Hunter, Joe and the Shameless 51

June 23, 2024

By John Kass

It is all so very loud now, isn’t it? Rather like walking behind the wings of a jet just before takeoff.

You can hardly hear yourself think with the American corporate media in full-throated panic, shrieking of impending doom if their decrepit and corrupt old Joe Biden fades in Thursday’s presidential debate. The left is terrified of allowing Donald the Barbarian a chance to reclaim the White House. But they’ve given him this chance through terrible policies and the polls show that the American people yearn for regime change.

The general panic is properly understood as projection for what the leftists themselves have done to kill democracy, and for all their crocodile tears about “Democracy Dies in Darkness,” and all that obnoxious, prissy preening of left wing CNN hosting Thursday’s presidential debate.

I know you’re angry. At least 80 million of you are angry. And others of you who call yourselves independents are unsure, and also angry. You’ve been lied to by those whom you once believed would tell you the truth. They didn’t tell you the truth. Instead, you’ve been the subjects of a massive intel op hatched by your own government. It happened just before the last election and the corrupt corporate media carried the lie.

But don’t grab the tomahawks just yet. Please.

Instead, give your beloved country a little of your patience and a few moments of honest, quiet reflection. I’m talking of a silence that you might imagine it walking through an American Armed Forces cemetery in Northern France, or sitting in an American graveyard bright with poppies in Belgium.

Or perhaps your own backyard. Think of it. Yes, let’s avoid the partisan screaming for a moment and let’s go into a Midwestern backyard on this summer morning in late June. See it. A redwing blackbird sits on the fence, a red male cardinal trills from a white puffy branch of the hydrangea bush.  So rather than demand your revenge just now, please think in silence and mourn the greatest nation in the history of the world.

Be as silent as the scalp of the Obama spymaster James Clapper who lied to Congress during testimony that the government did not wittingly and secretly collect telephone data from Americans. This was a lie. But Clapper was Obama’s liar and so he was not prosecuted. People think of Clapper as a spider. But that’s a cheap nod to the eunuch character in “Game of Thrones.” I’d rather not insult a hairless eunuch, even a fictional one.

So I think of Clapper in the darkness, where he likes it, a giant pink and hairless mole rat in some midnight tunnel.

Clapper and his unelected allies decided about what he thinks Americans should know about how they’re governed, what you learn and what you don’t learn. Clapper is just one of many, one of the 51. The other leaders are Obama’s former CIA director John Brennan, and intelligence boss Leon Panetta, Current Secretary of State Anthony Blinken,  and former Obama CIA boss Mike Morrell put together that infamous letter of 51 intel operatives saying the Hunter laptop was Russian disninfo.

Their shameless public letter to protect Biden contained this lie, that the Hunter laptop  had “all the classic earmarks of a Russian information operation.” That’s all it took. The left wing corporate media had their talking points and they ran with it.

There were 51 of them in total, 51 whores who sold their honor. 51 who sold America’s future for a partisan payoff like the cheapest and greasiest of corrupt Chicago aldermen. Should that be taught in the public schools?

It was Blinken and Morrell who gathered up 51 signatures of American Intelligence officials to sign the infamous letter stating that the New York Post’s 2020 scoop about the Hunter Biden laptop was Russian disinformation. The left wing corporate media from The Washington Post to the New York Times, from CNN to MSNBC, to the smarmy late-night TV comics yucked it up and insisted the laptop was Russian disinformation.

That was a lie. The laptop was real. But the lie was an intel op giving Biden the chance to scurry like a rat into the White House. I’ve provided a link. You might want to read their names while you sip a cold glass of ice tea.

The New York Post and the paper’s star columnist Miranda Devine who wrote the book “Laptop from Hell: Hunter Biden, Big Tech, and the Dirty Secrets the President Tried to Hide” were telling the truth. The laptop was real. Hunter’s dealings with China and Ukraine and other places were out there. The giants of Big Tech, including Facebook and Twitter shut Americans down from sharing the truth. But Joe Biden grabbed the Russian disinfo story like a lifeline and media kept repeating it again and again. The silence was deafening, like a chapter in a Kafka story, like something from a Ceaușescu nightmare.

During the Trump Biden debate, Joe Biden seized on the letter written by political hacks in the so-called “intelligence community:”

“Look,” Biden said, snarling, “there are 50 former national intelligence folks who said that what this, [President Trump’s] accusing me of is a Russian plan. They have said this has all the characteristics—four—five former heads of the CIA, both parties, say what he’s saying is a bunch of garbage. Nobody believes it except him and his good friend Rudy Giuliani.”

It was a lie. The Hunter Biden laptop was not Russian disinformation. Biden knew this. The so-called “intelligence officials” knew this. And CNN and other corrupt corporate media carried the Democrat water.

I was a columnist at the Chicago Tribune then, supporting Miranda Devine’s version. The Trib was a paper that had been once conservative but the newsroom was by then controlled by a Marxist news union. It cost me. The silence was chilling. Americans said later they would not have voted for Biden had they known the truth about the Hunter Biden laptop, but the places where they once sought the truth had turned their back on them. The media turned their backs on them.

And few mentioned the Obama connection to the five former CIA chiefs.

Middle class anger grew. Now it has grown beyond mere annoyance. It is public rage.

And all around you the left is hysterical. The West’s greatest historian, Victor Davis Hanson writing on “X”, likens the hysteria to a “full leftwing meltdown.” After doing so much to destroy American democracy, the left is afraid.

VDH writes:

“It fears that all it did to destroy democracy—the Russian collusion hoax, the Russian disinformation laptop farce, the two first-term impeachments the moment the Republicans lost the House, the Senate trial of ex-President Trump as a private citizen, the effort to remove Trump from state ballots, and the five criminal and civil show trials designed to bankrupt the leading presidential candidate and keep him off the campaign trail—might boomerang on the Left.”

Of course it will boomerang on them.  The left and their politicians know this. It is why they try to distract you, screaming about their allies in the news media, screaming about MAGA, about Republicans insisting that something had “snapped” in Trump.

Nothing has “snapped,” unless it is the minds of the left and the 51 Intel Community whores who lied to you.

These are the infamous spies who lied.

If it were me, I wouldn’t grab my tomahawk and have their brains on the tablecloth for hurting our country. No, no no.

Revenge is so Rachel Maddow, MSNBC, so CNN and all the other Jacobins. They are all about revenge. I want peace.

I just hope President Donald Trump has read Margot Cleveland in “The Federalist

Cleveland writes of an already established government report that:

“Secretary of State Antony Blinken — then a senior adviser to the Biden campaign — contacted Obama’s CIA acting director, Mike Morell, to discuss the New York Post’s reporting on Hunter Biden’s laptop. Morell also testified that speaking with Blinken spurred him to craft the letter in question so Biden could reference it during his final debate against then-President Trump.”

There is so much more to examine. So many rocks under which Obama Deep State schemers have worked their various intrigues. Bringing it into the light requires hard work and the excavation of evidence. The political left will wring its hands and shriek like cats dying under a front porch, but it must be done to cleanse our government.

And there is one more thing that President Trump can do when he wins re-election:

Subpoena that whole shameless herd of whores. All 51 putos and putanas and their “agents.”

All 51 of them.

John Brennan being sworn in as President Obama’s CIA director by Vice President Biden.-30-

About the author: John Kass spent decades as a political writer and news columnist in Chicago working at a major metropolitan newspaper. He is co-host of The Chicago Way podcast. And he just loves his “No Chumbolone” hat, because is a “No Chumbolone” Zone where you can always get a cup of common sense.

Comments 97

  1. “Subpoena that whole shameless herd of whores. All 51 putos and putanas and their ‘agents.’

    All 51 of them.”

    To what end, John?

    So that ultimately, they each are referred to the DoJ that will only slow-walk the process, seeking to run out the clock?

    There IS no system if justice with due process, anymore.

    1. Exactly what I was thinking. They need to be run out of town on a rail never to return to the swamp. Let them all get jobs as political commentators on CNN, MSNBC or the shameful- we use taxpayer money to spew out leftist propaganda NPR. Power wash DC.

  2. Wow! Hit with eyes of a Norden bombsight! These traitors ooze with hatred for the Constitution and the simple people who hope it can protect them from tyranny.

    Lucius Aelius Sejanus was named prefect of the Roman Praetorian Guard ( deep-state operatives) by Emperor Tiberius (a political dilettante no unlike Obama) who was more interested in hob-knobbing with elites than governing. Sejanus warred upon the opposition.

    This Yankee cabal of elitist fascists need to be ridiculed most loudly. The Obama Praetorians led by the two-headed Sejanii ( Clapper and Brennan) should be given Juvenal’s brutally rhetorical judgement – “Sejanus ducitur unco Spectandus.”—x. 66. Riduculed out of common memory.

    I hope Trump picks a V.P. with strong barbering chops. Someone like J.D. Vance would suit me down to the ground.

      1. Trump, as I’m sure he knows, needs to appoint an Attorney General with unimpeachable integrity and courage.
        Someone who will appoint US Attorneys with guts. Then with a team assembled, subpoenas can start flying.
        The corruption is rampant, the sitting Attorney General is a Biden stooge and partisan U.S Attorneys and Judges are trying to destroy any conservative within their purview.
        Time for change. Time for a thorough

      1. Brother Don, you’ve served our nation in uniform. moderation in all things, except in public hangings of traitors. at the least they must be shamed and stripped of all their security clearances.

      2. Remember the Great O in 2008 publicly declared his scorn against the Constitution as “a charter of negative liberties. It says what the states can’t do to you. Says what the federal government can’t do to you but doesn’t say what the federal government or state government must do on your behalf.”
        He’s as Marxist as they come.

  3. You are absolutely correct. These hollow men are traitors, holding themselves out as “patriots” while destroying the very foundations of our great country.
    Alas, you are preaching to the choir. We can only hope and pray that the rest of the country hasn’t joined Chicago and decided to live as chumbalones, led by the nose by the left and their mouthpiece in the corrupt and filthy media.

      1. . . . the stuffed men
        Leaning together
        Headpiece filled with straw. Alas!
        Our dried voices, when
        We whisper together
        Are quiet and meaningless
        As wind in dry grass
        Or rats’ feet over broken glass. . .

        (T.S. Eliot)

  4. It’s been years of challenges for our nation and for me, personally. The difficult challenges for America, I tried to list above. For me personally? First the heart attack and stroke, and I thought I was working through it, but then recently intestinal issues and three broken ribs. I’m sorry I haven’t been writing as frequently as some would like. I’m doing my best and feeling stronger every day. Thanks for staying with Thank you. Love to all of you.

    1. I will continue to support you and my other hero, Mark Steyn, who has also been suffering numerous health setbacks (5 heart attacks) and legal battles. People like you and Steyn are golden. I could never take the hits you take and come back to fight again.

    2. John, do not apologize because it’s not necessary. The only thing we subscribers demand is that you get better, however long that takes. I personally read all the guest writer columns and act as if it’s a bonus when I see one of yours come up. Column suggestion. I’m sure you’ve read Peter Schweitzer’s Blood Money. In it he talks about how the Chinese use TikTok to poison our kids with cotton candy while they use their version to feed their kids broccoli. TikTok is killing us. Need to write about it!

    3. You owe us nothing except to fulfill our wish for you to recover your health.

      Thanks for continuing to shine a light on this country’s traitors. If only we had a justice system that could return to doling out justice. My hope for that is diminishing daily.

    4. Trump should move the DOJ to Florida or another red state and then bring prosecutions against all of them and try them in front of a “jury of their peers” in a red state. See how they howl for justice then. John, I support you no matter how many columns you write. You are a great American and a true journalist, unlike those practicing propagandists practicing so called journalism today.

    5. Great column! The Tribune has long been a worthless rag, felt good to cancel and have the CS person practically beg me to stay on. Nope!! Not even for the big discount I was offered. Hang in there, John! No apologies needed, just take care of your health, first and foremost.

    6. All we can ask is that you do what you can do. And I think you are doing great! I love the other writers almost at much as you. But I still look forward to your whit and knowledge of the political ball field. Thank you, John, for doing what you and do. We will continue to support you and JKN as long as it is here!!

  5. Another great column that needs to be read by many.
    As always, you are in our prayers for a speedy and complete recovery. On our way to Mass in Marco Island, Florida now.

  6. In an ideal world, the 51 would be tried, convicted, and pay for their actions. In the real world, nothing will happen, the voters do not give a damn, the 51 will accumulate more wealth, more government (taxpayers’ money) pensions and all the benefits, and probably end up with more government jobs and power. I do not see the anger in the voters – not enough anger to make them do anything about the present regime. Upon conviction, they should all have every one of their government benefits revoked except the minimum Social Security payments (not based on their income over the years, but the minimum payment that the rest of us get) and pay for their Medicare like the rest of us. Would be nice, but aint gonna happen.

  7. 51 individuals used their government status to knowingly discredit the truth (lied) so as to aid in the election of a President. Because they are all members of the Blue Team when outed there are no repercussions.

    The Biden crime family, Hunter Biden, Hillary Clinton, the DOJ, the FBI and others all enjoy immunity from any repercussions for their unlawful misdeeds.

    There are no repercussions because the Fourth Estate no longer exists to demand that the 51 are held accountable. Instead the main stream media, newspapers, 60 Minutes simply ignore the stories because to do otherwise would be a blow to their teammates.

    To hope that the election of one man as President will change all this is a bridge too far

  8. Revoking any retained Security Clearances by the Fraudulent 51 as well as the Puppet Master himself, BHO, should be done by sundown on Inauguration Day as well.

  9. John, you’re a grace-filled man. I understand that revenge is something we leave in God’s hands. However, there is accountability needed or history will repeat itself. I want to see the 51 who have already lied to Congress indicted in Red States with America-loving jurists. I want to see their ugly mugshots taken and see them crying as they’re frog-marched to Gitmo for treason against this country I love. Follow the law to the tiniest iota, but from the least to the greatest of these traitors, yes even those from the Executive Branch-yes from either party, red or blue, who participated in the destruction of this country through lies…accountability. Because traitors come in only one color: Despite what needs to be an orange jumpsuit on the outside, they are nothing but yellow to the core.

  10. I’ve worked through my seething rage over these 51 traitors probably 18 months ago and am now focused on Trump’s return. In my mind it will be like 1972 or 1984 and a sea of red state unanimity as the American people deliver their verdict of disapproval against the fascists. I know that’s not likely because there are too many AWFLS that populate suburbia and care only about “reproductive rights.” Funny how that works, the language of fascists. Reproductive rights sounds so much better than infanticide. And we’ve allowed so easily the first rung of fascism to seep into our political bloodstream: the twisting of language to suit the Bolsheviks. No, I’ll just stay here in my 1972 mindset listening to Gallery’s hit “I Believe in Music” on my playlist while this all gets sorted out. You can only have contempt for half the population for so long before you take up other pursuits. I hope for the best but don’t expect it will be easy. However, in my version, on January 20, 2025, CIA director Gen. Michael Flynn begins to kick ass and, God knows, we already have the names!

    1. Well said and if Americans really do want to save America then you’re right, we will need to see the proof of it with a 2024 Red landslide. Fingers crossed.

      BTW I like your Gallery “I Believe in Music” flashback

  11. They would have been shot pre-1900. They should be tried, and if found guilty jailed for the maximum. Horrible Marxists. They hate all that America is.

  12. Take your own lesson from this important Kass column. Here’s mine.

    They’ll do anything. The neo-Marxist Democrats will do absolutely anything: ballot harvesting, prosecution of multiple political opponents, putsches run from newsrooms and TV studios, importing millions of dependent voters and appeasing presumed constituencies by returning repeat criminals to the streets. Anything at all.

    Is it difficult to understand 51 “intelligence” operatives signing on to a deep-state lie? Just re-read “1984” and prepare for even worse. As I read our essential reporters Kass and VDH, I realize we have to find a way to retain peace of mind while realizing we’re at war. Our opponent is neo-Marxism posing as democracy.

    1. David Bittinger:
      They will do anything, to destroy our country. My father fought the Marxists before I was born. He knew them. I just found three long tape recorded interviews of my dad before his death. You’re right David. They will do anything and everything to keep power

      1. Honor to your brave father, John. My brave father fought the Nazis on French soil in World War II. Too bad that few Americans now realize that the “national socialists” known as Nazis actually had the same statist enthusiasm as the international socialists who are now making a progressive comeback.

  13. Good article John, but I find it to be even worse. Echoing Niall Ferguson’s comparison of the Soviet Union to the current USA (, I don’t think anyone on that list of 51 believed what they were saying was true. Nor did hardly anyone who read their statement think it was true. But they went along with it, because the wanted to be on the side that was winning.

    Hardly anyone actually believes there is Climate Crisis. Hardly anyone actually believes that kids should be chopped up based on their moods. Yet a huge number of people go along with this neurosis because they want to be in the popular crowd with the celebrities and CEO’s who have taken up these fads which tighten their grip on power.

    It’s very sad, but having lived through the results of terrible COVID policy, it is really easy to understand how the Soviet State grew so powerful, with the State having got everything so wrong.

  14. The shameless 51 did not lie when they characterized the laptop as having all the signs of a Russian disinformation campaign. It does. But that doesn’t mean it’s not genuine. These 51 snakes relied on the media (and the public via the media) simply ignoring the distinction their lawyerly language subtly made.

  15. Remember when grabbem by pussy Orange Man met with Russian leaders in white house laffing and glad handing and then went into meetings without the press?. Remember when Fatso Orange Man met with Putin and praised him?
    Folks both sides are whores and for sale.
    Read the conservative pol Mike Lofgren who was so disgusted by it all he quit Washinton and wrote the book: THE PARTY IS OVER. HOW GOP WENT CRAZY, THE DEMS USELESS, AND MIDDLE CLASS SHAFTED.
    FINALLY, remember the red wave you predicted John in 2022? How’d that work out for ya. Biden could be in a casket and he’d win. Dems will play heavily the abortion and gun cards big time. Bye, bye Donald, bye bye! GOP can’t win bcuz of these 2 issues! You can put it on the board……………YES!

    1. Yes I agree. The November 2022 Red Wave that never happened should be a cautionary tale for John and all others predicting a GOP landslide. The one difference now is the obvious invasion of our southern border. However GUNS and ABORTION (“reproductive rights”) remain a potent Democratic talking point. And yes, many of the folks I know said exactly what you said: “They’d vote for Biden even if he was dead.” I personally think that this coming election is “too close to call.”

    2. Hello Mr. Rudd- I agree with SOME of your various posts. Your comments above are true and need to be said as a counter to an otherwise one -way conversation. I find your posts refreshing since rarely do I see much other dissent here. Pls don’t go away!

  16. Γιάννη,
    Good to hear your “voice” in person. Mind your health, as the rest of us pray that our Republic survives the next few months of fear mongering, deceptions, misinformation and ballot tampering. I still have faith…. Hopefully, Trump will embark on a deep cleanout of the deep state leftists and socialists that have entrenched themselves in every branch of government, starting with the DOJ! Is really a “must do!” Να σε καλα!!

      1. And your point is, because Trump and the GOP have warts too, just sit back and let the Progressives establish one party rule? There is no distinction between the GOP and a party being led by Jaimie Raskin and Pramila Jayapal, to name a few?

  17. Great column. There are only two main priorities to pursue: consequences and deterrence. We are no closer to either in four years.
    Those 51 used their positions in US government service to advance strictly political ends, and arguably did not follow required protocols and procedures in free-lancing this.
    There must be punishment, and a lesson taught.
    Or expect this as the new norm.

  18. I too thought: to what end? But thinking further it is a good idea.
    Even if not found guilty, there is a good likelihood that, history will look at it another way. The facts will be out there, the deceit and obfuscation. That will be the hard thing for them. Their legacy will not be that of a great public servant, a patriot, but that of a low-class political scum—Benedict Arnold.

  19. I’m very happy you’re feeling well enough to write a column again. This is a big cup of old fashioned common sense and an even bigger cup of the truth. The truth is something the legacy media rarely gives us these days. I doubt we’ll get too much of the truth from the upcoming debate. CNN and the democrats will do anything they can to protect Biden and damage Trump. At the very least I believe they will give Biden the questions in advance so his handlers can try and prepare him and in my opinion the legacy media will declare him the winner no matter how he performs. They always spin their coverage to protect Biden.

  20. Excellent column with the appropriate links.
    Sadly this reads like the worst crime and coverup by corrupt perpetrators and the agencies that are charged to protect us.
    So much stronger the any fiction.
    Thank goodness for the brave folks who uncovered the truth and kept picking at the lies in spite of the formidable threats against them.
    As for the corrupt officials putting their names out to fostering and preserve the lies, let’s get them supenas and face the music.
    The damage done to our country over these last 4 years is monumental.
    I to fear that so much more is yet to come over these next 5 months.

  21. Sometimes it’s just plain fun to watch the crazy. After Trump announced no tax on tips I waited. I waited with breathless anticipation. Like watching a bat mitten game ( or maybe now pickle ball) I wondered what they would do. And then came one unimportant Hollywood star (?) Chrissy Teigen spoke the words “I’m afraid Trump will come after me”. Not to be outdone Rachel Maddow echoed the same words. Joining the crazy not surprisingly Joyless Behar joined the choir. A brief comment by AOC chimed in also. I’ve lost count of all the AOC fears. Thank you ladies for the chuckle.
    As a woman am I supposed to listen to you and fear also? Thanks but no thanks. I’ll stick to looking under my bed for the boogie man. How am I supposed to take them seriously?
    I have to say I look forward to these ridiculous things. If I don’t I’d spend my days irate at all the injustices I see.
    The fifty one whores sadly will not be held accountable. We’ve seen this movie too many times.
    I’m now left wondering what they will do to ensure another four years of a Biden presidency. Will illegals be given ballots and then filled out by those helpful folks who will fill them out?
    Thanks for a great column.
    Please look after yourself and your health.
    Thanks to those who have helped keeping this going.

  22. The irony is that the man who exposed the deep state – over 50 years ago – was the last Democratic Senator from Idaho: Frank Church. His Church Committee presaged what John is now writing about. As Sen Church pulled the alarm decades ago (and I think the Republicans then went after him for doing so) he said:

    “I don’t want to see this country ever go across the bridge… I know the capacity that is there to make tyranny total in America, and we must see to it that this agency (NSA) and all agencies that possess this technology operate within the law and under proper supervision, so that we never cross over that abyss. That is the abyss from which there is no return.”

    The Senator then was talking about secret surveillance of normal Americans. But as we’ve seen over the decades it’s just a “hop skip and a jump” from that to what the ignoble 51 did regarding the infamous Hunter lap top.

    Well we are now at the abyss. Will we cross it?

  23. John, you probably have this headline in your history somewhere, but I could not resist the urge to send it to you.
    Of course it is from Miranda Devine’s NY Post of the “Spies Who Lie” front page back when they first posted it.
    God bless you John for your common sense in pursuing the ridiculous treasonous 51 and their agents….Blinken in particular along with Obama.
    Great column John Kass, thank you as always for your words.


  24. John Kass- I was a regular reader of your column when you were with the Tribune. Fair, thoughtful, courageous, insightful, humorous, entertaining, and honest are adjectives that come to mind.

    I’m not sure what happened. Increasingly, it seems you’ve morphed into a blatantly partisan, angry, judgemental, vindictive, and pessimistic old man. That combined with your natural gifts as a writer/communicator, and relative fame turns this site into an unnecessary yet powerful force for polarization.

    For every example of “left wing” malfeasance you have highlighted today, I can point to a counter example from the “right wing”.

    Please stop. This is the last thing we need.


    Sorry to shout but there is another famous guy that does that ALL THE TIME.
    Bring back the old John Kass.

    I’d be grateful for a reply if you can find time. Thank you John.

    1. John is hurting America? Are you freaking serious? A scum bag in the White House who does what Obama wants is destroying America. John Kass is trying to point this out to far left wonks like you. It is not John Kass who allowed millions of illegal immigrants into this country, some who have murdered innocents like Laken Riley. BIDEN is to blame. It is not John who has caused the price of most life sustaining commodities to skyrocket in price causing suffering to many in the middle class. I can only assume you do not know what the inside of grocery store looks like.

      Has Joe Biden apologized to the American People, the NY Post, Miranda Devine and most Americans for the outright lie that Hunter’s lap top was Russian disinformation? Have you apologized to the American People for going along with this great lie of 2020? Oh, or are you still clinging to the belief that the story was true.
      Man up Mr. Lee, admit it was a lie of epic proportions.

      1. Mr. Kannry- I don’t believe I’ve stated positions on any of these issues. I’m a patriot so my concern is that John Kass, who has a large following and is very persuasive, could do better for America by presenting a more balanced approach.

        1. Do you mean like MSNBC, CNN, ABC, NBC. etc. You claimed John hurt America. I was pointing out that points I stated hurt America. You did not comment about the 51 losers. Will you do that?

  25. Agree. 100%. What scares me that in spite of all this, Biden could get re-elected. AND if he’s defeated the damage Biden could do to this country in the three months before Trump takes office.

  26. Only a fool would believe that anything John writes about is hurting the country. The country is already in a massive amount of pain. The terrible part of this is fools believe that they have no real choice in this election. Fools like this have bought into the constant hammering at Trump for the last eight years. Cheapfake mass media has weaponized its attacks on Trump that he is unqualified and unfit for office. Except they can’t explain why. Plain and simple. Why? What exactly did Trump do that makes him unqualified. What were the lasting effects of his malfeasance upon this country? If someone can point these out please respond. Now how about Joe Biden? Biden has destroyed our economy. Biden has destroyed the housing market. Biden has put people in prisons for political purposes. Biden has a sixty year old grandmother in federal prison for anti abortion demonstrations. A nurse in Texas was visited by the FBI for revealing a local hospital was transitioning kids to transexualism. All done under Joe Biden. Did I mention three major wars breaking out including one that just might lead us into a nuclear confrontation with Russia. Our friends on the Ukraine are now bombing targets in Russia wit bombs we are supplying them with. And bombing Russia with our approval. You can only kick a bear so many times before it bites. We all know that Biden will never answer for any of the money hustling and influence peddling his family has committed in his name. If he’s called before Congress he will claim his senility is responsible. You can’t prosecute someone lacking the mental acuity to defend himself right? Its also hilarious to watch the Cheapfake media parrot the Democrats ridiculous claim that Republicans are doctoring up very obvious real video of mumbling stumbling Joe by stating “..according to the White House” while they repeat the lies they’re told to feed the public. I guess this absolves them of spreading “misinformation “. Ya see, we didn’t say, it the White House said it. So we didn’t lie. So there. CNN and MSNBC are also doing they’re part by lying to their own p
    viewers. They used to preach to their choir, now they lie to that same choir. CNN viewers are so dense that now they enjoy being lied to by their delusional ” news” outlets. I guess these Democrat outliers are trying to round up any defectors and bring them back to the plantation. So what exactly did Trump do that renders him unfit for office? I’m pretty sure there are Democrat operatives posting on this site, so please respond. By the way you can’t use the kangaroo court trials and that will be overturned by the higher courts. They were all illegal and partisan sham trials. Illegal trials by any of our acceptable legal processes. Once again, WHAT EXACTLY DID TRUMP DO THAT RENDERS HIM UNFIT FOR OFFICE?


      Well, Enrique, I’ll start with Trump’s behaviour following his 2020 election loss. He immediately claimed the election was stolen and that he had proof. Neither turned out to be true.

      Peaceful elections and peaceful transfer of power is the bedrock of any Democracy. Trump has seriously eroded American’s faith in their own elections. The new game is – if you lose an election you just claim it was rigged and that you actually won.

      If you recall Trump started that same BS in the 2016 campaign because he thought he was going to lose. (“It’s all rigged folks, it’s all rigged” over and over at rallies). Trump won a very close election in 2016 and he lost a very close election in 2020. He and his voters need to get over that.
      Tragically Trump now has half the country convinced that elections in this country are corrupt and somehow, any corruption only benefits his opponents.

      Very dangerous thing to do -destroying American’s faith in their elections. The United States is (sorry was!) the envy of the world regarding our presidential elections.

      Furthermore, on Jan, 6 2021 as the capitol riot unfolded our Law and Order, Bible-thumping President Trump waited hours before making any serious attempt to quell the violence. Mr. Trump was the one man that could have stopped it. 5 minutes delay would have been too long.

      For these and many other reasons I believe that Donald Trump is unfit for President.
      For very different reasons I believe Biden is a very poor choice.

      WE ALL SHOULD BE ASHAMED that Biden vs. Trump is the best America has to offer in this greatest nation that has ever existed.

      1. Still have not commented about the 51 scum bag national security advisors John wrote about so eloquently. Do you approve of them?

        It is also documented that President Trump offered Nancy the Shrew Pelosi some thousands of National Guard before Jan 6. and the Shrew and Muriel Bowser, the Mayor of DC turned them down. So who is to blame for the mess on Jan.6? Blame Pelosi, she was in charge of security as Speaker of the House.

      2. Um yes. That election WAS stolen. There were so many improprieties with that election. All done under the auspices of “covid protocols”. The massive fraud was committed with the mailed in ballots. This is why the Democrats fought so bitterly to keep this easily corrupted protocol in place. I get it. It’s racist to ask for an ID or to ask someone to vote in person. Or to ask for an ID to buy alcohol. Or an airplane ticket. Or to drive a car. Racist. Get it? You parrot Democrat talking points incessantly. I do recall Trump telling demonstrators to march peacefully to make their voices heard. Recent documentary footage shot by her daughter, shows Nancy Pelosi admitting she purposefully refused to send federal police to the capital as things escalated. Willfully and knowingly withheld assist to capital police. Of course this led to more coverage from our biased media and another banana republic style partisan congressional hearing from Democrats. Very partisan. Kinzinger and Cheney don’t qualify as Republicans. Besides refusing to acknowledge the obvious Federal agents in the mob leading and provoking the riot, actual footage shows capital police letting in rioters and giving them guided tours. Guess they didn’t show that on television. Yes it was an “insurrection” of the highest magnitude according to our “news” cycle. Parroted incessantly by the media. It was hilarious to watch the American press dance around events in Russia a couple of years ago when a Russian mercenary general captured a couple of army bases. Took a few generals hostage and marched with his heavily armed soldiers on Moscow. Our media labeled it “an uprising”, a “disturbance by a disgruntled general”. Anything by what it obviously was. AN INSURRECTION. Only in America do insurrections exist. They involve guys wearing body paint, viking helmets and flag wavers. Not soldiers, tanks and anti aircraft missiles. Not enough body paint on the Russians I guess. These things do not qualify as an insurrection. At least according to people like you. You’re motives for posting on this site are so obvious. WE SHOULD ALL SIT THIS ONE OUT IN PROTEST. Your message is obvious. all the same. LETS SIT THIS ONE OUT. Go to Rachel Maddows blog with your silliness. No, I’m not ashamed Trump is running again. I’m certainly not ashamed of anyone would vote for Biden. If you’re that stupid you should at least own it. I’ve noticed I don’t see any Biden/Harris 2024 bumper stickers on any cars recently. I do see remnants of previous stickers that were peeled off from the car owners. Maybe they were embarrassed. I would be too.

        1. Wow Enrique. You need to get out of your little echo chamber. If the election really had been stolen there would have been actual evidence and we’d know it by now. The facts are pretty simple- Trump lost a very close election in 2020. I can understand why you and many Republicans object to some rules that were passed before the 2020 election. Perhaps it’s true that some of those rules should not have been passed. But the rules applied to both Democrats and Republicans alike at the time of the election. What makes you think that they would favor one side over the other? Can you imagine how unfair it would have been to the voters, who voted in good faith, if their votes had been thrown out simply because some Republicans did not like the rules?
          I’m pretty sure, if Trump had won the 2020 election we wouldn’t have heard a peep out of people like you. I still chuckle when I think about the 2016 election, when Trump, expecting to lose, claimed over and over at his rallies that “It’s all rigged folks, it’s all rigged”. After he won- not another word about anything being rigged. Considering Trump’s behavior after his 2020 loss, Trump does not belong anywhere near to the White House, ever again.

    2. Well said Enrique and remember Peter Navarro is sitting in a Florida jail, Steve Bannon’s on his way July 1st for 4 months (until Nov.), Matt Taibbi had the IRS knocking on his door at 5am on the day he was going to testify to congress about the Twitter Files, James O’Keefe had the FBI knock on his door at 5am to get Ashley Biden’s diary back from when she was in a rehab facility.
      This morning I got up at 4:45am (just in case) and while sitting in my backyard the birds were making an awful racket and then I see the young fox scurry into my neighbors bushes. We all need to make a racket and give the alert the predators are in the house. Glad your getting better John.

    3. The three things DJT could do is:
      1. Pardon Edward Snowden because he called James Clapper (a 51) out on the spying of citizens.
      2. Rename the Hoover building Snowden
      3. Rename the Trump Tower in Chicago The Royko since it sits on top of the old Sun Times site.

    4. Can you trust a man who constantly broke his wedding vows with multiple women sluts/pornstars? Most of those who write here are antiabortion but not anti fornication. Two faced bullshitters.

      1. I find it very interesting that left wing wack jobs conveniently forget that Lyndon Johnson was bonking Nancy Dickerson while he was President. Before that, JFK had two secretaries on staff that he would take up stairs and do every day. But the greatest hero to the left wing is none other than William Jefferson Clinton, the great hound dog. Talk about breaking wedding vows. But I will give him credit for finding something better than the ugly shrew, his sometimes wife, Hillary Rodham Clinton.

        See Mr. Rudd, your side has their scum bags too who like cigars and other playful devices.

  27. There will be no news commentator who will ever say Trump won the upcoming debate against Biden. Biden will sufficiently be drugged up and will have had the questions ahead of time to prepare. There are such low expectations for Biden that if he can make even one coherent sentence it will be a victory.

    But will Biden actually be the nominee? Will Trump be in jail? Still many variables.

    The travesty of our corrupt system will linger unless voters get off their duffs to do their job, we have oversight of voter IDs, and we have oversight when counting votes.

    My own opinions can be found here:

  28. It is only natural to focus upon the presidential election in 2024, and the media is doing a superior job doing that, but I remain seriously concerned over which party controls the House and the Senate.

    Without Republican control, a Democrat president will go uncheck and a Republican president will not be permitted to advance his agenda.

    I suspect the Democrats are well-aware and -prepared in this regard.

    Control of Congress is key.

  29. We gotta boil all this down to is how do we stop them. In their infinite wisdom the founding fathers gave each of us a way; on November 5th do the right thing.

  30. the people that Americans have entrusted have turned the U.S.A. into another 3rd world country when it comes to coruption. It has always existed, only now, the majority in power are doing whatever it takes to stay in power. Term limits are needed to keep everyone a bit more accountable.

    I was in 8th grade when the Watergate trials took over the nations attention and I remember it captured daytime TV with the live cameras in Congress and in court. Many went to face prison sentences back than and this is no different. Justice must be served here and I hope these 51 are held accountable for their deception. I am discussed by all in our government. Both parties are basically political gangs – it’s about control and not giving it up. It took an outsider to expose all of this and when that happened in 2016, both parties wanted nothing to do with this candidate who went on to win. The American People are hopefully fed up enough but I fear that corrupt action will be at work during this upcoming election. Dems will depend on the illegal immigrant vote as they make sure they are illegally registered to vote. Dems have turned their back on the minority voters and I believe they are starting to wise up. Time for the Dems to replace them as the “Jig is up”. I am sure the dems will point out that if illegals don’t vote, all the free money and financing they receive will all go away.

  31. Re-posting here my reply to Enrique because I’d like to hear a little more discussion about it. Maybe I’m wrong and am missing something.

    Wow Enrique. You need to get out of your little echo chamber. If the election really had been stolen there would have been actual evidence and we’d know it by now. The facts are pretty simple- Trump lost a very close election in 2020. I can understand why you and many Republicans object to some rules that were passed before the 2020 election. Perhaps it’s true that some of those rules should not have been passed. But the rules applied to both Democrats and Republicans alike at the time of the election. What makes you think that they would favor one side over the other? Can you imagine how unfair it would have been to the voters, who voted in good faith, if their votes had been thrown out simply because some Republicans did not like the rules?
    I’m pretty sure, if Trump had won the 2020 election we wouldn’t have heard a peep out of people like you. I still chuckle when I think about the 2016 election, when Trump, expecting to lose, claimed over and over at his rallies that “It’s all rigged folks, it’s all rigged”. After he won- not another word about anything being rigged. Considering Trump’s behavior after his 2020 loss, Trump does not belong anywhere near to the White House, ever again.

    John Kass- It would be great if you could provide your opinion here. Thanks

  32. Those on the left need to see they were played. It was they who were in the “cult”. They could not see the conspiracy. Then, repatriate them.

  33. Yes you are missing something Mr. Lee. Namely the main thrust of John’s article. It concerned 51 intelligence public servants who likely knew that the Hunter lap top was real but worded their open letter of concern in such a way to deflect this reality. Instead they presented their opinion as expert speculation. The ignoble 51 never said that the NY Post lap top story was “false” but rather that it had all the “characteristics” of a Russian disinformation campaign. In fact that literally may have been true: the story may have had those characteristics. They knew their weasel like verbiage would result in the lap dogs in the main stream press getting the message – as those 51 intended – that Hunters’ lap top was in fact a Russian plot against their chosen boy Biden. Ingenious. Typical covert op bs in that they did not have to explicitly say what they really meant in their letter. They knew the main stream press would do it that for them and complete the mission. And that is exactly what happened. Disgusting. And of course you have studiously avoided any comment regarding this traitorous activity. I know. Inconvenient that.

    And then there is this little ditty from you: “Trump does not belong anywhere near to the White House, ever again.” I mean that’s a pretty strong statement with many severe implications. So let me get this straight. If Trump wins the election – a plausible outcome where by the majority, as opposed to you, think he DOES belong near the White House – he not only will be near the White House, he will be in the White House. Then what? What will you and your sanctimonious fellow travelers in moral high voice think up next? “Mostly peaceful” protests? Civil war? What exactly?

    And finally with regard to your discussion with Enrique I find some irony. You fault Trump for his actions in trying to prevent the “will of the people”, but apparently – since you have unilaterally determined Trump having no business being near the White House, let alone in it, I assume virtually any means necessary to keep him from the Presidency is fair game. Right? Like the disgraceful actions of the Democratic Party and various Democratic politicians in trying to abuse the 14th amendment to do exactly what you accused Trump of doing: “prevent the will of the people … prevent the people from voting for their candidate of choice. Anyone who supported such a foundational attack on the very roots of our republic (as emphasized by a 9 -0 SCOTUS rebuke) – like Joe Biden for instance – likewise also doesn’t belong anywheres near the WhiteHouse … let alone in it.

    1. Bruce Kleinman- Thanks for your intelligent reply. I agree that if any/all of those 51 American intelligence officials signed that letter knowing they were deliberately deceiving the American public, then that is reprehensible. If it can be shown a crime was committed, any/all of those 51 should be prosecuted. It’s really hard to get the full truth. Also, agree it’s reprehensible that the liberal media would simply amplify the story that the Hunter laptop was just Russian disinformation without further investigation. And I agree that Hunter Biden sure seems like a sleazebag that leveraged his family name for personal profit. He should be prosecuted for any actual crimes he has committed.
      Hunter Biden is not running for president. We have two terrible choices that actually are running for president, and then a few minor players on the side. Like most voters I am trying to weigh the pros and cons of each candidate and make the best overall choice for America first but also the World.
      Based on everything I’ve seen regarding Trump over the years, I don’t think he’s fit to be president. If Trump does win the election I will support him as our president and hope for the best.
      I condemn in the strongest terms any unfair or illegal activities committed by either side in support of their candidate. As Jesus said- “Let he that is without sin cast the first stone”. It’s pretty clear to me that both sides have committed “sins”.
      I am a relatively new subscriber to this site. What I am objecting to is the overall tone from John Kass and most of his subscribers that this is a fight between “good” and “evil”, “Marxists” vs. “Patriots”, “believers” vs. “non-believers”, “leftist propaganda” vs. “Truth”, “God vs. Satan”, “leftists that hate America” vs. “True Patriots”, “the other side hates the constitution”, “”they hate everything America stands for”, . . . . . add infinitum.
      Most of us, whether we vote for Democrats or Republicans, love America. Let’s remember that and quit with the name calling and barely concealed calls for violence.
      Let’s drop all this talk about picking tomahawks and maybe talk about picking up the phone and talking respectfully to people you politically disagree with .
      We are all Americans. We have REAL enemies out there. We need candidates, columnists, and talk show hosts that unite rather than divide.

      I hope others will chime in on this.
      John Kass- It would be great to hear your opinion.

      1. Thank you Mr. Lee for your response. I won’t prolong the issue since much of what you raise is too complex to discuss in depth on someone else’s website. But I will address one issue: John’s mission or rather my perception of John’s mission. I for one subscribed to John’s site because I wanted to continue to read his cogent, insightful and often times hilarious writings. I knew then as now that his opinions were “right of center” similar to my beliefs in free markets and the primacy of the Bill of Rights. I was not particularly interested in the opinion of others. After all we live in a society where there is ready access to a plethora of contrary ideas and opinions in our vast market place of ideas. So I think you are looking at his web site in the wrong light. It is an opinion based site, biased as it is as most sites are. But given the plethora of such sites you can find another site more in tune with your world view if John’s site and the opinions so expressed by his readers are so offensive to you. There are tons of them. Given my particular circumstances I utilize John’s site as one of R&R from the “woke” culture wars prevalent in Chicago and other very progressive communities such as my former home in Oak Park where I lived for 37 years. That said, John walks the walk: he believes in free speech. Your opinions are welcome. And my contrary opinions are equally so … even ones that may be contrary to yours … or John’s. Oh. One more thing. Regarding “we all love America” … this is patently not true. My progressive NY friends and former colleagues believe America is the fountainhead of evil (colonialism, imperialism, white supremacy, yada yada yada). The inconvenient fact is that many on the progressive Left actually hate this country and in particular its founding document, the US Constitution. You are IMO, naive to think otherwise.

        1. Thanks once more Mr. Kleinman for you well thought out remarks. You are the kind of person that I’d enjoy having a beer with someday to discuss these and other ideas.
          I too believe in free markets and the bill of rights. In fact I am currently re-reading (for the third time) Milton Friedman’s classic book “Free to Choose”. If you have not already I highly recommend reading this.
          Regarding your defense of articles and comments on this site as “opinion based”, ok fair enough. But then, as one of my neighbors just pointed out, perhaps it should not be named “”.
          I believe Fox News made a similar argument when defending their own reprehensible behavior regarding the election lies they propagated during the aftermath of our 2020 election. Fox News ended up settling for almost $800 milllion dollars when they were sued by Dominion Voting Systems. Internal documents revealed that they knew they were lying to the American public yet spread those lies anyway because this was what their audience wanted to hear. Can you imagine the damage this caused to our great Republic! Why doesn’t Mr. Kass condemn this behavior in the same way he blames the 51 “whores”?!
          Regarding your point that “My progressive NY friends and former colleagues believe America is the fountainhead of evil (colonialism, imperialism, white supremacy, yada yada yada)”, I believe you. But these are extremists- a tiny minority of those on the “left”. I ‘ll bet there are a tiny number of extremists on the “Right” that hate our country for their own different reasons. Extremism is almost always bad. Recall those murderous, Allah worshipping terrorists on 9/11, 2001. So extreme that they flew jetliners into buildings, murdering almost 3,000 innocent Americans.
          Events like 9/11 and others are what lead me to speak out against those that seek to polarize rather than unite. We all need to try a little harder to seek peace, not conflict. Is this not the true message of Christianity?

  34. I agree with your factual comments about Biden and the establishment Democrats, but not “the Left” spin. Neither the Clintons, Obama, nor Biden represent “the left.” They are all corporate liberal neocons…nowhere close to Marxist Leftists.

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