China’s Revenge for Opium Wars: Our Fentanyl Epidemic
By Greg Ganske
June 14, 2024
My fifth-grade Catholic teacher, Sister Daniel, loved telling us tales of her days as a missionary teacher in China. Her stories echoed an impression of the Chinese people as the Noble Peasants similar to those portrayed by bestselling novelist Pearl Buck’s “The Good Earth.” She did not tell us about the history of the Opium Wars or the Boxers Rebellion or how the Versailles Treaty undermined Chinese democracy after WWI.

Warren Delano Roosevelt in the middle.
Sister Daniel may not have even been aware but probably would have considered this part of American Chinese history beyond the ken of 5th graders anyway. Unmentioned was how Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s grandfather, Warren Delano as well as many other prominent Americans, made their fortunes in the China opium trade by addicting millions of Chinese.
Nor did she tell us how Teddy Roosevelt secretly encouraged a Japanese “Monroe Doctrine” for a Japanese sphere of influence that presaged Japan’s invasion of China. She did tell us about the martyr missionaries trying to bring Christianity to China and what it was like to be expelled from China by Mao’s Communist Party. We were exhorted to save our nickels and dimes and quarters for the annual mission’s collection to help the “poor children in China.”
It is easy for Americans with our relatively short history to not understand how far back events in national memory can influence current events. Once, while meeting with Croatia’s President Tudman a colleague asked how the war in Bosnia started. His reply commenced a thousand years ago.
The Chinese with their 2,000-year history of a great civilization while Europe was in the Middle Ages considered Westerners to be barbarians. We shouldn’t be surprised if the humiliating events of the 1800’s of the opium trade through the early 1900s remain in the national consciousness and affects their response to our own fentanyl crisis.
The Emperor of China in the 1830’s restricted trade in China to a few ports. The Chinese were not interested in European goods, but the Europeans and Americans were very interested in trading for Chinese silk, porcelain and, especially, tea. This created a monetary trade imbalance with the Middle Kingdom that the West fixed by importing opium to China from India, Pakistan and Turkey. The Chinese soon enjoyed smoking opium with tobacco and opium sales boomed. The Emperor outlawed its sale, but Westerners did business with Chinese criminal cartels in offshore islands who smuggled the drug into the country while being protected by the British navy.
By 1850, opium accounted for 15-20 per cent of the British Empire’s revenue making it the world’s most valuable single commodity. The commercial infrastructure of Western trade in the Far East, including that from the U.S., was built around opium. The Americans had a virtual monopoly on the Turkey to China opium trade when British merchants were later not allowed to carry it. What started as a pain medicine became a recreational drug by the 1830s and addicted millions who would do almost anything to get the drug.
The disruptions to Chinese society were devastating; does this sound familiar to our own fentanyl crisis?
Since 2019 fentanyl overdose has become the leading cause of death for young Americans. Fentanyl is a powerful synthetic opioid that is 50 to 100 times more potent than morphine. It is typically used to treat severe pain after surgery. Its abuse causes over 60% of opioid related deaths. It is laced into other drugs, and many don’t even know they are taking it. It gives a powerful feeling of happiness.
In 2019 China restricted production and the U.S postal service implemented steps to reduce the flow of fentanyl by mail, but China’s pharmaceutical firms from small to large started exporting the precursor chemicals to the Mexican cartels which then synthesize the precursor chemicals into fentanyl. At the same time President Obrador reduced the Mexican government’s fight against the cartels. More and more fentanyl is smuggled into the U.S. and cartel profits go to Chinese money launderers.
President Xi seems to have lost interest in cooperating and has turned a blind eye on the trafficking of the precursors. China says the U.S. should just reduce demand–the American people should just learn to “say no.”
The fentanyl crisis in America is just one way China is weakening the United States. In a way it is a substitute for open warfare. It is likely the Chinese government’s lack of real effort to eliminate the fentanyl precursor trade is at least partly a “get even.”
Greg Ganske, MD, is a retired plastic surgeon, He treated women with breast cancer, children with birth defects, farmers with hand injuries and burn patients. He served Iowa in the U.S. congress from 1995-2003. He is a retired USAR Lt. Colonel.
Comments 26
John, thank you for your hard work. It seems most people do not seem to care what is happening to America, and the influence the people behind the curtain have over our Government and they do not realize the destruction of this once great Country is taking place. The few seem to tell the Millions how to live, and how to act. The American Voter has no clue as to what is going on and they do not seem to care. Parenting is out the Window, and the kids do what ever they want, they even take their Parents to job interviews. Lol!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hunter Biden had to judged Guilty so Trump would not seem as bias verdict and he will NEVER SERVE A DAY IN JAIL. The Black Mayors claim that the jails are full of Black people and they do not deserve it, and it seems that the do 80% of the crimes. This is nuts they are the Racists one’s WE ARE NOT WE WERE NOT RAISED THAT WAY. A CIVIL WAR IS BREWING.
Your comment and occasional incoherent sentences makes me wonder if you took a little ‘nose candy’ while composing it.
Other comments.
1. Just over 100,000/yr in USA die of drug overdosing. Altho concerning there are other maladies far worse in numbers, but it makes good press. These deaths are a tiny percent of all deaths. But if some rich spoiled brat kid dies then all hell breaks loose. As coroner, when I investigated these deaths I found out the kid(s) weren’t innocent little angels but juvenile delinquents whose parents looked the other way to there kids behavior. But when these so called ‘future sport stars, Einsteins, geniuses, etc die the parents want something done ‘now’.
2. Nuns taught me about free will. Those who take the drug s willingly do so. No one forces them.
3. ILLEGAL DRUGS EXIST BECAUSE CERTAIN KEY PEOPLE IN ALL BRANCHES OF THE LEGAL SYSTEM ARE INVOLVED AND PROTECT THE CHAIN OF SUPPLY. WHY? BECAUSE IT PROFITABLE AND NO TAXES. The jail in Lake County, Ill is named after the former sheriff/drug dealer who was the one who picked up the drugs at Waukegan Airport and delivered it to the local dealers after getting his cut.
Just like overeating, smoking, alcohol, you have a free will. You don’t have to use it. If you do you suffer the consequences, ie heart disease, cancer, ODs, etc. Tough luck.
I could go on but I’ll stop.
I’ve disagreed with much of what you have posted previously. But not here. You are absolutely correct with your #3. Yeah opioids are a big problem. But in fact Pharmacologically/physiologically speaking they are overall less toxic than alcohol, and much of the problem – as you point out – lies with the users and abusers and the “legal” system that financially benefits. The inconvenient truth is Dr. Ganke’s essay reads like an apologia for very irresponsible destructive behavior.
Thomas Rudd- Agree with everything you said here except for the conspiracy-theory part.
I don’t believe anyone, in any country, will ever succeed in eliminating illegal (and legal) drug use. It seems that the desire to “temporarily modify our consciousness” is baked into human nature.
No matter how successfully we eliminate the source in one place, it will re-appear some where else. One reason is that there is too much money to be made by supplying drugs. So there will ALWAYS be someone willing to take the risk. Also, with the rise of technology and the information age, it’s increasingly easy for some chemist operating in his basement to synthesise any number of already known (and newly invented) psychoactive drugs. In my opinion the best we can do is increase education as to the terrible self-damage imposed onto those who abuse dangerous drugs.
An odd comment to say the least. Great article, but methinks that your context is misleading. Most voters only pay attention when it’s closer to an election. No civil war is going to happen, but being an old guy who remembers all the hell in ’68, people will quietly voice their opinions at the ballot box. Just look to the corrections being made in Europe now.
Helen Edwards- I disagree with almost everything you’ve said here but your prediction that “A CIVIL WAR IS BREWING ” is particularly disgusting. It sounds as though you think a civil war would a “righteous” outcome. Shame on you!
Good article. Please do another article on how Asia is getting past opium – be sure not to leave out the ‘unpalatable-by-American-standards’ solutions in Indonesia.
Dr. Ganske, this is a very nice piece of work. After reading I dug a little bit more and uncovered even more reasons for China to be upset with the western world for the forced opium trade and the sleight of hand trading by the East India Trading Company. It an an outsized role in creating for Great Britain and stealing wealth from colonies.
I had no idea of the tea plant smuggling from China to India or the connections to the British Marbles.
Thank you, Dr. Ganske.
Very interesting and informative history! Please write more.
This is all true, Dr. Ganske. However, it needs to be viewed as a larger campaign of asymmetric warfare by China and its allies (Russia, Iran) against the United States with the intent of destroying our globa influence. As Sun Tzu wrote, the acme of warfare is to win without a battle. The campaign against America using asymmetric techniques, such as: corrupting our youth through TikTok; cyberwarfare; disinformation and misinformation designed to divide us; stealing technology; selling sub-grade or compromised parts into our infrastructure; industrial sabotage; control of global commercial choke points…the Panama Canal, Suez Canal and Straits of Malaga) attacks on the dollar..etc.) has been going on for decades. Effectively, we are at war with China…they know it, we remain oblivious.
Brilliant historical and ethical lesson, especially pointed with regard to the scions of great Yankee names and fortunes, as well as a cogent explication of Sino- Weltanschauung. You are tops, Doctor!
Very well expressed. Without the level of background you have provided, I had suspected fentanyl was a tit for tat dividend.
It is about time the broader public, and narrower minded Congress understand, and remediate this catastrophe.
Strangely enough, one of the first things Trump did was to state his aggressive response to the trade and ideological warfare that China had declared on the United States. China, with assist from Deep State operatives and the Democrat party responded by unleashing the Covid virus upon the world. Best to win the war without firing a shot. Donald Trump’s numbers in the polls are even STRONGER now than they were four years ago thanks to Bidens incompetence. These guys collapsed the world economy to rig the last presidential election. Anyone but Trump, right? Strap yourself in gang. These guys have something big in store for the upcoming re election of Trump. With world events being what they are and Biden supplying our Ukrainian friends with bombs to strike within Russia, could a nuclear exchange be on the horizon? After the events four years ago, nothing is far fetched. Wait and see. Anyone but Trump, get it?
Very good! And yes, we got it here. We will see about “peaceful transfer of power” when Trump wins.
Have been reading a great book about the late civil war, that points correctly to the fact that it was a sectional conflict – and that’s about it. Southrons just did not want anyone telling them how to think.
Left vs Right has always been a fiction, a distraction. What we have going on now, I believe, is the latest sectional conflict, the Southland, Middle and Mountain West vs the Coasts.
Thank you Dr. Ganske for this most valuable historical perspective!
Unless he wins by a large margin (hope so), the useful fools will take to the streets to loot, burn, and murder like they always do. See ANTIFA and BLM for references. Even Nancy has now admitted that she allowed 1/6 to happen.
Always love Dr. Ganske’s guest appearances here. Clear and concise. I had no idea about the opium trade origins. To John Kass, you are a real pain in the a*s to those useful idiots (Mayor Johnson and the POTUS among others ) for starters. Keep up the great work. Like the Wizard of Oz, our country is being run from behind a curtain, I strongly suspect from a huge and fortified house not all that far from 1600 Penna Ave. which in turn is being driven by Soros and his cronies. The powerful families like Biden, Clinton, Pelosi, Schumer Hochul, Pritzger etc could care less from their gated mansions and oodles of graft dollars and favors due. Hunter will likely get the ability to appeal from outside the gates and come December 31 a pardon by a benevolent and doting daddy will let him walk the streets without a hint of a conviction. A civil war is brewing. The African American community is seeing their monies directed towards illegals and the Revrunds are NOT happy. Happy Dem/media talk says alls well. Crime and shootings in the ‘hood are really up. The homicide rate is down because of excellent EMS and trauma centers that do save more lives but at a huge cost to taxpayers footing rehab bills. Was driving thru my old neighborhood on Tuesday (MtGreenwood) and Trump 2024 signs dotted the neighborhood. Nary a Biden name in sight. Lots of back the blue and we support the police signs too. Hope people of all races see the light come November or the once great USA will be lost beyond hope.
Doctor Ganske and JK.
Excellent and well informed column. After i retired from the CPD, i worked part time on a small suburban police dept, in a well to do community.
Big difference from my south and westside work experience.
I couldn’t believe it, in eighteen months, i handled three Fentenayl related over doses. All dead. Bodies where blue, rigor mortise set in. Well to do families, victims given every opportunity to succeed in life not like my poor chicago victims on the south and westside.
I tried recovering information from the cell phones to see if i could find a common dominator, or the number called the most. The only lead i found was one family let me look in the victim’s bedroom, and i found envelopes from a popular delivery service.
I called the great guys at the Drug Enforcement Agency. Wow i learned a lot.
The upper class gets there drugs thru the internet. They Feds checked the addresses’ on my recovered envelopes some where private mail boxes or legitimate businesses, used fraudulently as a mailing cover. No way to trace who sent the drugs. Only shipped from Nevada or California.
This Fentenayl is a epidemic. Rich and Poor people, from loving nurturing families, devastated for life until the day they pass on.
We need to use economic sanctions against China and Mexico. Close our borders and stop these semi trucks coming in from Mexico at San Diego. That free trade agreement is good for produce, but the great people of Homeland Security do not have the resources to stop the contraband.
My connect from the DEA tells me that by 2030 we will all know some one who perished from Fentenayl. I pray and hope for my country that this dedicated DEA agent is wrong.
Lets treat it the way we did with the Mad Cow disease, and Covid. Use every resource we have i do not care if we legalize it, distribute safe doses, but please lets do something.
Excellent as always Doc, and JK.
Patrick- I think maybe your last sentence makes the most sense. Even if we somehow stop the flow from Mexico it will surely start flowing in again from somewhere else, whether inside or outside our own borders. Whack-a-mole!
Thanks Dr. very informative. I knew Teddy, Taft administration green lighted Japan to do as they pleased to China, Korea, Philippines years ago. Japan was the favored racial masters of the other perceived “backward” Asian countries. WWll was one result. The sins of past administrations lead to chaos for future administrations. Global politics is a master chess game being played out in real time…moves are made now that were planned years before. Moves are being planned now that will be made in future years. Who are the chess masters? Countries beholden to Ideological Systems such as Communism (Russia), Muslim Religious world domination(Iran), global economic domination (China). The leaders and oligarchs are playing a long game. Our present administration is out of their league…our Top Dog is a toothless puppy.
Dr. Ganske,
I really do appreciate the comparison with the Opium War.
The Opium war sapped the Chinese Empire to its very core; the devastation from addiction, the corruption of the Imperial Household and foreign “meddling” was just too much for China to handle. The analogy you made is very spot on. The Chinese have not forgotten the economic devastation the foreign powers made to their country. The Chinese learned from the Opium war; they are now applying lessons learned.
Well Dr. Ganske has – for what its worth – understated the “medical history” of fentanyl in the US: “It is typically used to treat severe pain after surgery.” No, anyone receiving MAC anesthesia (twilight anesthesia) likely will receive fentanyl as part of a sedative cocktail (along with propofol). And anyone undergoing general anesthesia will likely receive fentanyl “upfront” prior to induction, and during maintenance of anesthesia, as well as post op. In fact for much of my career in anesthesiology high dose fentanyl was the anesthetic of choice for all open heart surgery. Now even with the use of a more “balanced” technique, most open heart patients still receive moderate doses of fentanyl. It is ubiquitous in medicine. And this says nothing of its use in the ICU which is ubiqutous as well. Dr Ganske also leaves out the sordid fiasco of encouraging “pain as a vital sign” – fully endorsed by the Joint Commission by the way – whereby any pain was considered a physician failing and thereby encouraged the use (over use?) of opioids as well. Maybe none of this makes a difference to his story. But at least get the history right.
Thank you for a fuller clinical description of fentanyl medical use. Greg Ganske, MD.
No. Thank YOU, for serving our country with honesty and integrity.
Karma can really be a bitch at times like these! So turnaround is fair play I surmise? And now, the Chinese are punishing us for sins of our fathers and grandfathers. Of course, it’s not about karma, it’s all about money. They need the money to keep Joe mumbles and his crooked family fed and rolling in dough. How else would this “trade imbalance” be allowed to flourish and prosper? Gotta have a man on the inside, as Xi has had for decades, good old Joe and his entire family of misfits. What a dumb, stupid, naive, unintelligent country we’ve become when we allow our own head of state to sell us out to an adversary. Hope we stop smoking the “hope-ium” soon….
Leo Manta- What a dumb, stupid, naive, unintelligent country we’ve become when we convince ourselves that our (age-old and never ending) drug abuse problems are the fault of our president.
I don’t believe anyone, in any country, will ever succeed in eliminating illegal (and legal) drug use. It seems that the desire to “temporarily modify our consciousness” is baked into human nature.
No matter how successfully we eliminate the source in one place, it will re-appear some where else. One reason is that there is too much money to be made by supplying drugs. So there will ALWAYS be someone willing to take the risk. Also, with the rise of technology and the information age, it’s increasingly easy for some chemist operating in his basement to synthesise any number of already known (and newly invented) psychoactive drugs. In my opinion the best we can do is increase education as to the terrible self-damage imposed onto those who abuse dangerous drugs.