No Knockouts in GOP Debate

By John Kass

August 25, 2023

It wasn’t exactly a clash of titans, was it? It wasn’t Lincoln-Douglas, or Socrates trying to reason with the Athenian mob.

It wasn’t Morning in America. It wasn’t even Dempsey Firpo.

The Republican Presidential debate in Milwaukee was more like Tchaikovsky’s Dance of the Little Swans, with all the kicking precisely choreographed by political consultants.

Nobody knocked anybody out. But a few revealed themselves with politically fatal self-induced infections, which is worse. And now they’re seeking approval for their disastrous performance having infected themselves like the walking dead, like zombies and those former governors Asa Hutchinson (AR) and Chris Christie (NJ).

Will no-one please ease their passage?

With former President Donald Trump sitting this one out, the Republican Presidential debate in Milwaukee was not a prizefight, not with the heavyweight unavailable.

It was not even one of those minor-league club fights in the greatest boxing movie of all time, John Houston’s “Fat City.”

It was a dance, like the Dance of the Little Swans, with all the kicking precisely choreographed by political consultants. And there was plenty of scratching, in the way of angry cats.

But I suppose you want to know who “won.”


I guess you can say that Trump “won.”

He sat and interviewed with Tucker Carlson on “X.” When last I checked a few minutes ago on Thursday, some 150 million people had seen some of the interview. Does that mean all of them love Trump? No.

I still wish Trump had participated in the debate. But he’s so far ahead in the polls that hanging around and giving his debate opponents time and opportunity to bloody him would be political malpractice.

“Why would I want to watch that nonsense?” said a confirmed Trump supporter, a former Democrat, told me. “You watch it and tell me who won.”

The winner was not Hutchinson, who should get an award for “most boring” Bush Establishment Cadaver who insists he’s alive despite evidence to the contrary.

And it certainly wasn’t Christie, who should have stayed on that beach on the Jersey shore years ago—the one he hogged during a government shutdown while selfishly keeping New Jersey residents away. Back then he told angry New Jersey voters that if they wanted to sit on the a governor’s beach house, they should run for governor and win and live in the governor’s beach house.

He’s the arrogant, obnoxious fat jock from high school who had gone to seed, and as Christie licked his lips, saying of Ramaswamy that he had “enough of a guy who stands up here who sounds like ChatGPT.”

Is that pithy? Or pathetic?

I couldn’t help but think of Christi practicing the line to himself again and again while shaving, loudly, laughing at his own wit, the mirror fogging up, family members eyeing each other as they pass wordlessly in the hall.

Perhaps the worst exchange. Was one that was loved by Fox News Channel anchors who, the next day, were cheerleading for Nikki Haley.

They were bubbly with excitement for her. It was nauseating. Haley, the former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations kicked at self-made businessman Ramaswamy for what she said was a lack of foreign policy experience.

She has plenty of foreign policy experience, having supported the endless wars of former President George W. Bush and his neoconservative political wing. Like Sen. Lindsey Graham, R, South Carolina, she never met a war she didn’t like as long as others had to go.

The Republican neoconservatives supported the disastrous and unnecessary war in Iraq and kept Americans in Afghanistan far too long. They played chess with the world and  left it a smoking ruin. They joined with establishment Democrats.  There was no foreign adventure they didn’t like. They’re all  about projecting. American boots on the ground as long as those boots didn’t belong to their own kids. And they were discredited by the voters and eclipsed by Trump, but like all elephants who make zillions through defense contracts, they never forget.

And Ramaswamy has this annoying habit of reminding  us who they are, and they hate that.  But my friend Dan Proft suggested the other morning there is something of the huckster in Ramaswamy, and I agree, but he does get to the point of the thing. The Republican base does not favor endless wars any longer.

Haley was infuriated. But Ramaswamy and, to a lesser extent Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis said they would cut off funding for the endless war in Ukraine. Ramaswamy mocked Democrats and neo-con Republicans for worrying more about Ukranian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy’s borders than America’s wide-open border with Mexico.

“I find it offensive that we have professional politicians who will make a pilgrimage to Kyiv, to their pope, Zelenskyy, without doing the same for the people in Maui or the south side of Chicago,” he said, referring to President Volodymyr Zelenskyy of Ukraine.

DeSantis was a bitmore cautious, saying would stop aid to Ukraine unless European governments stepped up to “pull their weight.”

Haley accused Ramaswamy of traitorous thought, wanting to “hand Ukraine to Russia” and wanting to “let China eat Taiwan.”

“You are choosing a murderer” over an ally of the U.S., Haley said, referring to Russian President Vladimir Putin.


They reveal themselves.

“I wish you success on your future career on the boards of Lockheed and Raytheon,” Ramaswamy shot back, listing two large U.S. weapons manufacturers.

“You have no foreign policy experience and it shows,” said Haley.

So there.

Well, you know where she stands now. She’s with the neo-cons and the endless wars that suck American blood and treasure to benefit the rich men North of Richmond, whether they’re pro-war Democrats like Biden or pro-war Republicans like Haley.

Things are so upside down these days.

When I was a boy, many years ago, more than 50 years, back when the American left did not support endless wars, the songwriter Bob Dylan wrote the classic protest song he called “Masters of  War.”

Come you masters of war
You that build the big guns
You that build the death planes
You that build all the bombs
You that hide behind walls
You that hide behind desks
I just want you to know
I can see through your masks

You that never done nothin’
But build to destroy
You play with my world
Like it’s your little toy
You put a gun in my hand
And you hide from my eyes
And you turn and run farther
When the fast bullets fly.

So, who “won” the’ debate in Milwaukee?

You didn’t. I didn’t. Neither did Socrates.

Socrates Address by Belgian artist Louis Joseph Lebrun, 1867


Comments 71

  1. I voted for Donald Trump because he ran against Hillary Clinton. I voted again for Donald Trump because he fulfilled all of his campaign promises as President and he ran against the fatuous Hair-Plugs -for-Men Biden.

    With his arrest and booking in Georgia, I am now 100% for President Donald Trump. Debates be damned. America is on the threshold of civil war.

    1. I live in a blue dot in the midst of a red state. We have a mayoral Election shortly. A conservative versus another liberal product of our metro council. The last three were definitely of a progressive bent. A simple comment on next door neighbors about trying a new approach has unleashed a comment string of 700+ responses in about a weeks time. Clearly polarized. I agree we are on the brink of civil war. Double standards so blatantly foisted on us. Prosecute Trump with every law known to man for shaking up the entrenched system. Send a Proud boy to prison for 18 years for spraying someone with pepper spray while Hunter and his daddy skate thru with a big get out of jail card. To common sense people trying to pay their bills or rebuild the devastation that is Maui it is so very clear. The rich guys north of Richmond continue to be fat cats. Oh, when it comes time to defend th we ur belief those red neck kids will do way more than their share to preserve the true US of A.

      1. Me too H, he’s spot on, the rich are the owners and the Democrats appear to be even more easy to buy off than the Republicans. They’re all frauds though.

    2. Fulfilled his promises? Like the wall he was gonna build and have Mexico pay for it?
      Hair plugs versus comb over. What’s the difference?
      Trump committed treason. We used to hang individuals for that. Wontcwork with Donald, he’d snap the rope.

    3. Let’s face it folks, Putin IS the 21st century’s Adolph Hitler, (Anschluss and Sudetenland, then Poland.) He has publicly stated his intention to re establish the old Soviet Union. Allowing him to save face and/or succeed by taking any of Ukrain’s territory (including Crimea) would embolden an incursion into another country, perhaps Poland, which IS a NATO country thereby bringing us into a war where our troops will have to be deployed.
      My opinion, we should continue to support the Ukrain with all the advanced equipment that we can. We should however, know how the aid money we send is used and ensure that the other NATO allies do their job in increasing their support. Unfortunately we allowed our NATO allies to slack off in their support of their own defense and depend on us for too long. Trump called them out on that and he proved to be correct. So we have to fill the gap until they can effectively re-arm. So, my support goes to he/she who incorporates that into his/her campaign. We and our allies must build a stronger military—peace through strength. Also, if Putin wins, China wins. If Putin loses China does not lose, but is alerted to the fact that whatever they have in mind will not be easy.

      1. Mr. Roob,
        For the past 60+ years, my best friends have all been combat Veterans.
        Not one single one of them supports the fiasco that is Ukraine.
        On the plus side, I did a quick survey and those I asked unanimously encourage you to grab your favorite shooting iron and hie your ass right over to that combat zone.

        1. Mr. Young,
          My whole desire is to keep OUR troops out of combat and support the Ukrainians defense of their homeland by supplying state of the art weapons to enhance that effort while preventing Putin from expanding the conflict. At the same time encouraging the rest of NATO to do the same. Is that a correct approach or do we sit back and do nothing?

      2. Edward – In May 2023, in the WSJ Daniel Michaels reported that “Nations of NATO’s eastern flank are rearming and preparing for war. But Germany and most of NATO’s other biggest members aren’t.”

        Your statement that “So we have to fill the gap until they can effectively re-arm” is something that has been stated about non-US NATO members since NATO’s inception in 1949.

        In 1949, the thought was post-war Europe was not capable of defending itself and it required the United States’s military (and nuclear umbrella) capabilities to provide for it defense. As we approach NATO’s 75 anniversary,we are still waiting for them to provide for their defense.

        It is clear, at least to me, that (with the exception of a few mostly Eastern flank countries and maybe Turkey), our European NATO partners will continue to free-ride, that is, continue to rely on the United States to provide for their defense.

        At best, the wait for them to fill in the gap is going to be a long wait.

        1. Well I agree in regard to our free loading allies. But the invasion of Ukraine has shown all – including our free loading European allies – who Putin really is. And he isn’t a “tin horn” impotent dictator as was Saddam … that’s for sure. It is no longer a hypothetical that the new “Soviet Union” might actually invade France or Germany. That means the US is in the cat bird seat. We no longer have to politely ask our allies to share the burden. Now we can tell our allies that it is time that YOU fairly contribute to the defense of Europe … that the US will no longer foot virtually the whole bill as we have done so previously. It is time. It is time to step up. And you know what? I bet they snap into line … like lightening quick … because now we’re talking existential stuff … like survival. All thanks to Mr. Putin.

      3. Edward, our foreign policy has always been to give taxpayer supported aid to countries who will support American ideals. We do that so we can keep them in line by threatening to take it away. It’s like raising children – threats and bribes.

    4. I’m with you Hickey. And I’ve had my doubts about Haley ever since she resigned as UN Ambassador. Her plan all along was to build a resume for this run, in my opinion.

  2. It’s now extremely obvious that ‘they’ are so fearful of Trump that they will try anything to stop him.

    I do believe we’re in a cold civil war, and it’s scary to think of where this once great country is headed.

    SO glad you’re back, John.

  3. Excellent piece, John. They were all pretty pathetic, but the bottom tier of Hutchinson, Burgum and Christie were worse than life support. They were the plague corpses out of Monty Python and the Holy Grail.

    I am very anti Nikki Haley. She is more than a neocon. She is a starter, but seldom a finisher. She needed a Sister Mary Agnes in her life, back in first or second grade. Sister Mary Agnes kept me after school every single day until I finished my math work, from November to May. Trust me, I know to finish what I start, or at least properly hand it off. Haley is also shrill. A voice coach could fix that.

    1. Haley quoting Thatcher (so I read) was appalling.
      She couldn’t hold Thatcher’s handbag.

      And yes, she is definitely headed to the boards of those companies making money when young Americans die in foreign wars.

      Semper Fidelis

  4. John, Your buddy Proft is right on Vivek, he’s a total conman. I think Christie could probably do the job well, but he has questionable character. The true conservatives, Pence, Hutchinson, Scott, cannot get arrested. They don’t make fun of people, they don’t smear, none were ever with a porn star. These are serious men who love the country and would take their oath seriously. I think DeSantis could do a decent job of running the nation, but he’s not good under the hot lights, so that makes me question he can handle the pressure.

    Where is the support for the real Christian conservative, Mike Pence? Why is the circus barker so far ahead?

    I love the mugshot.

    1. It will sell millions of clothing. Thus guy can take a disadvantage and turn it around in his favor AND MAKE $$$$OFF IT. Meanwhile we have a dementia POTUS. And a laffing hyena 4 VP. Plus Congress is filled with nursing home elected officials.

    2. I hated the emphasis on the so-called “Big Four”. Although Asa may have killed his chances I would have liked to have heard more from the other three. I know where the “four” stand.

  5. What ever happened to accounting for where the billions of dollars are going to Ukraine? All the Neocons want to keep sending Ukraine more money without knowing where it is going. Shameful.

  6. I’m a 70+ year old Baby Boomer. The thought of another Trump/Biden election in 2024 pains me to no end. I believe that it’s time for the “Boomer Generation” to step aside and let someone younger try running the country. I say this after watching all of the damage being done in the world by the superpowers who are all lead by 70+ year old leaders.

    Xi Jinping is rattling his Chinese sabers towards the inhabitants of Taiwan after turning Hong Kong into a freedom-less city; while the Chinese economy is heading toward a free fall with youth unemployment over 20%. Putin has turned Ukraine into his personal meat grinder, killing anyone who tries to get in his way and ruining both Ukraine and Russia for generations to come. Do I need to mention what Joe Biden has done to America’s cities, our educational system and our economy? (Sox fans, should I mention Tony Larussa?)

    In my opinion, a younger person with some fresh new ideas about how to solve America’s problems would present a breath of fresh air and might just, dare I say it, “Make America Great Again”?

    As a lifelong Cubs fan, I’m used to living with the frustrations of rarely having my dreams become reality. But living in a world not ruled by septuagenarians as I march inevitably to my final reward is my current dream.

    1. being over 70 myself, I’ve seen many presidents. None have lost income while serving in the white house but TRUMP. How many became hugely wealthy after they left office? O’bama has 3 mansions now,clinton received $500’000 for a 45 min. speech in russia after leaving office. Remember the clinton foundation? Where was gas when trump was in office? where was the economy? where were the wars ? peace in the middle east, diologue with N, Korea;respect in the world. I want a president experienced and not looking to cash in. A younger person who has been through our indoctrination schools can not deal with Xi Jinping or Putin. We need someone who’s been there ,done that and cares .

      1. Mr. Loftus,
        Concur 100%.
        When you’re in a fight (literally) for your life, you want the mean SOB’s on your side and Trump is all that in Spades.
        Trump got sandbagged repeatedly by the swamp creatures (and back-stabbed by Ryan and The Turtle), but still accomplished more for America than any president in my lifetime.
        He will be older and wiser in ’25 when he takes office again, and much better prepared to deal with the snakes.

  7. A good assessment of the debate which [the debate, that is] will soon be forgotten. I agree with the Ramaswamy as huckster comment, but he was more a center of attention rather than persuasive. I concur with your assessment of Haley as well; however, on Ukraine and Ramaswamy’s foreign policy ignorance she is correct. Though Christie was a pretty good [not great] governor, his political career is over especially if Trump or a Democrat win in 2024. His reputation never recovered from the bashing her got over ‘bridgegate’. “The arrogant, obnoxious fat jock from high school who had gone to seed,” gets him perfectly [and I voted for him twice!]. It is still early but only DeSanctis and Youngkin [if he goes in] are any real threat to Trump.

  8. John, love the image of the fat jock Christie laughing while shaving in the mirror!
    I’ve been there myself LOL.
    Trump once again faked them all out, and those who watched him with Tucker could see that’s he’s not the insane cartoon the left has created. And then the mug shot! He knows how to sell Trump, that’s for sure. My money’s on Trump for now, just because I want to see the mug shots of all the fakers he sends to jail IF he gets elected.

      1. I agree with you on that. Turning a usually and typically horrendous uncomplimentary photo – a mugshot – into an inspirational iconic internet gold “warrior” image is truly ingenious. That must have the Georgia inquisitors crying in their beers asking “how’d that happen?”

  9. As a Republican voter, I watched this debate as I will others to choose a candidate to support in the primary. I will not vote for Mr. Trump. If he happens to win the nomination, I will not vote for the presidential candidate of my party. Mr. Trump could have spent the time since his loss in 2020 maturing, acting like a statesman, looking forward, building real support among reasonable voters. Instead he has been behaving, as Christie said, in a manner beneath the dignity of the office of president.
    I liked most of the candidates’ performance in this first debate and could live with almost any of them as the nominee. (I could have done without the audience, though; how about a session with only the candidates?) Without Trump, the Republican Party would have a real shot at the White House in ’24. As it looks now, Biden will be reelected, though I suspect there will be pressure on Harris to step aside.

    1. I don’t disagree with your sentiment, but not voting for Trump is enabling the socialists at this point. Gov Gavin Newsome came out again in favor of men competing in women’s sports and the gender crap hill that the Democrats want to die on.

      200,000 Republicans didn’t turn out for Trump in Minnesota in 2020. If they had, and if people like them had in other key states, Biden isn’t in the White House enabling the people around him. It’s not just Biden remember, it’s the people around him.

      I’d rather have the people Trump assembles than the ones the Democrats will assemble.

      1. I understand what you’re saying, but perhaps Republicans will finally learn to select a candidate who can speak to a broader segment of the population. If it takes another loss, so be it. It’s time to reform the party anyway.

        1. So, you’re still whining and stomping your feet when things don’t go your way?
          You got a mad on for Trump, so you’ll help keep the Biden crime family in the People’s house.
          That will really help get America back on track.

        2. I also hope the republicans finally learn to select an appropriate candidate. I’m leaning against voting for trump in a general election for the same reason. If trump is the candidate, many again will come out to vote against him. He’s the best chance we (conservatives) have to lose the 2024 election.

          1. No, it is not “Well said”.

            It is idiocy that will cost us the White House, both houses of Congress, and what we have all lived under as the American way.

            Your pique with Trump’s demeanor (not his results) is childish ignorance.

            I’m finished posting in this thread, but you two and those like you will be the end of us.

      2. Having voted for Mr. Trump twice, I can say I’m taking a harder look this time around and one attribute you mentioned is exactly why I will likely NOT vote for him this time….he does a terrible job of assembling and then working with a team of people. He is the ultimate “I will do this myself” egoist. Look at the parade of people he nominated or inherited and what happened with them: He kept Fauci and Birx; he kept Comey way too long; he appointed Christopher Wray (thanks!). His excellent appointments came when he stepped out of character almost 100% and allowed the Federalist Society to provide him with a list of names for Supreme Court nominations – and had the moxie to follow their suggestions. Everyone else, if they DARED to be so bold as to offer another answer or an opposing idea?…..well, we’ve all heard the names he repeatedly calls them. No, personnel is one of his weakest points. What happened to The Donald? He realized that the Federal Government is so big, interlaced and crooked that even he could not take them on single-handedly, and he’d gleefully destroyed those who could have helped him.

      3. I agree with you. But the way to disable the marxist socialists presently in control is to nominate a person who is likely to win the 2024 election. And that person is not Mr. Trump. And that is exactly Ms. Pugh’s point if I understand her correctly. If you want men competing in woman’s sports, if you want a “packed” Supreme Court, if you want DC as the 51st state in the Union, if you want speech codes, and pronouns, if you want a press (or its equivalent) controlled by government, if you want failing schools, if you want our government in the pocket of public sector unions, then by all mean make sure the Republican nominee is Donald Trump. Because you know the Democrats are doing just that. He is by far the Democratic Party’s best recruiter. Hey you even admit 200K Republicans in MN did not turn out in 2020 for DT! Why should it be any different in 2024? And then check out the hard data, the evidence if you will: 2018, 2020, and in particular 2022 when instead of a red wave we got a red trickle all because of Mr. Trump – and Dobbs – on ballot by proxy. He is a three time loser. And if he is the nominee he will be a four time loser. IMO any other “normal” Republican can easily beat the very unpopular obviously cognitively impaired Joe Biden … all except Donald Trump.

    2. time for a 3rd party option. However, until this actually will happen, not voting for Trump will be a vote for far worse, unfortunately. The democrats have gone off the rail – moral sickness and a lack of common sense has been their mantra.

  10. Vivek says things that are in people’s minds, but I think Haley is correct in that he doesn’t have the “seasoning” to be President. He is the only one who spoke of a cold Civil War and was castigated on social media for it as much as he was the “climate change is a hoax” comment.

    Say what you might about Haley, the way she spoke about abortion is exactly where the Republican Party ought to be and they ought to say it the way she said it.

    Pence should be retired. Sure, he’s a Christian. That doesn’t qualify you to be President. He is manipulative and cunning, not a leader. Hutchinson should be embalmed with Pence. Christie is GOPe’s attack dog and not serious. Notice he had the long knives out for Vivek who is trying to fill the void if Trump stumbles.

    DeSantis has actually led. His campaign has been not very good-but he has done a good job as governor of Florida and he’s fought some battles. Burgam built a business, and has been by all account a good governor of a very small state.

    I notice no one is talking about Tim Scott. He has an impressive life, but Senators rarely make great Presidents and we need a great President.

    We are in dangerous times because very few actually understand we are in dangerous times. How many commenters mention “Civil War” in this string?

    If it is Trump, there will be violence. It will be brought about in the cities and sponsored by Toni Preckwinkle and others who won’t have to experience it and live with the consequences of it. The violent people will feel it, but won’t go to prison thanks to Soros.

    If it’s not Trump and some other Republican, what happens?

    If it’s a Democrat, what happens?

    1. “I notice no one is talking about Tim Scott. He has an impressive life, but Senators rarely make great Presidents and we need a great President”

      Scott would be my preferred choice right now. Frankly he talks the most sense. At this point, we don’t need a great President, maybe not even a good one. I’d be content with a competent one. Biden certainly is not that (in fact falls into the bad to horrible category) and although Trump’s policies are tried and true I’m not sure he is the right choice right now as he’s too devisive. DeSantis is falling into the Mitt Romney category. Obama was begging to be beat for his second term, yet every time Romney opened his mouth he made Obama look good. DeSantis is coming up to that level.

      Much like Paul Vallas, Scott is the best and most logical choice and for that reason doesn’t stand a chance in hell of getting there.

  11. Excellent column…my thoughts exactly. “Well, you know where she stands now. She’s with the neo-cons and the endless wars that suck American blood and treasure to benefit the rich men North of Richmond, whether they’re pro-war Democrats like Biden or pro-war Republicans like Haley.

    Things are so upside down these days.”

  12. Yianni,
    All well and good, but seems like these performances were more for VP or cabinet positions than for president. But that’s just me. Sorry to say that none have the drawability of the Donald! What is it about Trump that gets under everyone’s skin, including mine? He’s brash, rude at times, goes off the rails speaking without thought – and yet, he got results. I may not personally like the guy, but I loved his policies and economics. Unfortunately, he didn’t fire enough sycophants in gov departments when he was elected, thanks to putting out the collusion fires started by the socialists. Dems hate him cause they can’t own him, and that’s why he may just win. Depends on who he runs against, cause I still don’t think it’ll be Joe – but I could be wrong. Well, we’ve learned just how messy democracy can be – very messy! But it still beats the hell out of any of the alternatives!!!

  13. I thought all the candidates had their moments. Haley on abortion (but nothing else), Ramaswamy with his youth and lack of insider interests, even Pence, who seems to be stuck many decades in the past. DeSantis doesn’t have the sparkling personality, but as someone said, “he’s a policy guy” and his policies work.
    Unfortunately, this is a civil war (if you have any doubts, come visit coastal South Carolina where I fled to.) Trump showed the face of a fighter, the “death stare” in that mugshot, the mugshot the democrats have been waiting 7 years for. That mugshot shows us that this fight is just starting. I voted for Trump not because I wanted someone to babysit my children, but because I wanted someone to kick ass. It is unfortunate that we’re going to have a repeat matchup, but now the Country has seen the traitors the democrats are, and now there is no doubt as to the corruption of the Bidens, who’d rather sell out this country to our direct adversaries than to protect the citizens.

  14. One of the worst images that came from the debate for me was that of Vivek channeling his inner Tricky Dick Nixon with both hands raised wide showing the victory symbol with his fingers. It is a disgusting pose for a politician. I admit I voted for Nixon in 72 because there was no decent alternative on the ballot to Nixon. He seems to be auditioning for Trump’s VP candidate. I have generally supported a GOP candidate in the past. The only Democratic presidential candidate I have ever voted for was Biden, because he was the only alternative to Trump. In 2016, I voted for the Libertarian candidate because that was the only alternative to Trump or Clinton. The only presidential election I did not vote in was Ford vs. Carter in 1976, because I was in the army in Korea during the entire campaign and did not have any idea of where the candidates stood. I am still looking for alternatives to Trump and Biden in 2024. The debate did not do much to identify a candidate other than Trump for the GOP. They need to sit down and decide who has a reasonable chance against Trump and narrow the field to two candidates for the GOP nomination. If more than one stays in the race past the first two primaries, Trump wins hands down. Trump will win the most votes in every primary, but never get more than 35%. Most of the GOP will still want someone other than Trump, but they will be stuck with him.

    1. We’ve been looking for alternatives to Trump and Biden also. Neither one is even close to being qualified to run our nation. Trump is a loud mouthed narcissist, Biden is a corrupt leftist who has dementia. God help us! Time for a 3rd party. Voters are so weak – sheep, who don’t think for themselves!

      1. Third parties equal a wasted vote.

        Like it or not we are stuck with two parties and, recently, they both have offered voters the least bad of two awful choices.

        In a perfect world intelligent, informed and motivated primary voters choose the best candidate from each party. Sadly, we do not live in a perfect world. I have never failed to vote in any election since I was old enough to vote. I held my nose and voted against Hilary and Joe in the last two elections. Trump should have stepped aside gracefully after losing all court cases and recounts. Instead, he incited a riot and turned on his own Vice-President when he refused to violate his oath to uphold and defend the Constitution. Trump is the only Republican who would lose to Joe or any other last-minute substitute the Democrats put forward at their convention, which is after the Republican convention.

        Any of the candidates at last night’s debate would beat Biden. Only Trump would lose. Those are the facts as I see them. Everyone other than DeSantis and Haley should drop out. Republican primary voters need to get over their angst with the RINO’s, stop listening to the pundits and get behind the most electable Republican in the race. The RNC should encourage Glenn Youngkin to jump in. The RNC should also bar Trump from any future debates. If he wasn’t interested in all of them, he shouldn’t be invited to any of them. Fox News should also stop pandering to him. Let him run to all of the fake news outlets, which now include Tucker.

  15. John, Not disagreeing with your main points. Nikki Haley’s husband is in the Army Reserves and is currently deployed overseas, not sure exactly where.

  16. Of those that participated, DeSantis edged out Ramaswamy. And if Vivek was not so over caffeinated he might have actually won, but steeping on your own wise words happens when you are too amped up. But I bet Ron wishes he had raised his hand a little more enthusiastically when asked who would support Trump if he won the nomination while defending 4 criminal cases in court!

  17. Not disagreeing with your candidate summaries. Classic character Kass-assinations! If civil war is inevitable, most of the agenda of the Marxist Left wouldn’t seem worth giving your own life for. Unlike freedom, honest elections and the entire Bill of Rights. That hill will be tenaciously fought for.

  18. As a former Chicagoan and now a resident of South Carolina, I think you should know, before you call Nikki Haley a warmonger who favors sending other people’s kids to war, her husband did at least two tours of duty in Iraq and Afghanistan, at least one while she was governor.

  19. It makes me so sad at the state of our Country for the next Presidental election. Who do you vote for with a clear conscience. Neither candidate is worth anything and will not lead this Country to where it needs to be. I voted for Trump the first time only because it was an anti Hillary vote. The second time I could not vote for either so I left my ballot blank for the President vote. All those people who support Trump now, have you taken the time to realize that if re-elected, he will be spending all his time on his indictments and not leading or worrying about running the Country? Think about that long and hard. Does this Country really need this. There are a number of qualified candidates that could do the job better without worry about indictments or impeachment threats. Also Trump is dening candidates throughout the Country of funds for their campaigns due to his legal fees He has already run through 60 millions dollars and counting. People this is where your donations are going to to pay high price lawyers. Where is all his money that he brags about? He is sucking us all. Please stop with your support of President Trump for the good of this Country. If he loves this Country so much than he should drop out of the election for the good of all of us.

  20. Had to turn it off about half way through. They all seemed over-coached and desperate.

    I would dread having dinner with Trump, but I relish his economic and foreign policies and his Supreme Court.

  21. Hi John,

    It’s very seldom that I disagree with you and your readers but in this case I must. The parallels between Putin today and Hitler over 80 years ago are too close to ignore. Hitler was appeased with the Rhineland and when he re-armed in violation of treaty, when he took Austria and when he was handed the Sudetenland. Only when he invaded Poland did the allies muster the courage to act. Appeasement lead to war. Should we abandon the Ukrainians and acknowledge Putin’s specious claims to Ukraine (as were Hitler’s claims to the Sudetemland) he will not stop. The message sent by America’s fecklessness would have disastrous effects on NATO and Taiwan. It would be nice to think we live in our own isolationist world devoid of concern for what our enemies (and Russia and China are at least fierce rivals if not real enemies) do but that is far from the case. FDR and Churchill were right about Hitler and Japan and Haley and Pence are right about Putin and Xi. To put American foreign policy in the hands of waifs like Vivek would be a disaster. Regarding trade-offs, we can indeed help Ukraine (with commitment from NATO) and defend our own border. Haley accurately pointed out alomost $10 billion in “earmarks” that should be redirected as well as funding for NPR, Planned Parenthood, theDept. of (miss) Education, the the Dept, of (no) Energy et al. This is more complicated than is being presented.

  22. It’s interesting to see and hear how people reacted to the first debate.
    I watched. I didn’t go into it with the thought of who would win. More out of curiosity as to who would show true colors. Well no surprise there. Christy showed who he is. Yes he’s the school
    yard bully he’s always been. It was a big turn off. Others were the bore I thought would be.
    At the conclusion I sat and collected my thoughts as to how I could sum up what I thought.
    My take away was this it was a kindergarten show and tell. With each screaming look at my toy. My toy is the best toy.
    Thanks for your words and a few chuckles.

  23. I could not be bothered to watch the debate. To paraphrase from Macbeth:
    [the debate]: A poor player, that struts and frets his hour upon the stage, and then is heard no more: it is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.

    The GOP does not know what to do with Trump. He has so many indictments that it’ll take years to work through them even if he’s re-elected. The current state of the union means the GOP could come in and sweep the election, but that would mean the GOP has to get its house in order; very unlikely.

  24. My thoughts went to some of the observations and details mentioned by others, but my broader thought on the “event” is that the format itself is THE problem! Even the most erudite among them, by being forced into this kind of kindergarten-esque maelstrom, comes out looking uninteresting or perhaps detached.

    In this forum, the candidates are forced to try to answer a question about an issue or a concept of such world-wide importance that many of the world’s great thinkers take more than a little time to parse through, examine and consider. And, these candidates are trying to do that in a minute or a minute and a half, while trying to project some aura of competent leadership, while marveling at the twist of the questions proffered by moderators who think they are too clever by half.

    This whole “debate” thing is foolish, because it isn’t even really a debate! It is a Q & A session, and allowing an unrestrained audience prone to hootin’ and hollerin’ as the spirit moves them only drains away more time and adds to a atmosphere that John Ringling would have loved!

    If America is to be served, the whole format needs to be changed to something that is worthy of the office to which these candidates aspire.

  25. I served in Vietnam. My youngest son served tours in Iraq and Afghanistan. We’ve had several long talks into the night about how it feels to see friends die and come home maimed in an endless, pointless war with no clear resolution. All while the idiots in DC twiddle their thumbs and cashed their Raytheon and other suppliers dividend checks. I’d really prefer my grandchildren not have the same “opportunity” to serve we did.

  26. Some of the responses to the todays essay prove that Trump was right about Republicans being too smart for their own good. Democrats vote Democrat no matter how bad their candidate is. Bidens corruption is obvious but he’ll still carry the Democrat party regardless. Of course most Democrats are also motivated by the promise of free stuff like taxpayers paying off their college bills or free abortions. Yet even educated Democrats still will vote blindly for idiots like Biden/Harris. Any Republican who sits out this election because they don’t like Mr. Mean Tweet loses their right to bitch about the following four years. Get used to our shit economy. It ain’t gonna get any better and will most likely get worse. Hyper inflation is the only growth your going to see, home sales are tanking right now thanks to interest rates. Your 401k’s are going to continue to lose money. God forbid you have any kids or grandchildren of military age. The Neocons of both parties are chomping at the bit to send your grandkids to die fighting the Russians. Sooner or later a civilian aircraft is going to be shot down over Europe and our Neocons are going to get their wish. This country will go from a proxy war to a full blown conflict with a nuclear power. Democrats vote en masse. Republicans vote their own personal bias. Guess who’s winning?

  27. I watched Trump with Tucker first, then watched a replay of the debate. It reminded me of a Miss America pageant. Too many contestants. Audience participation. Answers to questions that were all like the leggy, dumb blonde responses like, “I want to be a brain surgeon to help all of humanity.”

    Our daughter has been texting me A LOT today while watching a replay. She kept telling me she thought this debate was like a reality TV show. All fake no substance. She’s right.

    Is this truly the best the GOP’s got? These candidates are showing us why we voted for Trump to begin with.

  28. I saw films of Jack Dempsey when my grandfather took me to the YMCA in Evanston around 1974 and met his old boxing buddies. When the bell rang there was no floating like a butterfly but man Jack put a sting on guys. He with JFK inspired me to name my firstborn son Jack.
    The election in 2020 has a Chicago 1960 connection that no one seems to talk about much. The foundation that Richard J. Daley built and gave JFK a win has morphed into a Chicago based tech-savvy “Center for Tech and Civic Life” and with “Zuckbucks” in hand came north to Wisconsin and “helped administer” our election. Along with the law firm Perkins-Coie with Marc Elias (now on his own) helped change our election “process”. Days after our Supreme Court turned BLUE, Elias Law filed a suit to allow banned Dropbox’s, along with other lawsuits affecting the 2024 election. It’s no surprise that no establishment Republican has thrown their hat in the ring to take on D Senator Baldwin in 2024. We are no longer a battleground state. (For Now)
    DJT is not “Midwest Nice” but we have to play the cards we are given and after all that has been thrown his way he still won’t back down and is still fighting in the ring. I did not see anyone in the Debate who could take on the Rino-Dem machine at this time. If anyone “knows a guy” let me know. Stay Strong Patriots !! John, I have a cane pole if you need to fish one-handed ( :

  29. Thomas, it’s ok not to buy the lies and bait and switch politics of fakery that the Democrats peddle to the desperate and gullible, aided by a media that publishes their talking points in unison.

    Our politics today is a race to the bottom and is controlled by greedy oligarchs and corporations. They spread around enough money to effectively stifle democracy and buy policies that benefit them.

    Trump appeals to some because he did lower taxes, especially for higher earners, he turned on the oil spigot and brought energy prices down, he spoke out on China, questioned the financing and mission of NATO, dialogues with Kim Jing Un, strongly supported Israel.

    Truthfully Thomas, if we can ignore his jackass tweets, comments, insults, the policies were good. McConnell snd Ryan weren’t going to let him close the border for real. They weren’t going to let him squeeze Europe to pay for their own defense, they are definitely in the pockets of big pharma as much as the Dems are.

    Biden has poured gasoline on our financial fires. Out of the trillions he’s borrowed and printed, maybe 10% made it to help ordinary people. Same thing with Trumps Covid bill. They load it up with goodies for the donors. That’s why the government is broken, it’s all the bribery and outright theft by elected officials and unelected bureaucrats.

    Trump was actually a decent president as far as the job goes. He was a shit show in the media. The opposition party pulled every trick in the book to undermine and distract him though, you’ve got to admit that.

    In hindsight, he was better than Bush, Obama, and Biden. The Democrats are the party of labor and look how they treat them! They are so obvious in their contempt for working people, they’ve driven them away.

    No one will vote for someone who they feel looks down on them and the Democrats cannot hide their conceit and contempt.

  30. What I am desperately afraid of is that the Democratic party will be forced to choose Michelle Obama, at their convention —Kamala will be come a college president somewhere and- ?- will be the V.P. Nominee.
    This of course will then become Barrack’s 3rd term.
    Biden will be allowed to continue until early next year and then if he does not announce that he will withdraw he will be declared incompetent by ( as constitutionally mandated by article- ?-) the appropriate members of his cabinet.
    If this were to happen I think Michelle wins no matter who the Republicans choose.

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