Illinois Taxpayers to Pay Millions in Damages for Pritzker’s “Gender Affirming” Politics

By John Kass

Sunday Jan. 5, 2025 

Politicians love to talk and heap cheap glory upon themselves.  But what they don’t say is that voters will have to pay and pay for gruesome policy, like the forced sterilization of minor children through so-called “gender affirming” care.

As other nations turn away from the leftist fetish practice and see America as a desperately sick culture, several U.S. states controlled by left-wing Democrats are pursuing the policy with a vengeance. Included among them are California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New Mexico, Vermont and Washington.

And Illinois, where Gov. J.B. Pritzker  wants to be president, plans on turning his state into a Josef Mengele theme park.

After Republican President Donald Trump was re-elected in the greatest political comeback in American political history, Pritzker would not be outdone. He used “transgender week” in November to polish his presidential appetites.

“This Transgender Awareness Week, I want you to know that I see you and have your back as governor,” said Pritzker in a press release. “Illinois has enshrined protections for gender-affirming care to meet this moment — and because of that, you will have a home here always.”

Pritzker’s cousin, Jennifer, was born a male but now he identifies as a female, and is an outspoken proponent of transgender treatment. Jennifer (née James) Pritzker was a lieutenant colonel in the United States Army National Guard and is a father of three.  With part of the Pritzker hotel fortune, Jennifer Pritzker leads the Chicago-based Tawani Foundation, which awards grants to organizations that support “gender and human sexuality,” according to its website.

Gov.  Pritzker pushed the policy through his Illinois Department of Human Services (IDHR) in December 2021 about non-discrimination protections for “transgender, nonbinary and gender nonconforming students” under the Illinois Human Rights Act of 1979.

“Ensuring every Illinois student has access to a safe, validating learning environment where they can be their true self is a top priority for my administration,” Pritzker said in a release. “This guidance from the Illinois Department of Human Rights will provide students, caregivers, and educators another tool to ensure classrooms are welcoming, affirming, and inclusive for all students.”

But what he doesn’t say is what we’re all thinking: these are children and by definition they’re incapable of making such irrevocable life decisions. They’re not some middle-aged hotel billionaire who plans on campaigning for president on a platform of abject horror and cruelty.

They’re not a spouse hateful enough to use a young son’s castration against some divorced husband. They’re not some Democrat politician promising sexual utopia without  consequence. They’re not a teacher on a power trip who wants to strike a blow against “the patriarchy.” And they’re not leaders of a left-wing school union making a deal with a politician who wants to be president.

They’re just kids, often confused as most kids are.

And they’re just too young, simply helpless against a roomful of lawyers and a judge.

Before we became a sick society dominated by the control freaks of the left, we’d properly treat such people as monsters. Now we smile as they campaign for president?

What’s the rush? European nations are pulling away. Why does the United States allow this monstrosity?

A year or so ago, as I was editing a column on this subject by the brave physician and retired Iowa Republican Congressman Greg Ganski, I heard snippets of a fascinating interview on “The Morning Answer” radio program hosted by my friend Dan Proft, the well-known conservative.

Proft was interviewing the Irish journalist Helen Joyce. She also spoke to Peter Boghossian about the differences between men and women. One clip discusses how the parents of transgender children will not be able to face what they have done.

Her quotes are clear and unambiguous.

“Something you may not have thought of is that there are a lot of people who can’t move on from this,” says Joyce. “And that’s the people who have transitioned their own children. So those people are going to be like the Japanese soldiers who were on Pacific islands and didn’t know the war was over. They’ve got to fight forever. This is another reason why this is the worst, worst, worst social contagion that we’ll ever have experienced.

“A lot of people have done what is the worst thing you could do, which is to harm their children irrevocably, because of it. Those people will have to believe that they did the right thing for the rest of their lives, for their own sanity, and for their own self-respect. So, they’ll still be fighting, and each one of those people destroys entire organizations and entire friendship groups.

“Like, I’ve lost count of the number of times that somebody has said to me of a specific organization that has been turned upside down on this, “Oh, the deputy director has a trans child.” Or, oh, the journalist on that paper who does special investigations has a trans child. Or whatever. The entire organization gets paralyzed by that one person. And it may not even be widely known at that organization that they have a trans child. But it will come out, people will have sort of said quietly, and now you can’t talk truth in front of that person, and you know you can’t, because what you’re saying is: “You as a parent have done a truly, like, a human rights abuse level of awful thing to your own child that cannot be fixed.”

There is nothing to fix. It is broken beyond repair. Once a parent has participated in such a thing, there is no place for them to go. They are beyond redemption. It would be best for them, their children and our broken culture that a giant millstone be tied around their necks, and that they be thrown into in the deepest part of the ocean. You want redemption? Ask Jesus. But don’t ask me.

The chilling thing is that it’s not only being done to children, it’s being done by doctors for money. Hippocrates, father of modern medicine, had an oath for new physicians. These political castrators must have forgotten it.

And mix all this with a growing popular resentment of trans-gender athletes using their muscle mass to unfairly compete in athletic competitions with women, denying female athletes the chance to fairly compete decades after most of us thought the issue was settled only adds to the confusion. What parent could forget President Obama weighing in, bringing the weight of his federal power against high schools in support of the left’s argument?

“But the fact is that just simply by saying we will never accept natural males in women’s spaces, well it is their son that we’re talking about,” Joyce said. “And they’ve told their son that he can get himself sterilized and destroy his own basic sexual function and women will accept him as a woman. And if we don’t, there’s no way back for them and that child.

“They’ve sold their child a bill of goods that they can’t deliver on. And I’m the one that has to be bullied to try to force me to deliver on it.

“So those people are going to be the people who will keep this bloody movement going, I’m sorry to say, because they’ve everything to lose, and it is a fight to the death as far as they are concerned.”


Joyce argues that because of what they’ve done to their children, there is no way back home for them. You can see this, can’t you? They are lost and angry and they would rather strike you down than look into their own eyes in a mirror.  As GK Chesterton said many years ago, “When men choose not to believe in God, they do not thereafter believe in nothing, they become capable of believing in anything.”

In Europe, trans-activists had the upper hand, with parents who opposed such barbarism unable to withstand the social onslaught and shaming. censorship and silencing from the left. In recent years however, European nations have pulled back, rethinking the approach toward “gender-affirming” care. The United Kingdom, Sweden and Norway are changing guidelines.

But not in Pritzker’s progressive paradise of Illinois, the Democrat state dominated by the politics of the Chicago Teacher’s Union, a state that ranks as one of the highest tax states,  a state where public school students of all races rank at the bottom when it comes to math and reading. But Illinois has no shortage of lawyers who’ll swoop in like vultures when it is time for them to feed on taxpayers.

Those who support such gruesome horrors are  desperate to rationalize their behavior. They are perfectly modern. And in their pride, they fashion themselves as their own gods. They strike out at all who dare say otherwise and continue striking because they must. All they leave behind is chaos and pain.

But castrating a little boy or removing the fertility organs of a little girl is something only the monstrous Mengeles would understand. And any government that allows such a thing will be forced someday to pay reparations for what they have allowed.

Josef Mengele Auschwitz


The great American songwriter Bob Dylan asked this of the “Masters of War” And so in that spirit I ask it also of physicians who practice such barbarity against minor children not even old enough to vote:

Let me ask you one questionIs your money that good?Will it buy you forgivenessDo you think that it could?

Pritzker and the Democrat bosses won’t pay for what they’ve done. They won’t be held responsible. They’re politicians. But the taxpayers will be held responsible. They’ll pay for the Josef Mengeles who practice medicine and tell us and themselves that they are men of science. And that they are civilized.


About the author: John Kass spent decades as a political writer and news columnist in Chicago working at a major metropolitan newspaper. He is co-host of The Chicago Way podcast. And he just loves his “No Chumbolone” hat, because is a “No Chumbolone” Zone where you can always get a cup of common sense.

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Comments 97

  1. John,
    As usual, you knocked it out of the park.
    May the doctors who perform these damned ‘surgeries’ be flayed alive. Perhaps, that way, they’ll get a taste of their own medicine.
    I am soooooo glad that I left Illinois over 4 years ago. I pity those who are still stuck there. Those with aged parents who are too ill to relocate, and those with special needs kids , who are in exemplary programs. But the rest of you, why procrastinate? Get up and leave! Don’t permit your tax dollars to be used for these disfiguring surgeries. You are complicit if you stay in the State of Illinois. It’s as simple as that.

  2. Dr. Corey Franknlin noted that too many have lost the ability to “identify evil” when it manifests itself. Evil is palpable and Pritzker is a fine example. Too many regular folks dine at his trough and will go along. Illinois is stuck on stupid and evil.

    1. Dine at his trough? There was a Celtic tale told by Rod Sterling, about the starving “sin eaters” at wakes, who were paid to eat a meal supposedly representing the sins of the departed

      1. Our sin eaters get appointed to seats at the trough after caulking up the votes from clan and labor locals. It’s Celtic and its anything but knew. It’s tribal.

  3. This column was brilliantly written and painful to read. It struck me as describing more than the horror of the “trans” barbarity: It also reflects the descent of “liberal” politics from the mixed but basically patriotic ideals of John F. Kennedy and Eugene McCarthy to the gruesome policies of ogres like Pritzker.

    Kass points out eloquently that the worst crime in this Mengele-Democrat project is the one committed against confused children, and that the crime against taxpayers will ramp up when the blue states are forced into civic therapy.

    I’m showing this column to leftists close to me. They always think that government can never get too big, too destructive. They need to start facing the two prices for this government-led insanity.

    1. The Nazi medical professions (physicians, psychologists, social workers, etc) DID support and perform atrocities on their own people. Many of the Germans in mental institutions/schools were experimented on and exterminated.
      And the German people knew about it and either supported it or pretended they didn’t know. It’s writers like John that are brave enough to say it as it is. I wrote about it and paid a political price. So be it. Wouldn’t change a thing.
      This is cruel, brutal pseudo science like ECT, electroconvulsive therapy for depression.

    1. Are the old man’s kids part of the guilty white people syndrome??? They take their dad’s hard earned money, and spend it on Left wing crap like this? Only one of the five Pritzker kids is mentally stable. Not a great percentage.

  4. Γιάννη,
    Have said it countless times – these alleged “progressives” are evil people stooping to even lower depths, as they opine the party line that “I’m from the government and I’m only here to help you!” Unfortunately, Illinois and Chicago are caught in a cesspool of Godless elected leaders – that voters put there – and I don’t see change coming soon enough to save us from their evil policies or practices!

  5. @pointsnfigures1 on X: John, you are the first person that I have read that has talked about the unbreakable psychological construct of the parent. That psychological construct reinforces the thing they did with their child, and if you think about it in reverse, what’s going on in the child’s mind? Some research has shown that some of the transgender issues are not “dysphoria” but a mental illness. The parents are reinforcing, and in some cases seeding the mental illness in their children. It’s horrible. I always knew Pritzker was a far left-wing guy. I always knew he had political ambition, and was simply biding his time until he could—>the Democrats needed money and Madigan needed a lifeboat. What I didn’t know is that he would not just be a left winger, but initiate policy like this which harms people unwittingly. Yet, I think he is smart enough to know what he is doing-which is truly evil.

    1. Totally agree! Last year I saw on the news he was patting himself on the back because the state had funded a pre-natal care facility for minority women so their children would be born healthy yet he encourages women from other states to come to Illinois to abort their healthy babies. What a hypocrite! A few years ago the average number of abortions per day in Illinois alone was around 110. Today it’s 248.

    2. Ken Macko:
      Sorry to tell you…but you have insulted pond scum.
      Even John Kass has done this. He once compared his now-blocked and annoying, radical troll, Tony Cesare, to a “cockroach in a gas station urinal.” Do you remember?
      In that instance Mr. Kass insulted gas stations, urinals, AND cockroaches. It happens even to the best occasionally.

  6. 110%!

    These kids can’t legally smoke, drink, enter into a valid contract, have sex, etc., but they’re allowed to make a decision for irreparable cosmetic surgery + treatments!!! Love & support them as they work their way through the confusion & angst of teenage years to better understand themselves, and then they can make their own adult decision for themselves. That’s true parenting.

    As the father of two girls, I am sick to my stomach and anxious for their well being every time I see males competing against them in their sporting events as the XYs are clearly stronger by size, generally taller, and they move/run with greater speed & power. And they dress differently from the waste down (thank God!). Fair & safe competition is well known by anyone who has competed and is backed up by reams of results data showing boys/males/XYs generally are 10-15% faster, jump higher & longer, lift more weight, etc. Not to mention that the US Army has very different physical standards for males vs females!

    A**hole politicians are clearly ignoring basic biological sciences & common sense – may they, and especially fat cat Gov Toilets, enjoy an eternal sojourn with Mephistopheles.

  7. In my last year of employment before retiring, all employees at the company I worked at had to sit through mandatory DEI training (I’d call it indoctrination, but I digress….). If I had spoken up at these training sessions and said that I would refuse to accept a biological male’s insistence that he was now a transgender person who had become a female, there would likely have been some consequences for me. The DEI trainer’s definition of “diversity” does not include people like myself who refuse to accept another person’s delusion.

  8. A distraught woman was interviewed who unfortunately listened to ” professionals” and allowed her adolescent son to receive ” gender affirming ” treatment for his depression. He is now a young adult who has rejected that diagnosis and realized that mistake. He has attempted suicide many times. The effects of the chemical castration resulted in his male genitalia never developing past a child’s genitalia. He is unable to develop a normal adult relationship with any one. He is trapped in a limbo of misery. The mother is overcome with guilt and is also contemplating suicide. She has given her son a life sentence of misery and loneliness. The guilt she feels must be overwhelming. The same people that advocate for the permanent disfigurement of American children decry genital mutilations of young girls in certain parts of the

  9. So glad that you are writing on this subject. This entire subject is causing much pain for all parties. I can’t see what good can become of it. Aren’t the men who have transitioned to a woman feeling embarrassed about being a bad sport? How do the authorities live with themselves?

  10. 1. Call it what is: SEX CHANGE SURGERY. Don’t use their term.
    2. Has Jennifer had his dick wicked off? I don’t think so.
    3. Any Demorat pol who speaks against this is politically dead in Illinois. I know. I’m one.
    4. The chief of CC judges Timothy u know who says that the young can’t be severely punished for their heinous crimes bcuz their brain hasn’t developed enuf so they get light sentences. Well if that’s the case then they can’t make a decision on sex change. Only the parent can. We need laws to help protect parents. But there are no brave pols in Illinois to do this. AND THERE ARE NO BRAVE MDs either! Especially those salaried by Northwestern U, my Alma mater, that does most of these crimes against humanity. Name any on staff who complained. Cowardly bastards! I have a rare 3 volume set of what was done by MDs of the 3rd Reich. This current surgery belongs in that category. You called it right: Mengele surgery.
    5. We need to find out the names of the MDs that do this and publish them!
    6. Jelly Belly, aka Jumbo Boy, Gluteis Maximus, Jag Bag Prickster has no way of getting the nomination. Looks count in politics up to a certain amount. Newsom vs Prickster? Case closed.

        1. I agree with you Thomas. Those who think Guv. Fat Boy has a plausible chance of becoming POTUS are delusional. Looks count big time. And Pritzker is a fat rich, entitled gas bagging slob. Yes there is a lot of prejudice against outrageously obese folks like Maximus. That’s reality folks. In fact I for one hope Pritzker does get the Democratic nomination. All things being equal (as we know hard to predict the future) I’m betting that would result in the biggest Republican landslide since 1972. And that would be the political end of Guv. Fat Boy. Bye. Bye.

          The real threat – as you point out – is a politician having Fat Boy’s world view, able to easily come up with as much money, and all in a highly attractive photogenic package. Yes. That would be none other than California Guv. Ken Doll himself: Newsom. He is the real danger by far. Pritzker is a mere distraction.

          1. Well said Bruce. Have we seen him in any photo ops for marathons or other exercise events? Can you imagine him in a tight T and shorts. He’d be laffed off the stage. Will he start injecting himself with new obesity drugs?

  11. Great, but sad, perspective on the casualties of these treatments.
    Follow the money. Doctors only treat for which they are paid. When insurance made this care “covered”, the doctors moved in. So, we as insured, pay going in and pay later in reparations….

  12. What I find even more sad and repulsive are parents who at the moment of birth of their newborn child refuse to accept the gender assigned at birth by the physician who just delivered their baby, and instead want an “ X” put in place of male or female, insisting you call their baby “ they” or “ theys”, then gleefully telling you they will let the child decide what gender they want to be as they grow.

    1. I agree this is absurd. I would only point out that physicians do not “assign” gender at birth. This implies that gender is somehow an arbitrary educated guess. It is not. It is a biological reality. Therefore, physicians DETERMINE gender at birth based upon a simple physical exam.

  13. The so called transgender movement is barbaric. Your column well defines it.
    It brings to mind the barbarity of making young boys eunuchs and binding the feet of young girls. This was done in ancient times to increase their economic and social status. It hasn’t really changed for transgenderism in today’s times. Politicians and their enablers are just as barbaric as ancient rulers: showing their power by satisfying a perversion.

    The problem of all that is we will have to deal with this in a decade or so when all these transitioned children come of age and realize the problem was not solved by removing their genitals and oh by the way the price is doubled.

  14. Well done John. I have a cousin who as an adult underwent surgeries. (I don’t know about below the belt. He was an Eagle Scout, and a survival instructor during Vietnam. Macho guy. Is (s)he really happy today 40 years post surgery? Who knows. Another of his cousins (a flaming liberal from the PAC NW) helped “validate” the decision and still does. At least my cousin was an adult. Facilitating elementary and junior high kids to Make such irrevocable decisions is criminal and morally bereft. The tiny percentage who are born with ambiguous genitalia certainly need psychiatric and surgical help but the trend — now fortunately being slowed or reversed in Europe/UK to take any kids passing fantasy as indications to screw up their hormones, surgically intervene etc is wrong. The parents have been brainwashed by this leftist nonsense. Fortunately the folks in flyover country spoke loud and clear on Nov 5. Enough. Re: Gov toilets Fatass —he is a disgrace.

  15. Children on the spectrum of Autism seem to be the easier victim of the trans movement. They don’t feel comfortable in their own skin. No amount of surgery or chemicals will wash that away. The parents of these kids see their discomfort and struggle and can’t see a way to fix it (the butchers threaten the parents with suicide if the kid doesn’t transition, but the suicide rate is tied to their feelings of being an outsider, not gender). It takes a pro sometimes to teach that child that the discomfort they feel is part of their personality and can’t be cut out . They will learn to deal with it, and like many kids on the spectrum will create great things, because they think outside the box. Allow any child the ability to sue the Dr. and hospital and put no time limit on it and the castrations will stop. No insurance company would cover that liability. Maybe bring back the Nuns.

  16. GK Chesterton quote, hurray!. Love his book “Orthodoxy” I was required to read at Marquette. In one of my required Theology courses

    When I was a developing child, I was certainly “developing”. When I started to have interesting feelings “down there” I could only imagine something going in me. I had two crushes on boys, whe would have made cute girls, our bodies were so similar then.

    Then, in 8th grade a miracle happened to my girlfriends, something happened to their chests! And I was confused no more.

    Thank God none of this shit was around then. THANK GOD.

    The world may very well indeed, not be binary. But as Chesterton pointed out, a man, a woman are defined by the commitments they make, and how well they adhere to them. The stuff, of the best life imaginable. Not the place for any government policy, never. Period

    Pritzker needs to go hungry

  17. on a different topic, did you read that your buddy, George Soros, is to be awarded the US Medal of Freedom? Somewhat ironic, wouldn’t you say?

    best to you and your family.

  18. John Kass, that is one of the scariest columns you have ever written, and thank you. I hope that millions will read this and understand the extermination of our culture that we are observing. How can anyone allow this to happen let alone put a LAW into existence that MUST be followed? John your mentioning the name Mengele is the correct path to use. Having said that, a lot of Americans who need to know who that bastard was, will never open a history book to find out the answer for themselves and staunchly just pooh-pooh my and your words accordingly. Lost people, making lost children who will eventually replace that feeling of lost into a hatred for those that rode that horse all the way and desecrating their lives…..I am getting sick just thinking of these children going that route as you, I, and all the people who follow you understand their futures.
    Yes, this shall be posted and reposted wherever I can. I know that there is, right now, no one in our family that has anything happening like this and I shall make every effort to place these words before them and speak upon it in our family gatherings.
    God bless you John Kass and keep on keeping on….

  19. Why is it that when some far off tribe practices genital mutilation we are shocked and horrified, but when it happens in our own backyard so many are willing to either turn a blind eye or openly encourage it. Sexual reassignment is genital mutilation. By whatever name it is barbaric.

  20. Josef Mengele was properly reviled as a monster for the surgeries he performed on innocent adults and children. Today, equally evil monsters are praised for their espousal of irreversible, life-changing surgeries of the same kind. John rightly puts Governor Pritzker, the corrupt, morbidly obese inheritor of billions in the same stinking category as Mengele.

  21. In a sane state, the groom and doom being perpetrated by gov. gluteous elephantiasis in our name and with our money would finish him politically.
    Instead, the sycophants see this evil as just the ticket for his White House delusions.
    God, save us.

  22. In Ray Bradbury’s 1951 book “The Illustrated Man” there is the short story “The Last Night of the World” which anticipates the “…worst, worst, worst social contagion that we’ll ever have experienced.”

    “A married couple awaken to the knowledge that the world is going to end that very evening. Nonetheless, they go through their normal routines, knowing and accepting the fact that there is no tomorrow.”

    The story also appears in the 1969 film version starring Rod Steiger and Claire Bloom.

  23. Gender dysphoria is a MENTAL ILLNESS. Treat it as such.

    Where are the physicians who subscribe to Kass site stand on this. I’d like to hear from them! Cory?

  24. I was listening to Helen Joyce on 560 The Answer that day. It struck me as so obviously correct what she was saying, and yet no one had made such a simple argument as to why the parents (stakeholders in current parlance) won’t let it go. They can’t because they’re paralyzed by their own evil actions! Amazingly simple and yet so profound. Great column, John!

    1. John:

      I couldn’t agree with you more. It should illegal (Class 10 felony)to alter a person’s sexuality either by surgery or through medication if they are under 21.

  25. Parents are not living up to their roles if they let their children decide about these matters. Whatever happened to the idea that there is a Creator of us all, and He does not make mistakes?

  26. The irony of a Jew such as JB Pritzker, supporting the medical “ethics” of a Dr. Mengele is just mind blowing. But then again knowing how confused and conflicted liberal Jews are, not that surprising.

  27. John- I agree with all your points. I’m assuming most if not all of your subscribers do. However, while disfiguring minors is horrific, and imo should be illegal, comparing this to what menegele and the nazis did to their victims, including some of my family, is inappropriate. Just my 2c.

    1. Good point. Guilty as charged. Perhaps a more appropriate analogy would be Dr Antonio Moniz who won the 1949 Nobel prize in medicine for his “ground breaking” psychosurgery. And then there was his inspired disciple, Walter Freeman, who traveled the US and received plaudits as he actively destroyed the brains of the many mentally disabled folks he operated on. Sorta like the pathologic medical butchers of today.

    2. Mark
      It is wholly appropriate! Jelly Belly funds Northwestern University surgery dept.
      Hitler didn’t operate. His surgeons did. Jumbo Boy doesn’t cut , his financed medical butchers do.

  28. Agreed.

    The world wants to reduce all ethical issues to ‘Hitler or not’ simplicity. I’m guessing Menegele believed his cruelty should be confined to specific tribes that were not his own (i.e. he didn’t do most of this thing with Aryans). I’m guessing folks who support trans-treatment apply their thinking to all tribes. It’s different kinds of ethical failure requiring different answers.

    Even though we’ve done lots of lots of work understanding WWII atrocities, we shouldn’t be so lazy as to over-apply this work to everything.

    1. The Nazi medical professions (physicians, psychologists, social workers, etc) DID support and perform atrocities on their own people. Many of the Germans in mental institutions/schools were experimented on and exterminated.
      And the German people knew about it and either supported it or pretended they didn’t know. It’s writers like John that are brave enough to say it as it is. I wrote about it and paid a political price. So be it. Wouldn’t change a thing.
      This is cruel, brutal pseudo science like ECT, electroconvulsive therapy for depression.

  29. … and to think he’s probably favored to be re-elected as Governor of this state. Extremely sad.
    We’re planning a move to St. John this coming year to escape from this evil den.
    A great state destroyed by godlessness.

  30. I have often wondered what would happen if a parent went to their child’s elementary school to take the child out of the school. The school officials ask why, and the parents say that the child wants to be a cowboy so they’re sending him to a dude ranch in Wyoming to learn how to be a cowboy.

  31. Wow John. I’ve been a free reader for years, since you left the Trib. And I’ve never been in a position to subscribe. But I have appreciated your work. Until this. I finally got a paid subscriptoin, that I’ll be canceling, just so I could comment on this atrocious piece of writing.

    The comparison you draw between Dr. Mengele and JB Pritzker is so far beyond the pale that it’s clear to me now, after all these years, why the Trib didn’t want you on staff any longer.

    You can be against trans rights, and you can disagree with JB Pritzker. But you’re willfully misleading your readers here in this piece, and drawing a comparison so flawed that I question if you’ve ever read a history book.

    Gender-affirming care is more than just surgeries and HRT. In fact, it all starts with psychologists and therapy. A recurring theme I’ve seen in other comments here, people saying these kids just need therapy. Well they get it, and that’s still “gender affirming care.” While there are data points to support some of the claims made in your piece and in the comments about how some professionals push an agenda (and everyone to some degree has an agenda), the fact that no one seems to realize that this all starts with, and for most teens and children remains until they are of age, therapy and yes, the use of gender pronouns, is insane.

    But your take on trans rights isn’t what made me comment. No. It’s your asinine comparison to Dr. Mengele.

    There is a big difference between legitimate medical practices supported by the American Medical Association and the American Academy of Pediatrics, to name a few apolitical organizations, and the medical torture committed against unwillful participants in Auschwitz.

    For a quick reminder, Dr. Mengele would (without anesthesia) amputate limbs, sew people together, inject all sorts of chemicals into people to see what happened, and would remove organs from living people to see how long they’d survive without them. That’s just a few of his greatest hits, there is so much more.

    There’s a lot of real things JB has done to be critical of. In fact, there are even more adult and mature ways to be critical of his support for this type of care. But to make this comparison? I mean, come on John.

    I thought you were better than that.

      1. Another fancy word that I’m not sure you’re aware of is “consent,” and another is “willingness.” These kids, and their parents, go through counseling first and have many off ramps along the way. Those that continue, however, opt in every step of the way. There is nothing being forcibly done against their will. Parents have to sign off on these types of treatments.

        Less than 1 in 1,000 kids and adolescents have received gender affirming medications. Those that receive surgeries are even smaller.

        This is markedly different than being taken by the Nazis, and then abducted yet again by a sadistic doctor who goes on to literally butcher you alive.

        If you cannot see the differences in these scenarios, my comment on a washed-up writer’s blog is not going to help you.

        I think you also missed my main point which is that, if John was able to address this issue with any sort of journalistic integrity and skill, he’d be able to draw on studies, interviews, and testimonies alone without needing to make quite frankly a comparison that is just so mind-bogglingly incorrect and incoherent.

        1. Hey Tony Cesare, you’re back! Couldn’t stay away huh? Dolma Spanakopita? Really? Like grape leaves (Dolma) and Spanakopita (spinach pie). Pearling and I were wondering how long you it would be until you emerged from the swamp and which column which draw out your inane comments. Return to your gas station urinal.

          1. Hi Bruce. You’re right, this isn’t my real name because I’ve been reading for a while (a former fan if you can believe it!) and see how you guys go after people here in the comments. But no, I am not Tony. I’ve not been calling people names. I’ve not been linking to fake articles. I’ve not been doing anything other than calling out this one analogy that is, again, so far beyond the pale that I couldn’t just let it go. I’ve followed Kass for decades. I’ve liked his writing. I’ve liked a lot of what he has to say about Dems and Pritzker. Again, there are many valid points to make about his administration and even this issue. But the way John did it here? Come on. He was better than that at one point.

        2. Wow. So, Dolma, you’ve been reading Kass for decades and enjoyed his columns. In fact by your own admission you seem to have agreed with the vast majority of his opinions and points of view. But now, after said decades, he pens one column of which you totally disagree. In fact you point out in meticulous detail the reasons why (this is a forum after all). But then based upon this one column that got your hair on fire, decide he has committed a cardinal sin; some sort of heresy. Now Kass is an apostate that needs cancelling. Wow. This says more about you than Kass … or in fact any one else on this site.

          1. Hi Bruce. Quite frankly, for the last few months since the election ended, I haven’t been reading as much because it’s been a lot of fluff. Nothing about the infighting between Johnson and Pritzker. Nothing about how Chicago can rebuild after Trump enacts the immigration policy that got him elected. Nothing about Cook County’s deficit. Nothing about Madigan. I literally have gone back to reading the Trib to keep up with that case.

            In this piece, John quoted a podcast interview and is handwringing about a policy that was pushed through in 2021. Like I said originally, there are many many valid ways to have this discussion. I’m not bothered by the fact that he’s written on this subject because he’s done it many times before, along with his other guest writers.

            My issue here is, honestly, the Mengele comparison. That’s what I said at the outset. There were a few other commenters here also bothered by it. It doesn’t sit right and it isn’t right.

            He’s making a mockery of himself by just foregoing all of his skill as journalist to research and actually craft a well written story and he’s making a mockery of his readers for thinking we’ll just take this at face value.

            Like I’ve said in all of my comments to some degree, he used to be better than this. And only now taking issue with lazy writing and quite frankly an offensive comparison does say something about me, you’re right. It says I stayed reading too long.

            The fact that you and so many others on here have decided instead to accept it, and even then to yell through the comments at myself and the few others who said this comparison was out of line says a whole lot more about you.

        3. No, Dolma, the cardinal difference between you and I and the others on this site is that we all use our real names. We all affix our names to our comments. Whether those comments are insightful or dumb, we all take ownership. But you don’t, do you? You hide behind a pseudonym. That alone tells us who you really are.

          1. Hi Bruce. You do realize that you’ve spent most of your comments with me here personally attacking me? As has a handful of other readers. That started even before David started saying I’m this other person who apparently you guys have run out of here three times before. What makes you think I’d want to share my real name? So you can also go to my Facebook? No, this speaks volumes about you.

            Also, are you just going for the personal attacks because you’re intellectually unable to discuss my original point? Or are you just a bully to everyone? If you can read through my original comment and my others, my point is that this was a bad comparison and this isn’t even journalism at this point. John was better and should know better. Would something this poorly researched and terribly written have cleared his editors at the Trib? Or anywhere else for that matter?

          2. Bruce:
            How about you and I invite “Dolma” to a sit down at Tony’s Tap in Mineral Point Wisconsin? I’ll pick up the tab.
            To Dolma: please let us know. And we also want to discuss your contributions to the Downers Grove Patch. They are priceless!

    1. As it was said by Dan Akyrod on SNL news segment: Jane you ignorant s…
      The various medical associations in Nazi Germany SUPORTED Mengele and many many other Reich doctors, psychologists, social workers, teachers who promoted these surgeries and euthanasia of mentally ill, etc. He was not alone. I have a 3 volume set of perverse procedures that hundreds of so called caregivers performed, not just Mengele. And call it by its correct name: sex change surgery be it by the knife or chemistry or both. It is sadistic brutal unnecessary procedures on the mentally ill.

      1. Thanks for not reading my comment completely. While euthanasia, etc. may have been advocated by the Nazis, there was no medical body that thought there was any valid reason to amputate limbs of living people, sew people together, inject all sorts of chemicals into people to see what happened, and remove organs from living people to see how long they’d survive without them. They just simply didn’t see any issue with doing those things in these camps because they didn’t think the camp inmates were people.

        Do you not think prisoners in Auschwitz were people?
        Do you not think kids and teens who are struggling with their identity aren’t people?

    2. The AMA , AAP and many other organizations have been taken over by these perverts. The AMA journal uses the term birth person in their articles on pregnancy care. They support that men can get pregnant. Dolma you are ignorant in statements.

      1. Thomas, do you understand the purpose of language? It is to define and communicate.

        Yes, women give birth. The organs that are uniquely female are the only set of organs that allow the miracle of life. No, men cannot give birth with their uniquely male organs.

        What happens, though, when we live in a world where for decades here in the US people have identified differently than their gender assigned at birth? And it’s not unique to America. In India, for example, they’ve had a third gender for centuries.

        So what happens here in the US when, someone who may have changed their name and then committed to other forms of “gender affirming care” go through life as a man, though they may still have ovaries?

        The best way to categorize that person is a birth person.

        No one thinks that biological men can give birth. This isn’t an Arnold Schwarzenegger movie.

      2. First off, I disagree with most of Mr. Spanokopita’s arguments. I agree with most of yours.

        However, our daughter is a nurse on a post-partum unit, and tells us that “birth person” has been used in hospitals for years (she’s been doing the job for 8, so at least that long) in order to track which of a lesbian couple actually gave birth, and which of a gay couple did NOT give birth, as well as actual biological parent in cases of adoption AT birth when the newly issued birth/parent certificate will list the adoptive female as the mother.

        We’ve turned “mother” into a suitcase word (no, I don’t mean portmanteau word. I know the difference), and stuffed so many things into it that, in some cases, such as post-partum units, they needed a different way to differentiate who actually gave birth.

        Do I like it? No. Do I approve of it? No. Do I understand it? Sadly, yes.

    3. Chew on this:
      Pritzker wants Illinois to be the abortion capital to the United States.
      Now, he wants to take the ones who survive and use them for “gender affirming” experiments.
      A comparison to Josef Mengele is not only warranted, but apropos.
      But, not to worry; that type of history is no longer taught in the schools, but 80% of the students wouldn’t be able to read and understand it anyway.
      I won’t speak for John Kass, but as far as I’m concerned, you can stick your faux outrage where you sit.

      1. Hi Art, I appreciate the mature discourse. I have no idea where you’ve gotten the idea that Pritzker wants to “take the ones who survive” (presumably you mean survive an abortion? What?) and use them for “gender affirming experiments.”

        Again, as I said in my first comment, there are plenty of real things to criticize Pritzker for, and even more mature, well-written and well-argued ways John could have approached this issue.

        Can you share your sources with me? If this is something Pritzker and/or his office have truly said, then that changes things but also should have been something John cited in his article.

        1. Dear Dolma Spanakopita:
          Please tell us again about the time you had to leave your bicycle at the train station ALL WINTER because of a “cheap aluminum key.”
          Please tell us about the bar you own in Mineral Point, Wisconsin.
          Some of us have been wondering when you would again slither out to continue your trolling. We relish the idea that you have already been blocked by John Kass under three different names.
          It is time to say goodbye again.

        2. Dolma: I believe you know exactly what this means. If John Kass compares your screen name here to your payment method information will there be any issues?
          Or are you, as we suspect, here again under a new alias?

        3. You are trolling.
          Thank you for not unleashing the full power of your indominable intellect upon me.
          But, I have no interest in swishing your alphabet soup around until it aligns with your twisted sense of medicine.
          There will come a time in this state when Democrats will behave just like the Germans did at their Nuremberg trials and claim that they did it out of their love for their people. But alas, less than 50 of them were hung for their crimes and our government offered the best and brightest Nazis researchers and scientists jobs in those fields. (Yes; there’s a story there, too.)
          I teeter between pity and anger for people who lack knowledge of our country’s history and with that, an apathy for our political system.
          Pritzker and people like him fills the void of “what ifs” with MONEY.
          Example: what if a man wants to cut off his winkie and replace it with a synthetic vagina, softer than a My Pillow and replete with a button, that, when pressed, will secrete a red liquid that will replicate menstruation? Any doctor in their right mind would know that would be wrong and treatment for mental illness is warranted.
          What would Pritzker do? Well, he would first buy the doctor, buy him a medical facility and throw out the welcome mat. Adults should have the right to cut off their winkie, right? And monsters without scruples, high student debt and scalpels will be there to accommodate them.
          One last thought: even discounting the horrors of the atrocities committed during WW II, we have men and women today who have children of their own, but who are willing to kill children in the name of a twisted ideology.
          I don’t want that for Illinois or humankind.
          Unfortunately, it’s out there whether you recognize it or not.

    4. You’re going to cancel? No! No! No, not that!
      You have given years of fun here. Our group hilariously mocks you off channel. We missed you.
      Please stay. I’ll buy you a Bud Light at Tony’s Tap. You know. Your place.

  32. WHERE ARE THE BRAVE GOPers passing laws in Congress to stop this, huh.

    1. We as a nation are allowing this barbarity. In Germany they started with their mentally ill and political prisoners. Nothing was said that amounted to anything. People justed accepted. For decades after WWll the anatomic text book for surgeons, anatomists, pathologists was by Edward Bernfoff, anatomy professor of University of Vienna. Thought to be a master piece of human anatomy. He used corpses for his drawings from executions of political prisoners, mentally ill, and death camps. No one thought to object. That says a lot about the medical profession and the world then and today.

    2. Well I’m no cheer leader for the Donald. But I got to say that while Trump IS many things the one thing he is not: a coward. Few if any pols that I am aware – certainly not our present cognitively impaired old fool in the WH – would have stood up to the lawfare by state and federal prosecutors and attempts on his life the way Trump has. Most pols under similar conditions would be shitting in their pants, hiding in the corner behind the curtain or behind their massive body guards and asking for mommy and a warm bottle of milk. Trump did none of those things.

      Furthermore, Trump does not have to worry about being voted out.

  33. Mr. “Spanakopita”- Thank you for providing an intelligent and much needed critique of John Kass’s “Gender Affirming article! I agree with many of your points here. Personally I’m not a fan of “gender affirming” treatments and especially feel that surgical treatments are extreme and should happen only in the most drastic of cases, and only after every other option has been exhausted. Bruce Jenner’s transition to Caitlyn might be one example. In many cases I agree that the more appropriate diagnosis is as a mental disorder. But to compare any of this to what happened under Dr. Mengele in Nazi Germany is despicable. John is and has been a very talented writer, but he has evolved over the years and not in a good way. His tone has become increasingly angry and divisive. This county is already polarized enough- the last thing we need is another talented divider!

  34. As always right on. Illinois has Voted for him and he thinks he is a hot shot. Poor people have no clue as to what is happening to America. This man must leave office and retire in Florida with his Billions that he did not earn. Disgraceful.

  35. Personally, in the 2018 primaries, I voted for Kennedy. I remember primary day. I was working part time as a therapist in Naperville. I happened to have some downtime and picked up the Trib and read an article about how DOE secretary Rick “I forget” Perry wanted to sell nuclear secrets to the Saudis. This ended up happening years later, September 18, 2022 when LIV golf was in Sugar Grove, Kane County.

    I didn’t know much about Hyatt hotels or Penny Pritzker except she was close with Obama. Over the past 5 years, with an erroneous understanding of what phonons are and no consultation with me as to how I designed them for my quantum computer idea (filched by Oak Lawn broadband control, ComEd or the NSA). This meant 5 years of painful sonic conditioning of my hearing damage funded by the DOD, DOE, the universities, etc. Pritzker is a frequent donor to the project, the Chicago Quantum Initiative.

    Furthermore, I have not been compensated, and most of my amendments in the Bill of Rights have been violated.

    I am concerned that the lack of communication with these agencies, their brutal treatment of me and their mere surveillance of me to glean answers will lead to further technology transfer to countries like oil guzzling Saudi Arabia.

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