Leftist Media Hyenas Hamstring Amy Jacobson; Quarters Boyle is dead and Chicago Tribune Becomes a Combine Laughingstock
By John Kass
Friday Aug 30, 2024
That’s a long headline, a mouthful, but we have news today and a couple rueful chuckles about the news. Let’s pick them apart.
The first rueful chuckle that legendary Chicago corruption poster boy, John “Quarters” Boyle, has died. His funeral was scheduled for Friday. He was a member of the group “Coalition for Better Government” with all manner of crooks and chislers, embezzlers, thieves and Democrat Chicago vote fraud maestros.
Years ago, I snuck into a Saturday morning political meeting of the “Coalition for Better Government” to keep an eye on Quarters. You could smell the Pacco Rabane a block away.
Quarters, may your memory be eternal. Let the rueful chucking begin.
Another rueful chuckle goes to the Chicago Tribune, where I worked for four decades. But I’m not laughing. There’s nothing “rueful” about this. It’s embarrassing. The Tribune, a failing newspaper that capitulated to its Marxist newsroom unions and now gives itself away for pennies, has decided to hunt corruption. It pompously wagged its finger while warning us about rueful chuckling in a 900-word Sunday anti-corruption editorial:
“Time to move past rueful chuckles about Chicago and Illinois’ corrupt and damaging ways”
What? No rueful chuckles?
This is pathetic and beneath contempt. Why? Because the Tribune has studiously ignored its own institutional support of political corruption. The pretentious and imperious editorial ignored the important stuff like the corruption of President Barack Obama, who connived to unleash the Deep State Intelligence Agencies against conservatives like Donald Trump. And mysterious toilets of Gov. Fat Boy of Illinois. They go after old Irish guys who can’t hurt them, old men in their 80s, while the city of Chicago falls apart. The paper allows the architects of failure—Toni Preckwinkle, Kim Foxx, the CTU’s Stacy Davis Gates and Brandon Johnson—to skate away as the city burns.
As former conservative Illinois gubernatorial candidate Jeanne Ives noted on “X” the Tribune’s corruption series was a joke.
What the editorial ignored was corruption of the newspaper. It ran interference for the legions of Tribune-endorsed Democrat and Republican legislators who supported generations of corruption in Springfield mostly, and Chicago. The newspaper kept Boss Madigan in power through its endorsement of spineless legislators. And it avoided the key fact:
Tribune political editor Rick Pearson has been cheerleader and mascot of the infamous bi-partisan Illinois Combine for decades. And the Tribune knows it.
To not acknowledge Pearson as the Combine’s prized pet is to slap the readers of the Tribune again and again and again. He’s repeatedly been arrested for DUI in Springfield. He was on George Ryan’s infamous favored favorites list. Ryan dipped down and gave Pearson’s wife a job. I objected loudly to him directly. And to the bosses. Still the Tribune kept him on the payroll, damaging the paper’s credibility. If the soon-to-be indicted Combine boss Big Bill Cellini was mentioned, the Combine boys would snicker at the newspaper. Tribune bosses protected him. That’s how they roll. The Tribune knows about Pearson. The editors know. The politicians know. Even left-wing carrion eaters like Erik Zorn and Marxist Tribune union boss Greg Pratt know.
The left was let into the Tribune Tower, metastasized and helped kill a great institution. The editors allowed it to fester. And it became poisonous, toxic.
But do the people know? Shhh. The Tribune would rather not say. Do the readers know? No they don’t. No wonder the Trib is dying.
But they do congratulate their own as journalists are wont to do, with oodles of awards and much sticky applause.
It’s part of how they build institutional morale, esprit de corps in the newsroom. Old time bird hunters and dog trainers would stimulate this by turning on the prey drive of pointing dogs, letting the pointing puppies rip apart live pigeons. It’s a bloody business. I couldn’t do it.
But I say it does work though I didn’t do it. Prey drive is critical in a hunting dog. And I’ve spent decades training the most versatile hunting dog around–the German Shorthaired Pointer. My last dog, the noble Zeus the Wonder Dog, was just a pup when the breeder told me about letting him chase a pigeon in the backyard. But our twins were little boys then, learning about Bambi and Thumper and I didn’t want them to see.
And the Tribune is leading the pack by ripping up conservative WIND AM 560 morning talk show hosts Amy Jacobson and Dan Proft. The issue? Tim Walz’ son.
The Tribune condemns conservatives, like Jeanne Ives, like Proft and me. It releases the leftist hyenas on its staff to prowl. This is something Chicago leftist guru Saul Alinsky–favorite community organizer of Barack Obama–repeated in his famous “Rules For Radicals:” Isolate your enemy, personalize your attack and freeze them in place. That’s what Pearson’s Posse is trying to do to Proft and Jacobson.
They found a hook to attack enemies in much the same way the left attacked me over the George Soros business. They unleashed a firehouse of hysterical emotion. But I fought them off with the help of thousands of subscribers of johnkassnews,com, and Proft, Charles Lipson and Tom Bevan. But even so, they have a posse of rabid lefties sniffing after Pearson and carrying Tribune water. And Amy told me she feels alone.
The hook? Gus Walz, the teen-aged son of the uber left Tim Walz, governor of Minnesota and running mate of Democrat Kamala Harris.
Amy Jacobson and Dan Proft did not know Gus Walz was a special needs kid. Amy is a coach. She loves kids. She’s been removed. She doesn’t go out of her way to mock kids. And Dan has spent years advocating for special needs, writing tens of thousands of dollars in checks, raising hundreds of thousands of dollars for the board of Envision Unlimited. But they got rid of him. And the hyenas of the left smelled blood and ripped up the pigeons and I bet Pearson would give them a biscuit if he could part with one.
“I would have reacted differently if I had the additional information. I had no idea he had any type of learning disability or ADHD,” Jacobson said.
She didn’t know. Dan Proft didn’t know. That didn’t stop the Tribune, which protects who Pearson tells them to protect.
Proft is no pigeon. He is a street fighter. Pearson, Zorn and the Jacobin newsroom bosses fear him. He’ll come after them if attacked. And like Amy, Proft quickly apologized for the alleged sin. But he didn’t cower. Amy though has a softer heart. When I hear Zorn and Pratt suck up to Pearson, congratulating themselves, I realize the Tribune has no interest in putting the issue in context, to report on the vicious things the hysterical left has thrown at the children of conservative Republicans.
And I realize that Tribune readers have no chance.
Now, what about Quarters?
One of the brains behind the “Coalition for Better Government,” Boyle stole $4 million in quarters from the Illinois Tollway. And when he finally got out of prison Chicago Mayor Richard M. Daley gave him a new job handling lucrative city trucking contracts. Then Quarters was convicted again. When he was released the second time, he rear ended another car, but Cook County State’s Attorney Kim Foxx cut him a nice break.
He had a brother Jeffrey, a Chicago Fire Department lieutenant whom I called “Matches” Boyle on account he was a convicted serial arsonist. Not bad eh? Arsonist and Fire Department lieutenant, after his conviction, he demanded his full city pension.
I called the Rago Funeral Home on Irving Park Road to ask about the passing of Quarters.
“Yes,” said the guy on the phone. “It’s here,” he said of the wake.
The burial was scheduled for Friday.
“Acacia Park Cemetery,” said the guy.
We kept it short. A man was dead. It wasn’t a time to be chatty.
Given all the corruption issues missed and skipped over by the Tribune, the paper should have hired Quarters to write editorials. A true crook, the Chicago Way.
But he’s dead.
Rueful chuckles all around.
About the author: John Kass spent decades as a political writer and news columnist in Chicago working at a major metropolitan newspaper. He is co-host of The Chicago Way podcast. And he just loves his “No Chumbolone” hat, because johnkassnews.com is a “No Chumbolone” Zone where you can always get a cup of common sense.
Comments 57
John, I was a loyal Tribune subscriber for over a quarter (no pun) century.
That ended when the world’s greatest newspaper hired the likes of Huppke,
Glanton, Zorn and their like minded bootlickers. The only uses of the Tribune
today are lining the bottom of a birdcage or balled up in a charcoal chimney
starter. Keep up the good work !
Good one John!
Professional media ought to be able to recognize an ADHD teen as quickly and easily as they do a senile president. And Tim Walz strong tugging of his son’s wrist at the DNC was akin to Annie Sullivan smacking around Helen Keller to control her outbursts. Nowadays we let doctors and big pharma control the special needs kids.
I don’t hunt and long ago stopped judging those that do. But the German Shorthair Pointer will always be the greatest breed. PERIOD!
Unrelated to the article. As mentioned in the Kamalarkey/CNN interview, the “iconic” photo of a back silhouette, hair braided niece looking longingly at podiumed Auntie Harris is a ripoff’ from Norman Rockwell.
I noticed the behavior of the son but he seemed to be mirroring the gestures and behavior of his father who grimaced quite a bit and cried also. Had his father behaved more normally, I might have thought differently and suspected special needs.
Excellent portrayal of how the left has destroyed a great city. Bad to the bone.
Tell Amy and Dan not to worry. The Trib is down to 85,000 issues printed (probably less now) as no one reads it anymore. Out of an 11million MSA, that’s really an insignificant newspaper at this point. Minneapolis Star-Tribune has more readers in a smaller market.
I remember that old Arabic proverb, ” the dogs bark, but the caravan moves on.” Talentless, humorless suck-ups like Zorn, Pratt and Pearson will always cackle and bark, but say nothing. Sic Semper Culi.
Colonel McCormick is spinning in the Exedra. Our subscription ended the moment you left. I prefer being here and hearing you on the radio.
Another good one John. Too bad those you write about lack any sense of shame.
I quit the Trib long ago but in truth they quit on me first. By the time I quit I was only subscribing for the darn crossword puzzle.
Mark: I too enjoyed the puzzles. But I can get good puzzle books at the store for a lot less than the newspaper costs, without the political propaganda and excess baggage.
The Tribune and the Sun-Times are both irrelevant now. They have become irrelevant by becoming predictable. You already know what their positions are, and you already know their news reporting is biased, so who needs the either of them? Unfortunately, both papers are not even good for wrapping fish, or further use in another room of the house. Paper quality does not fit the need. How appropriate. Not even good for that.
What Amy Jacobson and Dan Proft did is extremely ignorant. Especially on Dan Proft’s part since he has been involved with special needs people in the past. As my wife and I were watching this whole thing unfold on TV that evening the first thing we were asking was “ Does Gus Walz have a disability?”
Having a brother who is profoundly retarded (Yes, I am using the R word here as it accurately and succinctly describes his affliction) it royally pisses me off any time I have to witness this childish, ignorant and despicable commentary. That includes Donald Trump, mocking a disabled reporter.
Dan Proft and Amy Jacobson should’ve known better.
Ed Peters, guess most aren’t as all-knowing as you. Suppose I thought this youngster was “normal” too (emphasis for you specifically) and thought the same as Dan and Amy, you gonna stop by and scream at me? Keep your rabid reaction to yourself, if not your head might explode and create a mess for someone else to clean up. Don’t expect everyone to be as thoughtful and respectful as you. You already set your example mentioning Trump, just had to mention him. You know that behind closed doors, your just like him and the rest of us. We all says things others may dislike. As such I called you out
Sorry Mr Peters I should have added this in my first post, perhaps you weren’t aware of why people have some issues out of their control. Something to humble angry people like you:
Exodus 4:11
The Lord said to him, “Who gave man his mouth? Who makes him deaf or mute? Who gives him sight or makes him blind? Is it not I, the LORD?”
Mr. Google: So Trump mocking the disabled reported was OK with you?
“The incident in question is Trump supposedly mocking New York Times reporter Serge Kovaleski, whose hand and arm movement on his right side is impaired due to arthrogryposis. Video from 2015 seems to indicate that Trump was indeed cruelly imitating the man.
“But the media are too lazy and those suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome are too nasty and small-minded to look deeper. The truth is, Trump has often used those same convulsive gestures to mimic the mannerisms of people, including himself, who are rattled and exasperated.
“Why couldn’t the mainstream media look this up? Gavin McInnes of TheRebelMedia.com and Taki’s Magazine did, and he has the video evidence to show that Trump has a history of flailing his arms to make a point. It isn’t something he reserved for Kovaleski.
“McInnes wasn’t alone — Catholics 4 Trump ably made the same case. So have others. If these people could do the research, why couldn’t the legacy media, with all its resources, do the same?
“And here’s another point: Why have we seen no images of Kovaleski moving the way Trump is moving? In every video and photograph of Kovaleski we’ve seen, he is calmly standing still with his right arm held firm against his chest. He’s not waving his arms uncontrollably.
“Why would Trump imitate a man who has difficulty moving at least one of his limbs by madly thrashing his own?
“The answer to all these questions is this: The media and their political handlers constructed a fake news talking point against Trump and ran with it. The truth would have derailed their anti-Trump, anti-Republican, anti-conservative agenda…” – IBD KERRY JACKSON 04:45 PM ET 01/17/2017
Journalism dies in darkness. The Chicago media turned out the lights years ago.
The Tribune’s emerging reign of dumb was revealed to me in 2018 when its deep thinkers shooed away the best sports columnist ever, Steve Rosenbloom. A thought occurred: “Hey, that makes NO sense. And what’s with almost all the opinion writers at the legendary Tower now having perspectives that seem closer to the legendary Kremlin?”
“Well, at least they still have Kass and McQueary.”
Of course, soon enough the Tribune was safe only for bores whining righteous folks songs.
Thanks for this clear-eyed look back at my old good paper gone bad, John. And the $4 million in quarters.
I, too, was a big fan of Steve Rosenbloom and it puzzled me when he left the Tribune. When the Sun-Times didn’t hire him, I knew then that he was being “put on the shelf” by the new “intelligentsia.” It has gone down hill from there.
I appreciate your Comment, Thaddeus. Yeah, how the heck did Chicago newspapers suddenly decide that brilliant, clever, insightful Steve Rosenbloom was not worthy of writing a unique sports column for them?? That’s like the Democrat power brokers continuing to decide that politicians displaying adult wisdom and speaking intelligently are not worthy of their presidential nomination. Oh, wait……
The Trib has been a transparent joke for decades. Those hacks you mentioned epitomize the gag from “Anchoman”, covering the cat fashion show. But, Huppke, Zorn and Pearson would find someway to ruin even that. They’d write about the prejudice of keeping out dogs who identify as cats.
Without knowing exactly what Jacobson and Profft said, and I don’t really want to know, if it was like all of the ridiculous X and Facebook posts put out there by the right wing idiots (yes, they have theirs too) it was flat out wrong. In today’s world, apologies are generally hollow, insincere and frankly meaningless. The damage was done. Direct the criticisms to the old man – it’s warranted. But the kid should be off limits (unless of course it’s Hunter and he’s not a kid). I’m extremely disappointed to see the Republican backers stoop so low.
That said – if the Harris campaign or Walz himself were using Gus as a stage prop, and don’t put it past them, then they more despicable than we could have ever imagined.
Just wanna point out that Barron Trump was on stage at the RNC. Both Barron and Gus are direct family members of the candidates and It’s not unreasonable to expect them to be on stage at that time. To be perfectly honest, having the entire family up there at both conventions is a “stage prop”. Always has been, always will be
Ed, I was referring more to the disability. Yes families always have been the feel good stage prop. You are correct on that.
Agree completely. Just when I think the bar can’t get lower, it does.
Walz’s “kid” Gus, at age 17, is old enough to join the military. The shot of him clapping did not occur at random, it was deliberate-he was in the center of the frame, the main subject. Anyone in the public eye is subject to comment or criticism. There are, I imagine, famous people who keep their family members from making public appearances in order to maintain privacy. And knowing how devious political figures can be, I don’t doubt that some would deliberately put vulnerable family members out there, just waiting to pounce when an opponent makes a questionable or insensitive comment about them.
John, my father read two papers a day…the long defunct Chicago Daily News and the Chicago Tribune (remember when there were two editions a day)?
He urged me to do the same. I had a subscription to the Trib for years, but when you left, I left them behind. I occasionally get telemarketing calls that come up on my phone from them. Ha ha, I don’t answer. Have a good labor day weekend!
There is no Tribune anymore. There is no free Press anymore, the rich runs them and they are told what to say. There have always been after Amy and so sad that this is how they destroy their people they do not agree with. Kamala is a joke, she is doing what she is told to do she lies everyday and unfortunately people believe her lies because they listen to the Press that is telling lies every day. Tiktok, China and the Rich run America and they claim we are an adjust Country? Illegals just took over a whole building in Aurora Colorado. They take over children’s School Busses in California. They want Illegals here so they can Vote for Liberals while they destroy what your Parents built for you. Stupid people. By the way, IN LATIN STUPID MEANS ABSURD AND STUNNED. 20% OF THE children do not know how to read or write in our Wealthy Suburbs. They are also taken over by the Left Wing. Lol!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks for filling in the history, John.
We quit the Tribune years ago for all the obvious, egregious reasons (and writers) you cited.
And we always read the great posts from Dan and Amy.
Musk’s cleanup in Twitter has been a great resource and beginning of the long overdue take-down of the mainstream media (amoral, self-serving and rotten to the core). We’re hoping that the 60% sane voters in the middle can start a complete house-cleaning in government.
I came to Illinois in 2009 and immediately became a subscriber of the Tribune. I so enjoyed your column. When you left, I canceled my subscription and joined “John Kass News”. Thanks so much for providing the true news. Your integrity is refreshing!
Amazing that the ONLY pundits in the universe who COULDN’T SEE (or at the very least, suspect and research..) that Walz’s son had a learning disability are the right wing trolls, slime bags and ghouls who, following the example of dear leader Trump (last seen disrespecting the fallen, again..) jump immediately to soulless/hateful/juvenile insults in the hopes of scoring a few likes from the MAGA crowd. But this isn’t the first time Amy Jacobson used extremely questionable judgement, is it?? Moreover it was the parents at her High School who demanded her resignation as coach, not the school itsel, or some dark, liberal ‘deep state,’ just parents, who know families who have struggled with ADHD and cognitive disabilities in their children, parents who’s first instincts are empathy, not insults. MAGA is unraveling, revealing itself for what it’s always been, an acrid collection of hateful, bigoted lost souls who demand that the country look and act exactly like them.
This is all manufactured outrage stoked by the media trying to derail a Trump landslide. The apologies from Dan and Amy should have been enough but the corrupt media has to keep the fire going. They’re desperate to get any hook in and they’re failing miserably. A few months ago the Fibune even had the gumption to
refer to itself as a “conservative newspaper ” Effing hilarious. No media attention about the soft, pre rehearsed and edited CNN interview with our acting President though. It should be referred to as the Nerf Interview. It was that soft. Sourpuss Dana repeatedly let Kamala and her comfort pet off the hook. Kamalas voice frequently cracked despite the gentle nature of the questions. Four years ago she nearly broke down crying after Tulsi Gabbard spanked her at that debate. Kamalas going to break down in tears and run from the stage after Trump finishes with her. She’s way, way out of her league.
That’s if she doesn’t back out before the debate. It won’t be surprising if she does. Her handlers already know she’s being led into the deep waters to be drowned. Just like Biden was.
Well said. Sad but true.
My comment was in response to Senor Grande’s post.
I’m a retired speech pathologist so I have a pretty good sense of when a kid like Gus Walz is, in the current vernacular, “neurodivergent.” (Which I never heard when I was working, but whatever.)
It appears that Proft and Jacobson had no idea. Then there’s the harpie Ann Coulter, who took down her tweet mocking Gus Walz yet still refuses to back down.
Rule of thumb should be: leave the candidates’ minor children alone.
Agreed-leave the kids out of it .
Thank you.
Walz’s “kid” Gus, at age 17, is old enough to join the military. But I agree, keep criticism focused on the liar Walz and his crazy wife (“Turn the page!”), who left her windows open during the riots so she could smell the smoke from arson fires that destroyed the property of innocent people.
John, I subscribe to Don Surber. Last week he had an article entitled, “ Endorse Trump to Save Your Newspaper”. I commented on the article saying I subscribed to the Tribune years ago for the grocery coupons, the puzzles section & John Kass. I noticed the Trib going Left years ago. Hated pompous Zorn, boozehound Pearson & Rex “televangelist” Huppke. I look forward to them losing their jobs. I remember the pieces where you mentioned “Quarters” Boyle. As usual, nothing happens to these people while on this earth. Hopefully now the good Lord & turned Boyle around & told him to use the quarters to pay his toll/entry into the fiery pit.
I forgot to mention that I also said I would not use the Tribune to line a birdcage if I owned a bird.
Joh is reporting that both Proft and Jacobson had no knowledge of Gus Walz condition. He further went on to say that Amy Jacobson would’ve reacted differently had she had more information. Well, isn’t this what journalists do? That is ask questions to get more information??? Perhaps if she would’ve properly done her job and gleaned, some better information, she would’ve avoided this. Instead, they want to just rush and ignorantly
spew sewage from their mouths.
John- You continuously lament the fall of journalism and journalistic standards. I Don’t necessarily agree with everything you said in regard to this, but I think many of your points are well taken. However, the vile and disgusting “reporting” that Proft and Jacobson did contributes to this. If I was a parent at the school, I would want Amy Jacobson out of there. If I was on the board, I would want to disassociate ourselves from Proft. This is not a Deep State thing. They shot themselves in the foot. It is hard enough to deal with the hyenas that continuously and mercilessly harass people such as Gus Walls Without having “professional journalist” such as Dan Proft, Amy Jacobson, and Ann Coulter As well as the 45th President of the United States, adding fuel to the fire for these ignorant slobs.
They made comments some found insensitive, and later apologized. What more do you want? Maybe it’s time to get over this insignificant event and move on.
John is reporting that both Proft and Jacobson had no knowledge of Gus Walz condition. He further went on to say that Amy Jacobson would’ve reacted differently had she had more information. Well, isn’t this what journalists do? That is ask questions to get more information??? Perhaps if she would’ve properly done her job and gleaned, some better information, she would’ve avoided this. Instead, they want to just rush and ignorantly
spew sewage from their mouths.
John- You continuously lament the fall of journalism and journalistic standards. I Don’t necessarily agree with everything you said in regard to this, but I think many of your points are well taken. However, the vile and disgusting “reporting” that Proft and Jacobson did contributes to this. If I was a parent at the school, I would want Amy Jacobson out of there. If I was on the board, I would want to disassociate ourselves from Proft. This is not a Deep State thing. They shot themselves in the foot. It is hard enough to deal with the hyenas that continuously and mercilessly harass people such as Gus Walls Without having “professional journalist” such as Dan Proft, Amy Jacobson, and Ann Coulter As well as the 45th President of the United States, adding fuel to the fire for these ignorant slobs.
Rather unique column today, John. Trying to figure out how you’re trying to knit together the two fairly divergent issues you’ve presented. Watching what has happened to the Tribune is painful for many of us life-long “Tribune people” – remembering mom sitting on the living room floor with us while dad read ‘the paper’, she read us The Comics from ‘the paper’ – always starting with The Teenie Weenies….so, yeah, long history. It used to be that if you wanted slam-the-door validity for your quote, thought, concept, idea, news bit….whatever…..all you had to say? “It was in the Tribune!” Bang! Done! End of story! Now? Ha…shall we say “not so much!”
As to your other focus? I’m parting ways with you on this one. I know Proft is your friend. Don’t know the man, only know his on-air personality. Not much of a fan. Jacobson seems to me to be a light-weight; bit of an opportunist (at least that’s the way she comes across). They were just flat out WRONG in what they said. You can’t make it sound any better. I get it; everyone makes a mistake. This is not what I would have expected of either of them, whether the young man in question has special needs or not. There was MORE than enough fodder emanating from that ‘coronation’ for them to munch on. They just verbally wandered off to a bad place. They diminished themselves and they deserve to be called out for it. Has nothing to do with their political stance…everything to do with civility.
You make it sound like Proft and Jacobson are the first radio personalities in the history of broadcasting to make a comment some found offensive. Ever hear of Don Imus, Howard Stern, Steve Dahl…?
John, absolutely one of your top three columns ever. For us natives, it cuts right to the bone and tees up the hypocrisy in a way that only you know how to frame! It’s exhausting reliving day after day the willful ignorance of the Trib and NPR Times on the record of the current breed of Jacobins. Thanks for always using your keen intellect to focus like a laser on the issue at hand! Love ya, buddy! Still waiting to meet at Juicy-O in Uppers Plateau!
Two thoughts. One, regarding Tim Walz’s son. I’m not even in the business, I’m an amateur, just a casual reader of the (fake?) news, and yet I knew Walz’s son had some sort of “mental” disability. So how could pros like Jacobson and Proft not know?
Second. The irony of Alinksy’s rule for lefties – “Isolate your enemy, personalize your attack and freeze them in place” – is that the the politician who best used and and continues to use this rule is none other than Donald Trump.
Good point Mr. Kleinman- I was about to post the same sentiments but you saved me the effort:)
Dan and Amy should have known better! I am a fan and frequent listener so I speak from an ally’s perspective. How can you put yourself in that position?
In my line of work I have been in close proximity to people that we would consider as leaders, pillars of society, educated, successful. I have been amazed how some of these individuals have made comments in my presence that could be damaging to their careers and reputations. “Can’t fix stupid” comes to mind. Arrogance too.
The “Axelrods” are going to gorge on this.
Good luck!
Please find a new paratsoukli for Pritzker! If I was of that physical appearance like him I would be insulted to be categorized with him.
Mr. Google
While I Certainly can’t speak for you As I have no clue as to what you do, or don’t do in your life, Proft and Jacobson are professional journalists whose musings, written and verbal, Are accessible by literally millions of people. As professional journalists, it is their responsibility to ask questions. It behooves them to understand whatever it is they are writing or opining on before they go public. They both failed miserably. Especially Proft Since he did work with the board of Envision Unlimited.
They both should’ve known better Given their positions
And, yes, I will mention Trump. He was President for God sake, he should know better.
As for you, I have no clue who you are cannot say anything about you. However, Proft, Jacobson, Coulter and Trump put themselves out there for public display out of their own free will.
Kind of like how the Walz’s put their son “out there for public display”?
John, loved your column as always, thank you.
You had used the name Barack Obama a few times and I was wondering if you had ever listened to Rush Limbaugh and his radio show. Whenever he mentioned Obama’s name it was: Barack HUSSEIN Obama. Rush always used his middle name and would kick up the volume of his voice as he said HUSSEIN….I have gotten used to doing the same lately and, personally, I hope everyone would do the same.
God bless you John Kass and Keep on Keeping on…
Ken Macko
I agree with you that Hunter Biden is not off-limits.
As retired CFD and a traveler on 294 (the worlds fastest traffic jam), all this makes me sick. My Dad was a Blue Dog and never trusted the government but loved his city and country. He disliked bureaucrats and people that said “we need more laws” instead of “better laws”. In my 6 decades, i have seen the corruption and the waste while good people are smeared. Covid showed who were the embedded enemies of the good. May Quarters get all he deserves, and may his brother Matches live to be 110 and get all he deserves from this life and the next. Amy is such a decent woman and Dan never waivers from trying to help us see the rights and wrongs around us. Funny, Walz gives us every interaction , along with his wife’s gynecologist conversations, yet he hid his son’s issues. He knew someone would misspeak and hoped for it.
John, you mention Eric Zorn in your column. I recall many years ago making the mistake of trying to have an intelligent conversation with him. When Cardinal Joseph Bernardin died, Zorn wrote a column praising him. The only problem was that he completely omitted any reference to Christianity, God, Jesus, sin, the Catholic Church, etc. If you didn’t know who Bernardin was or what he did for a living, you wouldn’t have known it by reading Zorn’s column. All Zorn said was that Bernardin was a good guy. I emailed Zorn and pointed this out to him. He gave the anticipated non-response. I doubt that Zorn has changed in the intervening years.
Pearson and his fellow shill dopes couldn’t identify a partisan attack scheme against a President, a gross partisan misuse of the DOJ aimed at a former President, and a completely compromised, senile and incapacitated current President.
The Trib cannot go bankrupt fast enough. There will be few outside the woke editorial and newsroom enclave that will mourn it. We who knew the paper when it actually did its job and informed its readers have long ago completed the grieving process over its passing.