Chicago Mayor Panics, Runs From Reporters Asking About Slain Cop’s Funeral
By John Kass
May 3, 2024
“Why do you have to run from us Mr. Mayor?” asked Ahern.
But Ahern knows the answer. He’s a snowflake, a grape who can’t take the pressure of leadership. And there are just about 100 days until the hard left tear up the Democratic National Convention. What a party it will be.
According to reporting by Fran Spielman of the Sun Times, Johnson’s team tried to push the mourning Huesca family into inviting him to the funeral of the slain officer. I’ve never seen anything so despicable in Chicago politics and most of you know I’ve seen a lot.
If there’s anything lower than that, it’s running away like a whipped dog when you get caught.
He has a coward’s built-in excuse though, he might say Huesca’s mother didn’t understand the bad Spanish of his police officials and aides who initially tried to intimidate her by insisting he had to attend her son’s funeral, that it was mandatory. That it was all lost in translation. He’s craven enough, with his panic attacks, to try it. And he’ll always play the race card if it doesn’t work.
“At one point, there was an implication that the honors funeral is tied to the mayor’s attendance,” the Sun Times quoted John Catanzara, the president of the Fraternal Order of Police. “That was the guilt trip that we’re laying on this family.”
When it comes to City Hall political intrigue, I read Fran Spielman. For Chicago politics, I don’t read the other paper, that Soros-friendly rag that stabbed me in the back and carried water for Mayor Panic Attacks all through his campaign.
And Johnson? He didn’t feel like answering reporters. So he ran away.
Johnson is a complete embarrassment to his city, the police force and the people he pretends to represent. The real powers behind his throne are CTU boss Stacy Davis Gates, now a Hoosier neighbor of mine, and Cook County Board President Toni Preckwinkle, supreme judge picker and chair of the Cook County Democratic Party. Packs of reporters don’t surround them, though they should.
Gates and Boss Toni should push him around in a stroller when things get tough. They will get tough in August at the convention. The Jacobin Left, of which Johnson is a part, have a nasty habit of eating their own. And then the world will see the weakness of this mayor displayed.
Years ago, when I was just starting out writing news columns, Chicago Police Officer Michael Ceriale was assassinated by a Gangster Disciple lookout during a drug deal at the Robert Taylor Homes projects. The young rookie officer was hit in the stomach. It took him a long week to die. It was horrible and the city was horrified.
Chicago’s Mayor Richard M. Daley wanted to go to the funeral. But he knew that police officers and some close to Ceriale’s family did not want him there. He went anyway. Because leadership demanded it. He delivered a stunningly emotional address in the beautiful and old Ukrainian Catholic Church
I remember there were thousands of people in the street, and the church was full.
The only sound was that of the church bell tolling. That bell tolled every 10 seconds. It tolled for hours. When it tolled the finality of it all cut through your heart.
“The death of a young person is heartbreaking for a mother and father,” the mayor began, challenging everyone never to forget the young officer. Then his face changed and he tried to rush through his short speech before he was overcome. He didn’t succeed.
Daley looked at the mother, then turned away. Daley understood the Ceriale family’s hideous and unremitting pain that is carried by parents who bury a child. In 1981, Daley’s own son Kevin, then not yet 3, died from spina bifida.
“Less than two years ago, he stood at Navy Pier,” Daley said about Ceriale, tears coming, his voice breaking, remembering the ceremony of the young officer being sworn in. “He raised his right hand, he stood by that motto: We Serve and Protect. He was taken from us. “Blessed are the peacemakers for they will be called sons of God.”
I’m not lionizing him. Daley wasn’t stand up. He was weak in many ways. He backed down when it came to standing up to the Outfit’s unofficial Chicago chief of police, the late Chief of Detectives Bill Hanhardt, or acknowledging his administration’s role in the Hired Truck scandal that enriched Bridgeport trucking bosses he knew.
But Daley was not a de-funder of police like the current mayor BLM Johnson. He didn’t hate cops or suck up to the cop haters. And he was not a proponent of pro-criminal legislation like Gov. J.B Pritzker’s “Safe-T Act.”
Daley, for all his many faults, was law-and-order just like his father, the real Mayor Daley. And both men would have been horrified over what Pritzker, Johnson and Toni Preckwinkle have done to Chicago and Illinois with their so-called criminal injustice policies. These are Democrat policies that benefit repeat violent offenders like Octavious Crocket and Bruce Diamond. These are the policies that kill cities by first removing their will to live.
When Daley was mayor, the newspapers would chase crime stories and put heat on prosecutors who failed the public. But now the papers don’t even bother, and they fear runing mug shots so readers and taxpayers (victims) can see for themselves.
The pro-criminal political class loves the modern media’s indifference. But we can thank the reporters and staff of CWB Chicago who care about informing the people about crime. Think about supporting CWB Chicago.
Every day it seems, another story of outrage at violent predators released by Preckwinkle approved liberal judges or her handpicked George Soros funded prosecutor, the outgoing State’s Attorney Kim Foxx.
“Our family feels so frustrated and furious that our brother is not here,” Lily O’Brien said in a video posted by the FOP before the funeral. “He had somebody else that murdered him [who] is running around, and he’s still free. The anger that we feel with how violent that Chicago has turned. How this is now the status quo. How this is normalized. This week, it’s my brother. Next week, it’s your brother or somebody else’s son or somebody else’s mother.”
“Sad that this will probably be somebody else’s story, in a week, tomorrow because nothing has changed here. Chicago needs to step up. And will the people who make these policies that allow three four five chances to people who have made so many mistakes and they turn around and murder innocent people. And it feels like the bad people are protected more than the people who put their lives at risk to make sure that we’re safe And nobody wants to talk about that nobody wants to step up and say that these people who make these policies work for you, you don’t work for them, not ok…”
But voters have re-elected those who release the predators. So they’ve demonstrated that what happened to Officer Huesca is ok with them, haven’t they? Of course they have. The evidence of the elections past are clear.
That was a question Dan Proft asked on his “Morning Answer” radio program, and I think Illinois voters, for all the weepy public sentimentality over Huesca’s murder, have loudly declared themselves.
Yes, it is sad to see a fine young police officer gunned down. Yes, it is depressing to see citizens so numb and so broken that they’d bare their throats to the barbarian holding the knife to their throats.
Proft gets it. He asks pointed questions. That’s why corrupt corporate media in Chicago go out of their way to attack him. He shows them up and makes them look like the fools they are. But in your heart you know he’s right.
Illinois voters re-elected Pritzker and Foxx and Preckwinkle. They elected Johnson. They re-elected Pritzker’s wingman, Illinois Atty Gen. Kwame Raul.
Officer Huesca’s sister beseeches the people to stand up for themselves, to stand up for the law, and they don’t stand up.
Not even to save themselves. Perhaps they’ve been beaten so long and hard by Illinois politics that they’ve given up. They just curl up. But they keep voting left wing Democrat. There were once centrist Democrats like the Daleys, but they’re gone. There are no centrist Democrats in Illinois. The hard left has devoured them too. What’s left is the billionaire dough-boy as governor, and all his servants hoping to shine at the Democrat convention.
But as that convention approaches, as Johnson and corporate Chicago panics, every day you can find another indictment of the destructive politics of the hard left that runs things now.
The woke papers avoid using mug shots for alleged killers. They most often picture the killers as innocents at graduations, with cap and gown, as if those images were crafted by defense attorneys offering only innocence, not victims screaming, not the blood, not the young police officers shot. And not the mourning families of Chicago Police officers being subjected to cheap pressure politics to make the moron of a mayor look good.
He doesn’t look so good now, does he?
And the alleged cop killer, who will draw all the “no justice no peace” left wing flies as if he were a large chunk of liver sausage on a hot August day? He’ll become the left’s victim, as most cop killers become media victims, to perpetuate the lie that law enforcement is a racist enterprise of “white supremacists.”
Police officers come in all colors, black and brown and pink and white. But it isn’t skin color that binds them. What binds them is behavior. What binds them is right and wrong. What bind them is their belief in doing right and protecting society.
I’d rather picture Xavier Tate realistically, not in a cap and gown, not in some kid’s baseball uniform, but the way police and the FBI pictured him from his previous crimes. He worked years to get there, all his life actually, as the Pritzker-Preckwinkle-Foxx-Johnson supported Democrat “Criminal Justice” system turned Tate into the man he was just a few days ag0:
A most wanted man.
About the author: John Kass spent decades as a political writer and news columnist in Chicago working at a major metropolitan newspaper. He is co-host of The Chicago Way podcast. And he just loves his “No Chumbolone” hat, because johnkassnews.com is a “No Chumbolone” Zone where you can always get a good cup of common sense.
Comments 60
This is powerful, very powerful. Well done John. Too bad the “wrong” people won’t see it or worse, understand it. Maybe we can get the entire John Kass News group to flood the emails of JB, Toni and the worthless Stacey who should be worried about educating kids and nothing else.
And, “ The evidence of the elections past are clear” statement states what the real problem is. That is there are too many people who think this is all just wonderful. I wonder if they’ll to continue feel that way when this stuff starts happening close to home – happens to them.
I doubt it
Sadly if you look at a political map of Illinois you’d see mostly red except for Cook County. It’s the tail wagging the dog. Chicagoans has made its bed now they must lie in it.
and they should stay there. i’m disgusted with people whining who won’t lift a finger to save themselves. Thanks CW
You get what you deserve! In our last mayoral election only 33% of registered voters came out to vote.
Sadly, not so much anymore! That’s why the Governor has his veto-proof majority in the legislature so he can do as he da*n-well pleases! Even DuPage County, which used to the the center of Republican activity in Illinois is now mostly a blue county. We have some excellent Republican office-holders left – Jim Mendrick, our Sheriff; Bob Berlin, our States’ Attorney; and Richard Jorgensen, our Coroner. That’s about it. The DuPage County Forest Preserve District has one “actual” Republican left, Linda Painter; there are a couple of others, but they snuggle in with the Dems when it comes to votes. The era when Illinois mattered in Washington is long over, too. When Senators Dirksen and Douglas, from opposing parties, led the Senate in true debate. Now our representation? Wellllllll.
It’s not that they think it’s wonderful. They don’t think at all. Most of them vote to protect abortion rights and will accept the complete destruction of the State for that protection.
The abortion debate is a very good example of the lack of anything in depth from what has become the “news media” , it is never asked “you support a women’s right to abortion” Ok to what extent? on demand ? , at any point in the pregnancy? and why because at some point in that pregnancy you are brutally murdering the most innocent, helpless of human beings , at some point it is not just an assortment of odd cells, but to manage the debate you can not allow questions that put you on the slippery slope of facts that undercut your argument
As I have said many times before, the voters get the type of government they deserve. All the voters care about is their next handout from the idiots they elected, and they sell their votes for the idiots to screw them. The innocents pay for their folly, but it is the Chicago Way. “I got mine, didn’t I?” To them, a dead police officer is just collateral damage to be forgotten in a day or so, and an opportunity for the media to shed crocodile tears over the sad state of our society – a situation that the media helped to create.
THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Exactly. If that weren’t the case, Villas would have been elected in a landslide. But the black inability to actually make an intelligent decision and the upper north short Leftist population populated by Pritzker sorts and utterly stupid single, white, so called educated white women made sure the city will die.
They support abortion because they have no sense of responsibility, nor do they want to be bothered with responsibility for their actions. They don’t want to be bothered with consequences. All they care about is themselves and their pleasures and material things. They are more concerned about a scratch in their Lexus or Volvo then they are in thinking about the consequences of their actions in conceiving and then killing an unborn child. Besides, aren’t they the victims? That is what they learn in school. An educated person who has been taught to reason things out, not blame somebody else. Just because they have an “education”, doesn’t mean they know how to think.
Tragically, everything you’ve written is true. In war, the first thing a government will do is to dehumanize the enemy. That’s what the democrats have done, the enemy to them is the Police and any institution which stands for the rule of law. They’ve spent years dehumanizing the Police, and now we have the media doing the government’s bidding, making the killers into victims.
War is when the government tells you who the enemy is. Revolution is when you decide for yourself. This repulsive government needs to end, but the people most affected aren’t enraged enough for that to happen. Soon though. . .
Excellent quote “war is when the government tells you who the enemy is” no doubt. Today its “Maga”, back in the day it was “Secesh”. My wife and I just finished a series on a murder in Boston back in 1987, where a guy shot his pregnant wife in the head, killing her and shot himself in he abdomen in a housing project in Boston, to make it look like a Black armed robber did it. All hell broke loose on the Black community, I mean it was unreal, what Boston cops did to black people then – and the complicit media. Just raw racisim and nothing more.
And sure, Chicago has had more than its share of the same. But in large measure, I believe, all of us have moved on from racism – which is HUGE, but politicians won’t let us move on – for the same reasons we can never move on from Slavery. This is the crime! And no one punishes it. Racism is an entirely different matter than enforcing the law. All woke policies do is reopen wounds so that my sons now get a chance to solve racism all over again. Message to the far left, they destroy everything – as par usual.
Having worked for the Chicago Police Department for 30 years, I attended too many funerals of slain officers. One funeral was one was funeral too many.
I give Mrs. Huesca credit for having the courage to tell this second rate school teacher turned mayor that he was not WELCOME at her son’s funeral. She and her family are grieving and the last thing they need is a used car salesman pretending he cares. I apologize for the comparison but BJ is at the bottom of the human chain.
I attended Officer Ceriale’s funeral and it was, as all are, very sad. Daley was a putz and we all knew he was a putz. We put up with it because he was Daley. But, he was sincere. He spoke from his heart.
When we went to work everyday we did a job that we knew could limit our time on this earth. We did a job that was harder because of the citizens and because of the politicians. We did a job that was not glamorous, fun, clean, or appealing. I left written instructions to my family that if I were to make the ultimate sacrifice there would be no politicians allowed at my services.
Too many people take the police for granted and want to demonize them until they themselves become the victim. Officer Huesca was a victim. A victim of a violent gruesome murder. May Xavier Tate ROT IN HELL.
That was fair, Paul.
As you wrote, “Daley was a putz and we all knew he was a putz. We put up with it because he was Daley. But, he was sincere. He spoke from his heart .”
I’ll never forget that day.
Thanks Paul
Well said. “Second rate school teacher” is my newest name for that idiot.
Amen Brother Bilotta.
This is the government that the people of Chicago and Cook County want. They voted for this. Votes have consequences.
they voted for him and Pritzker. Now unfortunately they’ll run to another place. hope it’s not near me.
I hope so too John, we are moving to St. John next weekend. So happy!
I was a Cop for 36 years, and loved every day of it, even some of the “not so good” days. Some of the days I hated were funerals for fellow Cops. It was disgusting to see some of the politicians show up for their “photo ops”, not giving a damn about the deceased Cop or their Family, but preening and looking sad.
I really can’t blame, and I very much respect the Family of Officer Huesca for insisting that certain politicians not attend his funeral. They had much more important things on their minds than welcoming people who have proven how much they dislike and disrespect Cops every time that they vilify and chastise them, often wrongly.
My prayers are with my brother and sister Cops, may they stay safe until they can enjoy a long, healthy, and happy retirement. And to those who think ill of Cops- next time you need help, call one of those politicians and see if they show up. Great column as always, Mr. Kass, and thanks for standing up for us and for always making your Greek ancestors proud.
Thanks Dan McDevitt. Politicians running for funeral photo ops don’t worry about fallen police officers. they only worry about themselves.
Thank you for your service, Officer McDevitt. Seriously. I really mean it. NY Guv Hochul got a “wake up” call when she tried to pull a “photo op” at Officer Diller’s funeral in NY one month ago. Chicago and NYC are very similar in their woke idiocy. The one big difference is their Mayor – Mayor Adams – is a former cop; as opposed to our Mayor – Mayor Johnson – a former (and present) stooge of the CTU.
This overwhelming Kass column has moments that recall the Chicago many of us recall: a generally successful city noted for hard work, although it was controlled by Democrat power brokers and certain wise guys. Sadly and necessarily, Kass describes what Chicago has descended to: a den of murder and mayhem created by voters who keep electing pro-crime Democrats.
The city I loved had a government stuck in bad political and financial deal-making, but not a slave to brazen evil. Chicago is now ruled by criminal apologists and the CTU. Evil is pardoned.
Keeping voting for Democrats like Johnson and Preckwinkle, Chicago, and the remaining Chicagoans who have working brains will flee to become my neighbors in Wisconsin or John’s in Indiana. Think about what Chicago will then look like: Detroit West.
thank you David. Let them move near Stacy Davis Gates instead.
I loved a city once. It’s gone now. What’s left are the memories
When did Stacy Gates flee to IN? This is the same Stacy Gates whose kids attend a private school for the betterment of their soccer career? Will “the paper” do an expose article on the home of Ms. Gates like they did for Kasso?
Thank you for this powerful writing, John. Yes, only the memories remain.
David, constant referring Chicago to Detroit is a disservice to Detroit. Chicago is well on its way to making Detroit look like a tropical beach paradise destination.
Also, I’m close as possible to Wisconsin and being your neighbor without actually being there. I only wish we completed the trip the rest of the 15 miles to get over the line a year ago.
I dunno, Ken. I’m from the Detroit area, and it seems they hit rock bottom a few years back, and signs of progress can be seen. Chiraq may have a ways to go before they hit rock bottom – you’ll know if/when they elect a decent (or at least competent) mayor. For Detroit, Dave Bing was that guy – a decent person, not a lot of flashy successes as mayor but he did start the city on the path they’re on now.
Aaaaah! Replied to the wrong guy. Intended for Bittinger.
No worries. I think he’ll see it. I didn’t realize Dave Bing was a mayor. Glad he was able to do good.
Cities no longer have a reason to exist . The big corporate HQ’s are gone , the big banks , the FNBChi or ConIllco , are gone . The culture ? The opera ,the symphony or the art museum? Who would risk life and property to go downtown for those. The schools , fuhgetabout it. The cities are going away, have gone away and what will be left are nothing but crime ridden dirty dystopias . Put a fork in em , they’re done
Thank you John
First, an excellent column!
2nd The City is GONE. Has been for some time. The middle class , for the most part , left. It’s the well to do and the scum that are remain. The beautiful neighborhoods along the boulevards were great places to live with a mixture of all ethnic and economic groups. When crime picked up those living there bolted. Now there slums. When the wealthy pulled out Detroit and Cleveland will look like Shangri-la compared to this pig hole city.
3rd. Voter turn out is minimal now so the unions (CTU, AFSCME, SEIC, etc) crank out there soldiers to get vote out and we get scat for leaders.
4th. Local news is a complete joke. All happy talk. Every other month we hear news like: best hot dog, best Italian beef, etc. Over and over and over. One of the best continental style bakery and restaurant just closed after 40 years: Cafe Selmarie in Lincoln Square. Why? For a lot of reasons but main one: crime.
5. I think your wrong on Dem convention. They will control the crowds if any of significant numbers show up. You won’t be able to anywhere near the convention.
Finally, John please write a column on Reinhorn or is it Eindorf? And his deliberate attempt to run the Sox team down in performance to decrease attendance so he can get MLB to approve his move. It’s obvious to me.
“Detroit and Cleveland will look like Shangri-la compared to this pig hole city”
Thomas thank you for basically saying what I did above. Glad to see someone else say it.
Re: Detroit vs Chicago – the more I look, the more today’s Chicago reminds me of Detroit 50 or so years ago – just before the riots of 67. Especially crime and (as we Michiganders called it then) White flight to the burbs. It’s only been the last few years that they seem to be making progress out of that hole. Wonder what it’ll take for Chiraq to hit rock bottom?
Re: Democrat convention – just exactly who will control the crowds, and how will they do it? Would Johnson actually authorize the cops to do anything but stand aside and let ’em go? And if he did, would those arrested be immediately released and given cab fare to get back to the front lines?
Johnson wouldn’t authorize the sale of popcorn at the United Center. I’m sure that would come from the Michelin Man. I mean, after all, he wants to be President ! I only wish the cops would tell them all to go to hell and turn their backs on it.
Gates lives in Indiana??! Good God. That says it all about the wreckage she and her wokesters (eg Jelly Roll guv) have turned Chicago and Illinois into.
This is a great and sad column, John. I wonder if we will have G Floyd-type riots later this month like we did in the last election cycle. The students are gearing up for it, and I wonder if the FBI will find any outside agitators soon. Nah. They’re too busy still chasing Jan 6 people in Hawaii who were just standing around. The Plantation Masters are still in control in Illinois with their fear tactics. Golden Mootza award to JB this month.
nailed it. again.
I can’t even put into words how well written this is. The Daley family had so many faults, but what separated them from the rest was a true love of Chicago. Yes, they lined their own pockets too; I’m not going to sing their praises. Yet, what we are dealing with now is beyond the pale. Johnson is a joke, and running away made the whole city a joke. Meanwhile, the only thing Pritzker wants to advertise is Illinois’ commitment to abortion as if it was a tourist attraction. He has nothing else.
Can Illinois and Chicago rise like a phoenix from the ashes? Only if its citizens vote. So many sit out on Election Day. Most importantly, they must vote for those who tell the truth about the trouble we are in and the sacrifices that will have to be made for decades to get us back on our feet. Does the public have attention spans that will last decades?
Keep writing John. I hope Dan keeps talking. When Dan and I had lunch together we talked of this place called “Chicago” that we both used to live in. I said to him that when people ask me if I miss it, I used to tell them yes and I miss Chicagoans. Now, I tell them, “I miss my butcher and some of the restaurants I went to. But, I don’t miss the people at all. They voted for that stuff and it’s terrible for them.” They are Jacobian. They are racists. If you are a conservative, you should have gotten out unless you absolutely have to be there for a job or to take care of a loved one who can’t move.
No more Midwestern nice. No more beating around the bush. Call them what they are by name.
Very well stated. The worst part is the realization that the wolves no longer even have to pretend to dress as sheep. And their bared teeth are now seemingly the assets of the failed teachers and doughboys, born to pose in their 3rd base privilege.
“Urbs in Horto” city in a garden aka “where’s mine?” Better the City that works under da mare than this fool incompetent idiot BJ. Cops were respected and could do their job to keep
us safe from mayhem. It wasn’t till a certain back bencher and community organizer got propelled into the WH and who endorsed the Martyrdom of a thug George Floyd. His cronies have locked up the Jan 6 protestors like some banana republic would but gives a pass to the economic mayhem caused by the BLM Riots. Like the illegals coming here to flee a bad situation then want to remake our country into their previous society many citizens want to flee to the red states yet bring their handout politics along. DOUBLE STANDARD! Go home or stay in the blue states.
As always John an excellent column. Glad you are feeling feisty as ever.
First, an excellent column!
2nd The City is GONE. Has been for some time. The middle class , for the most part , left. It’s the well to do and the scum that are remain. The beautiful neighborhoods along the boulevards were great places to live with a mixture of all ethnic and economic groups. When crime picked up those living there bolted. Now there slums. When the wealthy pulled out Detroit and Cleveland will look like Shangri-la compared to this pig hole city.
3rd. Voter turn out is minimal now so the unions (CTU, AFSCME, SEIC, etc) crank out there soldiers to get vote out and we get scat for leaders.
4th. Local news is a complete joke. All happy talk. Every other month we hear news like: best hot dog, best Italian beef, etc. Over and over and over. One of the best continental style bakery and restaurant just closed after 40 years: Cafe Selmarie in Lincoln Square. Why? For a lot of reasons but main one: crime.
5. I think your wrong on Dem convention. They will control the crowds if any of significant numbers show up. You won’t be able to anywhere near the convention.
Finally, John please write a column on Reinhorn or is it Eindorf? And his deliberate attempt to run the Sox team down in performance to decrease attendance so he can get MLB to approve his move. It’s obvious to me.
The CPD is in bed with the unions and the unions are in bed with the Dems.
In other words they’ll continue to throw their full support behind any Democrat candidate (honor and integrity be damned). Until that changes, this doom loop will continue.
Mike. My first inclination is that I disagree with you on the CPD being in bed with any of the unions more specifically city influencer CTU. I don’t know why anyone would want to sleep with the teachers. That said, the lack of outrage of the Jackie Wilson release and settlement makes me wonder if maybe your are right.
Chicago and the State of Illinois are now the most crime friendly city and state in the country. Officer Huescas death was going to be used to gain sympathy points from Chicago police officers for Mayor Gumby. Huescas family knew better. Gumby knows CPD officers are adhering to the Rahm Emanuels fetal ideology. Proactive policing is dead in Chicago. No more traffic stops. No more stop and frisk. Foot chases? Don’t do it anymore. Criminals are so emboldened they now commit the crime that used to occur during the late nite hours during the day. Daytime robbery crews prowl the city in the daylight committing multiple robberies. In areas like Lincoln Park, Roger’s Park and Boystown. Places that were once considered relatively safe especially during the day. They have no fear of jail since Evans judges won’t send them there. When you legalize crime you know what you get? More crime. When someone is sitting in jail you know what you get? Less crime.
“Restorative Justice” comes through incarceration. Going to jail does one of two things: it either makes you a better criminal or straightens you out. Many have gone through the criminal justice system and have never gone back. When you’re doing your jail time you can apply yourself to educating yourself and maybe learn about what put you in that position. Decide to not go back or not. Or you can learn from others in there to work another street hustle. Be a better criminal. Guys on the street used to say there must be something you like about prison if you want to go back in. Chicago media does its usual crocodile tears over the death of a police officer while it looks to fill its gas cans to feed the flames of anti police sentiment. We’ve just witnessed this with their coverage of the Dexter Reed shooting. Mayor Gumby is facing a possible recall and thought he could bolster his fading numbers by politicizing the shooting of a police officer. The city knows they’re in big trouble with the convention and are currently trying to lure retired police officers back to work the event. Since the political climate has chased many officers into retirement CPD simply don’t have the numbers for the oncoming shitstorm. If you live in Chicago and need any surgery you might want to get it done by Convention time. I’m sure many of the older, experienced PO’s are going to schedule theirs about that time so doctor schedules will tighten up. Hopefully Mayor Gumby can get in some training at the local track to speed up on his wind sprints. He’s looking a little slow these days.
One outstanding column! Thank you!
Anarchy is the rule of the day with the progressives. Nothing is sacred or true.
It is a sad commentary of our society that our electorate in Illinois consistently side with the left.
I rest my case – Mayor Pannix should be our April poster boy for the mountza of the month! He’s just so perfect for the award. Remember Forrest Gump’s words? “Stupid is as stupid does!” The voters that put him in office, the mayor, gov maximus et al….stupids all. Often said, you can fix ugly, but stupid is a terminal disease!
BTW – Kali Anastasi to you and your familia! Kalo Pasxa!
Right on the money John, great column. This mayor deserves no respect…he is an empty suit elected by an empty electorate…yes the empty 65% of the electorate who couldn’t be bothered to vote. Check out Fulton County Indiana city of Rochester…my family’s home away from home sure beats the chaos of Chicago & the fecklessness of Illinois sate government..
Excellent Mr. K. As many faults as Mayor Daley the second had, he spoke from the heart at Mikes funeral. Also many do not know that the former mayor, visited CPD Officer Dan Golden at Northwestern.. the man really cares.
Monday at the funeral former alderman Ed Burke was in the back of the church.
Guess once a cop, always a cop at heart.
JK look at our once great country.
Look at the five officers murdered last week serving a warrant. For what?
Look at these college campuses. Where did these students learn to hate the Jewish people. What Jewish people ever hurt any of them, living their upper class life’s. What kind of parents raised children to hate?
We learned nothing from the past. These demonstrators are not from the “Old Country,” there all born and raised in the United States, how could they hate any race of people. No one committed any atrocities against them based on religion or race.
The left condones the murdering of police, and calls for the murder of innocent Jews in Israel. Screaming for the elimination of a race of people.
This is what is being taught at these expensive schools of higher education.
I liked the old days when the chant was, “make peace not war.”
There are no words anymore, John, that do justice to the injustice the normies in Illinois have been brutalized by the social justice warriors’ dystopian grand designs. I hate Illinois. If the shocking murder of Ella French and now Officer Huesca doesn’t jolt the senses of the idiots in charge, nothing will!
Well said, James. Well said.
The Dem National Convention will show the rest of the world just how out of control Chicago is in relation to crime. Anybody with a brain will take an out of state holiday for that week.
I see no end to this path of doom we are on. As the same people who caused these problems will get re-elected. Cook County voters have tunnel vision in regards to our lousy politicians.
Thank goodness we have lots of money and resources for the ILLEGAL border crosser guests the left have invited to our bankrupt state.
Two things:
First, you’re correct in that Chicago citizens had their chance to correct this sinking ship called Chicago and instead voted for the same incompetent, crooked, self-serving “captains” and Chicago deserves the ramifications of their vote, and
Second, lest we all forget, that rag paper you once worked for is responsible for giving us Obama….. without that paper Obama most likely doesn’t make it thru the Dem primary for Senate and it’s directly responsible for taking Jack Ryan.
I was born & raised on the NW side. Went all over the city as a kid. It was safe. Used to love to work & play downtown. A new influx of people started coming in & they weren’t friendly nor did they know Chicago’s history. Over the years I felt like a stranger in the city. The ethnic neighborhoods changed, people became distant & the politicians more corrupt, out in the open & in your face. Police were tough but fair. They are the last defense that prevents total anarchy, yet treated like trash by politicians & citizens. Like most who have left Illinois I miss the foods, familiarity & old haunts. Leftists have not only destroyed Chicago, but pretty much the entire globe.
Interesting reads. All on the mark. Sadly it is the same situation in NYC, Portland, San Fransisco, LA, Minneapolis, Baltimore, and Philadelphia to name the worst. All major universities are in the same woke boat. Look at the riots of this week on campus. What a shame. YES, we get what the majority vote for in elections. However, they better wake up soon or it will be too late when we get a Marxist State. How sad. I am 90 years old and I pray I am wrong for the sake of generation to come.
He should not run from Mary Ann Ahern. It has been reported that his Chicago Police Department detail is over 150 officers strong, larger than the detail of Mayor Lightfoot. He is nice and safe.
I just searched for the number of officers on the CPD. The Suntimes.com reported that there were 11,726 in 2023. The CPD website said that there were 11,320 at the end of 2022.
The CPD is shrinking. There is no more cash bail for most crime thanks to the governor and his party.
The CPD is no longer allowed to do it’s job as it was in the 1950’s and 1960’s. Why would anyone want to be a police officer in Chicago? The Illinois government does not have their back, nor ours. So, Chicago is the only major city to shrink in the last 20 years.
There is no longer a death penalty. The criminals no longer fear the police, nor the criminal justice system. As ye sow, so shall you reap.
The lunatics are running the asylum. The city has been turned over to the criminals.
The law abiding citizen is increasingly on their own.
Johnkassnews.com, Cwbchicago.com, AM560, and Heyjackass.com inform those of us who want accurate reporting of crime in Chicago.
As for the Forest Gump mayor of Chicago………..Run Brandon, Run!
One of your best columns ever, and that’s saying a lot. Powerful and true words that no one is saying except you.
Thank you.
John here is my early nomination for Mays Golden Moutza.
Jared Bernstein who most of America does not know, yet he is Biden’s chair for the Council of Economic advisers.
This jiberish that comes from him on tryin to explain where money comes from should not really be surprising since he does not even have an undergraduate degree in economics. He was a music major and then a social worker yet somehow snagged truly important potions advising our leaders on economic policy.
No wonder we are in such a fix and heading to a major meltdown.
So Jared Bernstein blow on this.