachment after another, and Trump will have less time to run the country.
In other words a repeat of 2016. I keep praying that at least one mainstream media group will speak truth. Unfortunately big money and the swamp prevents honesty. STOP Watching mainstream media, stop subscribing to socialist print media.
Agreed on all counts. I too was disappointed at the apparent lack of prep. Trump had to know it wasn’t going to be a fair fight. Even I, who normally only thinks of the right thing to say a day abc a half later, was thinking up snappy come backs in the moment. Trump, instead of throwing snarky jabs, like he did at Hillary, foolishly took commie-la’s bait. For example- his rallies. She knew she was poking a vulnerable spot. Why didn’t he turn around and say, “Oh, you know what happens at my rallies? Gee, I didn’t know you came to them. Thanks for the support! We welcome everyone you know.” The comments about his NYC days. “Oh, we’re digging up the past? Great. Somebody get Willie Brown on the line please.” And at a certain point, he could have thrown the knockout. “You know, if the two of you want to campaign for her, you’re free to do so, but not here.”
Well said. Great analysis. You should have been his prep “coach.”
Mr. Kass says: “But after this last rigged debate, his voters are sure to come out angry. I think he’ll win.” “His” voters are not the issue John. “His” voters will vote for him no matter what. It’s the “fence sitters” who are the issue. And that is precisely why Mr. Trump is going to lose. He blew it, and he blew it big time.
I don’t know John. You’re unmatched when it comes to Chicago politics but when it comes to national politics … not so much. Your analysis here reminds me of your faulty November 2022 Red Wave prediction. Your solution to “vote” is equivalent to a high school civics course: admirable but largely irrelevant. In our electoral system, this coming election comes down to a referendum in six or seven states. And Illinois for instance is not one of them. My vote, if for Mr. Trump (in Illinois) is totally moot (as a vote for Harris would be in Florida). Mr. Trump’s fervent supporters are not the issue. They will vote for him no matter what. The fence sitters – so called independents in a mere six states – are the key voters. And what they saw during the debate was an unprepared agitated continually on “his heels” elderly man bested by a photogenic calm and cool woman. It does not matter the content of what was said (in fact Trump blew all opportunities in this regard anyway). TV is about optics … remember 1960 with Nixon and JFK? JFK won on the optics. Trump, barring any October surprises, is finished. You can book on that. By the way, the key issue related to high egg prices? The left wing trolls and their liberal water carrier allies for Harris have already explained that. It’s all the fault of the greedy corporations extracting wind fall profits from us average everyday hard working citizens.
Thank you,John.
John Kass- I can understand how many Americans are not better off now than 4 years ago.
But for someone like you, if you are not better off now than 4 years ago you are financially incompetent.
You need to hire a financial advisor or fire yours if you already have one.
Also, do not forget that 4 years ago we were in the midst of a serious pandemic which was made worse than necessary by then president Trump’s mismanagement.
Mr. Lee: I spent the initial 15 months of the pandemic intubating patients with Covid in respiratory failure. As such I meticulously read the scientific literature as if my life depended upon it. Because frankly at age 74, it did. Your contention that Trump mismanaged the pandemic and therefore implying that other approaches – such as the discredited long term lockdowns would have “saved” us; or earlier recognition of the national presence of the virus, would have been the “magic elixir”, when even Dr. Fauci himself discounted the danger early on – is speculation and in my judgement highly debatable. I would also point out the following inconvenient fact, one of which I had a vested interest in (namely my life): the record time from lab bench to vaccine jab was in large part due to Trump’s Operation Warp Speed. In the absence of Warp Speed the usual FDA and other regulatory agency bureaucratic finger twiddling would have made this impossible.
I agree with doc Bruce.
There was no need to isolate or shut down. Most deaths were over 65y.o. or in those that had serious ongoing illnesses or immunocomprimised.
Most death certificates where phonyed(sp?) up to make covid cause of death.
Although I was NOT coroner during the crises I was told by practicing MEs that the IDPH CAN CHANGE THE CAUSE OF DEATHS AFTER THEY ARE TURNED IN BY CORONER/ME! Across the nation MEs i knew told me that occurred in their states also. It’s absurd to list as COD covid when someone commits suicide, dies in car accidents, is murdered or dies of a widespread cancer or massive coronary and at autopsy happens to test positive. These cases people died WITH NOT FROM COVID. This was done during covid. Multiple reasons for this but one was to justify shut down, the other was hospitals being paid more.
What panicked Fauci etal was the this virus was being weaponized ,ie biological warfare agent. To state that this virus came from a bat population is absurd. It takes thousands of years for animal RNA viruses to change enough to infect humans.
Whats really scary is that we were using a lab IN RED CHINA our so called dreaded enemy. WTF. Why wasn’t this exposed more?
Thank you Thomas, in particular for clarifying the rumors that I heard as well regarding how MEs were pressured to list COD in accordance with the approved and preferred governmental narrative.
I have another question for you. Your action regarding the cover up of the real cause of death of a police officer while you were the Lake County ME in 2012 can be described as nothing short of heroic. You risked your well being, your career and savings, yet did the right thing: told the inconvenient truth. For all this you were eventually “rewarded” with multiple felony charges. If that is not the definition of “law fare” then I don’t know what is. Is that not also what Donald Trump (love him or hate him) has similarly experienced? Lawfare?
Bruce- I respect and appreciate your 15 months of service during the Covid pandemic and I bet you saved many lives. You are more qualified than most to comment on this. I’d just like to make a few further comments-
– My criticism of Trump’s management of the pandemic is similar to my biggest complaint about him in general- during the pandemic I felt he was a divider rather than a uniter. I felt he politicized the response. Very sad that willingness/unwillingness to wear a mask or to follow the medical consensus guidelines became a proxy as to whether a person supported Trump or not.
– I agree that Operation warp speed was impressive and Trump’s administration deserves much credit for that.
– I think it’s smart to be cautious but am concerned that public distrust of all vaccines has increased at least partially due to the politization of Covid.
– I agree that in hindsight the Covid lockdowns were overdone and I hope we have learned a few lessons for next time.
-I feel it’s unfair that Fauci and other officials have been so vilified. They may have made some mistakes but let’s give them the benefit of the doubt- they were doing the best they could during a very difficult and uncertain time. Hindsight is easy.
Bob you raise some interesting points. And I have a response. But it would be inappropriate to do so on Mr. Kass’ web site. If you DM me at Bruce Kline (on Facebook) or send me a DM on FB with your email I can email my response to you or send it via DM (its kinda long and detailed).
I guess we will find out on Election Day whether or not TDS outweighs a piss poor economy.
Polls generally are useless unless a candidate is totally overwhelming the other candidate. If it’s close it’s a toss up.
Interestingly I’ve never been polled. Plus most people would refuse or give phony answer. If I were asked I’d give a 3rd party candidate just to scare the establishment.
The ONLY poll that counts is on 11/5/24.
The pope said vote for the lessor of 2 evils. Hmmmmmm
I agree with doc Bruce.
There was no need to isolate or shut down. Most deaths were over 65y.o. or in those that had serious ongoing illnesses or immunocomprimised.
Most death certificates where phonyed(sp?) up to make covid cause of death.
Although I was NOT coroner during the crises I was told by practicing MEs that the IDPH CAN CHANGE THE CAUSE OF DEATHS AFTER THEY ARE TURNED IN BY CORONER/ME! Across the nation MEs i knew told me that occurred in their states also. It’s absurd to list as COD covid when someone commits suicide, dies in car accidents, is murdered or dies of a widespread cancer or massive coronary and at autopsy happens to test positive. These cases people died WITH NOT FROM COVID. This was done during covid. Multiple reasons for this but one was to justify shut down, the other was hospitals being paid more.
What panicked Fauci etal was the this virus was being weaponized ,ie biological warfare agent. To state that this virus came from a bat population is absurd. It takes thousands of years for animal RNA viruses to change enough to infect humans.
Whats really scary is that we were using a lab IN RED CHINA our so called dreaded enemy. WTF. Why wasn’t this exposed more?
Is that what they’re calling the televised event with Trump and Kamala? Participants in a debate need to be able to listen to each other and respond to questions – I don’t remember seeing any of that. What I saw was a lot of the following:
(ask a question)
(addresses the question vaguely with a partial sentence and spends the remaining time making criticisms of Trump that have nothing to do with the question).
At that point Trump falls for the bait, and feels he has to answer her tangents for the rest of the debate. I wish Trump had done the following:
“You (moderator) asked and my opponent stated followed by ‘Orange Man Bad, blah blah blah’. You asked an important question, and I want the American people to hear one of us respond to it (then speak to the question itself for the allotted time)”.
Trump shouldn’t participate in another debate unless he’s willing to be disciplined, and make fun of his opponent’s non sequiturs instead of aping that style of rhetoric.
(spell-check is making a mess of posting)