Chicago Way w/John Kass: DNC 2024 is here, are you ready?

Chicago Way w/John Kass (08/19/24): To kick of the DNC in Chicago, the co-founder of RealClearPolitics, Tom Bevan, is here to preview his team’s daily broadcasts on SiriusXM and discuss how the City of Big Shoulders will handle the influx of Democrats & protestors. Plus, Kasso wonders if anyone remembers the ‘wood shampoo’ of ’68?

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Comments 6

  1. Good morning to all!
    From what I remember, isn’t the saying “wood shampoo” a reference to the use of a billy club?
    Have a great day, everyone!

    1. yes. I was on the Megyn Kelly podcast, and talking about Pat Hickey’s story here pre DNC (on johnkassnews) about the “wood shampoos.” Hickey is great.

      1. What many people forget is the CPD, in the late 60’s was a force in which a large portion was returned Vietnam Veterans or fathers of servicemen. Anytime you watch news footage of the ‘68 convention look for the preponderance Viet Cong or NLF flags being carried by demonstrators, check out the iconic photo of demonstrators on top of the Grant Park statue of Civil War hero
        General Logan. The Communist flag was flying high from the statue, put there by the demonstrators. At the same time our men were dying on the field of battle. When your hair gets dirty an occasional shampoo is required.

  2. John, you talked about Kamala’s purring, faux-seductive kitten voice.

    I can’t stand to listen to her speak, either. But for this retired speech pathologist it’s that nasal resonance which is like nails on the blackboard. Yeesh!

  3. I think most left wing Democrats (are there any other) have bought into the myth that outta sight food prices are the result of corporate greed and not “market forces” hence the rationale for price controls. And handing out free money – like $25K to folks that “need it” – is just a repackaged old idea formerly called the negative income tax. The irony is that these classic “marxist” tropes were once fully sanctioned by former President Richard Nixon … a man as unMarixst as you can possibly be (he came very close to instituting the “negative income tax” but ultimately did not).

  4. When I grew up in the late 60’s, early 70’s & hung around on the corner they called it a head massage. I got one once from Officer Sacco. Did I tell my parents as friends suggested I do? Not on your life! I would have received a head massage & butt massage from my parents & wouldn’t be able to sit for a week.

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