Kamala, Caligula’s Horse and the Deep State

By John Kass

September 25, 2024

My brother Nicholas Spyridon Kass has made foreign policy his life’s work, knowing that the world is a dangerous place and many out there hate us, and want us dead, or as their slaves.

Or perhaps they dream of using us as their jesters, to kneel near their feast tables, so they can clean the grease from their fingers on our hair.

Part of that work involved knowing and appreciating how American elected officials think about the world, and how they learn about the dangers for our county, how they process the information. Do they try to think independently? Or are they merely content to thumb through celebrity news while parroting talking points given to them by government briefers?

Nick spent more than 30 years serving America, with CIA, the U.S. State Department, White House /National Security Council, National Intelligence Council, and other areas briefing presidents and other senior government and elected officials on critical issues.

The world is always especially dangerous, especially now with the common understanding that President Joe Biden is senile and the world knows it. The other day, Biden lost focus in a news conference with India’s Prime Minister, and became confused and afraid, and shouted  “Who’s Next!”

Vice President Kamala Harris–the Democrat presidential nominee–helped cover up Biden’s senility in office for years–is widely thought of in Washington as an empty vessel. A 2018 video that just came out underscores this. The far left Senator of California–further to the left of Bernie Sanders–is shown clapping, shouting “Down Down with deportation”

And now she’s on the verge of losing the Hispanic speaking vote in Arizona, one of the key battleground states. So she plans on running to the border to show her concern and gaslight the American people with help from her corrupt corporate media. Americans don’t care the Washington Democrat Media Complex defends her. They don’t care that she’s the soft-minded meat puppet of the never-ending Obama-Pelosi regime. Harris doesn’t care about the hundreds of thousands of children being sex-trafficked on the broken Democrat border that has already let 20 million illegals in.

I invited Nick on the Chicago Way podcast that I co-host with WGN producer Jeff Carlin to sort all this out.

We talked about the Deep State, about foreign policy and Kamala Harris’ complete lack of depth,  and he told us about Harris in the context of Roman Emperor Caligula and the horse that Caligula and his horse Incitatus.

According to Suetonius, in the Lives of the Twelve Caesars (121 AD), Caligula planned to make Incitatus a consul of Rome.  The horse would “invite” dignitaries to dine with him in a house outfitted with servants there to entertain such events. Suetonius also wrote that the horse had a stable of marble, with an ivory mangerpurple blankets and a collar of precious stones.

Clearly Caligula was a madman.

But Caligula was also demonstrating exactly what he thought of the Roman government and the people, showing contempt by elevating a horse to governmental prominence,  much in the same way Obama’s Deep State elevates the thoughtless, shallow, cackling Kamala Harris.

And I decided just had to write about Nick and Caligula and Harris in a separate piece. And I’m putting the link to The Chicago Way podcast link here, so you may listen to him too. Perhaps you’ll reach your own conclusions independently.

I mentioned Harris makes me think of the flirty, not-so-smart girl from high school who didn’t read the book and puts a kittenish purr into her voice, like the airhead girls from “Clueless” But in this classroom, impervious to her charms, and watching for weakness to exploit are none other than China’s dictator for life Xi Jinping who got millions of dollars to the Biden family through his network of spies; also Russian strongman Vladimir Putin, and the murderous, hateful mullahs of Iran.

Nick mentioned that policy makers who don’t read and who don’t push themselves to think things out independently–and who rely only on briefings–are also susceptible to manipulation from ideologues conducting briefings and susceptible to manipulation by our American allies. Great Britain and Israel are our allies, but they also care about their own interests above our own.

“But behind all this is whether or not we’re going to have the consolidation of the Deep State,” said Nick. “And if you have four more years of this, I guarantee you’re going to be consolidating the Deep State. If Kamala Harris wins, I was trying to think about what I could compare it to, and one of the things that popped into my mind: Do you remember the Emperor Caligula reputedly tried to make his favorite horse a Council of Rome?”

Elevating a horse to prominence over people would indeed demonstrate contempt for them. But so too is nominating for president a candidate who doesn’t do the reading or the work. Like that asinine high school student who needs help when her smarmy kittenish charms fall flat, Kamala Harris’ help comes from corporate legacy media that prop her up. But China, Russia, Iran, Great Britain and Israel aren’t so easily manipulated by the New York Times or MSNBC, etc.

“There’s some dispute about whether the horse got the job or not. I’m not interested in that. What I’m interested in the idea is that they would deem it possible to take a horse and put him into an August position at Rome. Well, guess what? You’re taking a candidate who really doesn’t know anything, who was completely viewed as incompetent. I remember watching it Chris Wallace on a panel back in April, talking about how Kamala was going to be a drag on Joe, right? I mean, all these things going on and then they changed it because Joe finally exposed himself in such a way that you couldn’t hide it anymore. They used that to leverage him out and they put her in.

“And so, if she wins under these conditions, well like the Turks say, you could put a block of wood in office if you get the the right machinery behind it.”

And she has that machinery.

For many years Nicholas Kass was stationed in Ankara, Türkiye, which is the historic home of the Deep State. Yes, he’s my younger  brother, but he’s a brilliant analyst. He’s the ultimate authority in how the Deep State works and the lessons we need to learn to fight it before America is consumed by Deep State totalitarianism as freedom of speech comes under increasing assault in the West.

He’s written about the Deep State in important journals from The American Conservative, to American Greatness. And he’s also written about the Deep State here at johnkassnews.com. He’s also been interviewed internationally and nationally about this topic including by legendary Chicago conservative Dan Proft.

As a career American diplomat and intelligence analyst who worked in Ankara he’s an expert in the “Deep State.”

On Tuesday we sent out the podcast link emailed to all subscribers of my website, johnkassnews.com.

But when I heard again his brilliant analogy comparing Kamala Harris to the legendary horse of the mentally ill sociopath Caligula, I just had to write that separate piece.

Even now it’s clear that  Kamala Harris has not digested the briefings. She hasn’t done the work. She cynically avoids the press. And by this she holds the people in contempt, as did Caligula. She’s backed by the Deep State, and so, she runs out the clock in this election. Only a year ago she was mocked by the media as lazy. Headlines like “The Kamala Harris Problem” “Few People Seem to Think She’s Ready to be President. Why?”

Because she’s a dangerous fool, that’s why.

Remember that Deep State operatives and their reliable media partners turned the 2020 election with Secretary of State Anthony Blinken gathering 51 intelligence officials to push the big lie—fore the election—that the Hunter Biden laptop was a product of Russian disinformation. It wasn’t disinformation. Miranda Devine, respected columnist at the New York Post wasn’t spreading disinformation when she wrote “Laptop From Hell.”

The Bidens sold out our country to China and others and the Democratic Deep State and so-called journalists pushed that lie too. The journos received Pulitzer prizes. But it was a lie.

And now they’re back at it, not only parading Taylor Swift but also other “intelligence officials” to back Harris.. What does this mean? It means they know Donald J. Trump will never hire them now and yet they want to live and work in Washington, kissing the hand of their mistress, Kamala Harris and laugh at the jokes of Ukrainian boss Volodymyr  Zelenskyy.

Harris/Biden flew Zelenskyy to the battleground state of Pennsylvania to campaign for the Democrats. Spending more taxpayer money on this clown and Zelenskyy getting billions of American dollars for a forever war they do not want to fight demonstrates supreme contempt by Harris and Democrats for the American people.

It reminds me of Caligula making the a horse a consul of Rome, just like Obama’s Deep State regime installing  Kamala Harris as president without letting the American people details about her policies.

It’s all about power and access with Deep State operatives, and if they have to destroy America, they’ll do it.

They have one loyalty. Not to the United States, but to themselves.

(Copyright 2024 John Kass)


About the author: John Kass spent decades as a political writer and news columnist in Chicago working at a major metropolitan newspaper. He is co-host of The Chicago Way podcast. And he just loves his “No Chumbolone” hat, because johnkassnews.com is a “No Chumbolone” Zone where you can always get a cup of common sense.

Comments 13

  1. Conservative commenters often refer to the “Deep State”. Let’s start naming names of those currently in Government. I expect Anthony Blinken will be on a current list, but won’t be after January next year. Who remains behind and who will have the courage to name them and their current position?

  2. The Deep State are the Praetorian Guard of our dying republic. Obama, like Augustus, being a total dilettante made Clapper, Brennan and Pentagon politicians the prefects. Their reward, like those showered on the Praetorians by the Julio-Claudians, is the business spoils, influence and shielded tyranny.

    God help this country. Two many of those sworn to defend her are more interested in raping her.

  3. You nailed it with the supporting evidence being what the left said of Kamala only a short time ago.
    Has some “miracle” transformed her into someone prepared to lead the free world? Not on a 3$ bet. The fee state elected Biden, and ran this country for Obama 3.0. Now we will get 4.0 and if we survive perhaps 5.0. Who the heck knows. As someone who was alive when Harry said “the buck stops here” I weep for my kids and future grandkids. The threat is not Trump but the Deep State and the lickspittle media.

    1. That’s the Democrat propaganda out there, but they’ve been calling Republicans stupid and incurious since they first accused Eisenhower of it in 1952. What we do know for a fact is that the deep state doesn’t want him and that Vlado didn’t invade a neighbor while he was president. So yeah, it IS a teeter totter.

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