Behold the Golden Moutza, It’s So Sweet!

By John Kass

November 3, 2023

“Still need a ruling as to whether U.S. Rep. Jamaal “I thought it was a door release and not a fire alarm” Bowman is in the running? He missed the cutoff for last month’s nominations. But, the Moutza-worthy offense DID take place on 9/30,” said loyal reader Ann MacIntosh Baker in her Moutza nomination.

Jamaal Bowman


Bowman, a complete moron and leader of the Democrat Party’s anti-Semitic Hamas Caucus, is a most worthy nominee.

He’s finding out that there are consequences for his stupidity.

The left’s house organ, the New York Times, is defending him. And most awkwardly. I love that.

He’s bought himself a primary. And yes, he did pull the fire alarm. As a former school principal who knows about fire alarms and how lies are told, he’s most certainly eligible.

You know how this works. You make your nominations. We then decide.

“I think the Republicans deserve at least an honorable mention in the Golden Moutza of the Month award, but my nomination goes to Taylor Swift for turning the NFL into a sideshow and the brains of the twenty-somethings into mush. So NAH! to you Taylor Swift!!! Sincerely, Beer Girl.”

Republican Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky should talk to the hand 24/7. And there are many War Party types like Mitch–who just loves China as much as Joe Biden loves China.

And thanks Beer Girl, although I just don’t know if you’re a real girl. But I do second that emotion because the NFL suits are all over this pathetic Taylor Swift marketing gambit aimed at women. It seems as if it was created on the bus ride home from junior high Nincompoop school.

Yeah, haters gonna hate, but I can’t stand her either. Unless, of course she give the finger to Bud Light and starts drinking a man’s drink. Not  Jepson’s Malort, a favorite of the Commies, but truly manly Plomari Ouzo. If she likes manly ouzo she stands a chance. I’ll dance with her on one leg. Besides, licorice.

“Queers for Palestine,” writes Danny Carlino in his nomination. “Need I say more? Nah! Parta! (Here Take Them!)

No you don’t need to say more. Hamas would kill them.

Watching left wing activists spout idiocy like “Queers for Palestine” suggests that some people might just be too stupid to live. Hamas, which is backed by the anti-Western Islamofascist theocracy of Iran regularly lines homosexuals up and executes them, some 4,000 to 6,000 gays and lesbians since 1979.

Iranian theologians would rather the condemned sit still in holes dug for purpose. But that’s messy. They use firing squads now. LGBTQ groups are of the left, and hate jews, and oddly they must certainly hate themselves to suggest they’d be well treated by the Iranians.  Go figure.

“Can we nominate Mayor Johnson again? He’s the gift that keeps on giving. His panic attacks excuse to avoid media scrutiny. His inability to face the reality to send the illegals back home instead of dumping them on taxpayers, who no doubt voted for him instead of Paul Vallas,” writes Leo G. Manta.

Cousin Leo, it’s not Mayor Johnson’s fault that Vallas let Joe Tripp kill the campaign. Besides, Vallas is white and all the Johnson voters–especially the Bolshevik brain-trust of Boss Toni and Boss Stacy–wanted a mayor with black skin. How’s that working out? Johnson is truly a whiny man suffering panic attacks. And, like other Sanctuary City Democrat Mayors, he refuses to take responsibility for supporting policy that is killing the cities. It is really killing taxpayers but Bolshevik lefties don’t give two figs for poor taxpayers.

Johnson and the pro-Hamas Democrat Left backed Joe Biden, who opened the Southern border. Instead of being held to account, Johnson and other Sanctuary City Democrats demand more money from taxpayers.


Nah, Nah, a thousand times NAH! FEESAH ETHO (Blow Right Here).

There once was a guy who kept the border strong, but his tweets were mean.

“I nominate the Chicago Tribune. Their loss is our gain. Nah! For your treatment of John Kass. I dropped my many decades old subscription when John was forced out. Nah Feesah Etho.  Now you can’t give the paper away. But Kass is free to write what he wants to write. And people follow him and his talent” said John Beris.

Friend and colleague Michael Ledwith sent over an ad. They’re giving the paper away, $1 for 6 months. Pathetic. There are still some good people there. Jason Meisner, for example, wrote a brilliant piece on Ed Burke. But mostly, the paper turned inexorably to the left, and has lost the faith of its readers. I don’t think I’ll ever get an apology, The Bolshevik left newspaper union killed a great paper. Hope they’re happy. I certainly am happy that I’m gone and writing free.

“I must nominate Matt Gaetz for sending the Republican house into a frenzy and sh*t show,” writes reader John Dyslin.” “I’m fully convinced the guy doesn’t want Republicans to lead Congress because it’s easier to fundraise against something than for something, and there is accountability when leading (unless you’re a blue state democrat). To Matt Gaetz, one big nahhhhhh!”

“Hands down, cross-eyed, hair gel Matt Gaetz! NAH!,” seconded Nancy Trainor.

Indeed. Gaetz the show-pony deserves the Moutza but he inadvertently led America to a new and conservative Speaker. I still think he’s a tool because he put the House at risk without having a plan.

“To all the candy corn haters,” said friendly reader Matt Latourette, aiming sis Moutza at me and many others who don’t like his tasty treat.

“This traditional Halloween delicacy made of Sugar, Corn Syrup, Confectioner’s Glaze (Shellac), Salt,…” he went on, listing ingredients and blah, blah, blah…

“How can you have so much hate in your heart for this fine Candy? Nah to the haters!”

Then came Bruce Vee with a candy corn munching technique.

“INDEED!! The proper way to eat candy corn is to first bite off the white tip, then the yellow butt and finish the delectable orange center, pristine.”

No thank you. As a conservative I would not lower myself to eat the yellow butt.

How dare you Bruce Vee!! Thank the gods I have not had molten silver poured on your tongue.

”My pick is the foul mouthed and low information Congressperson Rashida Tlaib. Nah. Parta. Feesah etho!!!” writes Vicky Iwanow Ziemba.

Many others, even conservatives, demanded the Golden Moutza for Rashida “defund the police” Tlaib, the Democrat from Michigan.

“Nah! Moutza to Tlaib who lives in Detroit while representing Gaza City in the U.S. Congress,” says the always witty Tom Winike.

“Her Facebook has 9 posts since the war began. 7 posts are regurgitated from Hamas hate speech, or they pertain only to her own Palestinian ethnic group. (2 posts celebrates hefty UAW raises). Her district is 49% black, but she ignores concerns about violent neighborhoods. Detroit’s murder rate is higher than Chicago. Tlaib doesn’t care. Feesah Etho!”

Yes, I understand. She she is a fool, an anti-Semite and most likely a communist like her fellow Hamas Caucus members. And she’s most worthy of a daily Moutza.

But I hope they keep her around, to remind us all of what the Democratic Party has become—full of hate.

“Hey Johnny, how about Joe Biden,” says James Doumouras angling for a Biden moutza. “What a Vlaka!!!!

Perhaps. But J0e Biden is president of the United States, for now. I remember how Bolshevik Democrats treated Trump. And the media hounded him because Trump wasn’t Hillary. Even through all the chaos, one thing is clear. The sacred Moutzatution is clear, Former and current presidents are exempt.

Biden is our president. And we must respect at least the office of the presidency, if not the meat puppet currently in office. Xi Jinping doesn’t respect Joe, who kowtows to China. Even so, Joe will have some splaining to do when Xi Jinping asks him a few questions, because Joe’s bribery schemes are falling apart.


Hamas Democratic Caucus

And though U.S. Reps Tlaib (Michigan) and Bowman (New York) are tempting targets, they are but two. The entire Hamas Democratic Caucus are juicy, and a huge mouthful would be perfect, just don’t bite off the tips or butts as Latourette and Vee insist. Bowman, Tlaib, Alexandria Ocascio-Cortez. (New York), Ilhan Omar, (MN), Ayanna Pressley (Mass) .These are hard left Bolshevik Democrat operatives.

If they had the power, they would silence all of you and take me to the Killing Fields.  But I don’t want them silenced. I don’t want them hurt, inconvenienced or shut up just like I wouldn’t want to silence the many hard leftist columnists out there, and a few Bolshevik editors and I’ve worked with plenty.

I want them to fill the airwaves with their angry jabberwocky. Why?

I could be wrong, but they serve the country they hate by hanging around and spewing that hate. And the American people see.

They remind every American voter that the Democrat Party is full of hate, that the Democrats are full of antisemitic anger, that the Democrats like Biden and Obama and the rest of the Hamas Caucus are worried about offending Iran. They hate Jews. And those of us who aren’t Jewish they hate just the same.

Why? They’re One-Eyed Jacks and they hate us for having seen the other side of their face. And, they remind us that the 2024 elections are the most important election in the history of the country. So, don’t silence them.

We conservatives revere the Bill of Rights and the Freedom of Speech. Let the people decide. Let the American people see them for who they are.

But please, give the Hamas Caucus the one honor they so richly deserve: The Golden Moutza of October.

So Rashida, Jamaal, AOC and the rest lift up your chins so the people may see. Nah! Fahtah. Feesa Etho. And like snakes, go crawl on your Bolshevik bellies so we may see how much you hate this country that has given you so much.

Every day brings us closer to Election Day when the American people have their say.

And what will the people say, exactly?

They will say goodbye  haters. They will say Feesah Etho. They will say, “Blow on it.”







Comments 24

  1. Well-awarded Moutzah. I just tried to imagine the foreign-born members of the Squad being sent back to their respective homelands. What is the fate of women in those worshipful countries who are indecently attired and yap loudly about women’s rights, gay rights, and universal equity?

    No, I had to shut down the image as deserving but too cruel for me to enjoy, probably too much for most of us who don’t sympathize with Hamas. We have to leave such sadistic enthusiasms to Democrats.

  2. John, these people do not want the truth. The Democrats have allowed millions of Illegals to walk in our Country, give them free Rent, FREE HEALTH CARE, because they want VOTES TO STAY IN POWER FOR EVER. They told the American people that, but by watching the Universities marching for Hamas, they know nothing about the State of America or it’s Politics. Sotos and his Buddies you know who they are have destroyed the best Modern County God has ever created. Before Christ comes the World will be run by the Yellow Race and Muslim will be the majority they are there now because our stupidity allow this to happen. The young are brainwashed and the Parents are at fault for not paying attention to their young.

  3. John, I contend that Jepson’s Malort is not a drink for the Commies, but rather that of a true, broad-shouldered Chicagoan! The young Bolsheviks who have now come of age to occupy bar stools in some of our finest old neighborhood taverns have made this fine libation nothing more than a joke! They truly don’t like it; rather they just shoot it “for the LOLs!”

    1. Bryce, back in the 70’s and 80’s, our 16″ softball team would support our sponsors, local neighborhood taverns. We would play mini tournaments of pinball or shuffle-board bowling. The low man would have to drink a shot of whatever the winner chose as punishment. It was always Malort. One guy described it as sucking on a piece of dried up tree branch that had been floating in the Chicago river for a few years. Sorry, I had to agree with him.

  4. Yesterday Mayor Brandon Johnson announced that blacks in Chicago should get fewer parking tickets. As the snow falls, you know that he will fool with the rules around “Dibs”. Maybe that will be his undoing. Even Mayor Daley 2 knew not to fool around with “Dibs”.

  5. So many great nominees. Wish we could give them all special golden trophies like when Shirley Temple gave Walt Disney a special Oscar with seven small Oscars for Snow White.

    You have a lot of faith in the American voters, John. Too many young people have been indoctrinated toward hate and a complete lack of understanding regarding Israel’s history–any history for that matter.

    Meanwhile, the Republicans are hellbent on self-destruction. Whether Ron DeSantis is wearing lifts in his boots is a major campaign issue? Lordy.

    1. Thanks, Ms Geary.

      I agree that Mr Kass has a lot of faith in American voters — possibly, probably, too much. Keeping the shills of Hamas in positions where they can be heard is only going to feed the minds of the indoctrinated, and embolden them to scream out the lies they love.

      I fear it is too late to awaken the sleeping hive.

      At this point, we’re not going to wake anybody up. No sense in hitting our heads against the wall, because they don’t want to know. They’re warm and happy in their pile of excrement, and when the fur starts flying, they will whine that nobody told them.

  6. Bravo and well chosen. The squad and other idiots lije BJ, Adams and other big city mayors can be tossed into the pike too. Hmmm. Candy corn, one of my faves as a kid and now. Keep your hands and Moutza off my candy!

  7. All good nominations (except candy corn – I hate candy corn – but, I too am hateful) but you’ve chosen the right winner. Nothing can compare to the stupidity of the pro Hamas caucus.

  8. Γιάννη,
    Να! to all those haters. They are all brain dead thinking that the USA will be a better place in which to live under Marxist and Socialist ideology!! Παρτα όλα!!

  9. While its extremely hard to find a bright spot when innocent people on both sides are getting killed. Billions of dollars in damages that I’m sure American taxpayers will be on the hook for. We seem to be on the hook for everything these days. Chuck Schumer and his cronies deserve a platinum Moutza for trying to tie money for Israel to that of the Ukraine. Now lets find something good about all of this misfortune. Jews are finally having their eyes opened to the anti- semitism from the Left that they have always funded and supported. They hate you but love your money. The repugnant BLM especially loves your money but hates your people. We can be pretty sure Jewish billionaires are finished with giving them their money. Leftist Ivy League universities are seeing endowments dry up overnight. These people smile and take your checks and curse you under their breath. The eyes of the Jews who have supported and funded these organizations are now opened. Isn’t there a Jewish saying ” ..Never forget.”?

    1. Actually you are wrong. I only wish what you said is true. But it is not. Jews are attracted to left wing gobbledygook like moths to a light. I am Jewish. And many of my fellow NY Jews are fully supportive of:

      You see, to them, the bad guys here are capitalism and the US. They don’t see any antisemitism at all. What they see is Israeli apartheid, militants fighting against social colonialism, American imperialism, Israeli hegemony … the usual hymnal from the marxist socialist handbook.

      The bigger question which Kass and Dr. Franklin have studiously avoided is why?

  10. Well deserved Moutza.
    The squad has continually showed us who they are. Is anyone surprised? Perhaps a special Moutza to those who voted for them.
    I was happy to see Bowman the doorman receive a special mention. Being a mother and having the built in lie detector as soon as the words feel out of his mouth it was instantly known as BS.
    Yes when I eat candy corn I do eat it in sections. I’m never growing up.
    Thanks for an excellent Moutza column.

  11. The Hamas caucus wags the dog like political abolitionists wagged the dog back in the mid 1800s. For example, when Josef Medill went to Washington to beg President Lincoln to reduce Chicago’s draft requirements and Lincoln sent him packing saying “It was the Northwest (Chicago) and Boston, more than anywhere else in the Union, who have brought War upon the South. It is you who have made the blood run as it has”. That War which so ill defines us in every way.

    Back then, during the War and during political reconstruction and decades after – the Republican party’s primary aim (like todays Democrats) was to remain in power in perpetuity. And they did pretty much until Woodrow Wilson, but by then both parties had already become (or would become) contra-parallel strands of the same DNA.

    When there was a Democrat president (Grover Cleveland) good things happened, like sectional reconciliation (see Confederate Mound at Oak Woods Cemetery)

    Great idea to let the Hamas Caucus (awesome name) continue to go off. Let ’em all go off. The one great thing about top heavy, power hungry – self indulgent governments like ours – is they never see it coming

  12. Good choice for the Moutza. I consider The Squad and other Hamas supporters just as delirious as MGT, Lauren Boebert, and the brain dead Sen. Ron Johnson of Wisconsin.

  13. I’m sorry my friends but I do not trust our new electorate. The left has let in so many non thinking individuals that were probably registered to vote before they were turned loose into our country. Another buying votes slight of hand!

  14. Sorry John,
    Just making a beer induced response. First off, I didn’t read the whole article. But as soon as I seen “ The Mitch”, I couldn’t bypass the opportunity to voice my opinion of the Kentucky Senator!! I grew up in Jefferson County of Kentucky. I remember when Mitch hoodwinked the constituents 0f Jefferson County to win the seat of County Commissioner. Some things never change!!

  15. Your choice is the only one. I nominated Mother nature for being so crumby on Halloween and so nice the weekend before.

    No Chicago voter gets to ask how Gaza ever elected Hamas.

    If our politicians had rockets, they would fire on us. Hopefully the U.N. never steps in with aid for the Combine.

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