Bless Me, Father, For I Have Sinned!
By Greg Ganske
December 11, 2024
To my chagrin I realize that I have something in common with Hunter Biden. I have been the beneficiary of forgiveness, mine Divine and Hunter’s an abuse of the presidential pardon.
I had gone to confession before but never received the blanket forgiveness of Extreme Unction as it was called in my altar boy days, or the Sacrament of the Sick as it’s now called. However, in July 1996, while on a surgical mission overseas I caught a life-threatening encephalitis. Monsignor stopped by my hospital bed and asked if I wanted the Sacrament of the Sick, AKA the last rites. I mumbled yes and Monsignor whispered in my ear with a twinkle in his eye, “And with your new job in politics I’d highly recommend it!” The sacrament absolved me of all my sins, and I recovered!
The second time I received this type of complete absolution was in a confessional just before Christmas at St. Peter’s in Rome. We were visiting our daughter and touring the nearly empty basilica when I spotted a row of confessionals with different languages on the doors. So, I entered the English confessional, knelt, and told the priest through the curtain my list of sins. The priest must have been lonely. It turned out he was from Boston studying at the Ecclesiastical College. He was thorough and started with the Baltimore Catechism from A to Z!
My knees aching, I thought we were done when he asked me what I did for a living. I said I was a doctor, fearing if I said politician I would never get out of there. “Oh, ‘doctor,’ have you done an abortion?” No. “Do you prescribe birth control?” No. “Well, what kind of doctor are you!” A plastic and reconstructive surgeon. He couldn’t think of any sins associated with my specialty, so he absolved me, gave me my Hail Mary’s. Twenty-five minutes after entering I staggered out to the amused look of my family.
However, the weight of all my life’s transgressions had been forgiven. I felt like I could fly.
So, did Hunter kneel down before Father Joe and confess all his possible and convicted crimes all the way back to 2014? He must have confessed about how he lied on the veracity of his laptop. Of course, he was abetted by all the false claims that it was Russian disinformation but it was Hunter that was seeking dispensation not those in the intelligence community and the FBI who abetted his lies, though they, too, may need Father Joe’s absolution before he leaves office.
He certainly must now feel as if the weight of all that Biden family fundraising activity, the hiding of it in offshore accounts and avoidance of taxes, the illegal drug purchases, the gun violations, all of it, was now lifted from him. Even activity that has not yet been litigated like how his priest, “The Big Guy,” may have also benefited from the payoffs from Burisma was now absolved.
Hunter joined the board of Ukrainian energy company Burisma in 2014 so that the pardon covers the accusations that he used his father’s name to enrich himself and provided kickbacks to his father. Biden’s pardon covers potential perjury charges against Hunter and thus protects the president as well as his son in hampering any effort to criminally charge him, also, in the influence-peddling scandal.
Did Hunter just say to his Father Joe, “Let’s just make this easy. I’ve sinned since 2014, so can’t you just absolve me of everything I may have thought or done in that time period?” And as John Stewart added, “on Earth-One or any of the Earths in the multiverse.”
Never mind that legal experts can’t find a parallel for Father Biden’s absolution which covers an unprecedented period, has no limits on the types of crimes pardoned, and includes a prospective pardon for any other nefarious actions Hunter may have done
The weight was lifted from Hunter’s shoulders—and even better–no prison by the sign of the pardon cross from Father Joe. Oh, happy day! God, at least, requires penance and an act of contrition. Not so Father Joe, just,” In nomine Patris, et Filli, et Spiritu Sanctus. . .and stay away from the crack!”
Greg Ganske, MD, is a retired plastic and reconstructive surgeon who cared for women with breast cancer, children with birth defects, farmers with hand injuries, burn victims and other trauma patients. He served Iowa in the US Congress from 1995-2003.
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Comments 19
Well done Dr. Ganske! Recall that Martin Luther’s goad to nailing the 95 Theses to door at Wittengerg was the Papal champions seller of Perpetual Indulgences the Dominican Jan Van Tetzel.
Peter’s Pence grew due to this huckersters “blanket pardon” for sins committed and sins inteded.
Old Marty Luther would take China Joe by the ears out to the woodshed.
Thanks for this lesson of the theology of pardons.
Sadly, I just checked out Devine’s, “The Big Guy”, but quickly returned it to the library because, with that pardon, what’s the point of reading it now?
From an old Jarhead to Dan Penny…Semper Fi were proud of you.
Dr. G, a good theology lesson. Rev. Joe has issued absolution to every thought word and deed Hunter did since 2014. I guess he studied Theology somewhere along the line and somehow got his mail order priestly powers. What a guy. You can bet another doc, Fauci by name will be a last minute recipient of this Revrund’s “mercy”! Only Joe knows who else.
The abettors of this sham pulled on our citizens are not pardoned. How about disbarment for Weiss, who let lapse the more serious FARA and tax evasion charges. Why should his failures in our name not be reckoned with?
Rev. Joe probably believes he still has the US Justice system in his back pocket, and in perpetuity. These Democrats just have themselves completely fooled now. How long would China Joe have to kneel in confession to win absolution. He might have to sit. How can anyone win absolution, when the only thing they know how to do is lie through their teeth. All hail the Harvard Divinity School.
First, in effect, Jussie Smolett. Then Hunter Biden. Who’s going to be next ? Maybe the Pope for wrapping the Baby Jesus in a keffiyeh ?
Bless you my children, your sins are “forgiven”. Don’t worry about any penance for your confession.
And yes, may be the Pope for saying those five words “who am I to judge” to the same-sex children and hoping for himself a Saint hood for that from Lady Elton John!
Also, in the words of Old Richie Daley, what’s a Fodder if he could not pardon his own Chillen?
Hunter’s reward waits for him in heaven or hell as it does for old Joe. An earthly pardon removes no guilt because humans are not dogs patted on the head and told ‘good boy’.
Great Article Dr. G. Thank you JK.
The pardon was just the proof old boy Joe and his crime syndicate family sold out the office of the Vice President, and Presidency for financial gain.
Who in their right mind would hire a Hunter Biden.
A Real father would have never allowed this atrocity to even begin, how a inexperienced drug addict with no knowledge of the energy was allowed to make millions from foreign countries that are potentially threats to the American economy and world peace.
China and Russia come to mind.
A Real father would at least acknowledge the child born out of wedlock to his son Hunter and would be there for the child and her mother no matter what occurred, that child is a gift from God. A Real Father would become a loving grandfather.
All that money Hunter received and all the money Biden has, and the mother has to go to court for child support.
A real father would have insisted that his son support the mother and child. A real father would have told his son, act as a parent, take responsibility and be a man, act as a dad.
Then they feed us Chumbolones that it was all politically motivated by the president’s enemies and he as a caring and responsible father had to look out for his son. My dad and most of the fathers I knew on the Southwest side would have said, you commit the crime and embarrass the family name, be a man and make restitution, do your time and repent, seek forgiveness.
Call us when you get out of Stateville, Pontiac or St. Charles..
My generation was safer with the CPD, than our Dads when we screwed up..but our Real Fathers loaded trucks for the Jewel, worked at National Can, drove the CTA bus on Archer, rotated weekly at the steel mills, worked on the garbage truck back step, protected the city as cops and firemen.
Guys who never complained but had the decency and moral character that Joe Biden or his family never had and never will. Men who would kick ass, men with calloused hands, men without the benefit of college and not born into wealth.
Mike Roykos bungalow man.
Those men would never allowed a son or daughter to become a Hunter Biden.
Those men preached what was right, there was know coddling, they just wanted the children to do better than they did in life. Those men would not allow your screw ups to be blamed on addiction. Those Dads, would give u every opportunity to get help, and most importantly they gave us the tools in childhood to make you a successful human being.
Mark my words Hunter will screw up again, Daddy Biden will not be there next time, to take care of his 48 yoa man child, the product of the Washington elitists.
Sorry for the rant.
Amen, Patrick!
I enjoyed your rant, Mr. Madden! As a person who also grew up on the southwest side, Midway Airport area, I agree with you 100%.
Thanks RW, Midway Garfield Ridge.
Amen, Patrick!
Dr. Ganske writes regarding the all encompassing unprecedented Hunter pardon: “Even activity that has not yet been litigated like how his priest, “The Big Guy,” may have also benefited from the payoffs from Burisma was now absolved.” So Greg this is the answer to the constitutional question: can a POTUS pardon himself? Well yes … by proxy, as this Hunter pardon demonstrates.
Bless me father for I have sinned.
My last confession was in 1969 when as an incoming freshman at Gordon Tech and required to confess, a perverted priest asked if I ever touched myself.
I avoided answering, but he nonetheless invited me to a private counciling session.
Thank God that even at age 13 I had the wisdom to get the hell out of that confessional.
Haven’t been in one (or a catholic church) ever since.
Folks, time out. Let’s stop a second do a hypothetical: Can anyone imagine what the response would be from the hate-Trump howlers in the media if one of Donald Trump’s kids was found to have used his Daddy’s office to enrich himself?! The New York Times, Washington Post, CNN and MSNBC would demand that the Donald resign the Presidency and immediately report to Attica or San Quentin.
Dr. Greg Ganske, well said and put together just like that fellow John Kass. Loved it. God bless you sir and Merry Christmas.
On 9/8/74, FIFTY years ago, president Ford pardoned Nixon for the crimes of:
1. Obstruction of justice.
2. Abuse of power.
3. Contempt of Congress.
4. Ordering FBI to stop Watergate investigation.
The pardon carries an imputation of guilt and its acceptance carries a confession of guilt.
Whose crime was worse: Biden or Nixon. Just asking.
Both parties are composed of whore politicians.