Democrats Rally Support for Their Terrorist Hamas Campus Cheerleader

By John Kass

Wednesday March 12, 2025

If white racists were organizing on college campuses wearing hoods to hide their identities and threatening black students with genocide, just how long would it take for Democrat Party leaders to demand they be thrown into prison?

Maybe two seconds, if that long. And I’d join them. Most conservative Republicans would join them.

The Democrats would bring Barack Obama back from the politically undead to demand the lopping of those racist heads. And pro-Democrat left wing media like the New York Times would hold the burlap bag open to catch the heads.

But what if the victims were not black, but Jews?

The Democrats would hound Hamas to the gates of hell if they were publicly hating and intimidating American blacks. They’d hunt the haters down the way they hunted grandmas for stepping a toe across the line on Jan. 6. Perhaps Adam Kinzinger would squirt some public tears, as he did for the J6 committee.

And what of Hamas terrorist supporter Mahmoud Khalil, the former Columbia University graduate student living at Columbia- University housing and organizer of viciously anti-Israel protests on college campuses on behalf of Hamas, designated a terrorist organization?

The Democrats want to save him from deportation. They’re treating him as their hero. They’re protesting, they’re screaming, they’re demanding.

They’ve made him their poster boy. He’s featured in the X post above from the Democrats of the Senate Judiciary Committee. Illinois Democrat Sen. Dick Durbin is the ranking member on that committee.

Free Mahmoud Khalil?

But the victims of this hatred are Jews, and so it’s clear the Democrats don’t care about Jews.

If Hamas’ victims were black, maybe Democrats would care. But the victims are Jews and so Democrats yawn. They yawned the same anti-American yawns when Black Lives Matter rioters destroyed downtown Chicago, looting and smashing and looting some more, even threatening parents whose seriously ill children were overnight at a children’s hospital. The thuggery in Chicago was protected by Democrats.

Perhaps the left-wing corporate media that protects Durbin and his lobbyist wife will ask him soon about Mahmoud as he stands with Illinois Gov. JB Pritzker at some idiotic Pritzker-for-president campaign stunt where he’ll assure Americans that he’s ready for the job?

Don’t hold your breath.

“Let me get this right: Senator Dick Durbin and the Judiciary Committee Democrats are fighting for a pro-Hamas foreigner who has made life hell for Jews on campus?” wrote Sen. Tom Cotton, R of Arkansas. “Even for Dick Durbin, who voted to cut off military supplies to Israel, this is remarkable.”

My own view isn’t all that radical. I support Freedom of Speech, especially political speech I don’t personally like. But this isn’t a freedom of speech issue, no matter how the anti-American left and their media lickspittles try to frame this one.

This is not a speech issue. It is a national security issue. Mahmoud Khalil is an agent in support of the terrorist group Hamas. They are murderers, having killed more than 1,200 innocent Jews on Oct. 7. And then they screamed their rage but also their glee. And Democrats who have long hated American liberty and freedom support them?

Being a foreign-born student on a visa isn’t a right, it’s a privilege. They are here by our permission.

And organizing hate speech on behalf of a terrorist organization like Hamas should get you a one-way ticket back to the Middle East. Perhaps to Syria where he’s from. It’s a hellhole now, unfortunately.

So enjoy the free speech over there Mahmoud. You’ll love it in Damascus, or the Valley of the Christians, where your radical Islamic friends are slaughtering innocent Christians every night. You might want to hang out with the terrorists of the PKK in Syria, the group protected by Presidents Joe Biden and Barack Obama. As long as you stay in Syria, I won’t mind.

You’re welcome to apply for scholarship elsewhere, say the University of Tehran. I won’t abide my tax dollars going to support religious hatred.

You and your allies should all be thrown out of our country on your whiny entitled asses.

This case is not about the hard-left ACLU’s wet-dreams of Free Speech. It is about security, about civilized behavior. It is about terrorism. And there is nothing in the Constitution that says I must support terrorists with my tax dollars. Khalil supports Hamas. He is not an American citizen. And as a Hamas supporter, by action and by his words, he is in violation of the Immigration and Naturalization Act. This self destructive anti-American Jac0bin nonsense must stop now and if Democrats don’t change their tune they’ll be wiped out in all the elections to come.

I spent 40 years at a big city newspaper supporting free speech. I suppose you might call me a free speech absolutist. I don’t take this lightly. You should be able to speak your mind in America. But you don’t have to support race hate and terrorism.

We talked about this with my good friend University of Chicago professor emeritus Charles Lipson. Lipson joined my buddy WGN radio producer Jeff Carlin and me on the Chicago Way podcast. Jeff Carlin has posted the podcast. You may listen under podcasts Or listen to it here.

I remember when the Jacobin newsroom union of the Chicago Tribune–the Chicago Tribune newsroom guild– defamed me as an anti-Semite for daring to speak out against Soros who was hand picking soft-on-crime prosecutors like Kim Foxx. Calling me an anti-Semite was a tactic straight out of Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals:

“Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.”

They personalized and polarized the hell out of me. I was a conservative. And the Jacobin news guild and the rest of the Soros left wanted to stop me me at the paper. A new cowardly Tribune editor moved my column from the front of the main section to the back of the paper. They stopped me.

When I got the chance, I was gone.

I had enough. I left. But I’ll never forget. Ever.

The leftist Tribune guild was supported by Tribune editors.

Removing the anti-Israel negotiator at Columbia fulfills a crackdown vow from Trump. My view is that you should be able to criticize anyone, any government. That is our American right.

But there is no American right to support terrorism and the genocide of an entire people. There is no American right to mask up and hide your identity while threatening violence against people with whom you disagree. We don’t support such creatures as the Democrats are doing.

Instead we must stand together and lawfully stop them. Cancel their visas all their scholarships and then ship them the hell back to Syria or wherever they came from. And if we don’t oust them, then all we’re really doing is slitting our own throats.

It’s just common sense.


(Copyright 2025 John Kass)



About the author: John Kass spent decades as a political writer and news columnist in Chicago working at a major metropolitan newspaper. He is co-host of The Chicago Way podcast. And he just loves his “No Chumbolone” hat, because is a “No Chumbolone” Zone where you can always get a cup of common sense.

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