Featured image for “America’s Lincoln Highway: Concrete, Clay and Character”

America’s Lincoln Highway: Concrete, Clay and Character

by Pat Hickey   Any fool can make something complicated. It takes a genius to make it simple.  Woody Guthrie…


Featured image for “Christos Anesti! A Rookie’s Guide to Greek Easter Lamb”

Christos Anesti! A Rookie’s Guide to Greek Easter Lamb

By John Kass April 24,2022 So, do you really want to learn how to roast a lamb over coals for…


Featured image for “Can the White Rabbit Save Biden Democrats From the Witch of November?”

Can the White Rabbit Save Biden Democrats From the Witch of November?

By John Kass April 21, 2022 Every time President Joe Biden is allowed by his handlers to wander off by…


Featured image for “Paul Vallas: Institutional Racism in America–The Teachers Union-Dominated Public Education System ”

Paul Vallas: Institutional Racism in America–The Teachers Union-Dominated Public Education System 

By Paul Vallas Yes, there is institutional racism in this country. It’s in our antiquated public school system. I’m not suggesting that…


Featured image for “Faith, Family and Love. Happy Easter”

Faith, Family and Love. Happy Easter

By John Kass April 17, 2022 Usually at Eastertime, I find myself writing about the turning of the lamb over…


Featured image for “Brave Chicago Thinker Gives Media Regime a Bad Case of ‘the Vapors’”

Brave Chicago Thinker Gives Media Regime a Bad Case of ‘the Vapors’

By John Kass April 15, 2022 The University of Chicago sits on a mountain of money, more than $11 billion.…


Featured image for “For Lori Lightfoot’s Survival, Size Really Does Matter”

For Lori Lightfoot’s Survival, Size Really Does Matter

By John Kass April 13, 2022 Where Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot is concerned, size actually does matter. Yea, verily. And…


Featured image for “Biden’s Border Chaos, 100,000 Fentanyl Dead and Hands That Rocked the Cradle”

Biden’s Border Chaos, 100,000 Fentanyl Dead and Hands That Rocked the Cradle

By John Kass April 10, 2022 When I think about America’s wide-open southern border with Mexico and the utter lawlessness…


Featured image for “Disney Goes Woke Against Families, and Pushes Gender Indoctrination on Kids”

Disney Goes Woke Against Families, and Pushes Gender Indoctrination on Kids

By John Kass April 8, 2022 When our twin sons were four years old we broke down and took them…


Featured image for “Fight the Idiocracy with the Palm of Your Hand. Behold: The Golden Moutza of the Month”

Fight the Idiocracy with the Palm of Your Hand. Behold: The Golden Moutza of the Month

By John Kass  Well, I got skunked on steelhead on that trip to that  river up north. The other guys,…


Featured image for “How Will I Teach My Grandchildren What Is Right When I Was Wrong So Often?”

How Will I Teach My Grandchildren What Is Right When I Was Wrong So Often?

By Cory Franklin   “Everything I was sure, or was taught to be sure, was impossible has happened” — Winston Churchill…


Featured image for “Jac Ford–The Old Man of That River Up North”

Jac Ford–The Old Man of That River Up North

By John Kass There is a river up north and it’s calling my name. If you’re lucky, it calls your…


Featured image for “Can We Take Three More Years of Biden?”

Can We Take Three More Years of Biden?

by John Kass President Joe Biden was babbling dangerously during his recent trip to Poland to shore up the NATO…


Featured image for “Da Twelve Commandments”

Da Twelve Commandments

by Peter V. Bella The Twelve Commandments contain the privileged expression of the laws of the Chicago Way. It is…


Featured image for “Climbing Up From The Cold Mud Pits of Sports Hell, Chicago Fire Fans Are Strangers In A Strange Land”

Climbing Up From The Cold Mud Pits of Sports Hell, Chicago Fire Fans Are Strangers In A Strange Land

By John Kass In and around Chicago, you may see bewildered people walking around uncertainly, not knowing whether to laugh…
