Biden Debate Disaster and the Root of Democrat Panic

By John Kass

Sunday June 30, 2024

Remember that old political bit about the dangerous 3 a.m. call to the White House?

We wanted our presidents to be strong, alert and vigilant. We want them sharp. We don’t want them to be chumbolones or dim witted, slack-jawed meat puppets performing at the direction of puppet master political bosses.

It was important to all of us that we elected leaders who could wake at 3 a.m., answer that phone and deal with whatever threat is out there to protect their people. Put your partisan politics aside and think of your nation. Was it President Joe Biden who showed himself to be that kind of leader? Or was it former President Donald Trump?

You know the answer. After last week’s disastrous presidential debate—dangerous for America in a world of predatory nuclear powers, and disastrous for the Democrats and their candidate  Biden—we should acknowledge some inconvenient truths.

Our adversaries and our allies know that Joe Biden is unfit for office. He proved it to all of us. The man is not a chief executive. He is not in charge. He is not capable of running a hot dog stand in a sleepy one-dog town, let alone the American White House in a dangerous world with China, Iran, Russia, North Korea and others demanding that we step down so they can take what they want.

So, who is running the White House? Not the sad sack of an Obama meat puppet on display at the CNN debate last week. Is some hack running the White House? Or could it be one of the faceless, hollow men of the Deep State that protected the Obamas, the Clintons and later the Bidens and let them them feed like engorged ticks? And all the while, the corrupt leftist corporate media brays like a herd of donkeys, telling us that that “Democracy Dies in Darkness.”

It was over within minutes, Biden babbling, his  eyes unable to focus, Biden shouting “The idea! The idea!!”and other nonsense. All he needed was a cane to wave at the clouds in the sky. I’m not sorry for him. I love my country. Let others be sad for the Bidens. I’m not sad. They knew what they were doing at the expense of their countrymen. If he were your father, you’d gently escort him off the stage into doctor’s care and out of politics. But if he were your father, you and your siblings would never have let it get this far.

President Biden has no business in the Oval Office.  By lingering there he puts the nation and the world into further jeopardy.  By installing and defending an obviously impaired Biden, the corrupt corporate leftist media and the Democrat Party have made the world a much more dangerous place. He is weak and they have invited aggression from all our nuclear adversaries.

Who will pay? Not the left. Vultures don’t pay for their meals.

But you and your children will pay. Your friends. Your family. Your country.

In the wake of President Biden’s disastrous and humiliating debate performance last night, the chatter was selfishly political about whether Democrats will replace Biden on the ticket, how the mechanics of that might work.

And what is the Biden campaign strategy now that the president has shown himself to be unfit for office? Read John Daniel Davidson in The Federalist:

“But amid the Democrats’ rending of garments and gnashing of teeth, an important point has gone largely unnoticed: America essentially has no president right now. Whomever is calling the shots in the White House, especially on foreign affairs, it isn’t Biden.”

As I was writing this column, I took a short break and posted on Facebook a notice that nominations to  the Golden Moutza of the Month award were open. I’ve been doing this every month for years. Readers know that American presidents are exempt from “winning” the Golden Moutza, but I did mention that Jill Biden, the Edith Wilson of our age, was not exempt. She is eligible. And just then came an ominous Facebook warning that I had perhaps violated their standards. They left it up to me: DO YOU WISH TO CONTINUE?

Yes. Let’s see what happens. I mentioned that Facebook had threatened me, and an odd thing happened. There were few if any public responses to the FB warning.

I do know that $400 million of Zuckerbucks helped the Democrats ice the 2020 election as per Mollie Ziegler Hemingway and her brilliant book “Rigged: How the Media, Big Tech and the Democrats Seized our Elections”

Jill Biden knew that her frail, aged husband was not up to the job when she pushed him forward toward the White House. Remember your history. Woodrow Wilson was a racist, and a progressive. He suffered a stroke and was incapacitated.  And his wife Edith Wilson ran the White House illegally, and unconstitutionally. Progressives think of the Constitution as an encumbrance.

But Edith Wilson had the power and would not let it go. Jill Biden has the power, and will not let it go. Future of the nation be damned, she’s in the White House where power is power. She commits elder abuse and she doesn’t care.

The 51 spies who lied that the Hunter Biden laptop was Russian disinformation know. The leftist media know. Obamas and the Clintons know. Jill Biden pimping her decrepit old man so she can play the Queen Bee also knows.

Who didn’t know? The American people who relied on leftist corporate media for their news and analysis. Will the corrupt leftist corporate media–the same journalists who carried the lie of the fake Russia Hoax–ever apologize. No, not even a little bit.


Now the Democrats have a Biden problem. They can’t hide from it. They might mask it the same way a teenaged girl would mask a pimple, but cosmetics aside, Americans have already seen it.

The world has seen it.

The Democrats can’t get rid of Joe without installing cackling Kamala Harris, selected by Democrat bosses for her skin color. But she is held in worse esteem than the man she called a racist.  Years ago I wrote that Kamala is Joe’s best insurance policy. And she still is.

Some already knew Joe would collapse, like my friends Thom Serafin, Charles Lipson, Steve Huntley, Dan Proft and Jeff Carlin. Why did they know and others did not? They don’t rely on MSNBC or CNN or the cheerleaders of FOX News for vision. They keep their minds clear. They think critically, a lost American art.

Serafin said: “You don’t ‘win‘ debates. You can only ‘lose‘ debates.”

In his most recent column days before the debate, Huntley said fear was “animating Democrat leaders and party faithful who behind the scenes must be verging on panic over the increasing public perception of Biden as a senile old fool, an 81-year-old man who’s doddering, decrepit, feeble in mind and body.” 

Steve, a veteran Chicago newsman deserves a cigar. As Huntley and others predicted, Biden’s halting, stumbling debate performance showed all too clearly that old Joe isn’t up to serving four more years in office. The old man doesn’t even have four weeks in him, let alone four more years.

Aside from Biden’s failure and Democrat panic because they can’t get rid of him,  here are two of my take-aways. Eighty-two percent of Americans have said the 81-year-old Democrat should not run for re-election in the wake of his disastrous face-off against former President Donald Trump.

So the left-wing pundits of CNN and MSNBC have been exposed as frauds. As have those on the New York Times, Washington Post and others. The corrupt leftist corporate media insisted Biden was the victim of  news video fraud called “deep fakes.” The deranged host of “Morning Joe” talked Biden up like a prizefighter who would destroy Trump. “F U” said the host, a former Bush Republican. “You can’t handle the truth.” Again, the media left vultures never pay for their snacks.

Some leftist outlets are now trying to cover their flanks, including the New York Times and Daily Beast are demanding that Biden step down for the good of the nation. They cover their flanks. What they sell is horsepoop and those on the left spoon it down with relish.

And those on the right from FOX News and other outlets who ripped Trump in the election of 2020, and sidestepped away from him are now hoping to cozy up to Trump again. Just one thing for them to remember: Trump, like the elephant, does not forget.

I also tried out my last takeaway from the Biden Debate Disaster on the new episode of the Chicago Way podcast on the root of Democrat panic. Both Prof. Lipson and Jeff Carlin agreed with me. Here’s the working theory:

If only the Democrats had allowed democracy to prevail, but they didn’t. The Democrats stabbed Sen. Bernie Sanders in the back twice and rigged their primaries to protect their corporate weasels and Wall Street influencers, once in 2016 on behalf of Hillary Clinton and later in 2020 for old Joe Biden. They used identity racial politics and other means. I’m no Sanders fan. I am a conservative.

But a Sanders presidential candidacy would have at the very least given Democrats much needed deep cleansing breaths, to expel the poisons and toxins. The Democrat Party did not get any cleansing breaths. Swamp Democrats strangled democracy. And for what? Power.

They got hideously corrupt Hillary who hangs around like some witch Baba Yaga  hanging  around graveyards. And, they got decrepit old Joe Biden trying to shout “The idea!!”. They all planted that poisoned tree. It bore fruit.

And on national television on CNN, all Americans and the world could see what they had produced.

Now we can’t unsee it.



(Copyright 2024 John Kass)

About the author: John Kass spent decades as a political writer and news columnist in Chicago working at a major metropolitan newspaper. He is co-host of The Chicago Way podcast. And he just loves his “No Chumbolone” hat, because is a “No Chumbolone” Zone where you can always get a cup of common sense.

Comments 101

  1. Well said. This is going to be one interesting August in Chicago and Milwaukee. Hold on to your chair and hat, it’s going to be a hell of a ride!

    1. I worked for the Illinois Central during those days of the late sixties, early seventies. Watched the Hilton riot form, and was not surprised. Wealthy, entitled, loser rich kids like Bill Ahers trying their very best to bring fascism to the country.
      Then, old man Daley had the cop’s back. Now, this tool for the CTU has their back. Every nutcase in the world is going to show up for this. If this wasn’t so serious, it would be fun to watch the Left’s destruction.

  2. Γιάννη,
    Seeing as how Biden isn’t really the president by your definition and description above, then I submit Joe for the golden moutza of the month! If not him, then let’s vote for FLOTUS Jill!!

    1. We’ll see what the people want. The Moutzatution is clear about presidents being exempt. But there is no mention of protecting power mad harpies clinging on. The Golden Moutza post is now on both of my Facebook pages, despite the ominous warning. Let’s see what happens, let’s see what the people say.

      1. Let’s play a game John.

        If the Supreme Court gives Trump his immunity, then the President can continue to have immunity from the Moutza. If not, let the river flow.

  3. In 2016 , Trump was my 16th choice. An easy choice against hillary. In 2020, I wanted Rubio/Haley, but gladly voted for Trump. In 2024, I was hoping for DeSantis, but now I see that it has to be Trump, because we need the far left and the bureaucrats broken, completely. Work hard, have fun, stay safe.

    1. I know what you mean. Donnie’s the less of the two evils, but still not a good man for the office. One could point to DeSantis, Haley, Scott, and others that would not only beat Joe by a larger margin, but would have the temperament to be a true leader.

        1. I agree John. But Trump needs to have the strength to get people around him that know and have fought against the swamp. Not like last time when the cabinet fix was in.

          1. This.

            I think Trump’s biggest downfall was allowing any of the former regime to remain in positions of power.

            On another note, as already observed, Trump is also the lesser of two evils. My dilemma is that voting for the lesser of two evils is still voting for evil…

  4. “As ye have sown, so shall ye reap”. The Democrats wanted an incompetent lap dog in power. They got what they wanted. They didn’t count on the lap dog and his handler to get so cozy with the trappings of the power and the power itself to go away quietly. The Democrats have made at their own bed and now they have to sleep in it. Did they really hope that Joe would die in office or otherwise go away quietly? As for the Moutza of the month, Jill Biden/Edith Wilson should win in a landslide, but the Democratic Party and the leftist news media should be a close second. They are the real threats to democracy. Harris as the Democratic standard bearer would be a bigger disaster then Biden. But is there a better candidate for the Democratic Party elites to show their scorn for the American people? In a way, I feel sorry for Joe Biden. No one deserved to be used the way he has been – especially by his wife.

    1. John, I agree 99% with your comments. I only quibble with your feeling sorry for Old Joe. I believe he has always been a petty, venal, self aggrandizing legend in his own mind.

      1. Michael:

        I fully agree with your assessment of Biden’s personality and faults. He is despicable but as a human being, he deserves better treatment than he is getting from the people around him (especially his wife). Hate the sin, not the sinner.

  5. Both candidates proved themselves unfit for this office during this debate–Biden through his sad and bumbling performance, Trump through an absolutely incredible volume of lies. Shameful for a country of 330,000,000+ people. We need new candidates on both sides of the aisle.

    1. Short of a death on either side, ain’t gonna happen now. It’s too late. We are stuck with these two candidates, and we all are the losers.

      1. Yep, hyperpartisan politicians from both sides of aisle vie to win knowing darn well their positioning causes “we the people” & our country lose. Agree we’re stuck with a choice between Tweedledee and Tweedledumb this election.

    2. Exactly right, Neither candidate is apparently capable. If Trump had done some homework, stuck to key issues and talked about plans instead of personal “slams” and narcisstic bravado this would have been a great night for America. Instead we have fear!!!

      1. The only thing Joe Biden knows is lying. Trump is just trying to keep up and just isn’t as good at it as Biden.

        WRT to Wilson, He paid a visit to my great grandfather while Wilson was President of the College of New Jersey (Princeton), sat on my great grandfather’s desk (My great grandfather was Dean of University of Virginia then) – sat on his desk and threw his thick Student rulebook down on his desk and demanded to see his rule book – as the students were so incredibly well behaved at UVA. My ancestor replied, while not being the least bit impressed “Sir I have but two rules – I ask my men to behave as gentlemen at all times first, and second, please don’t shoot out the lights”. All the students carried guns back then 🙂

  6. Just for the record, while the Edith Wilson story is often repeated with her as ‘the first woman president’ the reality was rather different. Yes, she screened his mail and visitors, signed his name on documents, and controlled access to a dying man; however, she was reputedly a functional illiterate and Wilson’s longtime friend and advisor, Colonel House, actually made the decisions. History repeats itself, first as tragedy, then as farce!

  7. Knowing how incapable Biden was of doing well in the debate one wonders why he was allowed to go on stage. They have coddled him for the last 4 years. Why now? Why schedule it with enough time before the Democratic convention to get America ready for the substitute? Mere coincidence I’m sure.
    Maybe “The Emperors New Clothes” should be required reading in our grade schools.

  8. Another powerhouse column, John. Right now there’s much-belated alarm over Biden as America’s exposed political malady, but the enabling malady is still not broadly recognized: news fabricators like The New York Times and broadcasters of belligerent idiocy like MSNBC’s Dementia-Republican Joe.

    Kass calls them out. I still hope he will write a column using one of the historical analogies he adapts so well. The Anderson folktale “The Emperor’s New Clothes” would be an an ideal model for the Biden years (also those of Obama and Clinton): A scary and disturbing sight, but Joe is wearing only those fine imaginary clothes woven by Marxist media. In effect he’s been parading through the town naked for many years. Yech.

  9. Lol!!!!!!! Jill likes being pampered and being so called First Lady. Obama wants him to Win so he move Kamala into the Presidency he knows she cannot win any other way. People are so dumb is the only word I can use and do not see beyond what is happening. Obama is running the Country folks wake up. We need a VP that Americans love with Trump if he has a chance. He is not my favorite but Evil is running our Government and they want to change the Face of Freedom and America. I do not understand why people do not see that. Just think if they all looked to Christ for guidance and love what would happen. We enter into a World of nonsense. It is done I tell you. Trust the Lord only.

    1. It really is quite simple a junior high student could comprehend.
      Wife and son of president, need to push him forward, regardless of his capabilities. Very sad.
      Wife loves being the “queen” with power, and son needs a pardon.

      Loved the Edith Bunker comment.

  10. John, superb column. Yes DOCTOR Jill deserves the Moutza for sure. Add my vote. Yesterday I believe the White House was quoted as stating that “Pres Biden functions best between 10am and 4 pm. Can’t hide in the basement anymore though. He is truely an empty
    Suit. World leaders commented on him privately at the G 7. The world is on fire and Nero as sleepily fiddles. We are doomed to bad choices. We can only hope Trump picks a strong running mate who can succeed him in 4 years. Carson or Scott come to mind.

  11. “Is some hack running the White House? Or could it be one of the faceless, hollow men of the Deep State that protected the Obamas, the Clintons and later the Bidens and let them them feed like engorged ticks?”

    It’s a Nomenklatura of Deep State hacks, bureaucrats, Democrat politicians and big money guys. They’ve been running Democrat Presidents ever since 2008, which is why Obama and Biden policies look so similar. They’ll run whoever Joe’s replacement is and whoever replaces that next guy. I doubt you’ll ever see another independently minded Democrat president that doesn’t take orders from them.

    THEY’RE the ones that deserve the Golden Moutza and it wouldn’t violate your ground rules for them to get it.

  12. I’ve literally learned a lot in the last couple of hours. I never knew the Woodrow Wilson story. It’s come up in a couple of stories I’ve read. I must have slept through that part of history class (history, yes we had that when I was in school).

    There are a couple of things that come to mind though. Not that anyone would actually be smart enough, since too many live fools and maybe more 3am dead ones voted for Biden in ‘20, as time went on and he became more dysfunctional, wasn’t it wise to cover that up and not expose the extent of this extreme weakness to our enemies. That question is one that is never discussed. Maybe a bigger problem we have with all this leftist “gamesmanship” and lack of defined leadership (?) is the fact that we have totally left this country as a target for attack . While our leaders (?) are foolish, weak and now certified brain dead, other countries heads are not. It’s almost necessary for the next 6 months to have nincompoop cackles as the puppet. It’s obviously apparent now, Biden is and probably never was, calling the shots. So what’s the difference if cackles is the same figurehead. She mumbles a little more clearly when she’s not giggling and can at least stand up on her own and walk a straight line.

    In any event, this deranged group syndrome we have in the White (or is it rainbow) House now needs to be replaced and replaced in a hurry, the whole lot of them.

  13. Agreed! Vultures don’t pay for their meals. And by all means, after that exhibition of elder abuse, Duc-tuh Jill deserves a pile of moutzas, consecutively and not concurrently.

    Despite the (heheheh) debate, I wonder- Is Joe that far gone, or, like Elmer Fudd in the 1955 classic “Hare Brush” is Joe not goin’ to Alcatraz by covering his elderly derriere?

  14. John-spot on except I have to disagree about one thing- what you said about comrade Bernie Sanders. For all intents and purposes, he IS in charge- or at least his ideas are. The only reason Biden is the front man is because his greed for the office allowed him to be manipulated, while Sanders is still a loose cannon who cannot be controlled. Minus a couple minor complaints, Sanders has been pretty quiet for the last 3.5 years because nearly everything ‘Biden’ has done was straight out of the socialist handbook.

  15. I came out of retirement to work for Bernie2016…Excellent Closing…

    If only the Democrats had allowed democracy to prevail, but they didn’t. The Democrats stabbed Sen. Bernie Sanders in the back twice and rigged their primaries to protect their corporate weasels and Wall Street influencers, once in 2016 on behalf of Hillary Clinton and later in 2020 for old Joe Biden. They used identity racial politics and other means. I’m no Sanders fan. I am a conservative.

    But a Sanders presidential candidacy would have at the very least given Democrats much needed deep cleansing breaths, to expel the poisons and toxins. The Democrat Party did not get any cleansing breaths. Swamp Democrats strangled democracy. And for what? Power.

    They got hideously corrupt Hillary who hangs around like some witch Baba Yaga hanging around graveyards. And, they got decrepit old Joe Biden trying to shout “The idea!!”. They all planted that poisoned tree. It bore fruit.

    And on national television on CNN, all Americans and the world could see what they had produced.

    Now we can’t unsee it.

  16. It’s hard to imagine that there will be another presidential debate. In the event that Biden continues in office and is still standing for re-election in September, Trump will refuse to give Biden any chance to cure his abysmal performance, especially as that performance will have been at the heart of a huge negative media campaign centered on Biden’s cognitive decline. If the Democratic candidate isn’t Biden, why would Trump allow him the exposure that a presidential debate brings?

  17. I, of course, don’t disagree with one word you have written. It is a travesty that Jill and the Democrats pushed aside everyone for Biden to be the nominee when he spent the majority of his candidacy in the basement. 81 million votes. Please.

    On another note, I have about 350 followers on X. That’s it. I’m not an influencer by any means and only joined social media in 2022 when I began my Substack. This is the third time I have had to “prove” that I am not a bot and still X has flagged my account and limited views “temporarily.” Elon has yet to reply to me as to why. Even on the supposed First Amendment supporting social media site, no one is immune to shadow banning and being “temporarily” flagged. Our entire media system is corrupted.

    For all of you who want to continue reading those who aren’t afraid to speak truth, continue to subscribe to John Kass News and join me at There are great writers at Substack including Matt Taibbi and Ronald E. Yates.

    1. You should have stayed over social media.

      1. If I lived in a world where newspapers were still a thing and where conservative voices could be heard, I would have no need for social media. You missed where I said that I only joined social media as a means of advertising my Substack account.

        I find it funny that you need to use all caps to chastise me while commenting on a website not a book.

  18. Great job as always, Mr. Kass, writing the truth and making your Greek ancestors proud.

    Unfortunately, I am not at all enamored with either candidate, although I voted for Trump twice. But to be completely honest, I would have voted for my daughter’s “Goldendoodle” puppy before hillary.

    What I don’t understand are all of the (sic) “media” and hollywood “glitterati” idiots who are saying that if Trump gets in again that “Democracy will die”. If that is true, why didn’t he kill democracy during the four years he was in the position?
    Unless I’m delusional, it seemed to me that during his term gas was cheaper, prices on almost everything were down, the economy was doing better, immigration was handled much better, and debacles like the (sic) “withdrawal” from Afghanistan didn’t happen. I must have missed something.

    1. Dan,

      I agee with you! That’s what I’ve been saying to people too!

      Don’t understand how the Left and the Media continue to spout that idea.

  19. True. I lay the death of Democracy at the foot of the Democrats. Thursday’s debate was an embarrassment to America and the whole world saw it.
    One thing I cannot un-see as well is that when Biden tried to look outraged he looked like an angry opossum right down to the pointed nose and little bared teeth.

  20. John – Excellent as usual! I noticed that right after the debate our old friend, Barack Obama, was extolling the virtue of Joe Biden as someone who always tells the truth, contrasted with Trump, of course.

    Ha! Joe is one of the biggest serial liars in politics. Starting back to when he lied about his college success, etc.

    I would love it if you could do an article listing the many lies of Joe Biden!


    1. That’s a great idea! I don’t believe a word out of old Joe’s mouth, or any of the talking heads’ mouths either, for that matter. I haven’t seriously read the paper or watched the television news in a very long time. Not since the government started its public takeover of our minds during Covid.

  21. What was more troubling for me was the next day as Joe was campaigning in North Carolina. There was Joe with Jill saying good boy, you answered all the questions. Seriously? Then they both spit out Joe tells the truth. Huh? What? Then Joe began his usual shouting. Was this supposed to give us pause? Next came clean up in isle five by none other than former president Obama saying bad debate nights happen. Really? Is that what you call that?
    Sorry not sorry I would never hand over the keys to a car to Joe.
    Thank you for a great column.

  22. Four more years of Biden et al and Obama’s transformation of America will be complete. 5.00 + gallon gas. 45.00 a bag (no protein) groceries. Tent cities. Empty drug stores. Fountains defaced. Executive orders squelching congressional votes. Cartel parades. History erased. Squatters rule. Trafficked children. Diminished law enforcement. DEI compliance or else. Muted objections. Wealth redistribution. Porous borders. On and on. A legacy of destruction leading to authoritarian rule. Yes, Dr. Jill, we should all follow your stylish lead- wear VOTE dresses – to vote you all OUT.

  23. “ Vultures, vultures, vultures everywhere”.
    Your column is spot on as usual.
    FYI, I think Facebook put you on “double secret probation” yesterday. Your two Moutza posts popped up yesterday then quickly disappeared. I wanted to submit a nomination so I looked for them without success. I had to do a FB search to find your page & your posts. I checked again this morning and still nothing ( without a search). Or just go to which I did looking for the new podcast which by the way isn’t there. The post for 6/24 is listed twice.

  24. Brilliant, vintage Kass.
    Suddenly Facebook has the editing knives out again, and I couldn’t keep the message inbox clear of notices of unspecified posts being taken down, per “Community Standards”. Until most recently being sent to Facebook Gulag.
    The Democrats and the media are feigning all of their garment rending. They knew Biden could not order a single scoop cone without a cue card. The social media and MSM censors are already hard at it while the Democrat left cleans up their Biden mess in aisle 45.

  25. Apparently Joe has no intention of stepping aside. He is the “Howard Beale” problem for the Dems. Don’t let the Clintons get involved in the solution.

    1. The thousand yard stare is that of Eugene Sledge seated on his rack after Peleiliu / Okinawa. A man that has seen too much of what no man should have to see. Biden is a deer in the head lights about to be a hood ornament on a log truck

  26. The debacle of the debate furthur proves the corruption of our media (I don’t use the word “news” to describe it) . I’m not including Murdering Joel and Mika in this since they’re propagandizing is so blatant they’re basically Democrat lobbyists. Or CNN and MSNBC. All lobbyists for the Democratic party. We all can spot a snake in the grass. Let’s talk about the big three propagandists: ABC, NBC, and CBS. These guys gave up any semblance of “fair and impartial” reporting years ago and now have to remind you that what they report is “fair and impartial”. Cause it isn’t. I’m watching Tim Russert wail about Biden stepping down and Welker saying the same thing on another channel right now. Not one mentions how well Trump performed. They couldn’t do that . It wouldn’t be “fair and impartial” to do that. My Dad served in the marines during the Korean War. His generation would get information from a daily newspaper and the national evening news. Newsmen like Roger Mudd, Walter Cronkite would give you the evening news without the slant you get now. Many of them served in the military themselves, some starting their careers reporting for the “Stars and Stripes “. These were gradually replaced by activist” reporters like Dan Rather and Geraldo Rivera. Guys who didn’t care that their bias and disdain for conservatives was blatant. And that’s how we have arrived where we are now. Up until the debate the media endlessly reported about “cheapfake” doctored media pushed by the Republicans. Yes, it was all doctored footage made to make Biden look senile. Or “age challenged” or ” memory impaired” or whatever it’s called these days. This means the media was either lying or wrong. You could testify in a court of law and be wrong. It happens all the time. If you testify in court and are caught lying you commit perjury. A criminal charge. Why doesn’t someone call out the media on that fact. Either they were wrong. Admit it. Or they were lying. Big difference right?

  27. The reaction to the Biden debate disaster of the MSM commentariat and the doctrinaire lefty Democrats has been to depict the two men as equally bad. It is the fallback position of fools and self-deluders. Disregarding the obvious mien of Trump’s vitality and Biden’s catatonia, there is a simple benchmark by which to judge which man should lead the country: Both have served as president; compare their records. The moutza goes to the elderly abuser Doctor Jill, whose lust for power supersedes our nation’s viability and safety.

  28. Very good column. Jill Biden is the true traitor. I really fear for our country now. This is what happens when you put retaining power above country.

    1. At this point her support must be driven less by love than by sympathy for his decaying state. She’s just doing what any devoted wife would do–stand by your man.

      1. Standing by your man when it is in his best interests to so is virtuous. When it is not in his best interests, and is in fact detrimental to his best interest, it is enabling abuse. If it is enabling that abuse because of a lust for power, it is shameful. I don’t see anything virtuous about that.

  29. Biden will be nominated even if his brain has turned into jello. He is the best they have. Never underestimate the inchoate hatred for Trump and the media feeding that hate that drove the 2020 results. Jello brain or not, Biden will get lots of he-s-not-Trump votes like he did in 2020 in the election.

  30. Presently, the greatest danger is from other countries who want to destroy our country. After Joe’s pathetic showing, they now know we don’t have a competent leader in the White House. The democratic party of old was a valid party. What exists today with that name is a pathetic, dangerous group of idiots.

  31. It constantly amazes me that John Kass rails against Zuckerbucks but is willing to help generate them by using Facebook for Moutza nominations.

    MAD Magazine one parodized the NY Times slogan as “All the news that fits, we print”. Once again, MAD was far more prescient than Nostradamus.

    Anyway, while the award will probably go to the highly deserving Jill Biden, I think the NY Times, which did more than any other national media to get Biden into office, deserves serious consideration for their tardy recognition of his meat-puppet status.

  32. Yes, the democrats are in a panic. If you think that they and their surrogates in the corporate media and Hollywood have been critical of Trump thus far, just wait. During the next 4 months they will unleash a smear campaign the likes of which we’ve never seen before. In both his past business dealings and personal life, their dirt digging and mud-slinging will be relentless. Its going to get very ugly very fast now.

    1. The Biden supporters and the Trump supporters aren’t likely to change their minds as a result of a smear campaign, though that might change whether or not they vote.

      It’s the small uncommitted vote that they’re going after, but, as always, Democrats tend to assume voters are stupid, and won’t see a smear campaign for what it really is. I think they’ll find out in November that voters aren’t as stupid as they think.

    2. And don’t forget Judge Merchan. We’ve all heard o f the race card … used when all else fails. Well given the present circumstances the judge may have to use the “jail” card. He now is very likely considering throwing Trump in jail in July.

  33. 1. Biden needs to step down bcuz of his dementia.
    2. R. Reagan also had dementia AT LEAST IN HIS LAST 2 YRS. IN OFFICE.
    3. Since when is the DEEP STATE only run by the Dems. Do you even know what the concept is. It means that no matter what party is in, the unelected bureaucrats run the country. Read: ‘THE DEEP STATE’, by former GOP insider Mike Lofgren. The military intelligence bureaucracy runs this country and they don’t care which party is in. They control this country. Not the president, not the Congress and certainly not you the citizen. I quote GOP INSIDER LOFGREN: BOTH PARTIES ARE HOOKED ON WAR, GENUFLECTING TO BIG DONORS, IN THRALLED WITH DICREDITED ECONOMIC THEORIES, AND UTTERLY BEREFT OF A MORAL COMPASS.
    4. If the 3am call comes in and Trumps president, hopefully he left the numbers of his porn stars/HOOKERS cell phones.
    5. If we are in danger bcuz of his condition why has nothing happen to us in 31/2 yrs of his presidency. It’s bcuz it doesn’t matter who’s in the office!

    1. The last Democratic Senator from Idaho, Frank Church presaged the “Deep Sate” a good 25 years before Lofgren even thought of it. And you’re right. The Republicans did not take kindly to that insight and made sure that Sen Church would be voted out of office.

    2. “4. If the 3am call comes in and Trumps president, hopefully he left the numbers of his porn stars/HOOKERS cell phones.”

      I find it interesting that Trump haters like you conveniently ignore the pure hearts and minds of democrat presidents like FDR, JFK, LBJ, the greatest hound dog of all, Hillary’s sometimes husband, Bubba, and non presidents like John Edwards and Al Gore, all who had more women, hookers and whores around than Trump could ever think of. How does that sit with you Tommy Boy?

      1. As I have said b 4 Harry: all pols are political whores. Did I say anything about FDR, JFK, LBJ OR THOMAS JEFERRSON.
        TOMMY BOY

  34. Joe Biden clearly belongs in an assisted living facility. I’m sure Dr. Jill realizes that. But she also realizes that the White House is by far the best equipped and staffed assisted living facility on the planet … so ole Joe ain’t goin’ anywhere’s.

  35. Great column John Kass. Your FB treatment came to me also as I tried to put a Donald Trump campaign 8 minute video on there….hmmm. Welcome to censorship. That video I presented had a one sentence headline from me and as soon as I hit the print button, FB said they would not print spam….hmmm. If you are interested, here it is.

    As to y0ur column, China’s Manchurian candidate is not doing well. Being a very scary time now a days as China, Russia, Iran and North Korea are all chewing their cuds as to when they might hurry up and strike while the dullness at the WH prevails.
    As Trump made that statement in the debate about warning those who might want to take advantage within the time frame of Biden’s administration….I thought was a good indication for our enemies to listen to the guy who might make them worry a lot as to their outcome.
    With China’s economy on the fritz and not doing well, Xi just might make his moves into Taiwan and who knows what else as his planning has put many pieces into place for a possible invasion on several nations.
    Yes, it is scary and the Golden Moutza should be garnered by Dr. Jill. If not she should get indicted for elder abuse as she obviously enjoys power, control and MONEY….more than her love of America.
    I am getting too old for this John Kass and too long in typing for now. But I must say, God bless you John Kass and I am still praying for you every night. Keep on keeping on.

  36. Excellent column John. I vote for Jill Biden as the Moutza winner for sure! Regarding the poison tree producing awful fruit from your columns ending, I would add that all that poison fruit has fertilized the ground for the true enemy of our freedom, the bureaucratic state, deep state or swamp. Whatever you call it, it is the greatest enemy of our freedoms. I was so thankful Friday for at least SCOTUS working on behalf of the American people to curtail the bureaucracy. The undoing of Chevron was way overdue, but gives us hope that the bureaucracy will be checked to some degree now.

  37. Just remember that the media that has been telling you that Comrade Biden is “fit as a fiddle” is the same media that says Trump will “end democracy.” BTW, check out the left-wing’s violent reaction to losing the French election. Expect more of the same when Trump wins.

  38. This article is great. I love how you tell the truth constantly. Worth the subscription in 1 article. All the others are great as well. Need more Truth Writers.

  39. As I read the column I shake my head wondering how we have let things get this far out of control. It’s as if civilization has spun completely out of control. We have marched too far to go back now. Can normalcy ever return. I miss my former world. I miss being engaged with the other world that we used to live in. Between my former job and life today I have been forced to no longer like people. I used to like people.

  40. Right on.
    Anyone who has been paying attention the last few years knew this moment was coming.
    The curtains opened and Joe shuffled alone stage left to the podium.
    It was all downhill from there, he exposed himself without an ear piece and notecards.

    I don’t feel sorry for Joe, Jill and Family.
    The Biden Business Charade of hiding Grandpa in the Basement.
    I don’t feel sorry for the Democrats and Media gasping.
    The basement has become the Oval Office and Grandpa has dementia.
    Joe was declining years ago and Jill and Family (and Friends) knew it.
    No one is entitled and everyone can be replaced.

    I feel for my Country.
    Americans have been used and insulted and then told it’s their fault.

    Jill for June Moutza!

  41. I wonder if anyone on the Left will admit that choosing Kamala Harris as Biden’s running mate in 2020 is now proving to be a very poor choice. Biden chose to go with identity politics instead of competence. Had he chosen someone with a proven track record, years of experience, etc., the Democratic Party could then consider the option of pulling the plug on Biden and going with his VP.

    1. How could Biden go with competence when he doesn’t have any competence himself to recognize what it looks like? As a legislator he was never a leader, and as the ‘leader of the free world’ he was a bumbling fool with a failing memory right from the get-go.

  42. I write this on the morning after Spray-tan Joe’s strawman assault on SCOTUS vis a vis the Presidential Immunity decision.
    It was a head-fake designed to shift the discussion away from decrepit Joe and onto the Left’s heartburn over the Trump-appointed constitutionalist SCOTUS majority. Joe was surprisingly spry, particularly considering how far outside his daily 10 to 4 lucid window this was broadcast. Was it actually live? This Joe didn’t even read one instruction from the teleprompter.
    This was a carefully scripted and coordinated attack on the Court, a co-equal Branch of the government, that included X posts by Chuck-U Schumer.
    The majority decision made it clear that, “No President is above the Law” But Democrats chose to forge a canard-filled strawman argument that stank of unwarranted hyperbole. In my opinion, the decision comports fully with the Constitution, something that Biden’s deep-state handlers use for toilet paper.
    We will have to wait to see what the lower courts make of this remanded case.

  43. I am so afraid for our Country. It seems the Press is so corrupt they are running the Country and none of theme are honest enough to quit this Charade they are playing with and put America first.
    I am so afraid that they know the Government is corrupt, and yet they still fight for that corruption, and Kamala wants to be President so bad that they want Joe to Win throw him out and replace the new President with her, knowing she can never Win on her own. Ridiculous and scary that our people can not see what is happening. They watch the View or CNN or MSNBC and all Liberal papers and the follow their corrupt behavior. They accuse others of been liars knowing that that is all that they are. LIARS. I do not watch any of these people anyway. I cannot without getting upset that they are willing to sell America while they get rich. The House of Representatives is full of liars waiting to get rich on the backs of the ignorant and Poor. Illinois is gone by the way people are moving out every day. Look whom they put in for Mayor and Governor. Unbelievable.

  44. As soon as the DNC ponies up enough money to take care of the entire Biden crime syndicate, Biden will step down for the good of the Country (and the Bidens).

  45. I agree with much of what Mr. Kass says.

    However, I must reflect that anyone who brings there golf course performance into a preidential debate also, at a minimum, have their cognition tested.

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